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The 28th C. L. S. C. Year

The Chautauqua Home Reading Faculty for this year consists of President Henry Churchill King of Oberlin College; Professor Thomas Francis Moran of Purdue University; Professor L. A. Sherman of University of Nebraska; Professor Cecil Fairfield Lavell of Trinity College, (formerly of University Extension Society); Professor Katharine Lee Bates of Wellesley; William J. Dawson of London, and others.

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Any part or parts of the above Course will be sent separately, if wanted, postpaid, for the price opposite each title in the list, for Cash with order. The Reduced Rate applies only to orders for the complete Course, cash with order.

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About What Her Husband Would Say.

A Mich. woman tried Postum Food Coffee because ordinary coffee disagreed with her and her husband. She writes:

"My husband was sick for three years with catarrh of the bladder, and palpitation of the heart, caused by coffee., Was unable to work at all and in bed part of the time.

“I had stomach trouble, was weak and fretful so I could not attend to my housework-both of us using coffee all the time and not realizing it was harmful.


One morning the grocer's wife said she believed coffee was the cause of our trouble and advised Postum. I took it home rather dubious about what my husband would say-he was fond of coffee.

"But I took coffee right off the table and we haven't used a cup of it since. You should have seen the change in us and now my husband never complains of heart palpitation any more. My stomach trouble went away in two weeks after I began Postum. My children love it and it does them good, which can't be said of coffee.


A lady visited us who was always half sick. I told her I'd make her a cup of Postum. She said it was tasteless stuff, but she watched me make it, boiling it thoroughly for 15 minutes, and when done she said it was splendid. Long boiling brings out the flavor and food quality." Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich.

Read the little book, "The Road to Wellville," in pkgs. "There's a reason.

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