

Bank for Savings in the City of New York.-67 Bleecker Street. Chartered in 1819. Open daily from 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. for general busi

ness, and from 4 to 6 P. M. for receiving and paying moneys.
$8,990,840. Dividends payable third Monday in January and July.
Najah Taylor, President.


Jas. F. De Peyster, Treasurer.

J. De Peyster Ogden, Secretary.

Bloomingdale Savings Bank. -1085 Broadway.

Open daily from 1 to 4 p. M. Interest payable third Monday in January and July.

Enoch T. Winter, President.

John Waite, Secretary.

Bowery Savings Bank. -130 Bowery. Incorporated May 1, 1854. Open daily from 10 A. M. to 2 P. M. Assets, $7,206,563. Dividends payable third Monday in January and July. James Mills, President.

G. H. Coggeshall, Secretary.


Broadway Savings Institution.-Broadway, corner of Park Place. Incorporated in 1851. Open daily from 10 A. M. to 3 P.M. Monday evening from 5 to 7 P. M. Assets, $689,919. Dividends in January and July.

Francis P. Shoals, President.

W. B. Worrall, Secretary.

Peter Cumming, Accountant.

Dry Dock Savings Bank.-619 Fourth Street, near Avenue C. Open Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays, from 5 to 7 P. M. Assets.

$972,136. Interest payable January and July.

Andrew Mills, President.

James L. Stewart, Secretary.


East River Savings Bank.-3 Chambers Street. Incorporated April 11, 1848. Open daily from 10 A. M. to 2 р. м. sets, $662,589. Dividends payable the third Monday in January and July. Interest paid, 6 per cent. annually. Peter H. Titus, President.

Charles A. Whiting, Secretary.

Emigrant Industrial Savings Bank.-51 Chambers Street. Incorporated April 10, 1850. Open daily from 10 A. M. to 2 р. м.

sets, $1,409,530. Dividends in January and July. Joseph Stuart, President.


John Manning, Comptroller.

Greenwich Saving Bank. - 78 Sixth Avenue.

Incorporated in 1833. Open daily from 10 A. M. to 2 P. M., and from 5

to 7 P. M. Assets, $3,466,349. Wm. Mandeville, President.

Clinton Gilbert, Treasurer.

Institution for the Savings of Merchants' Clerks.-516 Broadway. Incorporated April 12, 1848. Open daily from 10 A. M. to 2 P. M., and on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday evenings from 5 to 7 P. M. Assets, $1,202,287. Dividends payable third Monday in January and July.

Moses H. Grinnell, President.

Andrew Warner, Secretary

Irving Savings Bank. -96 Warren Street. Organized in 1851. Open daily from 10 A. M. to 2 P. M., and from 4 to 7 P. M. on Mondays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. Assets, $612,363. Moses D. Van Pelt, President.

V. L. Buxton, Secretary.

John Thompson, Treasurer.

Manhattan Savings' Institution.-644 Broadway.

Organized 1851. Open daily from 9 a. M. to 7 р. м. Dividends, Janu

ary and July. Assets, $1,456,137.

Edwin J. Brown, President.

A. A. Alvord, Secretary.

Mariners' Savings' Institution.-3d Avenue, corner of 9th Street. Organized 1852. Open daily from 9 A. M. to 2 P. M.. and on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons from 5 to 7 o'clock. Assets, $325,530. Interest payable in January and July.

Thomas B. Stillman, President.

Isaac T. Smith, Secretary.

Mechanics' and Traders' Savings' Institution.-482 Grand Street. Organized 1852. Interest payable in January and July. Assets, $319,605.

Alfred T. Conklin, President.

Rose Hill Savings

Organized 1855. Open daily.

and October. Assets, $35,306. Wm. H. Platt, President.

Bank. -81 Eighth Avenue.

Interest payable January, April, July,

H. Loof borrow, Secretary.

Seamen's Bank for Savings.-No. 78 Wall Street.

Chartered in 1829. Open daily from 10 A. M. until 2 р. м. Interest

payable in January and July. Assets, $7,229,455.

Peletiah Perit, President.

Joseph W. Alsop, Treasurer.

William Nelson, Secretary.
Ebenezer Platt, Cashier.

Sixpenny Savings Bank.-Clinton Hall, Astor Place. Open from 9 A. M. to 8 P. м. Interest payable February and August.

Assets, $85,922.

Elijah F. Purdy, President.

J. S. Sloan, Secretary.

Brooklyn Savings Bank.-Fulton, corner Concord Street. Incorporated in 1827. Assets, $2,334,117. Dividends, January and July.

Hosea Webster, President.

John A. Latimer, Accountant.

South Brooklyn Savings' Institution.-170 Atlantic, corner Clinton Street.
Open daily. Assets, $353,639.
Ira Smith, President.

Ezra Lewis, Secretary.

Williamsburgh Savings Bank. - Corner Fourth and South Third streets,

Open daily. Assets, $787,537.
Wm. Wall, President.


S. W. Truslow, Secretary.

Albany Savings Bank. -40 State Street, Albany. Incorporated March 24, 1820. Open daily at the Commercial Bank. Assets, $969,333 80. Dividends, third Wednesday in January and July. G. Y. Lansing, President. V. Ten Eyck, Treasurer.

Albany City Savings Institution.-47 State Street, Incorporated March 29, 1850. Open daily at the Albany City Bank. Assets, $161,078. Interest payable in January and July. Erastus Corning, President.

Henry H. Martin, Treasurer.

Albany Exchange Savings Bank. -450 Broadway.

Incorporated April 18, 1856. Open daily. Interest paid in April and October.

James McNaughton, President.

Joseph M. Lovett, Treasurer.

Dime Savings Bank. -51 State Street, Albany.

John Winne, President.

Wm. White, Treasurer.

Mechanics' and Farmers' Savings Bank.-Broadway, corner Exchange

Open daily from 10 A. M. to 2 P. M.
T. W. Olcott, President.

Thomas Olcott, Treasurer.
State, corner James Street, Albany.
Open daily. Dividends in January and

Sixpenny Savings Bank.
Incorporated April 17, 1854.
Thomas Schuyler, President.
Cohoes Savings Bank. -Cohoes, Albany Co.

Assets, $23,948.

-, President.

H. G. Gilbert, Treasurer.

Auburn Savings Institution.

Incorporated March 4th, 1849. Open daily. Assets, $36,275.

Charles B. Perry, President.

Buffalo Savings

Charles P. Wood, Treasurer.


Incorporated May, 1846. Open daily. Assets, $935,929 52.

Russell H. Heywood, President.

H. Howard, Secretary.

Erie County Savings Bank.-Buffalo.

Incorporated in April, 1854. Open daily. Assets, $435,470 87.

Wm. A. Bird, President.

Cyrus P. Lee, Secretary

Western Savings Bank.-Buffalo.

Chartered July, 1851. Assets, $71,290.

H. Thompson, President.

Central Savings Bank.-13 First Street, Troy.

Incorporated in April, 1857. Open daily, at the Central Bank.

J. L. Van Schoonhoven, President.

J. B. Kellogg, Accountant.

Commercial Savings Bank of Troy.

Mutual Savings Bank. - Troy.

State Savings Bank of Troy.

Open every day for the transaction of business, except Sundays and

holidays, at 10 o'clock A. M. Interest, 5 per cent.

Alfred Wotkyns, President.

Willard Gay, Treasurer and Secretary.

Troy Savings Bank. -10 First Street.

Established in 1823. Open daily, from 10 л. м. to 2 р. м., and from 3 to 5 р. м. Assets, $543,947. Interest allowed, 5 per cent.

Jared S. Weed, President. Charles B. Russell, Secretary and Accountant.

Elmira Savings Bank. Elmira, Chemung County, N. Y.
-, President.

Fishkill Savings, Institution.-Fishkill, Dutchess County, N. Y.
-, President.

Ponghkeepsie Savings Bank. -Poughkeepsie, Dutchess County, N. Y.
Assets, $214,695.

-, President.

Hudson City Savings Institution.-Hudson, Columbia County, N. Y. Assets, $35,083.


Newburgh Savings Bank. Newburgh, Orange County, N. Y. Assets, $29,889.

--, President.

Monroe County Savings' Institution.-Rochester.

Incorporated in 1850. Open daily. Assets, $163,508.
William N. Sage, President.

Jonathan E. Pierpont, Sec. and Treas.

Rochester Savings Bank.

Incorporated in 1821. Open daily. Assets, $1,102,650.

Edward Whalin, Secretary.

Geo. S. Harris, Treasurer.

Brockport Savings Bank.-Brockport, Monroe County, N. Y.

John Haywood, President.

Assets, $

[blocks in formation]

Open daily. Assets, $287,483.

Thomas Walker, President.

Assets, $24,889.

-, President.

Stalham, Williams, Sec. and Treas.

Rome Savings Bank. -Rome, Oneida County, N. Y.

Onondaga County Savings Bank. - Syracuse..

Incorporated in 1855. Open daily. Assets, $63.082.

Allen Munroe, President.

Daniel P. Wood, Secretary.

S. H. Slossin, Treasurer.

Syracuse Savings Institution.

Incorporated in 1849. Open daily. Assets, $150,605.

James Lynch, Vice-President.

T. A. Thayer, Secretary and Treasurer.

Harvey Baldwin, President.

Assets, $55,854.

-, President.

Ulster County Savings Institution. - Kingston.

Sing-Sing Savings Bank.-Sing-Sing, Westchester County, N. Y

Assets, $22,366.

--, President..

Westchester County Savings Bank. -Tarrytown.

Assets, $81,537.

-, President.'

Assets, $33,890.

---, President.

Yonkers Saving Bank.-Yonkers, Westchester County, N. Y.



ATLANTIC MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY.-51 Wall, corner William Street. Chartered in April, 1842; to continue 30 years. Capital, about $2,000,000. Dividends, 1st Tuesday in February. Insure marine and inland transportation risks. Profits wholly divided with the insured.

John D. Jones, President.
W. H. H. Moore, 2d Vice-President.

Charles Dennis, 1st Vice-President.
Wm. T. Jones, Secretary.

COMMERCIAL MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY.-57 and 59 William Street. Organized in May, 1852; to continue 20 years. Assets, $719,000. Dividends in August. Insure marine and inland transportation risks. Profits wholly divided with the insured. Daniel Drake Smith, President.

A. B. Holmes, Vice-President.

Henry D. King, Secretary.

COLUMBIAN (MARINE) INSURANCE COMPANY.-46 Exchange Place. Chartered August, 1857; to continue 20 years. Capital, $500,000, with privilege to increase to $3,000,000. Shares, 100 dollars each. Dividends, May and November. Profits divided with the policy holders.

Thomas Lord, President.

B. C. Morris, Vice-President.

Pierre C. Kane, Secretary.

GREAT WESTERN (MARINE) INSURANCE COMPANY.-33 Pine Street. Chartered July, 1855; for 30 years. Capital, $1,000,000, with privilege to increase to $5,000,000. Shares, 100 dollars each. Dividends, January and July. Profits divided with the policy holders.

Richard Lathers, President.

James F. Cox, 2d Vice-President.

John A. Parker, 1st Vice-President.
Douglass Robinson, Secretary.


MERCANTILE MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY. - 35 Wall Street. Chartered April, 1842; to continue 30 years. Assets, $900,000. sure marine and inland transportation risks. Profits divided with the insured in part.

Ellwood Walter, President.

Charles Newcomb, Vice-President.

C. I. Deshard, Secretary.

NEW YORK MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY. 61 William Street. Chartered April, 1842; to continue 30 years. Assets, $1,000,000. Dividends in August. Insure marine and inland transportation risks. Profits

wholly divided with the insured.

T. B. Satterthwaite, President.

John H. Lyell, Vice-President.

W. P. Hansford, Secretary.


Incorporated May 27, 1853. Capital, $300,000. Shares, 100 dollars each.

Insure marine, inland navigation and fire risks.

Elisha Bloomer, President.

Charles W. Ogden, Vice-President.

William A. Ellery, Secretary.

ORIENT MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY.-2 and 4 Merchants' Exchange.
Chartered in January, 1854; to continue 30 years. Assets, $1,250,000.

Insure marine and inland transportation risks.
Leopold Bierwirth, President.

Alfred Ogden, Vice-President. Charles Irving, Secretary.

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