
face IX. and continued by successive popes) is the citadel of Rome, but it is not capable of a regular defence. It serves as a state prison and also as a house of correction.

The district called Transtevere lies south of the Borgo and between the Janiculus and the Tiber, and communicates with the Borgo by the handsome gate of S. Spirito. The Janiculus is a long straight ridge about a mile and a half long from north to south, and it rises nearly 300 feet above the level of the river. In the northern half of its length it rises almost immediately from the bank of Tiber, leaving however sufficient level ground for a street, which from its length is called La Lungara. This street contains some fine buildings, the Palazzo Salviati, the Palazzo Corsini, one of the handsomest in Rome, once the residence of Christina of Sweden, with a gallery of paintings, a library, and delightful gardens which extend up the slope of the Janiculus, and from which there is a splendid view of Rome; and lastly, La Farnesina, a house and gardens built by the wealthy banker Ghigi in the time of Leo X., with some fine frescoes by Raphael. On the slope of the Janiculus is the Villa Lante, the casino of which was painted by Giulio Romano. The church and convent of S. Onofrio, likewise on the Janiculus, above La Lungara, is worthy of notice, as having been the last asylum of Tasso, where he died and was buried. Another Italian poet, Guidi, is also buried at S. Onofrio.

Towards the southern end of the Lungara the hill recedes farther from the banks of the river, which here makes a bend to the east, and it is within this bend that the great bulk of the district called Transtevere is situated. Some of the streets run up the Janiculus to the gate of S. Pancrazio, but the higher part of the hill is chiefly unbuilt, though it is enclosed within the walls. The villa Spada is in this part, near the gate, outside of which is the villa Pamfili, a favourite promenade of the youth of Rome, with shady walks, waterworks, and clusters of lofty umbrella pines. Among the most remarkable buildings of Transtevere is the church of S. Pietro in Montorio, which contains some fine paintings, and in the cloisters an elegant circular temple by Bramante. Above S. Pietro in Montorio, in a commanding situation, is the fountain of L'Acqua Paola, the largest in Rome, which appears at a distance like a triple triumphal arch with streams of water rushing through: it was constructed by Paul V. with the marble taken from a temple of Minerva. Lower down, at the foot of the hill, is the collegiate church of Santa Maria in Transtevere, a vast and handsome structure, with granite and porphyry columns, rich marbles, some good paintings, and an old mosaic of the twelfth century. Near to it is the fine Benedictine convent of S. Calisto, in the library of which is a splendid Latin Bible of the ninth century, which is supposed to have belonged to Charlemagne, but from the illuminations it appears more probable that it was written for his grandson Charles the Bald. A long street leads from S. Calisto to the church and convent of S. Francesco a Ripa, once inhabited by St. Francis of Assisi. The church is ornamented with paintings, sculptures, and rich marbles, and has a chapel with vaults belonging to the the Pallavicini family. Not far from S. Francesco is the large building of S. Michele a Ripa, near the Tiber, facing the Aventine hill, which rises on the opposite bank. S. Michele is one of the most useful and best conducted charitable establishments of Rome, and is inhabited by above seven hundred persons. It consists of a work-house or house of industry for poor boys and girls, of a school of the fine arts for those boys who have a taste for them, of an asylum for the old and infirm of both sexes, and of a house of correction for juvenile offenders. Tournon, Valéry, and other recent writers agree in praising the arrangement, and regulation of this important establishment. Along one side of this vast building is the handsome quay and landing-place of Ripa Grande, where the vessels which ascend the Tiber from the sea land their goods, and annexed to which are warehouses. Below it is the Porta Portese, or gate leading to Fiumicino, which is the southern extremity of Rome on the right bank of the Tiber. There are above three hundred churches in Rome, most of which are worthy of notice, either for their architecture or for their paintings and other ornaments. We have mentioned a few of the most interesting, and we refer to Vasi, Fea, and the other guide-books for further information. The churches constitute one of the principal attractions of modern Rome.

The palaces of the nobility form another class of interes ing objects. It has been said sneeringly, that every house at Rome that has a 'porte cochère,' or carriage-gate, is called a palace: this may seem very witty, but it is nevertheles true that Rome contains many real palaces, buildings f princely magnitude and imposing style, containing vas courts and long ranges of spacious apartments, and it ca: boast of a greater number of these than any other capitali the world. In point however of interior comfort, neatness, of splendour, most of them are sadly deficient. The walls are of Travertino or Tiburtine stone, the pillars and staircase are frequently of marble and other costly materials; butta furniture is old, clumsy, and scanty; the floor of the apar ment is often of unvarnished brick, and the curtains and tapestry are dingy, and a general want of cleanliness is fre quently observable. The men-servants are often numer in the hall, but they are dirty, lazy, and ill-paid. Passing through the long suites of vast and lofty apartments, you ser here and there marble tables, fine paintings, and heavy gilt chairs, but nothing resembling the Parisian salon c boudoir, or the English drawing-room. The ground flor is either let as shops or used for coach-houses, stables, k chens or other menial offices, and the windows are guarded with a strong iron grating, without glass behind it, white gives to the lower part of the building the appearance of a prison. Several of the Roman palaces are partly let to lodgers, and the owners occupy only one floor or part of a floor; the building being too large for any single family to live in, except such as a baronial family of the feudal times with its numerous dependants. The higher and wealthier Roman nobles however, the Borghese, Colonna, Doria, Ros pigliosi, and others, still retain something of that feuda state, although they have lost their feudal jurisdiction. The villas of the Roman nobility are more pleasant than their palaces. The modern villas, those splendid residences of the modern Romans, are like a connecting link betwe them and their proud predecessors of the classical time The modern Roman palace differs greatly from the antien: Roman house, but the villa resembles much what we reas of the country-houses of the wealthy Romans of old. There is in both the same taste of magnificent retirement. The mansions of these villas have generally their front towards Rome, whose splendid horizon harmonises with the pomp of their architecture, and with the display of rich marble, statues. pillars, and vases and fountains with which they are de 0rated. The gardens are mostly regularly laid out, though not monotonous; they are not made, like the English parks, for the effect of scenery within, but to afford quiet walks from which to enjoy the splendid scenery without. Even its solitary and often-neglected state, the Roman villa retaias its antient classical character, and its melancholy appearance seems to add to its grandeur.' (Valéry, Voyages en Italie, xv. 1.) Several of the villas are within the walls of Rome, such as Medici, Piombino, Mattei, Corsini, and others which have been mentioned; others are outside of the walls, suct as the Villa Pamfili, on the Janiculus; Villa Patrizi, outside of Porta Pia; and the Villa Madama, upon Monte Mano, called from Margaret of Austria, a natural daughter of Charles V., who was married to Ottavio Farnese, duke of Parma. Th house was designed by Raphael, and executed by Giulio Ro mano, who painted the loggia as a hall. The Villa Albani, ar though shamefully plundered by the French republicans 1798, on the plea that its then possessor was, naturalis enough, their political enemy, has still retained or recover so much of its inexhaustible treasures as to be reckoned the third museum of antiquities in Rome, and next to the V tican and the Capitol. In the time of its full splendour it was Winckelman's great study, which he illustrated in his 'Storia dell' Arte' and his ‘Monumenti Inediti.' The gra boast of the Albani museum is that its collection is al choice, while most other collections contain a great deal that is bad. Cardinal Alessandro Albani, who created this nob villa and its still nobler museum towards the middle of the last century, made it the business of his life; he was a mas of taste and an enthusiast for antiquity and the fine arts Among the finest sculptures are, the rilievo of Antinous, the Thetis found in the villa of Antoninus Pius at Lanuvium, the Minerva, the Jupiter, the Apollo Sauroctonos, Diogenes in his tub, the two Caryatides representing Grecia basket-bearers, the bassi-rilievi of the triumph of M. Aure lius, and others.

The Villa Borghese, on the Pincian Mount, outside d the walls, is well known for its gardens, which are laid out

in the English style, its laurel and myrtle groves, its fine sheet of water, its temple, and hippodrome. The fine museum of antient sculptures was sold or given up for a consideration by the late prince to Napoleon, his brother-in-law; but it has been partly replaced by new acquisitions. Of all the enormous quantity of works of art carried away by the French from Rome, only a small part has been restored; much was purloined by private individuals and sold, much was irreparably damaged in the removal. The Borghese collection has remained in the Louvre, being a purchase; and a splendid collection of coins and gems, taken from Rome, was entirely exempted from the claim of restitution by the treaty of Paris.

The numerous handsome fountains form another peculiar ornament of modern Rome as works of art, independent of their utility. Rome is better supplied with good water than most continental towns, and was much more abundantly supplied in antient times. Of the antient aqueducts, three still continue to carry water into the town, having been repaired by the popes. The first is that of the Acqua Vergine, the best in quality, which comes from near the antient Collatia, fourteen miles north of Rome: it supplies a great part of the lower town, and feeds thirteen public fountains, of which those of Trevi, of La Barcaccia in Piazza di Spagna, of Piazza Navona, and Farnese, are the principal. The second is the Acqua Felice, the antient Aqua Marcia and Claudia, restored by Pope Sixtus V. (Felice da Montalto): it comes from the east, and supplies the upper or eastern part of the town, and feeds twenty-seven public fountains, of which that of Moses, near Porta Pia, that of Triton in the Piazza Barberini, and that of Monte Cavallo, are the principal. The third aqueduct, called Acqua Paola, the antient Alsietina, enters Rome by Mount Janiculus, and supplies both Transtevere and the Vatican, feeding the Fontana Paolina, and the splendid fountains before St. Peter's: passing the Ponte Sisto by conduits, it supplies the adjoining fountain and the neighbouring district of Strada Giulia. Tournon observes that the supply of water thus carried into Rome is much greater than that carried by the Canal de l'Ourcq into Paris for the supply of a population six times as large as that of Rome.

The obelisks which adorn most of the squares of Rome are another peculiar feature of this city. An account of them is given under OBELISK.

The streets of Rome are generally narrow, like those of most old cities, but many of them are straight and regular, and the great number of open spaces, such as squares, places, gardens, large courts, &c., render the town generally airy. The pavement of the streets is made of selci, or small cubes of basaltic stone, not very agreeable to pedestrians, especially as there are no footpaths except along the Corso. The streets are lighted at night with oil lamps. Rome possesses a great advantage over many continental towns, in being provided with a regular system of sewers, partly antient and partly modern. [CLOACE.]

The lower town is subject to occasional inundations from the Tiber, which sometimes rises, in seasons of extraordinary rains, from 25 to 30 feet above its ordinary level, whilst a considerable part of the town is hardly 20 feet above the level. In 1530 the river rose above 40 feet, and the destruction which it caused is described by Baldi, in his poem 'La Nautica.'

The climate of the city of Rome has been of late years the subject of much discussion. In the time of the republic Rome was considered healthy when compared with the surrounding country. Parts of Latium were unhealthy in Cicero's time, and probably long before him; and the unhealthiness was greatly increased by the depopulation of the country, the consequence first of the wars between Rome and its immediate neighbours, and afterwards of the civil wars in the last century of the republic. Tillage cultivation was abandoned, and the country became divided among a few large_proprietors, who turned fields into pasture-grounds. Propter avaritiam ex segetibus fecit prata,' says Varro, speaking of one of these proprietors; and Pliny observes that Latifundia perdidere Italiam.' Now it is proved that tillage cultivation and a dense population check the increase and spread of the malaria. The dense population of antient Rome and the elevated position of the old city, with the plentiful supply of wholesome water, the convenience of sewers, and other circumstances contributed to maintain a tolerable state of salubrity within the walls.

Cicero remarks the good choice of those who built Rome in the most favourable spot in the midst of a generally unhealthy region. (De Republ., ii. 6.) Horace however (Epist. i. 7) complains of the fevers which prevailed in the month of August. The improvements made by Augustus, and the reconstruction of the town after the great fire in Nero's time, seem to have had a good effect on the salubriousness of the city, and Frontinus (i. 18) observes that the increased supply of water by means of additional aqueducts had contributed to render the atmosphere purer than it was in the old times. After the fall of the Empire, and the ravages committed by the barbarians, we read of the complete desolation of the Campagna during the dark ages, and of the abandonment of Porto, Ostia, Ardea, and other neighbouring towns in consequence of the malaria. At the same time a gradual removal was taking place within the walls; the population, which was much diminished, was leaving the southern part of the city for the northern, the hills for the plain of the Campus Martius.

As the southern hills, the Cælian, Aventine, Palatine, and Esquiline, became abandoned, they became also unhealthy, for populousness and salubrity go together in the whole Maremma region. In the eleventh century Petrus Damianus (Epist., xix., ‘Ad Nicolaum II., Pontificem'), draws a fearful picture of the epidemic fevers to which Rome was subject. But still the unhealthiness of the old city was, and is, much less in degree than that of the country without the walls, and especially of the lowlands towards the sea-coast. There are families and whole religious communities that live all the year round on the desolate hills of old Rome without any remarkable inconvenience, though no one would venture to spend the summer months, at least from choice, outside of the walls between Rome and the sea. The miasmata which produce the malaria, emanate from the volcanic soil of the Campagna acted upon by the rays of a burning sun; they seem to be of a dense heavy nature, seldom rising very high above the ground, unless wafted by the winds. Walls appear to stop their advance, fire dispels them, house foundations and pavements prevent their emanation. For an investigation of this curious subject see Brocchi, ‘Stato fisico del Šuolo di Roma;' Tournon, Etudes Statistiques sur Rome,' and an article on Tournon's book, in the Foreign Quarterly Review,' xxi., January, 1833, and the article CAMPAGNA DI ROMA in this work.

It seems now proved that whenever the population has decreased within Rome, from political and other causes, the air has become less wholesome, and that the thinly inhabited districts are, independently of their situation, unwholesome in summer, when compared with the more populous parts of the town. Thus the neighbourhood of the Corso and the lower town in general, and even the low filthy quarter of the Jews, are salubrious, whilst the eastern part of the fine street of Porta Pia, the neighbourhood of Santa Maria Maggiore, and that of the Lateran are considered unhealthy in summer, although they are on comparatively high ground. The parts of the Quirinal and the Pincian which are built upon are the most desirable situations in modern Rome for fresh air and health. On the other side of the river, the thinly-built district of La Lungara and the Vatican are considered unhealthy in summer, whilst the densely peopled part of Transtevere is less complained of.

It has been stated by some writers, but not upon sufficient grounds, that the malaria is encroaching upon the nhabited part of Rome, so as to threaten in course of time the depopulation of the whole city. Châteauvieux, who, we believe, was the first to start this theory, mistook the effect for the cause. He visited Rome at two different periods; first in 1791, when the city contained 166,000 inhabitants, the streets were thronged with sumptuous equipages and liveries, and the splendid palaces were open to the gaze of strangers-everything in short had an appearance of opulence and splendour.' But a few years afterwards came the French invasion of 1798, with its wholesale spoilations, forced contributions, and oppression of every sort, which no one has more honestly condemned and deplored than Count Tournon, after which the Papal State was reduced to onehalf, and the poorer half, of its territory. After a few years more of a precarious existence, the Papal Government was again upset by Napoleon in 1809, and the cardinal prelates, the foreign ministers, and a number of noblemen and other persons were driven away from Rome; numerous families were deprived of their accustomed means of support,








and the whole social system was violently overturned. The
population then dwindled apace, and in 1810 it was 123,000,
of which no less than 30,000 were on the poor-lists made out
by the rectors of the respective parishes. (Tournon, vol.
ii., p. 136.) It was under these circumstances that Châ-
teauvieux visited Rome a second time in 1813. I entered
the city by the same road as before (by the Corso), but in-
stead of equipages, I saw it filled with droves of cattle, goats,
and half-wild horses, driven along by a number of Tartar-
looking herdsmen armed with long spears and covered with
dark capotes. The population is now reduced to 100,000, and
of this number one-tenth part are vine-dressers, herdsmen, or
gardeners. The city presents everywhere the appearance
of ruin. As there are more houses than inhabitants (he
means families), the houses are not repaired; when they
get out of order, the occupiers remove to others. A
multitude of convents have assumed the appearance of
ruins; a number of palaces, no longer inhabited, are left
without even a porter to take care of them.' (Lettres écrites
d'Italie.) And yet, though he had the recent history of
the country before his eyes, Châteauvieux attributed this de-
population and decay to the advance of the malaria. The 1513
fact is, that wherever the population gets thin and misera-
ble, the malaria will gain ground; it will take possession
of houses and gardens from which the warmth of the blazing
hearth, and the cheering breath of human life, and the
cares of domestic industry have disappeared. (See on this
subject an article 'On modern Books of Travels in Italy,' in
No. VIII. of the Quarterly Journal of Education.') The
population of Rome has rapidly increased since the peace
of 1814; by the census of Easter, 1838, it amounted to
148,903 inhabitants, exclusive of 4500 Jews. (Serristori,
Statistica d'Italia.) An account of its distribution, social
occupations, habits, and other moral features comes under
another head of this article.

The temperature of Rome is generally mild and genial; frosts occur in January; but the thermometer seldom descends lower than 26° of Fahrenheit, and the midday sun generally produces a thaw. The tramontana, or north wind, Sometimes however blows cold and piercing for days together. Snow falls at times, but it seldom remains on the ground for more than a day. Orange-trees thrive in the open air, but lemon-trees require covering during the winter months. Rains are frequent and heavy in November and December, but fogs are rare. In the summer months the heat is at times oppressive, especially when the scirocco, or south wind, blows. The hour which follows sunset is considered the most unwholesome in summer, and people avoid exposure to the open air.

The sky of Rome has been admired by most travellers for its soft transparent light, its ultramarine blue tinge, and the splendid colours of the sunset, which Claude has so well rendered. The general scenery of the country, the purple hue of the mountains, and the long waving lines of the plain of the Campagna, are noticed under ALBA LONGA. Within the walls of Rome there are many fine points of view. From the tower of the Senatorial Palace on the Capitol, there is a good panorama of Rome, embracing both the old and new towns; from the terrace of La Trinitá de' Monti is a fine western view of modern Rome; there is another view from the Janiculus, in an opposite or eastern direction; and lastly, from the gallery above St. Peter's dome is a splendid and extensive panorama, embracing the whole town, the Campagna, the distant mountains, and the long line of the blue sea.

For the better understanding of the topography of Rome, the large map of Nolli, the atlas which accompanies Bunsen's Beschreibung der Stadt Rom,' or the small map by the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, may be consulted. The map in Brocchi's work above mentioned gives a good idea of the surface of the ground.


[The dates are to be considered only as approximations to
the time when the respective structures were either com-
menced or in progress.]

[blocks in formation]








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Obelisk in front of St. Peter's

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were extensive, appear to have stood on the boundary of the Quirinal, on the ground now occupied by the palaces of the Consulta and Rospigliosi. Buffalini, in his map (1551), places them near the church of S. Silvestro, on the Monte Cavallo. Some slight traces of these baths still exist in the Villa Aldobrandini. They were erected probably about A.D. 326, and were repaired in the middle of the fifth century by Petronius Perpenna and Magnus Quadratianus. In 1519 some of the ruins were still in existence, but they disappeared about 1527.

Palladio restored the plan, and in the reign of Clement XII. an excavation was made on their site, when a magnificent portico, with an ornamented ceiling, and walls painted with historical subjects, were discovered.

Baths of Diocletian, situated on the Viminal, and erected by Diocletian about A.D. 302. They were of vast dimensions. The extensive and capacious ruins were adapted to the purposes of a monastery, and M. Angelo transformed the antient tepidarium, the caldarium, and a part of the frigidarium into a church with its dependencies. The church is called Santa Maria degli Angeli. The rest of the ruins consist of large brick masses with arches of enormous span; some of these masses still support parts of the vaulted ceiling. On a part of the site of the baths M. Angelo constructed a spacious and elegant cloister.

Baths of Agrippa, were enclosed within the space circumscribed by the square of the Rotunda or Pantheon, the street of the theatre called Valle, the street of the Stimmate, and that of Gesù. They occupied a space about 500 feet from east to west, and 700 from north to south. According to Dion Cassius, they were constructed A.U.C. 729. The temple called the Pantheon has been sometimes considered a part of these baths.

Baths of Nero, situated on the ground which stretches from east to west between the square of the Pantheon and the square called Madama, and from north to south between the church of S. Eustachio and the street of the Coppelle. Eusebius fixes the date of their construction, A.D. 65. They appear therefore to have been commenced in the year of the great fire of Rome in the reign of Nero, and during the consulate of Quintus or Caius

THE PRINCIPAL ANTIENT ROMAN BUILDINGS OF WHICH Lecanius Bassus and Marcus Licinius Crassus Frugi. One



Baths of Titus, hastily constructed near the Flavian Amphitheatre, about A.D. 80, on the site of the gardens of the golden house of Nero. The ruins stand now in a vineyard called in Nolli's map Sinibaldi, on a spot circumscribed by the modern street of the Polveriera and the street of the Colosseum; they occupied a space of about 400 feet by 600. The baths of Titus were however absorbed in those of Trajan.

Baths of Trajan, partly on the same site, and adjoining those of Titus, were commenced by Domitian and finished by Trajan; they were more extensive than those of Titus, and extended towards the church of S. Pietro in Vincoli, which they almost touched. They appear, from an inscription, to have been embellished by Julius Felix Campanianus, præfect of Rome. These are the baths of which Vasari mentions the circumstance, in the Life of Giovanni da Udine, of excavations being made near S. Pietro, and the discovery of the pictures and stuccoes, which so much pleased both Giovanni and Raphael that they imitated them in the arabesques of the Vatican. Palladio made a plan of these baths. The plan of the baths of Trajan resembles very much those of Diocletian: it occupies an area of about 1100 feet by 800.

One of the great hemicycles near the northern angle still remains. On the shorter sides, near the eastern and southern angles, are the remains of two hemicycles with niches for statues. The long side opposite the Colosseum contains in the centre the remains of a great semicircular


There are few, and those few are unintelligible, remains of the internal part of the building. Part of the golden house of Nero remains under the baths of Trajan. In the passages and chambers of this house there are still some elegant arabesque decorations, the colours of which in many parts are still very vivid.

Baths of Constantine, were, according to Victor, in the fourth region, or in that of the Quirinal. The remains, which

hemicycle alone of these baths exists in the inn of the Piazza Rondanini.

Baths of Alexander. An anonymous author quoted by Mabillon states that these baths stood between the Piazza Navona, the church of S. Eustachio, and the Pantheon. They were therefore contiguous to the baths of Agrippa. The baths of Alexander were built, according to Eusebius, in the year 229, and, according to Cassiodorus, in 227. They appear to have been an extension of the baths of Nero, as those of Nero probably were an extension of those of Agrippa.

Baths of Caracalla. Commenced about A.D. 212, and continued by Elagabalus and Alexander Severus. They are situated on a prolongation of the Aventine, not far from the gate of S. Sebastian. They are perhaps the most extensive ruins in Rome; but being stripped of their marbles, columns, stuccoes, and paintings, they consist only of vast and lofty walls, corbels, and niches of brick and tile, and for the ordinary spectator possess in this dilapidated state little interest. [BATHS.] At the extremity of the great platform the constructions are still tolerably perfect, as well as part of the castellum in a neighbouring vineyard. The ruins stand in three separate vineyards.


Temple of Romulus. Erected by Maxentius to the memory of his son Romulus. These ruins, which are vulgarly called the stables of the Circus of Caracalla, are situated in a large quadrilateral enclosure forming part of the villa of Maxentius on the Appian way, and about one mile from the gate of S. Sebastian. From two medals of Romulus we see this building as it appeared at two separate periods: one medal represents the building with a dome, and without a portico; the other, with the addition of a portico. It may have served both for a temple and a tomb. The lower part or basement is purely sepulchral, with niches for the sepulchral urns. The ceiling is vaulted, and supported by a huge central pier.

Temple of Bucchus. At what time first constructed is uncertain. The tetrastyle portico of four Corinthian white

marble columns is an addition, taken from some other edifice, probably about the time of the Antonines. These columns have been walled up, and form part of the modern church to which the cella has been adapted. In the reign of Urban VIII. a circular altar with a Greek inscription was found in the subterranean part of this edifice, to the left on entering. The internal part of the cell is adorned with a stucco frieze representing military trophies; the vaulting is adorned with sunk octagonal pannels; slight traces of a bas-relief remain in the centre of the ceiling. These ornaments are in a good style.

Temple, called that of the Divus Rediculus. Built in commemoration of Hannibal's retreat from Rome, and situated in the same valley as the Nymphæum of Egeria, about a mile from Rome, and close to the little brook called Almone. At what time it was constructed is unknown, and the name of the temple of Redicolo is probably founded in error, as the temple of this name stood two miles from Rome on the Via Appia, and to the left on leaving the city. It is a most beautiful construction of brick, elegantly designed, and executed with great skill. The walls of the cella externally are of yellow brick, the basement and pilasters of red, and the moulded parts are carved, and the cornice is enriched with modiilions. On the southern side the pilasters are changed for octagonal columns set in a sort of niche. It appears that on this side there was a road, which was the cause of a greater richness and of variation in the design. The portico had originally four peperino columns, of which however only part of one on the ground near the temple remains. The interior was adorned with stuccoed


Temple of Vesta.-One of the temples to Vesta, situated in the Forum Boarium near the banks of the Tiber. Nibby thinks that it was constructed in the time of the Antonines. It is of a pure Greek style, and may have been rebuilt by Vespasian, who probably commemorated it by striking a coin, on the reverse of which this temple is represented. Twenty Corinthian columns, of which nineteen remain, surrounded the circular cella, which was formed of masonry in the Greek taste. These columns are of Parian marble, and fluted; they are raised on a series of steps, most of which have been destroyed or removed. The antient entablature and roof are wanting, and the latter is supplied by an ugly tile covering.

Temple of Ceres and Proserpine.-Rebuilt by Tiberius, and now forming part of the church of Santa Maria in Cosmedin, called also the Bocca della Verità, is situated almost opposite the circular temple of Vesta. A part of the cell constructed with large masses of travertine, and eight columns of the peristyle, remain partly walled up in the church. The fluted white marble columns are in a good style, and of the Composite order.

Temple of Fortuna Virilis.-Originally built by Servius Tullius on the banks of the Tiber. It was burnt and rebuilt in the time of the republic. It is of an oblong figure, constructed of travertine stone and tufa, and stuccoed with a fine and hard marble stucco. The hexastyle portico of the Ionic order has been walled up between the columns, and an engaged intercolumniation is continued on the walls of the cella. The temple is placed on a high moulded basement, and was ascended by a flight of steps. The columns support an entablature, the cornice is bold, and the frieze is decorated with festoons supported by infantine figures, and intermixed with skulls of oxen and candelabra. These are however ill preserved. The style of the architecture is heavy; still the basement is a grand feature.

Temple of Fortune, according to Nibby, but, in the opinion of Bunsen, the temple of the Vespasiani, is situated in the Forum Romanum, on the Clivus Capitolinus. On the entablature is the following inscription:


The edifice now consists of a rude Ionic hexastyle portico of granite columns, two of which are returned on the flank, and so badly restored from the ruins of the former temple, that in one instance part of the shaft from the base is placed under a capital. The bases, capitals, and the entablature are of white marble. The internal part of the frieze is ornamented, but this appears to have been some of the old masonry used in the rebuilding. The portico and temple were placed on a high basement of travertine, which was covered with a veneer of marble, and in front there was a flight of steps.

Temple of Jupiter Tonans, according to Nibby; Burs calls it the Temple of Saturn. It is situated on the C Capitolinus. It was built by Augustus, and is suppose have been restored by Sept. Severus and Caracalla. fragment of an inscription on the entablature over the t columns of the angle, is read . . . . ESTITVER. The port was hexastyle, of the Corinthian order, and of white L marble. The columns are deeply fluted. In order to g space, the steps are constructed between the columns in basement which supports them. The basement was in with marble, and divided at intervals by small pilast Upon the frieze are carved instruments of sacrifice, and decorations which remain indicate that the building highly ornamented. Between this temple and that ca the Temple of Concord, are the ruins of a small ædicula, which was discovered a votive altar sacred to Faustina Younger. To the left of this temple are some chambers, front of which was a portico of cipollino marble coluz I of the Corinthian order; the capitals are however ador with victories and trophies. From an inscription on entablature of the portico, these chambers appear to contained the statues of the Dii Consentes, replaced Vettius Agorius, præfect of Rome, A.D. 368. Nibby co ders this building to have been originally constructed Hadrian. It was burnt in the reign of Commodus, and te stored by Septimius Severus. Bunsen calls it Port Clivi et Schola Xantha. (See the Plan of the Forum, Bunsen.)

Temple of Concord. The site only of this temple rem near the temple of Jupiter Tonans. Of this famous bu ing there remain only the ruins of the cella, which was ginally covered with giallo antico and pavonazzetto. T pavement was formed of slabs of the same material, r numerous fragments discovered in the late excavation prove that it was profusely enriched with ornamental car ings and statues, and that it was also destroyed by t Owing to the narrow site on which it was placed, the ce was wider than the portico.

Temple of Antoninus Pius is in the Forum of Antonirt, now the Piazza della Pietra, and at a short distance fr the Column of M. Aurelius Antoninus. Eleven lar Corinthian columns, which are much injured, remain on t: nortn side, and support a white marble architrave; the re of the entablature, being much ruined, was restored w stucco. The columns have been walled together, and for the front of the present Custom-house, in the court of whe! there are several fragments of vaulting adorned with sut pannels. A representation of the portico with a pediment belonging probably to this temple, appears on a large bronz coin, from which it appears to have been decastyle. A octastyle portico with a pediment appears on silver and bra coins of the same emperor, and most probably represen another temple belonging to the Antonine Forum.

Temple of Antoninus and Faustina. Erected by the ser to the emperor and his wife in the Forum Romanum. T two sides of the cella of Peperino, once clothed with mari... remain, as well as the magnificent marble entablature C them. The hexastyle portico, with the return columns of Corinthian order, each of one single piece of Carystian cipollino marble, still supports a considerable part of entablature. In the frieze are griffins, candelabra, other ornaments, in a fine style of art. The ascent to th temple was antiently by a flight of twenty-one steps; a on the entablature of the portico is cut the dedicatory scription to Antoninus and Faustina. The columns, whe were once partly buried, have been cleared of the surround ing earth. On the ruins of the cella has been erected as church of San Lorenzo in Miranda. A representation this temple, with its steps, statues, and pediment, is giv in a coin, published in Bunsen's Forum Romanum.'

Temple of Romulus and Remus, called by Bunsen, ‘Ædes Penatium. A circular temple in the Forum Romanum, ne 20 the temple of Antoninus and Faustina, erected, accordi to Nibby, at a period when art was in its decline. Its however probable that the circular building belongs to a earlier period than he would assign to it. In the year 52 this building was used as a vestibule to the church of S Cosmo and Damiano, erected by Felix IV. Urban VIIL applied the present Etruscan bronze door, found at Pe rugia, and placed the two antique porphyry columns, wit their entablatures, in their present situations. This pe of architecture stood originally a little to the left of the present entrance. Bunsen takes no notice in his plan d

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