
confiderable portion of that of 500; who wish to enjoy all the re fources of Jacobinifm, for increafing their ftrength, and confirming their power, without employing its most rigorous means, for the purpose of bringing thofe refources into action; and the Terrorifis, including a part of the Directory; the minority in one council; and a doubtful majority in the other; who, anxious to deftroy the prefent form of government, wish to reftore the conftitution of 1793, and, with it, the ambulatory guillotine, and all the other means of terror, which were fo patriotically employed in the time of ROBESPIERRE, with a view to obtain a defpotic power over the perfons and property of every individual in the republic. This laft faction encourages the popular clubs, the efficacy of which was fo amply demonftrated in former periods of the Revolution. It will be perceived that both factions fpring from the fame root. In refpect of foreign politics, their principles are perfectly the fame; they have but one object, the annihilation of every independent ftate, and the establishment of univerfal anarchy, on the Gallican bafis of universal plunder.

Augufl 22, 1799.


Our refpectable correfpondent," Clericus," will be pleafed to hear, that we not only perfectly concur with him in his opinion of the neceffity of fuch a publication as that which he fuggefts, but have actually made fuch arrangements, as will, we hope, enable us to lay the profpectus before the public, in a fhort time. Any farther fuggeftions or contributions of his will be highly acceptable; and, indeed, without the promised affiftance of fuch coadjutors, we should not have the prefumption to undertake fo arduous a task.

Mifo-Tyrannus is received.

Gibson G. E. A. P. and Cr. are intended for early infertion.

Examiner informs us that he does not know that the author of Walker's Geography ever was "A Member of the Society of Friends" Of the fact itself, we conceive, there is no doubt; with his knowledge of it we have nothing to do. As to the refponfibility of the publisher's, Law, Juftice, and Common Senfe unite in attaching it. Examiner wishes to know what the " Shade of Hooker" means, by W. Penn's fitting out privateers, and R. Benday's conduct, which was inconfiftent with his profeffion.-Probably, his wifh will be gratified. For our own part, "we will take the Ghoft's word for a thoufand pounds." Refpecting the continuance of our animadverfions on the Friends, we fhall be guided, not by the opinions of Examiner, but by our own sense of propriety.

The Latin tranflation of "Crazy Jane" fhall appear in our next.


We were inadvertently led into a mistake (in our laft number, p. 283) when we stated the two ingenious effays of Mr. Penn, on the Eastern Origination of Mankind, and Conjectures on the Egyptian Original of the word Hug, to be Separate publications. The fact is, that they both appeared, as we ftated, in the Oriental Collection; but the copies which we received were only impreffions referved for friends during the printing of these collections. Having corrected this miftake, we cannot refrain from expreffing a wifh, that the gratification which we experienced, ourfelves, in the perufal of thefe Eflays, were extended to the public by means of a feparate publication.

spected by our ancestors? Can their primogeniture in the order of the revolution give them this tremendous power, or did they not exist anterior to it? Is it not their own work? Where then did they lark unfeen? Where were their schools, and their mafters? How Shall there be difcovered; and who fhall unfold their future defigns? APPENDIX, VOL. III.




ww- LEVE w tions. The fact is, that they both appeared, as we ftated, in the tion; but the copies which we received were only impreffions reads during the printing of thefe collections. Having corrected this cannot refrain from expreffing a wifh, that the gratification which ced, ourfelves, in the perufal of thefe Effays, were extended to the incans of a feparate publication.


Art. 1. Memoires pour fervir à l'Hiftoire du Jacobing, mes Par M. L'Abbé Barruel, à Londres, de L'Imprimerie Françoise, 1797 et 1798. Memoirs, illuftrating the Hifa tory of Jacobinifm, written in French, by the Abbe Barrel, and tranflated into English by the Hon. Robert Clifford, F. R. S. and A. S. 8vo. 4 Vol. Pp. about 1700. Price 11. 8s. Booker. London. 1798.

EW publications have appeared of late years that have had fo great a run, at leaft in England, as thele Memoirs of the Abbe Barruel; the object of which is the fame as that of our Review, and has, confequently, an irrefiftible claim to our approbation. This confideration, however, will not be tray us into a dereliction of duty, by inducing us to bestow on the author indifcriminate praife; nor even deter us from en tering into a free examination of any parts of his book which may be found deficient in accuracy of facts, juftnefs of rea foning, or propriety of ftyle and language; all of which ought to be obferved with greater rigour by the advocates of religion, than by any other defcription of writers.

Under the general denomination of Jacobins, M. Barruel comprehends all thofe fectaries who, in the first days of the Revolution, adopted this fundamental principle of the Revo lutionary Philofophy, which conftitutes the basis of its code,


"Whence originated these men, who feem to arife from the bowels of the earth, who start into exiftence with their plans and their pro jects, their tenets and their thunders, their invidious means and ferc cious refolves whence, I fay, this devouring feet? whence this fwarm of adepts, thefe fyftems, this frantic rage against the altar and the throne, against every inftitution, civil and religious, so much res Spected by our ancestors? Can their primogeniture in the order of the revolution give them this tremendous power, or did they not exist anterior to it? Is it not their own work? Where then did they lark unfeen? Where were their schools, and their mafters? How shall there be discovered; and who fhall unfold their future defigns? APPENDIX, VOL. III.



Will they, when the French revolution fhall be brought to a conclu fion, ceafe to defolate the earth, to affalinate its Kings, to fanaticife its people?

Such are the important queftiohs which the author propofes to difcufs and to refolve.

There are fome men, who, having miftaken the causes of the French Revolution, afcribe it folely to a combination of circumstances which could not be forefeen, and which are fo pcculiar to France, that the Revolution which they produced cannot be attended with any poffible danger to other countries. where the fame circumftances do not exift. There are others, who believe the authors of the Revolution to have been actuated by upright intentions, and to have had no other object in view than the happinefs of the people, and the regeneration of empires. Thefe laft impute the great calamities which have refulted from the Revolution to the great obftacles which it has had to encounter; but they confider its principles as good and ufeful, and they flatter themfelves that the revolutionary horrors will ultimately terminate in a new state of things that will afford an ample indemnification to the next, if not to the present, generation.

M. Barruel, on the contrary, maintains, that the Revolution is the refult of a premeditated plan, formed by men, who held in their own hands the thread of a confpiracy which had been long laid in fecret focieties; that thefe men, profound in wickednefs, availed themfelves of paffing events, or even gave rife to them, in order to accelerate and direct the grand explofion; that they had the art to render a number of fecondary agents inftrumental to the execution of their plan, who had not been entrusted with the fecrets of the 'fect, and who, if they had known them, would certainly have had no communication with them that all the crimes which have marked the different epochs of the Revolution, were the neceffary confequences of its fpirit and its principles; that the fame horrors will be renewed in every part of the globe, unlefs it be arrested in its audacious and deftructive progress; that the fectaries may be difarmed for a while by treaties of peace, but that the diforganizing principles of the fect will remain deeply impreffed on their hearts; and that the momentary repofe to be procured by tranfactions merely provifional, will facilitate their means of fecretly preparing new connec tions, under the thelter of a falfe fecurity. Hence he infers, as an irrefiftible confequence, either that the philofophic revolutionary fect must be annihilated, or focial order diffolved; a conclufion which appears to us as evident as the premifes on which it is founded are incónteftible.'


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