
2. Decline in the singular and plural Solch ein Herz.

3. Give the past participle of Sein, Werden, Mögen, Müssen, Wissen.

4 Conjugate Sprechen in the indicative present and imperfect.

5. Give the 3rd pers. sing. present of Austheilen, Vergehen, Ueberzeugen, Untergehen, Unterhandeln.

6. Explain 3m nu; um die Wette; im Stich gelassen; das frägt sich; das schickt sich nicht; Vormund; Jahr ein Jahr aus.

Morning Paper.


1. By what characters would you readily distinguish Earthy, from Saline and Metallic minerals? and give examples of each of these classes.

2. What is understood by the crystallographical or geometrical axes, and by the optic axes of crystals? and mention any instances where they coincide.

3. Under what different conditions is Sulphur found in Nature? Give examples of minerals containing a large amount of sulphur, and state how you would easily recognise them.

4. Mention the Metallic and other minerals which are found as grains or pebbles in modern or ancient river deposits, and explain the causes of their occurrence in such localities.

5. Explain the terms, Crystallized, Crystalline, and Amorphous, as applied to rocks or minerals; and give examples of the different structures.

6. Explain the different operations which can be performed by means of the blow-pipe, and give examples.

7. Give a definition of each of the terms, Fault, Dyke, and Lode.

8. By what mineral or structural characters, and modes of occurrence, would you recognize or distinguish the Granitic, Porphyritic, and Volcanic rocks?

9. Explain the difference between Cleavage, Foliation, and Lamination of rocks.

10. Upon what evidence is it inferred that certain strata are of Freshwater or Estuarine origin? Give examples of rocks so formed.

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11. In mining and other districts, the underground rocks are frequently found to be faulted; why is it that the present levels of the surface are rarely affected by the dislocations?

12. Mention the coal-fields of Great Britain, in the order of their present ascertained extent.

13. Give a table of the Lower Paleozoic rocks; explain the meaning of the names applied to the chief divisions, and mention some of the characteristic fossils.

14. What is the value of an accurate knowledge of the Organic remains found in the Stratified rocks? 15. State the proofs that the Stratified rocks have not been formed at one period.

16. Arrange under their respective classes the following genera, and give their Geological distribution Calymene, Paradoxides, Goniatites, Belemnites, Bellerophon, Productus, Terebratula, Gryphea, Trigonia, Ichthyosaurus, Iguanodon, Pterichthys, Nummulites.


Afternoon Paper.


1. What crystalline forms exhibit double refraction? Distinguish those which have one axis of double refraction, from those which have two such


2. Enumerate the varieties of Corundum. Describe their physical characters, and mode of occurrence; name the localities where they are chiefly found, and state the uses to which they are applied.

3. Give a list of the most important metallic products of the British Islands; and of the Counties from which they are procured.

4. State the composition of Anthracite. Explain in what respect Anthracite differs from Common Coal, and why it is so seldom used for fuel.

5. What is the general composition of Felspar? Describe, at least, two of its most important varieties, and state in what kind of rock, and under what conditions, they usually occur.

6. Explain the meaning of the terms porphyritic, amygdaloidal, scoriaceous, pumiceous, vesicular, and schistose, as applied to rocks.

7. What is the mineralogical composition or Granite? Explain the theories of its origin, derived from physical and chemical arguments.

8. Give instances of large deposits and rockmasses owing their origin to animal agency.

9. Explain why the relative ages of rocks cannot always be inferred from their relative levels, or heights. Show, by means of a sketch, how a rock

may form the hills or high grounds, while another which overlies it forms the valleys or low grounds; state how these effects have been produced.

10. Show the relation of Earthquakes to the Volcanic Zones.

11. What position in the geological scale does the Purbeck formation occupy? Mention the English localities where it occurs, its economic products; also the general character of its fossils, and the inferences to be drawn from them.

12. Explain the meaning of the term characteristic fossil. Give the names of a few such fossils with those of the formations of which they are characteristic.

13. How may the usual rarity of organic remains in beds of gravel be accounted for?

14. To what class in the Animal Kingdom are the Graptolites referred? Of what rocks are they

characteristic ?

15. At what geological periods did Crustaceans, Fishes, Reptiles, Birds, and Mammals reach the maximum of Zoological importance?

16. Describe the meaning of the London Basin. Give the names and thicknesses of the formations of which it is composed.

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