
expose myself to give pain to their ears by any faults in pronunciation, grammar, and construction, which is not genuine English. I will say only a word.

Two great spectacles I have witnessed in North America. The review in Washington of two hundred thousand men, returning victorious from the battle-field; and the Thirtyseventh Anniversary of the American Institute of Instruction, which is preparing the rising generation not to need the terrible instrumentality of war, by diffusing that instruction which gives an easy solution to all questions by the use of reason and logic, which are the rifles and the cannons with which God has endowed mankind.

I have the honor of representing in the United States of North America the United Provinces of South America.

I am charged by my government to study the progress of public education in the United States as the secret of their liberty, greatness, and prosperity; and I shall hasten to report my having been present at this reunion of wise men and masters, as others would do of having witnessed a great battle. To prove to you that we have accomplished something in the road that secures to the United States so many blessings, I will present to you, in my own person, a proof of the high esteem in which a master is held.

I am, and I honor myself for it, a South-American schoolmaster. I have been a senator, and have dictated laws for the diffusion of instruction. I have been superintendent of schools, and have myself given direction to education. I have been minister of the government, and have decreed the erection of a hundred school-buildings.

I am ambassador, and, as you see, I still remain a school


I have not yet taken my seat as an ambassador at Washington, but I have already done so as a member of this congress of teachers.

If time had permitted, Mr. White, Superintendent of Schools in Massachusetts, and successor of my old friend Mr. Horace Mann, would have read some of my thoughts, showing in what esteem I hold the profession of school-master.

To give you some idea of my country - when the news of the death of President Lincoln was received, the Congress of Buenos Ayres decreed, like France at the death of Franklin, fifteen days of national mourning, — and that the next city founded in the republic be named Lincoln.

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Henceforth the Isthmus of Panama will become, by means of education, not a dividing line or impediment, but a golden link, uniting in one chain of liberty, intelligence, and happiness, all our States.

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The exercises of the evening were introduced with several songs by a choir of nearly two hundred children from the public schools of New Haven.

Mr. Stone, of Portland, Maine, offered the following resolution, which was unanimously adopted:

Resolved, That our most cordial thanks are due and are hereby tendered to the Board of Education of the city of New Haven, for their invitation to the Institute to hold its present session in this city: to the Local Committee, and especially to Dr. Lucius A. Thomas, and Mr. George S. Phelps, for their highly successful arrangements to render our brief sojourn here pleasant and agreeable: to the citizens of New Haven, for their hospitalities so generously tendered to the ladies in attendance at the meeting, and for this commodious hall which they have furnished for the sessions of the Institute: to the esteemed President of Yale College for an invitation to visit the College Library, Cabinet, and Trumbull Gallery: to the venerable Jeremiah Day, Ex-President of Yale College, for his attendance upon

the meeting from day to day, and for his participation in our exercises to the several gentlemen who have favored us with able and instructive lectures: to the hotels of this city which have made a reduction in their charges for board: to the several railroads named in our programme, for their reduction in fare: and to the children of the public schools of this city, under the direction of Mr. Jepson, for their acceptable music.

Resolved, That it is with the highest satisfaction that we have been permitted to spend a few days in this beautiful city, renowned for its delightful scenery, its honored institution of learning, and the refinement and culture of its people.

Resolved, That with profound gratitude we rejoice that we are permitted to hail the advent of peace and the close of the armed strife in which our country has been engaged; and that as teachers, educators, and patriots, we will use our utmost efforts that the blessings of education in its broadest sense may be shared by all our people without distinction; that our country may be indeed a land of freedom a land of free speech, free schools, and free men.

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Mr. Walton, of Lawrence, Massachusetts, offered the following resolutions, accompanying them with appropriate remarks embodying some of the distinguishing characteristics of Father Greenleaf, as he was familiarly called :

Whereas, It has pleased our heavenly Father to remove by death Benjamin Greenleaf, a zealous supporter and one of the founders of this Institute:

Resolved, That, in the death of Mr. Greenleaf, the American Institute of Instruction has lost one of its most honored members. Resolved, That we record our testimony to his honesty as a man, and to his hearty devotion to popular education and thorough instruction.

Resolved, That we extend to the bereaved family of the deceased our tenderest sympathies.

The resolutions were seconded by Mr. Hill, of Lynn, who added his testimony to the remarks of Mr. Walton as to the eminently sympathetic and social character of the deceased, and his peculiarly warm interest in all young teachers. The resolutions were unanimously adopted.

After another song by the children, His Excellency John A. Andrew, Governor of Massachusetts, having been introduced in very flattering terms by the President, spoke substantially as follows:


I am sure, sir, at this hour in the evening, and in a house so crowded as this, upon a sultry night, there is nobody, even if he was ten times as worthy as the very flattering introduction you have made of my humble self, would cause this audience to suppose me to be he who ought to venture upon the temerity of detaining them long.

And I do not propose to say more than just so much as one ought to say for the purpose of expressing a cordial sympathy with the purposes of your Institute, and my earnest and hearty good-will towards it and its members, with my most fervent wishes for its future prosperity.

I congratulate you, Mr. President, and the Institute, upon the exceedingly interesting circumstances under which this meeting has been held, not the least of which may be considered the attractions of this most charming and beautiful city, full of all the appliances and all the incitements to learning, which make it the fit temple and abode of all good educational influences, and which, I should think, might, year after year, attract to its walls.

I am not, Mr. President and friends, in any sense an educator or teacher. I have no claims upon the profession. I must be, as I am now, its debtor.. But if it were possible, by any humble word of mine, to say anything which might help to elevate, in the judgment of the people, that profession to which you belong, and give it greater dignity and power as one of the civilizing and humanizing influences of the

country, I should feel a thousand times repaid for any exertions it might cost me.

The truth is, friends, I seem to have seen, during these last few years, that while we were engaged in all the ways and works of war, made necessary by the tremendous civil strife into which we were providentially cast, it was our duty, if we would preserve intact our institutions of liberty, if we would maintain our civilization and make our country worth the saving, make it grand and great in the peaceful future as it proved to be in the warlike present, we must devote ourselves with the same energy to the maintenance of our institutions of learning with which we devoted ourselves to the rescue of our country from the arms of the Rebellion.

It was not enough, and it is not enough now, that we should hold on to what we had, and that we should disseminate the garnered learning of the higher schools; it is not enough that we should maintain the standard of our district and high schools throughout New England. New England has a work to do, if I may say so in such a connection, which is aggressive -an aggressive missionary work for the country—or else she fails utterly of her high vocation.

With her population of about three and a quarter millions, settled together compactly, the richest and most powerful in all the means both of head and heart and external wealth, connected with circumstances, too, which give emphasis to these powers, New England has the most powerful three and a quarter millions under the sun; and the long future of our country demands the use of all the peculiar powers which it is the gift of New England to wield.

Let me illustrate. Colonel Lincoln, who marched from Massachusetts as Lieutenant-Colonel of the thirty-fourth regiment of infantry, but, being wounded in an engagement in the Shenandoah Valley, returned home, told me, in a conversation

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