to Pope Pius X, the title-page recalls the striking words of the saintly Pontiff that "active participation in the most holy mysteries and in the public and solemn prayer of the Church SPECIMEN PAGE of the "VOICE of the CHURCH" DEVOTIONS TO SACRED HEART 509 Bless the Lord, O my soul: and never forget all that He hath done for thee: Who satisfieth thy desire with good.-(Ps. cii.) From Offertory of Feast. See also Hymns, Jesu! Creator and Ark of the Consecration of the Family and Enthrone- Behold your King.-(John xix.) The ceremony of the Consecration of the Family The Priest, vested in surplice and white stole, blesses in the home of the family the statue or picture of the Sacred Heart with the following form: V. Adjutorium nostrum in nomine Domini. R. Qui fecit cœelum et terram. V. Dominus vobiscum. R. Et cum spiritu tuo. V. Our help is in the name of the Lord. R. Who made heaven and earth. V. The Lord be with you, &c. Only by permission of the ordinary (in the case where the Priest cannot be present) will it suffice to have the image of the Sacred Heart (previously blessed by a Priest) set up and the form of Consecration read by a lay person.(Acta Sed. Ap., 1918, p. 155.) is the primary and indispensable source of the true Christian spirit. No intelligent Catholic will be without this Manual, which Church, as well as a treasury of private devotion. It is beautifully printed on thin Bible paper, and may be had in cloth, sealgrain, sealgrain with gilt edges and gilt cross. An India paper edition is supplied in morocco limp and in German calf." If the volume meet with the success it deserves, said a reviewer in the Irish Ecclesiastical Record, "it will be in the hands of every Catholic who reads English." THE GOLDEN TREASURY OF THE SACRED HEART is in two different editions-Royal 32mo, in eight different bindings, and 18mo, with red line border to each page, and in a variety of styles. This is a new and complete Manual of Catholic prayers, compiled with the utmost care and labour to promote devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, running to 640 pages, and replete with every possible feature, including the Epistles and Gospels, which could go to perfect the most comprehensive prayer-book. It is not too much to claim for it that no volume of its size or kind has a more choice or varied Table of Contents. With red line round page. 640 pages, 18mo, size 5 x 3 inches. 69 Best morocco, padded and silk lined, in fancy morocco case with silk handle net 40 0 THE GARDEN OF THE SOUL, similar in style, binding and price to the "Golden Treasury of the Sacred Heart," has, in addition to all the features of the popular prayer-book, special devotions to recommend it to English readers, such as Prayers to St. Anselm, St. George, St. Augustine, St. Thomas of Canterbury, a hymn and other lines in honour of the English martyrs, litanies of the English martyrs and of St. Winefride, prayers in honour of St. Winefride and Blessed Richard Reynolds, a prayer composed by Blessed Thomas More while a prisoner in the Tower, and so on. Features that will appeal specially to Irish readers are Prayers to St. Brigid and St. Columba; Novena, Litany and Breastplate of St. Patrick. THE ROMAN MISSAL, for the use of the Laity, in a new edition, printed on India paper, embraces all the Feasts included in the Typical Edition recently approved by the Sacred Congregation of Rites, with supplements for Rome, Ireland, England and America, as well as Scotland, Australia and other places where the Roman Supplement is used. Like plied also with three Indexes, as well as detailed directions as to the best manner of using the Missal itself. It appears in five distinct popular styles. THE BIJOU PRAYER-BOOK-1 by 1 inches-although the smallest Catholic prayer-book ever published, combines the two other desirable qualities of being as legible and as comprehensive as any standard prayer-book on the market. Its peculiar legibility is explained by the fact that it is a skilfully reduced photographic reproduction of "the Large Type Prayer-book"; and, like that popular manual, it runs to 400 pages, compressed into the small size indicated through being printed on specially thin but entirely opaque India paper. It is issued in six different styles. s. d. THE PEARL PRAYER-BOOK is a close rival of the Bijou, being almost as portable while being equally comprehensive. It is an exquisite little manual of devotion, printed on fine toned paper, with red lines artistically bordering each page, and issued in eight different kinds of binding. THE MANUAL OF DEVOTION is as convenient to carry as the Bijou, as legible and as comprehensive; and, further, has the Gospel for Palm Sunday as a special supplement. |