TOMPKINS COUNTY. Merchants' and Farmers' Bank. Ithaca. Organized in 1838, to continue 100 years. Capital, $80,000. C. E. Hardy, Cashier. Tompkins County Bank.-Ithaca. Organized in 1836, to continue 30 years. Capital, $250,000. Shares, 100 dollars. H. Camp, President. ULSTER COUNTY. N. T. Williams, Cashier. Bank of Rondout. - Rondout. Organized October 5, 1848. Capital, $150,000. E. B. Newkirk, Cashier. Bank of Ulster.-Saugerties. Organized June 17, 1852. Capital, $150,000. A. J. Ketcham, Cashier. Kingston Bank. Kingston. John Kiersted, President. 100 dollars. Organized in 1836. Charter expires in 1866. Capital, $200,000. Shares, Organized in 1831. Charter expires in 1861. Capital, $100,000. Shares, 50 dollars. Cornelius Bruyn, President. WARREN COUNTY. C. D. Bruyn, Cashier. Glen's Falls Bank. - Glen's Falls. Organized October 31, 1851. Capital, $112,000. Commercial Bank of Glen's Falls. - Glen's Falls. Organized April 28, 1853. Capital, $136,400. WASHINGTON COUNTY. John Alden, Cashier. Isaiah Scott, Cashier. Bank of Fort Edward.-Fort Edward. Organized October 3, 1851. Capital, $200,000. Joseph Parry, President. Bank of Salem.-Salem. Organized May 17, 1853. Capital, $139,546. Bank of Whitehall.-Whitehall. A. Wing, Cashier. Organized in 1829. Charter expires in 1859. Capital, $100,000. Cambridge Valley Bank.-North White Creek. B. Blair, President. B. F. Bancroft, Cashier. D. Jones, President. E. W. Parker, Cashier. Farmers' Bank of Washington County.-Fort Edward. Organized January 30, 1856. Capital, $162,921. George Clements, Cashier. Washington County Bank. Greenwich. Organized in 1839, to continue 211 years. Capital, $200,000. Henry Holmes, President. E. Andrews, Cashier. Organized February 24, 1844. Capital, $48,609. P. R. Westfall, Cashier. Gerard Crane, President. Croton River Bank. South-East. Farmers' and Drovers' Bank. - Somers. Organized in 1839, to continue 111 years. Capital, $111,150. Westchester County Bank.-Peekskill. Organized in 1833. Charter expires 1863. Capital, $200,000. WYOMING COUNTY. Farmers' Bank of Attica. Attica. T. Reed, Cashier H. M. Bissell, Cashier. D. F. Clapp, Cashier. C. A. G. Depew, President. CHARTERED BANK CAPITAL IN THE STATE OF NEW YORK AT DIFFERENT PERIODS. Capital. $43,734,833 47,779.727 Capital. PERIODS. No. of Banks. 150. "1810.... 10. 7,430,000 "1851 55,580.181 59,705,683 "1820. 33... 21,105,000 "1853 73,183.251 25,105,000 "1854. 83,778,288 "1830 53.... 29,805,000 "1855. 85.589,590 "1835. 94....... 31,483,460 "1840......106....... 36,733,460 "1857.....279.107,507,659 Total number of Banks in the State of New York, January, 1858, 279, of which 54 are in the city of New York. Total capital, $99,680,237. Total.....1,499 $134,301,556 $219,337,574 $673,986,767 $84,158,270 STATEMENT Showing the number of Banking Associations and Individual Bankers in each county, the Amount of Capital, and the Amount of Circulation outstanding, October 1, 1857. SUMMARY, showing the aggregate of the Resources and Liabilities and other matters of the Institutions for Savings of the State of New York, as exhibited by their reports to the Superintendent of the Banking De partment, on the 1st day of January, 1858. Cash on hand, not deposited in banks. $20,234,586 $48,668,888 17,349,300 17,818,700 17,029,242 1,582,227 1,123,961 21,046 947,165 3,287,441 854,770 50,462 17,190 70 $43,885,991 Amount loaned or deposited, not included under either of the 1858, was $41,422,672 25,651 2,437,623 45 $43,885,991 $203 24 The number of open accounts on the morning of January 1st, 203.804 The total amount deposited during the calendar year 1857, was 24,830,443 The total amount withdrawn during the calendar year 1857. was 26,541,682 The amount received for interest during the calendar year 1857, was The amount for interest placed to the credit of depositors for the same period, was.. 2,643,615 2,070,851 |