
of all inspectors, weighers, or measurers who are absent from or neglect to do their duty.

3. To visit or inspect the vessels which arrive in his port and make a return every morning to the collector of all vessels which have arrived from foreign ports during the preceding day, specifying the names and denominations of the vessels, the masters' names, from whence arrived, whether laden or in ballast, and to what nation belonging.

4. To put on board of each of said vessels, immediately after their arrival in port, one or more inspectors.

5. To examine whether the goods imported in any vessel and the deliveries thereof correspond, according to the inspectors' returns, with the permits for landing the same, and if any error or disagreement appears, to report the same to the collector.

6. To superintend the lading of all goods for exportation and examine and report whether the kind, quantity, and quality of the goods so laden on board any vessel for exportation correspond with the entries and permits granted therefor.

7. To examine and from time to time, particularly on the first Mondays of January and July in each year, try the weights, measures, and other instruments used in ascertaining the duties on imports, with standards to be provided by the collector for that purpose; and where disagreements with the standards are discovered to report the same to the collector, and to comply with such directions as he may receive for correcting the same.

8. To preserve with care all orders received from superior authority.


ART. 24. At ports where a surveyor is appointed, inspectors shall be assigned to duty by him, subject to the orders of the collector; otherwise they shall be assigned by the collector. At ports where inspectors are required to wear uniforms, they must always be worn when on regular duty. When inspectors are ordered on special service they must wear a badge of office conspicuously displayed, unless otherwise authorized or directed. All inspectors shall ascertain whether sailing vessels coming within their official cognizance are provided with the signal lights prescribed by law, and shall report all cases of nonobservance of the law, in order that the legal penalties may be enforced.

Inspectors are required to send at once to the public stores all goods seized by them for violation of law, taking the storekeepers' receipts for such goods and sending such receipts, with full reports of the case, to the surveyor.

They shall not perform any private or unofficial duties or services on board the vessels to which they may be assigned, under penalty of dismissal from the service.


ART. 25. District inspectors must be in their respective districts during such hours as the surveyor may direct, and where two inspectors are assigned to the same district one or the other of them must be constantly on duty during the prescribed hours. They have general supervision of all vessels coming into their districts and shall report all discovered violations of the revenue or navigation laws and regulations to the surveyor. They are to make examinations as often as necessary of vessels coming into their districts and to ascertain whether Cuban vessels are properly documented and have duly compiled with all laws relating to navigation. They shall secure and seal the hatches and openings of all vessels from foreign ports coming within their districts and retain the custody of the same until relieved by discharging inspectors.

If no assignment of an inspector be made especially to such vessels, the district inspector shall take charge of the lading thereof without further notice.

In the case of vessels permitted to proceed to another district before completely discharging, the inspector in charge of the first district shall submit to the surveyor a statement of the portion of the cargo already discharged, for delivery to the district inspectors, under whose supervision the remainder of the cargo is to be discharged. The inspector in charge of the final delivery shall make the final returns of discharge. They shall report daily to the surveyor the names of all importing vessels which arrived in their districts during the previous day, distinguishing between those not discharged, those partly discharged in their districts, and those wholly discharged.

They shall each keep a permanent record book in which to enter, with necessary particulars, all entries, orders, and permits received by them, and another book to enter an account of all coasting vessels examined, both books to be in the prescribed form.

ART. 26. They are to supervise the shipment of goods for exportation or transportation in bond in their respective districts.

ART. 27. When the lading of the merchandise on board the vessel or other conveyance is completed, the district officer under whose supervision the lading is done shall endorse upon the original entry the proper certificate of the shipment. When merchandise for export or transportation has been ordered to be weighed or gauged, the name of the weigher or gauger by whom the same was done shall be given underneath the certificates. If a manifest is required to be delivered to the master of the vessel or to the conductor of a railroad car, such manifest must be certified by the district inspector and delivered as directed.

ART. 28. Whenever any portion of the merchandise described in the export or transportation entry is not shipped in accordance with the orders and directions upon the entry, the district inspector, in

making his certificate of shipment, shall state that the merchandise was shipped "in part," and the number of packages or quantity of merchandise not shipped must be specified underneath the certificates, and the reason, if known, why the merchandise was not shipped, and what disposition was made thereof, must also be stated.

ART. 29. Such unshipped merchandise must be sent to the nearest general-order store, with a ticket or receipt, describing the merchandise, and stating upon it that the merchandise is "for export-or transportation, as the case may be-but not shipped," which ticket or receipt shall be signed by the storekeeper.

ART. 30. When the export or transportation entries are returned to the surveyor's office, the ticket or receipt for goods not shipped and sent to the general-order store shall be attached to the original entry. Officers who certify shipments of goods without due inspection and supervision of the shipments will be subject to the penalties prescribed in Article 221.


ART. 31. It is the duty of boarding inspectors to board vessels arriving from foreign ports, and, after ascertaining the name of the vessel and master, and port of departure in each case, to examine the documents relating to the vessel and crew, and certify the manifest of cargo, verifying the same by actual examination, and when necessary to seal or otherwise secure the hatches and openings until the necessary permits for unlading can be granted and a discharging officer assigned to the vessel.


ART. 32. Coast inspectors are appointed to protect the interests of the revenue with respect to all goods, wares, and merchandise which may be landed or in any way come to the land from a vessel from a foreign port wrecked or stranded upon the coast.

On learning that a vessel has been wrecked or stranded, the coast inspector or other customs officer nearest the place where the casualty has occurred shall at once proceed to or as near the location of the stranded or wrecked vessel as is possible and, as soon as he ascertains the situation of the vessel, make report, in writing, of all the facts and circumstances in relation thereto to the surveyor. In case the vessel is likely to break up, or if the condition of the vessel is such that its cargo can be landed or discharged therefrom, he shall remain at or near the wreck and take possession and keep charge of all goods and merchandise which may come or be brought to land.

ART. 33. In case the cargo of the vessel wrecked or stranded is delivered into lighters or other vessels for conveyance into port, the coast inspector shall keep an account thereof, and before any lighter or vessel having on board any of the cargo is allowed to depart shall

make out two lighter manifests, in the form prescribed, to be signed by the master, and stating, as particularly as possible, what cargo has been taken on board thereof. One copy of such lighter bill shall be retained by the master and be by him delivered at the custom-house on the arrival of the lighter or vessel in port; the other copy shall be transmitted by the coast inspector to the surveyor. Whenever necessary the surveyor shall send an inspector of customs to any wrecked or stranded vessel.

ART. 34. Masters of light-house tenders are hereby invested with police powers of search, seizure, and arrest, for smuggling and other crimes pertaining to Government property.


ART. 35. Night inspectors are appointed for the purpose of preventing smuggling. They are required to keep a vigilant watch over the vessels, stores, or merchandise whose custody is committed to them, in order to prevent the landing, between sunset and sunrise, of any merchandise from any vessel unless the same is done by proper authority and under the supervision of a discharging inspector, and to protect the bonded stores and merchandise from robbery, or the unlawful removal of merchandise therefrom or from any wharf or place on which the same may be deposited.

Whenever cargo is being discharged from any vessel at night under the supervision of an inspector the night inspector assigned to such vessel shall not interfere with such landing so long as the inspector is present in charge thereof, but night inspectors are authorized to demand to see, and the inspector is required to exhibit, the night permit for the working of the vessel. If merchandise is landed from the vessel when no inspector is present the night inspector shall stop the landing and report the fact the next day to the surveyor or other proper officer.

ART. 36. Night inspectors are required to stop any person or persons who may leave the vessel, store, or warehouse in their custody, and if they have reasonable cause to suspect that such person or persons are attempting to smuggle any merchandise they shall examine such person or persons, and any package of any kind in his or their possession. Searches of suspected persons should, if possible, be made in the presence of another officer or a citizen. They are directed to question any person who may attempt to go on board the vessel to which they are assigned in the night, and to satisfy themselves of his right to go on board. They are required to keep a strict watch upon any small boat which may come near any wharf or vessel under their charge, and to take all necessary precautions to prevent smuggling by such boats. They are required to arrest any person or persons in the act of smuggling foreign merchandise, and to call for the assistance of the police or of citizens to aid them in so doing, and to seize,

take possession of, and secure any merchandise which has been smuggled or landed illegally from any vessel during the night.

ART. 37. The chief inspector in charge of the night force shall assign the force to duty and make daily report of such assignments, together with any negligence, absence, or misconduct. He shall see that the night inspectors perform the duties assigned to them, that all seizures and arrests are promptly reported, and that the orders of the surveyor are obeyed.


ART. 38. Discharging inspectors are assigned to vessels for the purpose of examining the cargoes and superintending the unlading and storing or delivery thereof, so as to prevent loss to the revenue of the island of Cuba through failure to secure any lawful duties. They shall send to the nearest post-office all letters, packages, and bags containing mail matter, take an account thereof, superintend the delivery to the postmaster, and obtain a receipt therefor.

They shall obtain from the masters of vessels lists of articles reported by them at the custom-house as sea stores, compare the articles of the list, seal or secure all unbroken packages of dutiable goods claimed as stores, and report the same, with any excess of stores, to the collector or the surveyor.

ART. 39. Specie and valuables, usually in charge of the pursers of steamships, must be taken possession of by discharging inspectors as soon as possible after they first go on board the vessels. The special place or room where such specie and valuables are deposited, and the safe or the packages containing the same must be locked with custom-house locks, or otherwise secured, until delivered on a permit from the proper customs officers.

ART. 40. Samples of the cargo in bulk of the vessel shall, as soon as practicable, be sent by discharging inspectors to the appraiser's store. ART. 41. They shall report to the collector any perishable or explosive articles among the cargoes to be discharged. They shall endeavor to save to the owners of goods intended for immediate export or transportation the cost of sending their goods to warehouses by retaining them on the vessel or wharf until the owners can obtain a delivery permit, provided that such retention .does not delay the unlading of other goods and is not protracted beyond the period named in the general order.

ART. 42. They shall seize all goods imported or removed in violation of law, and shall not permit any goods to be removed from the landing places thereof until they have been properly weighed, gauged, or measured, and shall require persons charged with the unlading of goods to properly separate, assort, and arrange the goods on the wharves for the convenience of customs weighers, gaugers, measurers, and markers.

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