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Hostess (who overhears). "MY GOODNESS, GRACIOUS ME!"

Well, well, we shall see. I then rode against BEN,
Now I'll tackle less skilful and resolute men,

In defiance of liking and luck too.

Ah! BEN was a Jock! What a seat, what a hand!
What an eye for an opening! Yes, it was grand
To fight out a finish with DIZZY.

BOB CECIL, BILL SMITH? Why, they're not in the hunt.
If once with Home Rule I can forge to the front,
Once more the old Jock will be busy.

But can I? The field has been running all wrong,
And to make a straight dash through the clustering throng
Is a task that might puzzle a topper;

Going round loses time, and that game often fails;
1 don't want to be driven on to the rails,
At the risk of a crush or a cropper.

SMITH's right in the road, stolid HARTY close by;
I fear I shall not "split" the pair if I try,

And a smasher would follow misjudging.
Then JOE-a raw hand with more rattle than stay.
Great SCOTT, if he'd only get out of the way!-


But you won't catch young Brummagem budging.
Shut in! Yes, by Jingo! They're all in the swim.
Were it BILL SMITH alone, I would soon settle him,
But the other two back him-confound 'em!
Home Rule's full of running, the post is in view,
But they're all in a cluster, I cannot get through,

And I fear there's not time to go round 'em!

AT THE LYCEUM.-No, no, not WARNER at the Lyceum, but Werner, a light-hearted Play, by BYRON,-not H. J., playwright, but Lord BYRON, poet. It is, or was, originally, in five Acts. But Mr. F. A. MARSHALL has been at work at it, and it may "It may be in ten Acts by this time-or it may be in three. be for years, or it may be for ever"-but, anyhow, it is going to be played on the afternoon of Wednesday June 1, with HENRY IRVING and ELLEN TERRY and a brilliant cast for the benefit of Dr. WESTLAND MARSTON. Sad that charity should be required for authors-but it is always the same story, and probably always will be, to the end of the Literary and Dramatic chapter; and there will always be friendly hands ready to do their utmost to aid distress. "The poor we have always with us," and the charitable too, thank Heaven, and indeed where would be the charity if it weren't for the poverty ? "There's a providence in it all," said Mr. Weller, Junior, O course there is, SAMMY," replied his father, " or what would occasion, the performance will be one of the greatest interest.

[They were only discussing the Mephistopheles of a Provincial Dra- become o' the undertakers ?" Apart from the special object of this

matic Company.



Grand Old Jockey, loquitur.

HUMPH! A capital mount, and, what's more, my own choice.
A last win, on its back, my old heart would rejoice,
Now I draw to the end of my tether.

My record is good, it must soon be made up.
Ah! how often we've pulled off a plate or a cup,
Myself and a good horse together ?

Eheu! The old days, the excitement, the pace!
The jocks I have rivalled in many a race!

The starts, and the blood-stirring finishes!
Have I lost in finesse? Am I failing in force?
By Jove! there's a rapture for rider and horse
The age very little diminishes.

The beat of the hoofs, and the pulse of the stride,
The lash of the wind, the quick gasp at one's side,
The spectators' tumultuous shouting-
These, known from of old, have a charm for me still;
The old eager hope, the old passionate thrill,

Still move me, yes, that is past doubting.
And now? Well, I've scarcely a popular mount,
At least so they say, though I fancy they count
The least little bit prematurely,

The Ring's cognoscenti. How often before
Have I saddled in face of a dissident roar,
And won at the finish securely!

They didn't much fancy my crack Irish Church,
They muttered that luck left Old WILL in the lurch
When Land Bill the Second he stuck to.

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