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Address to the President.

[Dec. 13, 1790.

The committee having waited on the President, Mr. MADISON reported, that the President was pleased to return for answer, that, at two o'clock on Monday next, he would receive the Address at his own house.

Messrs. WILLIAMSON and SHERMAN were added to the committee on the bill to amend the act for promoting the progress of the useful arts.

Mr. MATTHEWS was appointed on the committee on the militia bill, vice Mr. JACKSON, who begged leave to decline serving, as his colleague had been heretofore on that business, and must consequently be better acquainted with the subject than he was.

MONDAY, December 13.

serious consideration the business recommended to their attention by the President. And this, he observed, would be saying nothing, for, as by the Constitution it was the President's duty to communicate what matters he judged of importance, so it was undoubtedly that of the House to pay attention to the objects recommended. The second method was, to enter into a detail of the different points mentioned in the President's Address, and in such cases where there was no doubt as to the propriety of measures being taken, assure him, in the answer, that measures would be adopted; and if any thing doubtful occurred, merely promise that the subject would be attended to. This rule the committee had followed in drawing up their Report, and as in the business mentioned in the paragraph now before the House, they did not hesitate to believe some measures necessary, they could see no impropriety in assuring him that the best would be adopted. He added, that as it is clear that a war in Europe would, by depriving us of foreign bottoms to export our produce, injure this country; and as wars were doubtful, it was of the utmost importance that the American navy be put on so respectable a from the Secretary of the Treasury, accompafooting as not to need foreign aid for the expor-nying his Report of a further provision for the tation of her produce. He further observed, suant to an order of the House of the ninth day establishment of the Public Credit, made purthat the answer returned last session was more of August last; which were read, and ordered full, and went even to give the President assurances that the House would concur in certain to be committed to a Committee of the whole points proposed for their consideration in his House on this day sevennight. Address. He concluded by remarking, that the amendment proposed was binding on the House quite as much as the paragraph in the


Mr. SMITH (of S. C.) said, it was true those who reported the Address the last session adverted to particulars; but were cautious in their mode of expression, and adopted ambiguous language to avoid giving an opinion. This would appear by recurring to that Address. The charge of inconsistency, on his part, was therefore not well founded. Mr. S. read some paragraphs of that Address, and observed, that the House was not pledged by the expressions then read; but in the present Address there is an opinion given. It says that we ought not to depend on foreign bottoms, because in case of war we may be deprived of that resource. These declarations originated the objections, and gave rise to the amendment. He proposed, therefore, as gentlemen appear to have no objection to either mode of expression, that they would accommodate for the sake of harmony and unanimity.

The question on the amendment was lost by a considerable majority.

The remainder of the Address was read, and agreed to by the committee. The committee then rose and reported, and the House adopted it unanimously.

A committee was then appointed to wait on the President of the United States, to know at what time and place it would be convenient for him to receive the Address.

GEORGE LEONARD, from Massachusetts; JOHN VINING, from Delaware; JOSIAH PARKER, from Virginia; JOHN BAPTIST ASHE, from North Carolina; and EDANUS BURKE, from South Carolina, appeared and took their seats.


The SPEAKER laid before the House a letter


Mr. SMITH (of $. C.) introduced the following motion, which was read, and laid on the


tention of the Commonalty of Paris, in directing an This House being highly sensible of the polite atEulogium to the illustrious memory of Dr. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, pronounced before them, to be transmitted to the President and Congress of the United States, Resolve, that the Speaker communicate the

sense of this House in a letter addressed to the President and Commonalty of Paris.

EVIDENCES OF PUBLIC DEBT. Mr. LEE laid the following motion on the table:

"That a committee be appointed to bring in a bill directing the mode in which the evidences of the public debt of the United States, which may have been, or shall be lost, shall be renewed."


At two o'clock, the House, preceded by the Sergeant-at-Arms, waited on the President of the United States, at his house, where the SPEAKER delivered the following Address in answer to his Speech to both Houses:

SIR: The Representatives of the People of the United States have taken into consideration your Address to the two Houses at the opening of the present session of Congress.

We share in the satisfaction inspired by the prospects which continue to be so auspicious to our public affairs. The blessings resulting from the smiles of Heaven on our agriculture, the rise of pub

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lic credit, with the further advantages promised to it, and the fertility of resources which are found so little burthensome to the community, fully authorize our mutual congratulations on the present occasion. Nor can we learn without an additional gratification, that the energy of the laws for providing adequate revenues have been so honorably seconded by those classes of citizens whose patriotism and probity were more immediately concerned.

The success of the loan opened in Holland, under the disadvantages of the present moment, is the more important, as it not only denotes the confidence already placed in the United States, but as the effects of a judicious application of that aid will still further illustrate the solidity of the foundation on which the public credit rests.

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of the militia and other subjects unfinished at the last session, and shall proceed in them with all the despatch which the magnitude of all, and the difficulty of some of them, will allow.

Nothing has given us more satisfaction than to find, that the revenues heretofore established have proved adequate to the purposes to which they were allotted. In extending the provision to the residuary objects, it will be equally our care to secure sufficiency and punctuality in the payments due from the Treasury of the United States. We shall also never lose sight of the policy of diminishing the public debt, as fast as the increase of the public resources will permit; and are particularly sensible of the many considerations, which press a resort to the auxiliary resources furnished by the public lands.

The preparatory steps taken by the State of Virgi- In pursuing every branch of the weighty business nia, in concert with the District of Kentucky, to- of the present session, it will be our constant study to wards the erection of the latter into a distinct mem- direct our deliberations to the public welfare. Whatber of the Union, exhibit a liberality mutually honor-ever our success may be, we can at least answer for able to the parties. We shall bestow on this important the fervent love of our country, which ought to anisubject the favorable consideration which it merits. mate our endeavors. In your co-operation, we are and with the national policy which ought to govern sure of a resource, which fortifies our hopes, that the our decision, shall not fail to mingle the affectionate fruits of the established Government will justify the sentiments which are awakened by those expressed confidence which has been placed in it, and recomin behalf of our fellow-citizens of Kentucky. mend it more and more to the affection and attach

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The present state of our trade in the Mediterranean see:ns not less to demand, and will accordingly receive the attention which you have recommended. Having already concurred in establishing a Judiciary system, which opens the doors of justice to all without distinction of persons, it will be our disposition to incorporate every improvement which experience may suggest; and we shall consider, in particular, how far the uniformity which in other cases is found convenient in the administration of the General Government through all the States, may be introduced into the forms and rules of executing sentences issuing from the Federal Courts.

ment of our fellow-citizens.

To the foregoing Address the President was pleased to reply:

GENTLEMEN: The sentiments expressed in your Address are entitled to my particular acknowledgment. Having no object but the good of our counTy, this testimony of approbation and confidence, from its immediate Representatives, must be among my best rewards, as the support of your enlightened patriotism has been among my greatest encouragements. Being persuaded that you will continue to be actuated by the same auspicious principle, I look forward to the happiest consequences from your de liberations during the present session.


TUESDAY, December 14.

JEREMIAH VAN RENSSELAER, from New York, and Thomas HARTLEY, from Pennsylvania, appeared and took their seats.

The following message was received from the President of the United States:

UNITED STATES, December 13, 1790. Gentlemen of the Senate

and House of Representatives: Having informed Congress of the expedition which had been directed against certain Indians Northwest of the Ohio, I embrace the earliest opportunity of laying before you the official communications which have been received upon that subject.


GEO. WASHINGTON. The official communications referred to in The proper regulation of the jurisdiction and func- the said message were read, and ordered to lie on the table. tions which may be exercised by Consuls of the United States in foreign countries, with the provisions The SPEAKER laid before the House a letter stipulated to those of His Most Christian Majesty established here, are subjects of too much conse- from the Secretary of the Treasury, accompaquence to the public interest and honor not to par-nying his Report, number two, of a plan for the take of our deliberations. institution of a National Bank, as referred to in

We shall renew our attention to the establishment his letter of yesterday, which was read, and or

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[DEC. 15, 1790.

it paragraph by paragraph, and the committee would determine respecting them as they saw proper; this appeared to him to be the natural way of doing the business.

Mr. VINING said, the difficulty appeared to originate in the mode; for his part, he thought the least circumlocutory the best, and for that reason had seconded the motion by the gentleman from South Carolina.

The motion of Mr. SMITH lay on the tablein paragraphs. On reading the paragraph reand the Chairman proceeded to read the Speech that the article should be inserted in the blank specting the Indian expedition, Mr. S. moved

in his motion.

Mr. LAWRENCE supposed it best to pass over this article.

Mr. VINING Concurred in the sentiment with Mr. LAWRENCE.

Mr. HARTLEY was opposed to passing this matter over; the prospect that further hostilities would take place between the inhabitants of the frontiers and the Indians, rendered it highly necessary that something should be done imme

A committee was accordingly appointed, consisting of Messrs. JACKSON, AMES, and STUR-diately.



On motion of Mr. SMITH, (of S. C.) the House resolved itself into a Committee of the whole, Mr. LIVERMORE in the chair; and took into consideration the Speech of the President of the United States to both Houses of Congress. The Speech was read by the Clerk; after which Mr. SMITH, of South Carolina, recapitulated the several subjects specially suggested to the consideration of the House by the Speech; he distinguished such parts of the Speech as were already in train, by being referred the last session to heads of Departments, and others which have been referred to committees; and then moved a resolution with a blank to be filled up with such articles as are not already particularly provided for, by being referred or committed.

Mr. BOUDINOT was in favor of choosing a committee to confer with the Senate on the mode of taking up the several parts of the Speech.

Mr. VINING was in favor of Mr. SMITH'S


Mr. LAWRENCE said, that it appeared to him that the usual mode of considering the Speech would be the best; he, therefore, thought it proper that it should be taken up in paragraphs; and where it appeared that particular parts were already disposed of, to let them be passed over; and with respect to others, committees might be appointed, as the Committee of the whole may determine.

Mr. CLYMER Supposed, that agreeable to the determination of the House last session, the whole business should be taken up de novo.

The Chairman observed, that as the whole Speech was now before the committee, it remained to proceed to the discussion of the several parts; pursuant to which he should read

Mr. SENEY said, he had no idea that any gentleman in the committee had it in view to pass over this business entirely; still he thought it impossible to determine at once what is proper to be done on every subject. The mode proposed by the gentleman from South Carolina appeared to him calculated to commit the judgment of the House.

Mr. LEE observed, that as the committee, as such, had no right to appoint a committee of any kind, he thought that any thing further than expressing the sense of the committee on the several parts of the Speech would be improper; with this view he submitted a resolution to the following effect, on the paragraph respecting Indian affairs, viz:

Resolved, That it is the opinion of the committee that the present posture of Indian affairs requires the serious attention of the Legislature.

This was seconded by Mr. SENEY.

Mr. SMITH objected to this motion as it did not bring the object fully before the committee. If the gentleman would consent that it should go so far as to propose the appointment of a SeTect Committee, he should have no objection to it.

Mr. LEE supported his motion.

Mr. LAWRENCE observed, that it appeared to him that nothing more was necessary to be done in this business, than providing the means of defraying the expense; he had supposed it would strike the committee in this point of light. The expediency or inexpediency of the expedition he presumed was not now to be discussed. The President does not appeal to the House to determine the propriety of his conduct. The expedition has been approved of by the House in their answer to the President's Speech. He therefore moved the following:

Resolved, As the sense of this committee, that immediate provision ought to be made to defray the ex

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penses of the expedition against the Indians, Northwest of the Ohio.

Mr. LEE withdrew his motion; and that of Mr. LAWRENCE being put, it was agreed to.

The paragraph respecting our navigation being read, Mr. GoODHUE observed, that the reason assigned by the gentleman from South Carolina, for passing over that part of the President's Speech, that this subject was connected with the fisheries on which a Report from the Secretary of the Treasury was expected, did not appear sufficient to him to justify their passing it over. He, therefore, moved the following:

Resolved, As the sense of this committee, that a - committee ought to be appointed to bring in a bill for the further encouragement of the navigation of the United States.

Mr. SMITH observed, that he thought the subject was referred to the Secretary of State. He read a paragraph from the Speech to show it was connected with the fisheries. He wished for a suspension of the business, as the exact state of affairs in Europe was at present unknown.

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bills providing for the establishment of a uniform standard of weights and measures throughout the United States.

Mr. BOUDINOT suggested the propriety of passing over this business at present; he mentioned a reason offered by the Secretary of State, that there was to be a Convention in Europe on this particular business; the result of the meeting is not yet known.

Mr. LAWRENCE proposed that as the Report of the Secretary of the Treasury had not been acted upon, that it should now be referred to a Committee of the whole House.

Mr. VINING observed, that if that Report was to be discussed by the House, they must divest themselves of the character of politicians, and assume that of philosophers; the discussion he conceived would employ the committee till next March twelve months. He thought the mode he proposed would be found more simple, and the committee appointed would naturally avail themselves of the Secretary's Report.

Mr. SMITH (of S. C.) was in favor of taking up the Secretary's Report in Committee of the whole.

Several members spoke against Mr. VINING'S motion, which being put, was lost.

Mr. FITZSIMONS said, that the reasons offered were sufficient to prevent a sudden decision; but did not, in his opinion, render it improper to take up the subject immediately. He should be opposed to an ultimate decision till the full-resolutions they had agreed upon to the House; est information is obtained. which being read, are as follows:

Mr. VINING entered into a general consideration of the subject. He thought the present the critical moment in which this interesting business should be discussed on its own proper principles; he thought the proposed resolution did not enter fully enough into the merits of the subject, agreeable to the ideas suggested by the President; he, therefore, proposed a resolution which went to express the sentiments of the House respecting making provision for the transportation of American produce in American bottoms.

Mr. GOODHUE objected to the motion of Mr. VINING at the present moment; though he fully accorded with him in principle, he thought the motion he had submitted would more generally meet the present ideas of the committee.

Mr. JACKSON Oopposed Mr. VINING'S motion; he said, though he was against taking any measures at present, he preferred the resolution of the gentleman from Salem.

Mr. VINING withdrew his motion.

Mr. GOODHUE's motion being put, passed in the affirmative.

The paragraph respecting the Mediterranean trade being read, Mr. SMITH moved the following:

Resolved, That such part of the President's Speech as relates to the trade to the Mediterranean be referred to the Secretary of State.

Agreed to.

The committee then rose, and reported the

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This resolution was agreed to, and referred to the Secretary of the Treasury.

Resolved, As the sense of this committee, that a committee ought to be appointed to bring in a bill or bills making further provision for the encouragement of the navigation of the United States.

Agreed to by the House, and referred to a committee of twelve.

Resolved, That such parts of the President's Speech as refer to the Mediterranean trade be referred to the Secretary of State.

On motion of Mr. BOUDINOT, it was

Resolved, That the Report of the Secretary of the Treasury on the subject of the unappropriated lands, and the instituting a land-office, be referred to a Committee of the whole House on Friday next.

On motion of Mr. SMITH, of South Carolina, the Report of the Secretary of State on the subject of weights and measures was referred to a Committee of the whole House on Wednesday next.

THURSDAY, December 16.

A petition of John Churchman, praying that the application he made at the first session of Con

On the subject of weights and measures, Mr.gress, for permission to undertake a voyage to VINING moved the following:

Resolved, As the sense of this committee, that a committee ought to be appointed to bring in a bill or

Baflin's Bay, at the public expense, for the purpose of making magnetical experiments to ascertain the causes of the variation of the needle,

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and how near the longitude can be thereby as-
certained, may now be determined.
Ordered, That the said petitions do lie on the

Mr. JACKSON, from the committee appointed for the purpose, presented a bill to continue an act for declaring the assent of Congress to certain acts of the States of Maryland, Georgia, and Rhode Island.

[DEC. 16, 1790.

Mr. GILMAN's motion being put, was carried in the affirmative.

Mr. FITZSIMONS suggested to the consideration of the committee, whether it would be the most eligible mode to subject all the citizens from eighteen to forty-five years of age, without exception, to turn out as soldiers. A much smaller number would, in his opinion, answer all the purposes of a militia. He thought the active militia might be comprised within a much The House resolved itself into a Committee smaller number, to be proportioned to the citiof the whole on the bill to establish a uniform zens of each State. The militia law of Pennmilitia throughout the United States, Mr. Li-sylvania had been of this general complexion, VERMORE in the chair. and had never compensated in its operation for the uneasiness it had excited, and the tax and grievance it had been to the people.


The committee made some progress in the discussion of the bill. Several amendments and alterations were proposed, and some of them adopted.

Mr. BOUDINOT said, that the idea now suggested was debated in the committee; and they Mr. PARKER observed, the clause which could not agree upon any other mode than that enacts that every man in the United States shall proposed in the bill. He very much disapprov"provide himself" with military accoutre-ed the idea of making a soldier of every man ments would be found impracticable, as it must be well known that there are many persons who are so poor that it is impossible they should comply with the law. He conceived, therefore, that provision should be made for arming such Mr. LAWRENCE said, that the idea of the genpersons at the expense of the United States. tleman from Pennsylvania struck at the princiHe then gave notice that, in the course of the ple of the bill; but as the hint may not be undiscussion of the bill, he should move an amend-worthy of consideration, he proposed that he ment to this purpose.

Mr. GILMAN observed, that obliging persons to turn out in the militia till they were fifty years of age, agreeable to the bill, would be found unnecessary and inconvenient, and is contrary to the practice of the several States; few, if any, requiring militia duties to be performed after the age of forty-five. He moved therefore, that fifty be struck out, and forty-five inserted.

Mr. VINING objected to the motion. He observed, that a great proportion of our citizens, especially those at the Eastward and Northward, were as capable of military services at fifty as at any period. Many in the ranks of the late Continental army, were, he believed, fifty and upwards, who were as good soldiers as any in the service. He thought the alteration unnecessary.

Mr. GILMAN replied, that he conceived the general practice of the States, which was found on experience to be the best, was a sufficient answer to the gentleman last speaking, and would sanction the adoption of the amendment he proposed.

Mr. LAWRENCE said, that by the laws of the State of New York, persons above forty-five years of age are not enrolled to do duty in the militia; and he thought that fifty was a period too late in life to be subject to military hard ships, if it could be avoided.

Mr. WILLIAMSON was in favor of the motion. Though he had seen men in the field who were advanced in life, it had not been without pain. He thought from sixteen to eighteen too early a period. Many at that tender age fell sacrifices to sickness and fatigue.



between eighteen and forty-five years of agethere is a manifest impropriety in the measure; and he wished some gentleman would propose an alteration.

should form a motion, and reduce it to writing. Mr. FITZSIMONS apologized for engrossing the time of the committee, especially as he had not prepared an amendment to that part of the bill to which he objected, not having contemplated the subject sufficiently; but on perusing the bill, it had been forcibly impressed on his mind, that subjecting the whole body of the people to be drawn out four or five times a year was a great and unnecessary tax on the community; that it could not conduce either to the acquisition of military knowledge, or the advancement of morals. As far as the whole body of the people are necessary to the general defence, they ought to be armed; but the law ought not to require more than is necessary; for that would be a just cause of complaint.

Mr. WADSWORTH said, that it appeared to him the gentleman's objections went only to that part of the bill which points out the number of days to be devoted to training the militia; as he had conceded that all from eighteen to forty-five ought to be armed.

Mr. JACKSON said, that he was of opinion that the people of America would never consent to be deprived of the privilege of carrying arms. Though it may prove burthensome to some individuals to be obliged to arm themselves, yet it would not be so considered when the advantages were justly estimated. Original institu tions of this nature are highly important. The Swiss Cantons owed their emancipation to their militia establishment. The English cities rendered themselves formidable to the Barons, by putting arms into the hands of their militia; and when the militia united with the Barons, they extorted Magna Charta from King John. In

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