

and after 12 turns the mercury sinks to 15 inches. Compare the capacities of the receiver and the barrel of the pump.



(Only one of the two subjects for Composition is to be attempted.)

For an Essay :


1. "Heroism." What do you understand by this term?


2. The effects of men's employments upon their characters.

3. Explain the force of the verb in the following expressions: It strikes four; The earth moves; The fish weighs five pounds; A house to let.

4. Give examples of the following rules: "When the subject, though having a plural form, is still regarded as one thing, the verb is singular;" "When two nouns describe one and the same subject, the verb is singular;" "A collective noun takes a singular verb when the idea of unity is prominent, but a plural verb when the idea of plurality is prominent."


5. What is the force of the genitive case in English? Give examples of different meanings which it may be used to express.

6. Show, by examples, the meanings of in, re, and for in Composition.

7. Point out, and explain any peculiarity in the spelling of wherever, freer, schism, could.

8. Take any four words which have undergone important changes in meaning since their original introduction into English; and account for the changes.

9. In what respects are the following sentences incorrect or obscure? Rewrite them. "Some persons will have perceived with surprise that an Englishman should have consented to take service in a foreign court." "This event will hereafter take rank among the annals of the empire." "His brave heart and love of adventure made him an agreeable companion and many friends."

10. In what respects are the following sentences incorrect or obscure? Rewrite them. "The practice is increasing since the French Treaty of adulterating wines." "The Senate had decreed a separate triumph to both of them." "A Scotchman will not marry on a Saturday. Except when the last day of the year falls on a Saturday it is the favourite marrying day in Scotland."



1. Describe, topographically, any city.

2. Write a letter describing a journey by railway. 3. Give a list of English words which, with the same spelling, have different meanings.

4. Give a list of English words which vary their signification with their accent.

5. Quote a few English proverbs, and explain them.

6. Describe the use of auxiliary verbs in Grammar, and give examples of their use.

7. Mention any parts of the verb in English which have a tendency to become obsolete. Show that this tendency is common to other languages.

8. Give a list of foreign words which have become naturalized in English during the two last centuries.

9. Explain the derivations of the following words: candidate, sycophant, curfew, history, algebra, almanack, hypocrite, seraph, assassin, sarcasm, and gazette. 10. Out of what elements is the English language chiefly formed. In what relative proportion are those elements found in modern English?

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1. Between whom, when, and with what results, were the battles of Brunanburg (or Brunsbury), Bouvines, Boroughbridge, and Otterburn, fought?

2. Who were the villeins? On what occasions does any mention of them occur in English history?

3. What foreign allies had England in its wars with France, prior to the reign of Elizabeth?

4. What was the office of papal legate? Mention any persons who bore it in England; and refer briefly to the use they made of their authority.

5. Describe Queen Elizabeth's foreign policy.

6. State the effect generally, on the English Constitution, of the troubles in Charles I's reign.

7. Give an account of the Rye House Plot, its causes, objects, and issue.

8. Show how the Hanoverian and English crowns became united, and how separated. Mention events in the history of each country which arose out of the connexion.

9. State the principal articles of the treaties of Utrecht, Versailles, and Amiens.

10. Refer briefly to any important events which took place during the administration of the Duke of Newcastle, in the reign of George II, and of Lord North, in the reign of George III.



1. Describe the condition of England in the reign of Edward the Confessor.

2. Write a short life of Edward II.

3. Write a character, not a life, of Richard III. 4. Describe the condition of the poor in England before and after the suppression of monasteries.

5. Describe the progress made in England toward civil and religious liberty during the 17th century.

6. Mention the chief events which occurred during the reign of George I.

7. Trace the descent of Queen Victoria from Henry VII.

8. Write a short summary of the events which occurred in English History between the Peace of Amiens and the battle of Navarino.


9. Mention the chief events which occurred during the reign of William IV.

10. Give some account of the lives of Lord Liverpool, Mr. Canning, Daniel O'Connell, Sir Robert Peel, and King Leopold of Belgium.



1. Name the seas which are connected by the Straits of Yenicale, Bab-el-Mandeb, Dover, Corea, Magellan, the Dardanelles, and Davis's and Behring's Straits.

2. Describe the route or routes from Liverpool to Melbourne.

3. Enumerate the principal harbours of the United Kingdom; and mention briefly any peculiar merits or demerits of each.

4. What geographical districts are signified by the terms, Schleswig-Holstein, Silesia, the Quadrilateral? Give some account of them generally.

5. Name the rivers which have their sources in the Alps; and say in what parts of the Alps they respectively rise.

6. Define, with examples, the terms, sea, frith, sound, estuary, gulf, lake. Mention any salt lakes. Do these agree in any one respect?

7. Mention the political divisions of the region called Turkestan or Independent Tartary. Give some account of its physical characteristics.

8. In the accompanying map insert the names of any towns which enjoy great commercial importance,

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