ENGLISH SECTION No. EM 1 ENGLISH VERSE FROM SPENSER Narrative, Descriptive, and Satiric Edited, with Introductory Notes, by Hugh Somerville, M.A., Age 13-17 (7x5 inches. Crown Octavo, 256 pages) Price 2s. 9d. each, Bound in Limp Cloth 38. 6d. each, Full-bound Cloth. Also in Two Parts-Price 1s. 3d, each, Paper Covers. Part I.-SPENSER TO COLERIDGE. The need which this book seeks to meet, a selection which will represent adequately the best of English narrative, descriptive and satiric poetry, has been felt by many teachers. The time given in the school week to English is so short that it precludes the study of many of the longer poems. Further, it is questionable if the benefit derived is commensurate with the time spent. The atmosphere of Evangeline, a knowledge of its metre, the story itself, can be got equally well from the abbreviated version given here as from the complete poem. Annotations are as few as possible and the introductory notes to each poem have been kept brief. Primarily, they give the setting and the circumstances of the poem, and secondly, they indicate the form and the metre, and the services of the author to our national literature. Thus the pupil gains from the poems themselves a knowledge of the growth ARITHMETIC SECTION The Edina Revision Arithmetics It has long been felt that the teaching of Arithmetic in the Primary Schools of the country leaves much to be desired. Many boys and girls, entering upon careers, do not justify the time and patience expended upon them by their teachers. Two reasons appear to account for the defect: 1. In many schools the schemes in Arithmetic are too ambitious, with the natural result that efficiency suffers. 2. Revision does not receive sufficient attention: hence it follows that either arithmetical rules, which were readily applied in a lower class, have been forgotten, or else facility in their application is lacking. The Edina Revision Arithmetics aim at removing these defects. Outstanding features of the Series: 1. Revision of Lower Standard Work on every page. 2. Prominence given to Short Methods. 3. Numerous Exercises, graded as regards difficulty, thus providing amply for Individual Work. 4. Memory Work (e.g., Tables, Formula, Rules for "Mental," etc.) supplied in the Scholars' Books. Book I. (Standard I.) contains twelve original and attractive coloured Illustrations, the majority of which are full page. By means of these and the Exercises based thereon, the children are trained to count and not merely to repeat a series of numbers. Book VII. (Standard VII.) This book is principally a Revision Course of the rules taught in the previous six standards of the school, and will be found especially suitable for those children who cannot remain at school a whole year after reaching Standard VII., and also in preparing scholars for Scholarship Examinations. Book VIII. 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"THREE-MILES-TO-INCH" RELIABLE ROAD MAPS OF ENGLAND AND WALES These maps are coloured on the layer system, showing different altitudes by varying shades of green, In 23 Sheets, as shown on index map. brown and purple; roads in red. (Order Nos. GF 1 to GF 23.) Price-On Paper, 1s. 6d. net each Sheet. On Cloth, 2s. net each Sheet. MOTORING AND TOURING MAP OF (45 × 35 inches. Scale, 10 miles to 1 inch) Printed-Water, blue; Land, green; This completely new map will be found admir- No. GH 1 No. GH 2 No. GH 3 Price 2s. 6d. net On Paper, folded for Pocket. Price 58. net, on Cloth folded for Pocket. No. GD 1 LIBRARY MAP OF BRITISH ISLES (54 × 46 inches. Scale, 1 : 890,000, or 14 miles to 1 inch) Price 25s, net. On Cloth and Rollers, Varnished. No. GL 1 COMMERCIAL AND LIBRARY (40 x 30 inches. 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