ARAMAIC. Dalman, G. Aramäische Dialekt-Proben. Unter d. Gesichtspunkt N. T. Studien. With an Aramaic (Hebrew, Galilean, Babylonean)-German-English Vocabulary. 1927. ix, 72 pp. 8vo. ARMENIAN. Aucher, Paschal. English-Armenian Dictionary. 2nd ed. 1868. 815 pp. 6 x 9 in. Dirr, A. Praktisches Lehrbuch der ostarmenischen Sprache. Mit einer Schrifttafel. viii, 182 pp. 603 30022 90000 Noubar, M. Dictionnaire Français-Arménien. Paris 1911. 818+ 124 pp. 5 x 7 in. Boards. 21 8 12 Yeran's English-Armenian and Armenian-English Pocket Dictionary. With pronunciation of the 7 6 ASSYRIAN. Rosenberg, J. Assyrische Sprachlehre und Keilschriftkunde für das Selbststudium. Grammatik, Babylonisch-Assyrisches Keilschrift-Lesebuch. 1927. 86 pp. BASQUE. Azkué, Resurreccion, M. de. Diccionario de bolsillo Vasco-Español y Español-Vasco. Bilbao, 1918. 361 pp. 4 X 6 in. Dictionnaire Basque-Espagnol-Français. 1905. 2 vols. 4to. Gavel, H. Eléments de Phonétique Basque. 1921. 542 pp. 8vo. Wrapper. 1916. 514 + 654 pp. Manual de conversación castellano-euzkera con extensos vocabularios de nombres, verbos y modismos, diálogos, cartas, y un compendio de gramática. 2a ed. 1918. 371 pp. 4 x 6 in. Novia de Salcedo, P. Diccionario Etimológico del Idioma Bascongado. Tolosa, 1887. 2 vols. xxiv, 721778 pp. 8x11 in. 8vo. Wrapper. 6 6 6 Basque words and Spanish equivalents, with etimology, derivation, or composition. BRETON. Colin, P. Vocabulaire Breton-Français. Cours élémentaire. (Brief classified Vocabularies of Breton Le Gonidec. Dictionnaire Breton-Français. Précédé de sa Grammaire bretonne, enrichi d'un avant- Dictionnaire Français-Breton, enrichi d'un Essai sur l'histoire de la langue bretonne. 1847. lxviii, 836 pp. 8x10 in. Boards. Loth, J. Vocabulaire Vieux-Breton avec commentaire contenant toutes les gloses en vieux-breton, Garnier. Vocabulaire, par Goranoff et Popoff. Bulgare-français, avec la prononciation du bulgare. Schlüssel zu den Aufgaben, Lesestücken und Sprechübungen. Boards. Metoula-Sprachführer. Bulgarisch. Zweckmässige Wörter und Sätze, genaue Aussprache, handliches Stephanove, C. Complete Bulgarian-English Dictionary. 1914. 902 pp. 5 x 6 in. Hf. leather. 90000 CATALAN. Bofarull y Blanch. Gramática de la lengua catalana. 112 pp. 8vo. Wrapper. Fabra, P. Gramática de la Lengua catalana. With extracts from catalan authors, and a Vocabulary. 1912. 480 pp. 8vo. Wrapper. Frisoni, G. Grammatica, Esercizi pratici e Dizionario della Lingua catalana. With a Key to the Langenscheidt. Katalanisch-deutsches Taschen-Wörterbuch, by E. Vogel. lii, 586 pp. 4x6 in. Rovira i Virgili, A. Diccionari Català-Castellà i Castellà-Català, enriquit amb alguns milers de mots que CAUCASIAN LANGUAGES. Dirr, A. Einführung in das Studium der kaukasischen Sprachen. 1927. CELTIC. Pedeir Ceinc y Mabinogi. Die Vier Zweige des Mabinogi. Mit Lesarten und Glossar hrsg. von L. Pedersen, H. Vergleichende Grammatik der keltischen Sprachen. Band I. Einleitung und Lautlehre. CHEKH; see also Slovak. Berlitz Method. Kniha česka. Chekh Book. Drubek, Ladislav. Maly Cech. Prakticka prirucka česke reci. (Cteni a hovory.) Chekh reading- Each vol. 9 6 45 16 Herzer und Prach. Böhmisch-deutsches Wörterbuch. 2 vols., 3405 pp. 61 x 9 in. Schlüssel zu den Übungen. Boards. 600 956 Mazon, A. Grammaire de la Langue Tchèque. 1921. 252 pp. 8vo. Wrapper. Mojzischek, Leo. Lehrbuch der tschechischen Sprache für den Selbstunterricht. 2 parts. viii, 182 12mo. Smetanka, Emil. Tschechische Grammatik. (Gives no exercises for translation.) 3711 Each part Nigrin, J. V. Bohemian Grammar. 198 pp. 70 126 pp., 12mo. I 9 Tschechisch-deutsches Gesprächsbuch, mit Glossar. 154 pp., 4 x 6 in. Vana John. New Pocket Dictionary, English-Bohemian and Bohemian-English (with the pronunciation of the English). 216 +235 pp., 3 x 5 in. 9 4 6 13488350 0 Wrapper. Dyk, Viktor. Prsty Habakukovy. Humoristicky Romanek z Doby omladiny. 230 pp. Wrapper. CHINESE. Karlgren, B. Analytic Dictionary of Chinese and Sino-Japanese. With reverse English Index. Seidel, A. Chinesische Konversations-Grammatik im Dialekt der Nordchinesischen Umgangssprache, CONGO LANGUAGE. Seidel, A., et I. Struyf. La Langue Congolaise. Grammaire, vocabulaire systématique, phrases graduées, et lectures. 223 pp. Roman type. COPTIC. Mallon, Alexis. Grammaire Copte, avec bibliographie, chrestomathie et vocabulaire. 3e éd. 1926. xviii, 325+ 192 pp. 8vo. 16 D Steindorff, G. Kurzer Abriss der koptischen Grammatik. Mit Lesestücken und Wörterverzeichnis. 1921. 70 pp. 5 x 8 in. Wrapper. COREAN. Eckardt, A. Koreanische Konversations-Grammatik, mit Lesestücken und Gesprächen, 1929 422 pp. CORNISH. An den Ha'y Dheu Wreg, by R. Morton Nance; and some Short Stories in the Cornish Language CROTIAN, see Serbian, CZECH, see Chekh. DANISH. 1 6 3 6 Berlitz. Dansk Del. Undervisning i de levende Sprog. 184 pp. 6 0 Forchhammer, H. How to learn Danish. Grammar, Phrases for Travellers, Descriptive Texts, Holtze's Pocket Dictionary of the Dano-Norwegian and English Languages. 2 vols. 433 and 325 pp. Kuntze Polyglot. Danish. How to make yourself understood. Phrases with the pronunciation of the Danish. 32 pp. 4 x 9 in. Wrapper. Langenscheidt's Dänisch-Norwegisch-Deutsches Taschen-Wörterbuch, von F. A. Mohr. xxxii, 648 PP: 4 x 6 in. Larsen, A. Danish-English Dictionary. 687 pp. 5 x 8 in. Half leather. Thomas, E. J. Danish Conversation Grammar. With conversations, vocabulary, and a full treatise Violet's Danish Echo. Ekko af dansk Talesprog, af Carl Michelsen. 104 pp. Andersen, H. C. Eventyr og Historier. Complete edition, illustr. by V. Pedersen and L. Frolich. 5 vols., 45s., or Wrappers. In 2 volumes, containing 60 Fairy Tales, ill. by Pedersen. 800 pp., 16s. 6d., or Wrapper iudvalg. A selection of the best stories, ill. by Pedersen and Frolich. 400 pp., 7s., or Wrapper Höm, Vilh. Solskinsbörn. Fortaelling. 192 pp. Wrapper. Östergard, Vilhelm. Illustreret Literatur historie. Danske Digtere in det 19 de Aarhundrede. Med en kort Oversigt over aeldre dansk Literatur. 8vo. Rostock, Xenlus. De Store Portaler. Fortaelling. Wrapper. Smidth, Tom. Finmark. (10 Short Stories.). Wrapper. DUTCH. See also Afrikaans and Flemish. 3 0 60 Holtze's Pocket Dictionary of the Dutch and English Languages. 2 parts in 1 volume. 832 pp. 4 x 5 in. Bruggencate, K. ten. Dictionary. Part I. English-Dutch. 838 pp. 5 x 7 in.-Part II. Dutch- 16 6 80 6 0 Koenen, M. J. Verklarend Handwoordenboek der Nederlandsche Taal (tevens Vreemde-Woordentolk), vooral ten dienste van het onderwijs. Gives explanations of 75,000 words, with accent and pronunciation. 1,212 pp. 5 x 7 in. Kramers' English-Dutch and Dutch-English Dictionary, revised by Prick van Wely. 1926. 1,260 pp. 5 x 6 in. Meer, M. J. van der. Historische Grammatik der niederländischen Sprache. Band I. Einleitung und Lautlehre. 1927. cliii, 353 pp. Motti. The Traveller's Companion. Phrases, with the pronunciation in the script of the Association Oostveen, W. F. Echo van de Nederlandsche Spreektaal. Conversations entirely in Dutch. With Prick van Wely. English-Dutch Dictionary. 810 pp. 51 x 7 in.-Dutch-English. 882 pp. Each vol. Dutch Reader. With Dutch-English Vocabulary. 252 pp. Boards. 3 0 Van Dale's Handwoordenboek der Nederlandsche Taal. 1925. x,1,313 pp. 5 x 7 in. 12 6 40 0 Vercoullie, J. Beknopt Etymologisch Woordenboek der Nederlandsche Taal. xxiii, 5,47 pp. Van Goor's Miniatuur Woordenboek. English-Dutch and Dutch-English, in the simplified (Kollewijn) 3. uitg. 1925. 2 6 18 0 NOVELS IN DUTCH. Bosboom-Toussaint, A. L. G. Romans en Novellen. Majoor Frans 3s.-Het Huis Lauernesse. 4s. 6d. Eene Vertelling van de Kaptafel en andere verhalen. Wrappers. 2 0 Foppe, Magda. 'T Geluk dat Wacht. Roman. 1927. 183 pp. 8vo. Wrapper. Stuwe, J. Reyneke van. Romans en Novellen. Arm Leven. 3s.-Trouwplannen 3s.-Voor zestig Van Hulzen, G. Romans en Novellen. Getrouwd. 2s. 6d.-Zwervers. 2s.-De zwarte Wagen. Wrappers EGYPTIAN HIEROGLYPHICS. Erman, A. Kurzer Abriss der ägyptischen Grammatik. Mit Schrifttafel, Lesestücken und Wörterverzeichnis. 64 autographed pp. Sm. folio. Stiff Wrapper. und H. Grapow. Wörterbuch der ägyptischen Sprache. Autographed. To be completed in about 4 volumes (all of which must be taken). Band I. 1926. xvi, 583 pp. 4to. Bound. Roeder, Günther. Aegyptisch. Praktische Einführung in die Hieroglyphen und die ägyptische Sprache. Mit Lesestücken und Wörterbuch. 2. Aufl 1926. xvi, 100, 64 pp. Sottas, H., et E. Drioton. Introduction à l'Etude des Hieroglyphes, avec 3 planches et 5 figures. ENGLISH. Alge's Method for the First Instruction in Foreign Languages. English Lessons by S. Hamburger. Berlitz Method for Teaching English. First Book, 4s. 6d.-Second Book, 4s. 6d.-For Children, 4s. 6d. Delmer, F. Sefton. A Key to Spoken English. For the use of schools and private students. iv, Ferrars, M. H. Curiosities of English Pronunciation and Accidence, for the use of Teachers and Goldschmidt, Thora. English by Intuition and Pictures without employment of the native language. Parts II and III. Syntax Vols. I and II. xxviii, 512 pp., and ix, 415 pp. Each part Kirkpatrick, John. Handbook of Idiomatic English as now written and spoken. Containing idioms, phrases and locutions, selected and arranged alphabetically. Adapted for students and travellers of all nationalities. 3rd ed. 1927. xvi, 317 pp. 5 x 7 in. Kron, R. The Little Londoner. A Concise Account of the Life and Ways of the English, supplying the means of acquiring the spoken language. 204 pp. 4 x 6 in. English Daily Life. A Manual for Reading and Conversation. Specially prepared for Girls' Schools. 224 pp., 4 x 6 in. The text is the same as in the preceding volume except that the chapters on Army and Navy are replaced by a chapter on Needlework, with additions to Foods and Meals, Toilet, Education. Kruisinga, E. Handbook of Present-Day English. Part I. English Sounds. xii, 312 pp. 8vo, with folding plate. Part II. Accidence and Syntax, in 3 vols. Ca. 340 pp. each. 13 0 16 6 Part II. Nouns, Adjectives, and Articles. 18s. 6d.-Pronouns and Numerals. 22s. 6d. 33 6 7 6 The Infinitive, the Gerund, and the Participles of the English Verb. • 10 6 12 6 Schoch, A., and B. Kron. The Little Yankee. A Handbook of Idiomatic American English, treating of the Daily Life, Customs and Institutions of the United States. With the Vocabulary and Phraseology of the Spoken Language, incorporated in the text. 203 pp. 4 x 6 in. ENGLISH GRAMMARS, ETC., IN FOREIGN LANGUAGES. Elias' Easy Method for learning English. Adapted to the need of Egyptian Students. 288 pp. 8vo. Boards. Armenian. Gulian, K. H. Elementary English Grammar for Armenians. With exercises. 232 pp. Key to the exercises and reading-lessons. Boards. Kuntze Polyglot. Bulgarinut bu Angliya. Bulgarian and English Phrases, with pronunciation of the English. 32 pp. 4 x 8 in. Wrapper. Chekh. Maschner, M. Konversačni mluvnice jazyka anglického. (Conversation English Grammar for Chekhs.). 382 pp. Key to the exercises and reading-lessons. Boards. Croatian. Lochmer, A. Laki Nacin Engleski bez ucitelja (English for Croatians. Chiefly phrases.) French. Baret, Adrien. Cours d'Anglais. La Première Année d'Anglais. 2s. Livre du Maltre, 2s.-La Garnier. Manuel de Conversation et de style épistolaire. Français-anglais. 3x5 in. 1s. 8d. French. Mauron et Verrier. Nouvelle Grammaire Anglaise, avec de nombreux exercices de traduction, Corrigé des exercices (thèmes et versions) contenus dans la grammaire. Boards. Sanderson, E. Méthode enseignant, sans professeur, à lire, écrire, et parler avec l'accent exact Germin. Gaspey, T. Englische Konversations-Grammatik zum Schul- und Privat-Unterricht. Mit Schlüssel zu den Übungen und Lesestücken. Boards. Langenscheidt. Land und Leute in England, bearbeitet von Karl Breul. 1926. xxiv, 650 pp. Otto-Runge. Kleine Englische Sprachlehre für Schulen sowie zum Selbstunterricht. 240 pp. Toussaint-Langenscheidt. Englische Unterrichtsbriefe. 36 Briefe mit Beilagen, 8vo. In der Kleine. Englisch in 20 Lektionen. 10 Briefe mit 2 Beilagen. Von K. Blattner. Νέοι Πρακτικοι Ελληνο-Αγγλικοι Διαλογι τςεπησ. (New Practical Modern Greek- Deffner. Elementary English Grammar for Greeks. With exercises. 223 pp. Cr. 8vo. Metoula. Manuale di Conversazione Inglese. Informazione positiva. Pronunzia esatta. Chiave della grammatica inglese. Boards. Grammatica elementare della lingua inglese, con temi, letture e dialoghi. 253 pp. Key to the exercises and reading-lessons in above. Laukis, S. J. Angliskos Kalbos Vadovelis. Lithuanian and English Conversations, with Polish. Berger, H. Latwa metoda gruntownego nauczenia się w krótkim czasie jezyka angielskiego. Rankvedis Angliskos Kalbos. Praktiskas Budas Issimokinimui Anglis. English Grammar 13 6 60 Portuguese. Ey. L. Gramática inglesa. 1921. 419 pp. Cr. 8vo. Kuntze Polyglot. Romanul in Englitera si Statele-Unite. Rumanian and English Phrases, 1 3 Boards. 3 6 Key to the exercises and reading-lessons. Boards. Russian. Hauff, L. A. Prakticheskaya grammatika angliiskago yazika. With phonetic pronun- Metoula. Manual of English Conversation. Correct Pronunciation. Practical Information Nurok, P. M. Practical Grammar of the English Language, with Chrestomathy and English- Ruthenian. Kuntze Polyglot. Rusin-Ukrainets v Ameritsi. Ruthenian and English Phrases with 19 5 6 60 1 3 Novii Ukrainsko-Angliiskii Providnik. New Ukrainian-English Interpreter. Grammar and 6 6 3 0 Slovenian. Sakser, F. Slovensko-Angleska Slovnika. English Grammar for Slovenians. 247 pp. 7 6 Spanish. Pavla, L. Gramática de la lengua inglesa. Con ejercicios de versión, lecturas y diálogos, 60 Clave de los ejercicios y lecturas. Boards. 2 6 Gramática sucínta de la lengua inglesa, acompañada de numerosos ejercicios de traduc- 30 56 |