

But Many Drop It.

A young Calif. wife talks about coffee:

"It was hard to drop Mocha and Java and give Postum Food Coffee a trial, but my nerves were so shattered that I was a nervous wreck and of course that means all kinds of ails.

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At first I thought bicycle riding caused it and I gave it up, but my condition remained unchanged. I did not want to acknowledge coffee caused the trouble for I was very fond of it. At that time a friend came to live with us, and I noticed that after he had been with us a week he would not drink his coffee any more. I asked him the reason. He replied, 'I have not had a headache since I left off drinking coffee, some months ago, till last week, when I began again, here at your table. don't see how anyone can like coffee, anyway, after drinking Postym!'


"I said nothing, but at once ordered a package of Postum. That was five months ago, and we have drank no other coffee since, except on two occasions when we had company, and the result each time was that my husband could not sleep, but lay awake and tossed and talked half the night. We were convinced that coffee caused his suffering, so he returned to Postum Food Coffee, convinced that the old kind was an enemy, instead of a friend, and he is troubled no more by insomnia. "I, myself, have gained 8 pounds in weight, and my nerves have ceased to quiver. It seems so easy now to quit the old coffee that caused our aches and ails and take up Postum.' Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. There's a reason.

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Read the little book, "The Road to Wellville," in pkgs. ・

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