FOREIGN INSURANCE COMPANIES. FIRE INSURANCE AGENCIES IN THE STATE OF NEW YORK, WITH THE LOCATION OF THE PRINCIPAL OFFICES, CAPITAL, AND AGENTS. NAME. Commonwealth, Pa. Philadelphia.. Charter Oak Hartford, Conn..... Hartford, Conn. New Haven. Philadelphia. Philadelphia.. Athens, Bradford Co., Pa. Philadelphia. Boston, Mass.. Philadelphia Springfield, Mass.. Hartford, Conn... Philadelphia. Ins. Co. of N. Amer. Philadelphia. Jersey City.. Liverpool and London, Fire&Life Massasoit.... Manufacturers' Merchants'. Merchants'. Merchants'. National.. Neptune. North American.. North American. Norwich.. Phoenix.... Quaker City Quincy Roger Williams'. Royal Reliance Safeguard.. Springfield. State Trident.. Unity Washington. Western. Jersey City, N. J........ Liverpool and London.. Boston, Mass.. Philadelphia... Philadelphia Springfield, Mass..... Providence, R. I..... Providence. R. I....... Pittsfield, Mass...... $1,000.000 Jas. A. Alexander, 62 Wall St. 800,000 Asa Bigelow, 46 Pine Street. 150,000 Asa Bigelow, 46 Pine Street. 500,000 S. G. Walker, 75 Liberty Street. 150,000 223,000 Seeley & Parsons, 64 Wall St. 800,000 Asa Bigelow, 46 Pine Street. 150,000 E. White, 61 Wall Street. 200.000 E. White, 61 Wall Street. 500,000 Warren Carter, 1 Nassau St. 800,000 Elisha Peck, 4 Broad Street. 150.000 Elisha Peck, 4 Broad Street. 150,000, Elisha Peck, 4 Broad Street. 356,000 D. P. Reisch, 26 Merch's Exch. 150,350 Edwards Bro's, 29 William Stu 200,000 Edwards Bros, 29 William St. 400,000 P. Nolman, 27 Wall Street. 300,000 J. P. Tappan, 18 Mer's Exch. 222,300 Lewis Gregory, 49 William St. 228,000 Seeley & Parsons, 64 Wall St. 500.000 E. White, 61 Wall Street. 600,000 8. Lee, 42 Pine Street. 500,000 Jas. S. Hollinshead, 74 Wall St. 150,000 S. W. Osborn, 9 Mer's Exch. 10,000,000 Alfred } Pell, 56 Wall Street, 400,000 Asa Bigelow, 46 Pine Street. 176,000 Seeley & Parsons, 64 Wall St. 200.000 Elisha Peck, 4 Broad Street. 500,000 Asa Bigelow, 46 Pine Street. 200,000 Edwards Bro's, 29 William St. 500,000 J. P. Tappan, 18 Mer's Exch. 300.000 J. P. Tappan, 18 Mer's Exch. 200,000 Asa Bigelow, 46 Pine Street. 800.000 Elisha Peck, 4 Broad Street. 150,000 Jas. A. Alexander, 72 Wall St. 200,000 E. White, 61 Wall Street. 300,000 Benson B. Smith, 4 Broad St. 357.000 100,000 10,000,000 A. B. McDonald, 76 Wall St. 250,000 S. G. Walker, 75 Liberty St. 200,000 Albert Welles, 136 Nassau St. 150,000 Seeley & Parsons, 64 Wall St. 200,000 Warren Carter, 1 Nassau St. 150,000 10,000,000 Geo. Adlard, 58 Wall Street. 200,000 Asa Bigelow, 46 Pine Street. 150,000 E. White, 61 Wall Street. LIFE INSURANCE AGENCIES. A. B. Neilson, President......... (Pres. Sun Mutual In. Com.) MARINE INSURANCE COMPANIES BELONGING TO THE BOARD OF UNDERWRITERS. A. B. Neilson. PRINCIPAL BANKERS IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Attwood & Co., 92 Broadway. Clark, Dodge & Co., 51 Wall Street. Ferguson, R. C., F. H. Grain & C. F. Ketchum, Howe & Co., 40 Ex. Place. THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. (Located corner William and Cedar streets.) This institution, first chartered in 1770, under the reign of George the Third, King of England, was confirmed and amended by act of the Legislature of the State of New York, April 13, 1784. "The advantages to the public arising from the establishment of this body are very obvious. To the commercial community, especially, the benefits are large, and every year these results are becoming greater. There is one point, however, which the Chamber have overlooked, one which claims their especial attention, viz., an annual report upon the Commerce of the City and of the State. The Chamber of Commerce is not merely a City institution; it was chartered as a State Chamber of Commerce,' and as such, it becomes, to a certain extent, an exponent of the commerce of the Empire State, and should furnish to our citizens, far and wide, an able and comprehensive resumé of the commercial operations of the year. "The Chamber of Commerce is known to comprise a large number of our most influential and well-informed merchants. It includes public-spirited men, educated and intelligent, engaged in the various branches of trade and manufactures. But to the members of that body, and to the merchants at large, the Commerce of New York is a sealed book. We at present have no annual exhibit of its details or of its aggregates, beyond those disjointed tabular statements contained in the Treasury Reports to Congress, or in the weekly Price Current of the City. These subjects are, however, of such vast importance, not merely to our City and State, but to the country at large, that they deserve to be condensed into a volume or pamphlet annually, and thus brought clearly to the view of all business men. There is no better nor more appropriate medium for the dissemination of such information than the New York Chamber of Commerce. A Library of Reference' is about being established, which will add much to the usefulness of this institution." OFFICERS FOR 1858. Pelatiah Perit, President. Royal Phelps, 1st Vice-President. Abiel A. Low, 2d Augustus E. Silliman, Treasurer. J. Smith Homans, Cor. Secretary and Librarian. NEW YORK EXCHANGE COMPANY. David Adee, Secretary. Office, 56 Merchants' Exchange. Capital, $1,000,000. S. Baldwin, President. The EXCHANGE ROOM is in the Rotunda. 'Change hours from 21 to 3 P. M. EXCHANGE READING ROOM, No. 67 Merchants' Exchange. S. S. Gilpin, Proprietor. BOARD OF BROKERS.-Entrance 25 William and 53 Beaver streets. Office hours from 101 A. M. to 12 M., and from 2 to 3 P. M. John H. Gourlie, President. George H. Brodhead, Secretary. Jas. W. Bleecker, Treasurer. Theodore Banks, President. Isaac T. Frost, Treasurer. U. S. ASSAY OFFICE. R. F. Sage, Secretary. (30 Wall Street, New York.) Established by Act of Congress of March 4, 1853, for the receipt of deposits of gold and silver bullion and foreign coins. Payment is made to depositors on the same terms as at the United States Mint, either in coins or stamped bars. No deposit received of less value than 100 dollars The operations of this office are confined to melting, assaying and refining gold and silver, and the making of fine bars. Visitors are admitted on Wednesdays, between 10 and 12 A. M. : The Officers are S. F. Butterworth, Supt.; John J. Cisco, Treasurer ; John Torrey, M. D., Assayer; Edward N. Kent, Melter and Refiner. U. S. CUSTOM HOUSE. Wall and Pine streets, corner Nassau. Open daily from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M. (Sundays and Fourth of July ex cepted.) COLLECTOR'S OFFICE-Rotunda, Custom House. Augustus Schell, Collector. Charles P. Clinch, Special Deputy Collector. Deputy Collectors. -Le Grand G. Capers, Michael Hoffman, Joseph White, Charles Dummer, John H. Hunt, and S. AUDITOR'S OFFICE-Second Story, Custom House. Samuel G. Ogden, Jr., Auditor. John W. Hunter, Assistant Auditor. CASHIER'S OFFICE-First Floor, Custom House. Wm. D. Robinson, Cashier. Nathan T. Bolles, Assistant Cashier. Ausburn Birdsall, Naval Officer. NAVAL OFFICE-First Floor, Custom House, entrance on Pine Street. C. S. Franklin, Special Deputy Naval Officer. SURVEYOR'S OFFICE-29 Pine Street. Emanuel B. Hart, Surveyor. J. L. Benedict, Special Deputy Surveyor. U. S. ASSISTANT TREASURER-Office, 32 Wall Street. John J. Cisco, Assistant Treasurer. GENERAL APPRAISER'S OFFICE-12 Broad Street. PUBLIC STORE-10 and 12 Broad Street. NAVAL STORE KEEPER-Anson Herrick. NAVY AGENT'S OFFICE-William Street, corner of Exchange Place. George N. Saunders, Navy Agent. NEW YORK POST OFFICE. Isaac V. Fowler, Postmaster. Nelson J. Waterbury, Assistant Postmaster. William Caldwell, Cashier. A. Nicoll Stoutenburgh, Secretary. Principal office in the Old Middle Dutch Church, on Nassau Street, between Cedar and Liberty streets. Office open from April 1 to September 30, from 7.45 A. M. to 7 P.M. From October 1 to March 31, from 7.45 A. M. to 6.30 р. м. Sundays from 9 to 10 л. м., and from half-past 12 to half-past 1 P. M. Persons calling for letters that are advertised, are requested to ask DOMESTIC LETTER POSTAGE. for Advertised Letters. For any distance not over 3,000 miles (half ounce)... Each additional half ounce To or from Canada, not over 3.000 miles (half ounce). 10 10 Over 3,000 miles (half ounce). 15 Each additional half ounce POSTAGE ON PRINTED MATTER. Newspapers, Periodicals, Unsealed Circulars, etc. (except Books), to any part of U. S., for three ounces or less.. One Cent prepaid. For each additional ounce One Cent do. Do. do. not prepaid, double the above rates. Newspapers and Periodicals, circulated in the State where published, not over one and a half ounces Half a Cent. SCHEDULE OF THE DAYS OF SAILING OF THE UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS, BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES AND EUROPE, FOR 1858. [NOTE. The Collins' Line of Steamers have temporarily ceased running; the mail service is performed by other steamers.-ED.] Important Instructions. The single rate of Letter Postage by either of the above lines (and the same in respect to the British lines), to or from any point in the United States (except Oregon and California), for or from any point in Great Britain, is 24 cents-prepayment optional. Newspapers, each two cents 24 |