PROJECTED CONFEDERATION OF THE BRITISH PROVINCES. The new confederation, which is said to find favor with the Imperial Government as well as with the majority of the inhabitants of the Provinces, would embrace, if fully carried out, six provinces and three territories, as follows: The government of Nova Scotia has opened negotiations with those of the other provinces, for such confederation, and the subject is now under consideration. In addition to the above immense Territory, there are unexplored Arctic Lands estimated to contain 500,000 square miles. Making a total area of about 3,500,000 square miles. Coal, gold, and other precious metals, are found in abundance in the western portion of this territory. EXTENT AND POPULATION OF THE WORLD, FROM THE MOST AUTHENTIC SOURCES. * The population of North America is divided about as follows: 25,000,000 whites; 5,000,000 Indians, or Aborigines; 6,000,000 blacks, or Africans; and the remainder, 4,000,000, mulattoes, mestizoes, or other mixed bloods. CENSUS OF THE UNITED STATES.--1790 to 1850. States. New Hampshire,... Massachusetts, 1790. 1800. 1810. 1820. 1830. 1840.* 1850. 96,540 151,719 228,705 298,335 141,899 183,762 214,360 244,161 85,416 154,465 217,713 235,764 378,717 423,245 472,040 523,287 69,110 69,122 77,031 83,059 399,955 501,793 583,169 269,328 284,574 817.979 280,652 291,948 314,120 610,408 737,699 994,514 97,199 108,830 147,545 370.792 238.141 251,002 262,042 275,202 297,665 309,978 Florida,. Alabama, 516,823 691,392 906,185 34,730 54,477 87,445 771.623 590,756 Mississippi. 8,850 40,352 75,448 136,621 Louisiana, 76,556 153,407 215,739 375,651 606,526 352,411 517,762 Arkansas, 14,273 30,388 97,574 209,897 Tennessee, 30,791 105,602 261,727 422,813 681,904 829,210 1,002,717 Kentucky, 73,077 220,955 406.511 564,317 687,917 779,828 982.405 Ohio, 45,365 230,760 581,434 937,903 1,519,467 1,980,329 Michigan, 4,762 8,896 31,639 212,267 397,654 Indiana, 4,875 24,520 147,178 343,031 685,866 988,416 Illinois, 12.282 55,211 157,455 476,183 851,47 Missouri, 20,845 66,586 140,445 383,702 682,0441 Dist. of Columbia, 14,093 24,023 33,039 39,834 43,712 51,68 Wisconsin, 30,945 305,391 Iowa, 43,112 192,214, Texas, 212.592 California, (1852) 92 597. Total, 3,929,827 5,305,925 7,239,814 9,638,131 12,866,920 17,062,566 23,191,876 SLAVES IN THE UNITED STATES. 1790. 1800. 1810. 1820. 697,897 893,041 1.191,364 1,538.064 2,009,031 2,487,355 3,204,313 * On board vessels of war, and in the naval service, June 1, 1840, 6,100; making the total population, 17,068,666. 3,011 10,222 25,081 5,395 6,377 6,119 58,240 81,422 4,694 3,687 58,161 COMMERCE OF THE UNITED STATES. THE Commerce of the United States with Foreign Nations and their colonies, for the fiscal year 1857, ending 30th of June last, reported officially to Congress by the Secretary of the Treasury, is as follows : Gross Exchanges of Treasury Year 1857. The total Imports of foreign goods for the year as above....$348,428,342 Of which re-exported. 14,905,509 We may here note that nearly if not the whole of this excess was held in bond at the close of the fiscal year, June 30. The amount bonded in New York alone was then $37,054,152, or an excess of twenty-six millions over the amount in bond at the close of the previous year; and the amount in bond has since been increased for the want of a market. • The Export of Domestic Produce for the year, as above....$278,906,713 Against the Export of 1856.... 266,438,051 Excess in Export of Produce $12,468,662 The Gold and Silver Exchanges of the two years compare as follows: The following Official Tables are convenient for reference, and interesting as showing that the Foreign Trade of the United States has more than tripled in the brief period of twelve years, both in Exports and Imports : 174,180 111,175,174 473,533 473,533 Rhode Island.. South Carolina Tennessee Texas.. 719,544 303,434,240 3,056,481 2,000,000 5,056.481 1,136,521 326,716,810 3,992,857 4,752,000 8,744,857 1,561,257 530,994,897 26,001,012 3,898,500 29,899,512 512,337 149,521,451 Vermont. 328,596 91,166,620 637,998 87,500,000 100,000 63,129 25,568,703 100,000 Grand Total. 29,990,109 9,936,198,292 |