
Errors concerning natural and Christian ethics.

obedientiam detrectare, immo et rebellare licet.

Epist. Encycl. Quipluribus 9 novembris 1846. Alloc. Quisque vestrum 4 octobris 1847.

Epist. Encycl. Noscitis et
Nobiscum 8 decembris 1849.
Litt. Apost. Cum catholica
26 martii 1860.

LXIV. Tum cujusque sanctissimi juramenti violatio, tum quælibet scelesta flagitiosaque actio sempiternæ legi repugnans, non solum haud est improbanda, verum etiam omnino licita, summisque laudibus efferenda, quando id pro patriæ amore agatur. Alloc. Quibus quantisque 20 aprilis 1849.

obedience to legitimate Princes; nay more, to rise in insurrection against them.

64. The violation of a solemn oath, nay, any wicked and flagitious action repugnant to the eternal law, is not only not blamable, but quite lawful, and worthy of the highest praise when done for the love of one's country.

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Alloc. Acerbissimum 27 sep

tembris 1852.

LXVIII. Ecclesia non habet potestatem impedimenta matrimonium dirimentia inducendi, sed ea potestas civili auctoritati competit, a qua impedimenta existentia tollenda sunt.

Litt. Apost. Multiplices inter 10 junii 1851.

LXIX. Ecclesia sequioribus sæculis dirimentia impedimenta inducere cœpit, non jure proprio, sed illo jure usa quod a civili potestate mutuata erat.

Litt. Apost. Ad apostolicæ

22 augusti 1851.

LXX. Tridentini canones qui anathematis censuram illis inferunt qui facultatem impedimenta dirimentia inducendi Ecclesiæ negare audeant, vel non sunt dogmatici vel de hac mutuata potestate intelligendi sunt.

Litt. Apost. Ad apostolica 22 augusti 1851.

LXXI. Tridentini forma sub infirmitatis pœna non obligat, ubi lex civilis aliam formam præstituat, et velit hac nova forma interveniente matrimonium valere.

Litt. Apost. Ad apostolicæ

22 augusti 1851.

LXXII. Bonifacius VIII. votum castitatis in ordinatione emissum nuptias nullas reddere primus asseruit.

Litt. Apost. Ad apostolica 22 augusti 1851.

LXXIII. Vi contractus mere civilis potest inter christianos constare veri nominis matrimonium; falsumque est, aut contractum matrimonii inter christianos semper esse sacramen

Errors concerning 68. The Church has not the Christian power of laying down what are marriages. diriment impediments to marriage. The civil authority does possess such a power, and can abolish impediments that may exist to marriage.

Church, when she laid down 69. In the better ages, the certain impediments as diriment to marriage, did so not of her own authority, but by a right borrowed from the civil power.

70. The canons of the Council of Trent, which pronounce censure of anathema against those who deny the Church the right of laying down what are diriment impediments, either are not dogmatic, or must be understood as referring to such borrowed power.

71. The form of solemnising marriage prescribed by the said Council, under penalty of nullity, does not bind in cases where the civil law has appointed another form, and decrees that this new form shall effectuate a valid marriage.

72. Boniface VIII. is the first who declared that the vow of chastity pronounced at Ordination annuls marriage.

73. A merely civil contract may among Christians constitute a true marriage, and it is false either that the marriage contract between Christians must always be a sacrament, or that

Errors concerning Christian


Errors regarding the civil power of the sovereign

tum, aut nullum esse contractum, si sacramentum excludatur.

Litt. Apost. Ad apostolica

22 augusti 1851.

Lettera di S. S. PIO IX. al Re di Sardegna, 9 settembre 1852.

Alloc. Acerbissimum 27 septembris 1852.

Alloc. Multis gravibusque decembris 1860.

LXXIV. Causæ matrimoniales et sponsalia suapte natura ad forum civile pertinent.

Litt. Apost. Ad apostolicæ
22 augusti 1851.
Alloc. Acerbissimum 27 sep-
tembris 1852.

N.B. Huc facere possunt duo alii errores de clericorum cœlibatu abolendo et de statu matrimonii statui virginitatis anteferendo. Confodiuntur, prior in Epist. Encycl. Qui pluribus 9 novembris 1846, posterior in litteris apost. Multiplices inter 10 junii 1851.

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the contract is null if the sacrament be excluded.

74. Matrimonial causes and espousals belong by their nature to civil jurisdiction.

N.B.-Two other errors may tend in this direction upon the abolition of the celibacy of Priests and the preference due to the state of marriage over that of virginity. These have been refuted; the first in the Encyclical Qui pluribus, Nov. 9, 1846; the second in the Letters Apostolical 'Multiplices inter, June 10, 1851.

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N.B. Besides these errors, Errors reexplicitly noted, very many civil power garding the others are rebuked by the cer- of the tain doctrine which all Catholics sovereign. are bound most firmly to hold touching the temporal Sovereignty of the Roman Pontiff. These doctrines are clearly stated in the Allocutions 'Quantis quantumque,' April 20, 1859, and 'Si semper antea,' May 20, 1850; Letters Apost. Quam Catholica Ecclesia,' March 26, 1860; Allocutions Novos,' Sept. 28, 1860; Jamdudum,' March 18, 1861, and Maxima quidem,' June 9, 1862.

SECT. X.--Errors having re- Modern ference to Modern Liberal- liberalism.


77. In the present day it is no longer necessary that the Catholic religion shall be held as the only religion of the State, to the exclusion of all other modes of worship.

78. Whence it has been wisely provided by the law, in some countries called Catholic, that persons coming to reside therein shall enjoy the free exercise of their own worship.

79. Morcover it is false that the civil liberty of every mode of worship and the full power given to all of overtly and publicly manifesting their opinions and their ideas conduce more easily to corrupt the morals and minds of the people, and to the

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