
then if AB be the required distance, we shall obtain it by the following proportion.

sin B sin C:: AC: A B.


[blocks in formation]

Example III. To find the distance between two inaccessible objects, B and C (fig. 13.), we must measure a base as A D, and observe the angles at each extremity which both objects make with this line. Suppose we have found A D=743 · 55 yards, BAD=113° 44′, C A D=48o, A D C=104° 13′, and B D A 37° 8'; we shall then get the angles ABD 29° 8′ and ACD=27° 47'. Hence we shall have A B and A C by these proportions,

sin A B D : sin A DB:: AD: AB

sin A CD: sin ADC :: AD: A C

performing the computations, A B=921980 and A C=1546 30. Now, in the triangle A B C, the two sides A B, AC are known, with the included

angle BAC-DAB-D A C*-65° 44', to find

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• We have supposed the four points A, B, C, D, to lie in the same plane; when this condition does not hold, the angle BAC will no longer be the difference between D A B and DAC: in this case it will be necessary to have the value of that angle by direct measurement; in other respects the process will be the same.

Now to find BC we have,

şin A CB: sin B A C :: A B : B C.

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log sin 35° 45′ 14′′ ..... 9.7666394

log B C...


Hence the required distance B C=14385 yards.

Example IV. Three points A, B, C (fig. 14.) in the map of a country being given, it is required to determine the position of a fourth point S, and the three distances AS, BS, CS; the angle AS B, BSC being known, and the four points lying in the same plane.

Describe a circle about the triangle A C S, which will intersect BS in D; join A D, D C. Since angles in the same segment of a circle are equal, DAC DS C and A C D AS D. Hence in the triangle A D C, the angles A and C are known and the side A C, therefore A D may be found. In the triangle ABC the three sides are known, hence the angle B A C may be determined, and thence B A D. Now, in the triangle A B D, the two sides A B, AD


are given with the included angle, to find the angle ABD: then the angles A S B, A B S, and the side A B being known, the distances AS, BS may be found. Lastly, in the triangle A C S all the angles and the side A C are given, to find CS.

The problem may be solved geometrically by describing upon A B a segment of a circle containing an angle equal to A S B, and upon BC a segment containing one equal to BSC. The intersection of the arcs will determine the position of the point S.

(62.) To find the area of a triangle which has the three sides given.

Of the triangle A B C (fig. 8.),

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]


= S. (S-a). (S-b). (S—c).

log area logAC+log A B+log sin A-10.

or (log S+log S-a+log S-b+log S―c).

(63.) To find the radius of the circle inscribed in a given triangle.

Let A B C be the triangle (fig. 15.); bisect the angles B A C, A C B by the straight lines A O, C O; the point of intersection O, will be the centre of the inscribed circle (Euc. IV. 4).

Draw OR, OP,

O Q, perpendicular to the sides of the triangle; join O B, and suppose r to denote the required radius: then,


Area of ▲ BOC=:
= BC. OP = 1.r,



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By addition, we have,

area of ▲ ABC=a+b+c r = 8r,


or, √S. (S—a) · (S—b) . (S—c)=Sr,

(S—a) · (S—b) · (S—c)


(64.) To find the radius of the circumscribed circle.

Suppose A B C (fig. 16.) to be the triangle; bi

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