
in general must feel some beneficial influence from it. If you consider the whole body of people usually called Methodists, and the immense numbers who attend their places of worship and are benefited by them, they will amount to several hundred thousands. These are dispersed through the three kingdoms, and occupy almost every situation in life: they are become more conscientious in all their ways; more sober and regular in their behaviour; more true to their word, and more attentive to every social duty than they were before. They are better husbands and wives, better masters and servants, and better neighbours and friends, than before they heard the preaching of the Methodists. Society in general therefore has received benefit from them.

There is another view in which we may consider his usefulness; a view which I should not have noticed but for the sake of a pamphlet just now published; in which it is observed, that the Methodists are become so large a body of people, that they ought to attract the notice of government. The Rev. Mr. Wesley was a warm and steady friend to the government; you know that he enforced these principles as far as he could, on the minds of all that heard him. The Methodists then, are not only made better citizens, but also better subjects. It is a rule in the society, that all the members of it shall submit themselves to the laws. If it be known that any one acts contrary to this rule, he is put away from the society. Now if you consider a large body of people, increasing on every side, spreading themselves. through the whole kingdom, who are friends to the government, friends in every point of view, and from principle; you will acknowledge, that whatever influence these people may have upon government, it must be friendly and have a tendency to peace and good order. And if all the people were Methodists, no times of diffi

culty could come; but if such times should arrive, the more numerous this body of people is, the better it will be for the country.

Thus our dear and aged father in Christ spent nearly sixty years in the labour and work of the Lord, going about from place to place, convincing gainsayers, comforting mourners, building up and strengthening those that believed and the church of God increased daily under his paternal care. Thus he spent his life and his labours lasted very near to the close of it. Oh how happy a life to be spent in doing good; to have no attachment but to God and his work; to forsake all for it! And his conduct in private life was conformable to his publick character. How many persons have been ready to say, that Mr. Wesley had private ends in view: that he was accumulating money and would die rich. All that knew him, knew how false these assertions were ; but all did not know him; thousands however did, who have been witnesses of his integrity and disinterestedness: and thousands of poor have experienced his benevolence. He constantly made a rule of giving all that he had to the poor: this was a favourite práctice with him. He attended to the words of Christ; For as much as ye have done it unto these, ye have done it unto me. He considered the poor as left upon earth, that the followers of Christ might shew their benevolence to them as they would to the person of Christ himself, were he upon earth. How many have said, how gladly would I have entertained Christ, had I lived in that country where he appeared, and at the time of his appearance. But he has left the But he has left the poor behind him, that you may exercise your benevolence towards them, as you would have done to him. Mr. Wesley took a pleasure and delight in doing this, and sometimes left himself so destitute, that he had hardly suffieient to defray his travelling expences.

I was asked the other day, whether Mr. Wesley had not many meeting-houses and chapels that were his property, and whether he did not die rich? I answered, Sir, Mr. Wesley had not one house of his own in the three kingdoms, neither a private house nor a preaching house; therefore he did not die rich. What money he had, which was the produce of his books, and what charitable persons gave him to distribute to thepoor, he constantly gave away and he observes, it only went through his hands, but none of it remained with him.

We must naturally suppose that a person so devoted to the work and service of God, and for so long a time, must be an object of divine approbation; and God shewed marks of it to him even in his last moments; which was a great comfort both to him and to his numerous friends.

IV. I was called to Mr. Wesley on Friday the 25th of February. When I entered the room he cheerfully said, "Doctor, they are more afraid than hurt." I found great oppression on the brain, a universal tremor, great debility of the whole nervous system, and a fever, which I considered as symptomatic, depending wholly on the state of debility. I wrote for him; but he neither took medicine nor nourishment in a quantity sufficient to be of any use. Friday night and Saturday forenoon, the lethargic symptoms increased. It now appeared to me that the powers of nature were exhausted; and I was so certain of his approaching dissolution, that I desired Mr. Bradford to ask him if he had any affairs which he wished to settle; or if there were any person either in London or in the country, whom he desired to see. To these questions he gave no answer. We were all extremely anxious that the lethargy might be removed before his departure hence; and on Saturday evening the means made use of were successful · ·

the lethargic symptoms abated, and on Sunday morning he seemed quite in possession of his faculties, and to feel his situation. His debility however increased, and the fever continued with alternate changes of flushings and paleness. On Monday the 28th, I desired he might be asked if he would have any other physician called in to attend him: but this he absolutely refused. On Tuesday it appeared to me that death was approaching, and in the evening it was very evident. I was with him till past twelve o'clock that night. I asked him, before I left the room, if he knew me he answered yes, and pressed my hand with all the little strength he had. From this time he gradually sunk, and about twenty minutes before ten on Wednesday morning, the 2d of March, he died without a struggle or groan, and went to receive the glorious reward of his labours.


From these outlines of the illustrious character of Mr. Wesley, it appears that he did not follow cunningly devised fables, but the evidence of gospel truth. And the candid will perceive, that we have not adopted these opinions merely because Mr. Wesley taught them, but because they appear to us to be true. us then, my brethren, hold fast the beginning of our confidence stedfast to the end; and prove to the world that our doctrines are true, not by reason and argument only, but by our tempers and conduct. Let us be careful to act worthy of our holy vocation, and to persevere to the end in well doing, we shall then receive with him who is now gone before us, the promised reward: Which may God of his infinite mercy grant, through: Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.





NO part of the Ecclesiastical History of the New World is more interesting than that which details the rise, progress, and present state of the Methodist Episcopal Church. From a grain of mustard seed, it is become in a few years a large spreading tree !

Although Mr. Whitefield extended his labours through almost all the Atlantic States, it does not appear that he introduced the Methodist economy among his disciples. Great success attended him, and multitudes were converted to God by the energy of his ministrations. The fruit which was produced by his efforts was scattered from New-England to Georgia; the people were without a leader, and lived according to no certain discipline; hence by death, and through the influence of a worldly spirit, the number of his friends daily diminished, and many of the survivors exhibited nothing of the power of vital godliness.-From the year 1760, a few persons belonging to the Methodist societies in England and Ireland, annually emigrated to this country. Their distance from their native land, their harmony in religious opinions, and the influence of Christian love united them together in very affectionate bonds. So few however were their numbers, and so depressed their situation, that they never assembled for publick worship as a distinct body. But ૨ ૧

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