United States, and two cents British; each country to collect its own postage, whether the paper is sent from or received in the United States. [British newspapers usually come British postage paid by a penny stamp, equal to two cents.) They must be sent in narrow bands, open at the ends. Letters for the continent of Europe, to pass through Great Britain, in the open mail, must be prepaid 21 cents when the Atlantic conveyance is by United States packets, and 5 cents when by British packets, except from California or Oregon, when the sum to be prepaid is, in the former instance, 26 cents, and in the latter, 10 cents. Thus, in the one case, the Atlantic sea postage is to be collected at the mailing office, in the United States; and in the other, left to be collected, together with the British transit and other foreign postage, at the office of delivery. Between Great Britain and Oregon and California, the single rate of letter postage is 29 cents. Periodical works and pamphlets may be sent from the United States to the United Kingdom, and vice versa, at two cents of United States postage each, if they do not exceed two ounces in weight, and at 4 cents per ounce, or fraction of an ounce, when they exceed that weight; to be collected in all cases in the United States; and the same will be subject to an additional like charge in the United Kingdom. When sent to France, Algeria, or cities in Turkey, Syria, and Egypt, in which France has post-offices, via England, or to other foreign countries, without passing through the United Kingdom, they will be chargeable with 1 cent an ounce, or fraction of an ounce, United States postage-prepayment required. Single rate of letter postage to or from Bremen, by the Bremen line, 10 cents-prepayment optional. Newspapers, each 3 cents, being the United States and German postage-prepayment required. Letters and newspapers to other parts of the Continent may also go by this line, subject to various rates; for which see Foreign Postage Table. Single rate of letter postage by the Prussian closed mail to Prussia, Austria, and all the other German States, 30 cents, being the full postage-prepayment optional. Newspapers, 6 cents each, being also the full postage-prepayment required. This mail is sent by every steamer, being landed at Liverpool by the Collins, and at Southampton by the Bremen lines. The system of registration of valuable letters adopted in the United States has been extended to the correspondence with Great Britain, Prussia, Bremen, and Canada. Letters addressed to either of those countries will be registered, on the application of the person posting the same, in the same manner and on the same terms as those deliverable in the United States, provided that the full postage chargeable to destination, together with a registration fee of five cents on each letter, is prepaid at the mailing office. Such letters should be mailed and forwarded to the respective United States exchange offices in the same manner as domestic registered letters are mailed. N. B. All letters to and from foreign countries (the British North American Provinces excepted) are to be charged with single rate of postage, if not exceeding the weight of half an ounce; double rate, if exceeding half an ounce but not exceeding an ounce; quadruple rate, if exceeding an ounce but not exceeding two ounces; and so on, charging two rates for every ounce or fractional part of an ounce over the first ounce. Letters in the mail to France are to be charged with single rate of postage, if not exceeding the weight of one quarter ounce; double rate, if exceeding a quarter but not exceeding half an ounce; and so on, an additional rate being charged for each quarter ounce or fractional part of a quarter ounce. Letters addressed to the British North American Provinces are rated in the same manner as domestic letters, one rate being charged for each half ounce, or fractional part of half an ounce. Postmasters should be careful, where the postage is prepaid, to collect the proper amount. They should be particular to notice the route indicated on the envelopes of letters, and to collect postage accordingly. Letters mailed at some offices, marked “via England,” or "via Prussian Closed Mail," for a German State, are frequently taken upon the prepayment of Bremen rates, and those marked “via Bremen” at Prussian closed mail rates, etc. Refer in all cases to the Postage Tables. If letters for foreign countries, marked "Paid," are dropped into the postoffice without being paid, the postmaster will erase the word "Paid," and write on the back of the letter the words "Not paid," with his name and title of postmaster. The mails for the Pacific leave New York on the 5th and 20th, Charleston and Savannah on the 4th and 19th, and New Orleans on the 5th and 20th of each month. Mails for Mexico will be dispatched semi-monthly by steamship between New Orleans and Vera Cruz. United States letter postage, 10 cents under 2,500 and 20 cents over 2,500 miles from the mailing office; to be prepaid when sent from and collected when received in the United States. Newspapers, 2 cents each, to be collected in the United States, as above. Single rate of letter postage to Havana, Aspinwall, Panama, and the British West Indies, 10 cents under 2,500 and 20 cents over 2,500 miles; newspapers, 2 cents; and to West Indies (not British), Carthagena, Honduras, and St. Juan (Nicaragua), 34 cents under 2,500 and 44 cents over 2,500 miles; newspapers, 6 cents each--prepayment required. AARON V. BROWN, Postmaster-General. POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT, Dec. 10, 1857. TELEGRAPH COMPANIES IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK. AMERICAN TELEGRAPH COMPANY. -Office, 21 Wall Street. The lines of this Company extend from New York to Philadelphia, on the South, and from New York via Troy to Canada, on the North, and through New England and New Brunswick to Nova Scotia, on the East; connecting with the lines of the New York, Newfoundland, and London Telegraph Company. Peter Cooper, President. James Eddy, Gen. Superintendent. Offices at 21 Wall Street-Metropolitan Hotel-Madison Square Post Office-New York Hotel, 731 Broadway, and Brooklyn, corner of Montague and Court streets. BOSTON AND NEW YORK PRINTING (House's). -21 Wall Street, to New Haven, Hartford, Springfield, Providence, Boston, and all towns East. CITY, connecting Union Place with the Astor House and Wall Street, and uniting with the great Eastern, Southern, and Western lines at the office in Wall Street. Offices, 869 Broadway, 6 Chatham Square, 21 Wall Street, and 422 Broadway. MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH COMPANY. -New York and New Orleans Line, connecting with all parts of the United States and British Provinces.-Offices, 43 Wall Street, Barnum's Museum, right-hand entrance, Astor House, and entrance to Burton's Theater. John Kendall, Supt. MERCHANTS' MARINE. -114 Merchants' Exchange. A. A. Leggett, Supt. NATIONAL.-23 Wall Street, to Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Louisville, St. Louis, Memphis, New Orleans, and all intermediate stations. Towns in the western part of Pennsylvania, and southern part of the Middle States can only be reached by this line. D. Brooks, Supt. NEW YORK, NEWFOUNDLAND, AND LONDON. -Office 10 Wall Street, and 17 Burling Slip. Peter Cooper, President. Cyrus W. Field, Secretary. Moses Taylor, Treasurer. NEW YORK AND ERIE RAILROAD. - Foot of Duane, and 21 Wall Street. Extends to all places on the line of the road and its branches. Also to Montrose, Honesdale, Carbondale, Scranton, Pittston, and Pompton, Penn. L. G. Tillotson, Supt. NEW YORK AND SANDY HOOк. -114 Merchants' Exchange. Offices, Jersey City, Keyport, Highlands of Neversink, Sandy Hook, Long Branch, and A. A. Leggett, Supt. Squam, N. J. NEW YORK AND WASHINGTON PRINTING (House's). -21 Wall Street, and Metropolitan Hotel, Broadway. This line extends from New York to Washington, having stations at the intermediate towns of Trenton, Philadelphia, and Baltimore. At Washington it connects with the Sea-Board line and transmits messages to all parts south of Washington. M. Hughes, Supt. NEW YORK, ALBANY, AND BUFFALO. - This line passes through and has offices in all the towns on the Hudson River, and extends West from Albany to Buffalo, having stations in all the towns on the Central Railroad, and connecting by side lines with all the principal towns in the State. This company also connects at Buffalo with the lines in Canada West, and all the Western States. Offices in New York, 21 Wall Street, Corn Exchange, St. Nicholas Hotel, and Hudson River Railroad Depôt, Chambers Street. Jas. D. Reid, Supt. NEW YORK STATE PRINTING (House's). -Offices, 21 Wall Street, and Metropolitan Hotel, Broadway. Extends to Buffalo, Canada, and Western States. H. B. Tebbetts, Agent. UNION TELEGRAPH COMPANY, to New York, Providence, Boston, and the principal towns in Vermont; also Montreal, Quebec, and principal towns in the Canadas and Lower British Provinces; also to Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, Mobile, New Orleans, and intermediate stations North and South. Offices, 23 Wall Street, Depôt of N. Y. & N. H. R. R., 27th Street, and Astor House. Charles F. Wood, Superintendent. TRANSATLANTIC. -Office, 111 Broadway. FOREIGN CONSULS IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Argentine Confederation.-Schuyler Livingston, Consul General, 24 Beaver Street. Austria.-Charles F. Loosey, Consul General, Hanover Square; H. Kohen, Vice-Consul, Bank Building, Hanover Square. Baden. John W. Schmidt, 68 Broad Street. Bavaria.-Geo. H. Siemon, 85 Nassau Street. Belgium. Henry W. T. Mali, Consul General, 210 Fulton Street. Brazil.--Louis F. H D'Aguiar, Consul General, 36 Platt Street; Louis F. Defigariere, Vice-Consul, 36 Platt Street. Bremen. --Edwin A. Oelrichs, 68 Broad Street. Brunswick.-Geo. J. Bechtel, Consul General, 47 Liberty Street. Chile.-Henry F. Fallon, 142 Pearl Street. Costa Rica. Royal Phelps, Consul General, 45 Exchange Place. Denmark.- Dessau.--Herman Gelpcke, 59 William Street. Ecuador. Gregorio Dominguez, Consul, 103 Pearl Street. France. Charles Marquis de Montholon, Consul General, 17 William Street; Louis Borg, Chancelier, 17 William Street. Frankfort.- Frederick Wissman. Guatemala. Great Britain. ---Edward M. Archibald, Consul, 17 Broadway; Pierrepont Edwards, Vice-Consul, 17 Broadway. Greece.-D. N. Botassi, Consul, 45 Exchange Place. Haiti. Henry Delafield, 50 Exchange Place. Hamburgh. Ferdinand Karck, 3 William Street. Hawaiian Islands. - Schuyler Livingston, Consul General, 24 Beaver St. Hesse Darmstadt.-F. W. Keutgen, 59 William Street. Hesse (Electorate of).-J. W. Schmidt, 68 Broad Street. Hessian.-H. C. Von Post, 68 Broad Street. Lubeck.-A. Schumaker, Consul; F. Karck, Acting, 3 William Street. Mecklenburgh Sehwerin.--Herman Gelpcke, 59 William Street. Mexico. Joseph M. Duran, 110 Pearl Street. Montevideo.-G. Frederick Darby, Consul General, 48 Beaver Street; J. H. Snyder, Vice-Consul, 48 Beaver Street. Nassau.-Wm. A. Kobbe, Consul General, 14 Vesey Street. Netherlands.-R. C. Burlage, Consul General, 45 Exchange Place; J. E. Zimmerman, Vice-Consul, 45 Exchange Place. New Granada-Gregorio Dominguez, 103 Pearl Street. Norway.-C. Edward Habicht, Consul General, 80 Beaver Street. Reuss.-H. Weissenborn, 2 Maiden Lane. Roman States.--Louis B. Binsse, Consul General, 38 Vesey Street. San Salvador.-Royal Phelps, Consul General, 45 Exchange Place. Saxe Coburg and Gotha.--Carl Hinrichs. Saxe Weimar. - Edward Stucken, 76 Beaver Street. ✓ Schaumburg Lippe.-C. B. Richard, 150 Broadway. Schwarzburg.--Charles E. Borsdorff, 192 Fulton Street. Tuscany. John B. Tagliaferri, 659 Broadway. Two Sicilies. Achille Ferrier, Consul General, 9 Waverly Place, Louis Contencin, Vice-Consul, 103 Front Street. Venezuela. Guzman Blanco, Beaver Street. Wurtemburg. Leopold Bierwirth, 69 Pine Street. PASSPORTS OBTAINED, and every kind of information given to Travelers visiting Foreign Countries, at the INTERNATIONAL AGENCY, 333 Broadway (up stairs). UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS, RUNNING BETWEEN NEW YORK AND ASPINWALL, N. G., CONNECTING WITH LINES OF STEAMERS ON THE PACIFIC, AT PANAMA. ISTHMUS MAILS AND STEAMERS. UNITED STATES Mail Steamers, leaving New York the 5th and 20th of each month, arrive at Aspinwall from New York and New Orleans on or about the 15th and 30th of every month.--J. W. Bourn, Agent, Aspinwall. Pacific Mail Steamship Company's Steamers from California, leaving San Francisco the 5th and 20th of each month, are due at Panama on or about the 3d and 18th of every month.--Allan McLane, Agent, Panama. Forbes & Babcock, Agents, San Francisco, Cal. United States Mail Steamers for New York and New Orleans, via Havana, leave Aspinwall about the 4th and 19th of every month. Pacific Mail Steamship Company's Steamers for California leave Panama on or about the 15th and 30th of every month, connecting with steamers running to ports in Oregon and Washington Territory. Pacific Steam Navigation Company's Steamers from Valparaiso, Callao, etc., arrive at Panama on or about the 6th and 21st of every month, and sail for Callao, Valparaiso, and intermediate ports on the 15th and 30th of every month.-J. J. Icaza, Agent, Panama. Royal West India Mail Steamers from England, via St. Thomas, Carthagena, etc., arrive at Aspinwall on or about the 8th and 24th of every month, and sail for England, via Carthagena, St. Thomas, etc., on the same date.Wm. Perry, Agent, Panama. Hurtado & Hermanos, Agents, Aspinwall. Panama Railroad Company's U. S. Mail Steamer leaves Panama, for the principal ports of Central America, on or about the 17th of every month, and arrives at Panama on or about the 10th of every month. - Wm. Nelson, Agent, Panama R. R. Depot. All goods forwarded by the Panama Railroad vessels or United States Mail Line can be shipped to any ports on the Pacific, and vice versa, on through bills of lading, without commissions or extra charges on the Isthmus; thus giving to shippers advantages which must finally result in the concentration on this "great highway of nations" of the commerce of both the Atlantic and Pacific sides; and which, when the Australian Line will be established, will make this place the key of the commerce of the world. ENGLISH STEAMERS. There are two lines of English steamers-one running on the Atlantic, and the other on the Pacific side. On the Atlantic side, the Royal West India Mail Steamers from England, via St. Thomas, Carthagena, etc., arrive at Aspinwall on or about the 8th and 24th of every month, and sail for England, via Carthagena, St. Thomas, etc., on the same day. The price of passage from Aspinwall to the former place is $25; to the latter, $60. The Cunard Line of Steamers, running from Liverpool to Boston and New York, together with other Steamship Lines, connect with the American steamers running from New York to Aspinwall and San Juan del Norte; at the latter port commences the Nicaragua Transit Route for California, etc. |