
the Governor and Senate; is invested with the powers and duties formerly belonging to the Comptroller in relation to the canals; draws warrants on the Treasurer for all canal payments; audits all canal accounts; instructs canal collecting and distributing officers; keeps accounts of canal receipts and expenditures, &c., is ex-officio Secretary of the Canal Board, and of the Commissioners of the Canal Fund. Office in the State Hall, first floor.


Appointed by the Governor and Senate; hold office two years; their duties are the appraisal of damages to individuals growing out of the construction of the Canals; salary $4 per diem, and 5 cents per mile for travel.


They have the superintendence of the Canal Fund and of the Canal Debt; advertise for and negotiate loans, &c.

Office in Canal Department, State Hall, first floor.


Meets at the Canal Department; fixes the rates of tolls; appoints the Engineers, Collectors of Tolls, Superintendents of Repairs, Weigh-masters; hears appeals from Canal Appraisers; remits penalties, and regulates police of the Canals, &c.


Advertises for proposals and makes contracts for work to be done on the Canals.


THE SENATE consists of thirty-two members, who are elected in November of each year ending with an odd number, and hold their offices for two years, from the 1st of January next succeeding. The State is divided into thirty-two districts, each choosing one Senator. The Senators receive a compensation of $3 per diem during the session, but not for more than one hundred days. The Lieutenant-Governor is ex-officio President of the Senate.

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THE HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY consists of one hundred and twenty-eight members, elected annually by single districts. Each county has at least one member. They receive a compensation of $3 perdiem during the session, but not for more than one hundred days. Their officers are chosen by vote at the opening of the session.


Elected November 3, 1857, with the Counties and Assembly Districts in

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Thomas G. Alvord, Speaker, Syracuse. P. H. Lasher, Sergeant-at-Arms.

David Wilson, Clerk, Albany.

Peter J. Cooke, Doorkeeper.



State Stock.

Amount issued for the Astor debt, chap. 302, Laws of 1827, and 86, of 1832, redeemable at pleasure,

$561,500 00

Amount issued on account of deficiency in the General
Fund Debt Sinking Fund, per chap. 216, Laws of 1848, 5

per cent, viz:

Redeemable at pleasure,..

$348,107 00

Redeemable in 1868,....

442,961 05

791,068 05

Amount issued to the New York and Erie Railroad Com

pany, per chap. 226, Laws of 1838, and chap. 196, Laws of

1840, redeemable as follows:

4 per cent in 1859,...

$300,000 00

5 per cent in 1860,.

400,000 00

5 per cent in 1861,...

1,200,000 00

6 per cent in 1861,.

200.000 00

6 per cent in 1862,

900,000 00

3,000,000 00

Amount issued to the Ithaca and Owego Railroad Company, per chap. 295, Laws of 1838, and chap. 344, Laws of 1840,


4 per cent, redeemable in 1864,.......
5 per cent, redeemable in 1865,............

$287,700 00

28,000 00

315,700 00

Amount issued to the Hudson and Berkshire Railroad Company, per chap. 178, Laws of 1840, redeemable in 1865, 5 per cent,..

$150,000 00

Amount issued to the Canajoharie and Catskill Railroad Company, per chap. 240, Laws of 1835, 5 per cent redeemable as follows:

[blocks in formation]

5 per cent, issued per Revised Statutes, in 1844, for loans from the Railroad Sinking Funds, payable on demand,..

5 per cent, issued per Rev. Statutes, in 1842, for a loan to the treasury, payable on demand,.

6 per cent, issued per Rev. Statutes, for loans to the treasury in 1846, from the Railroad Sinking Funds, payable on demand,.

6 per cent, issued per Rev. Statutes, in 1845, for loans from the School Fund, payable on demand,.

6 per cent, issued per Rev. Statutes, in 1848, for loans from the U. S. Dep. Fund, payable on demand,

6 per cent, issued per Rev. Statutes, in 1845, from the Comm's of the U. S. Dep. Fund of Columbia county, payable on demand,..... 6 per cent, issued per Rev. Statutes, in 1846, for a loan of moneys held by the Comptroller, in trust for the Delaware Academy, payable on demand,.

6 per cent, issued in 1848, per chap. 366, Laws of 1848, for a loan from the U. S. Dep. Fund, payable at pleasure,...

6 per cent, issued per chap. 225, Laws of 1849, to discharge the claim of the Canal Fund upon the General Fund, redeemable 1st July, 1866,..

6 per cent, issued per chap. 37, Laws of 1850, and chap. 208, Laws of 1848, for the benefit of the Stockbridge Indians, payable at pleas

$28,697 94

11,000 00

9,387 74

451,645 49

428,739 44

3,395 84

4,825 00

6,000 00

385,000 00


Indian Annuities.

$5,018,268 05

[blocks in formation]

Amount required, if invested at 6 per cent, to produce the the sum of $7,361 69 being the amount of the annuities payable to sundry Indian tribes,..

122,694 87

$6,505,654 37

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Amount of State Stock issued and loaned to the following Railroad

Companies, viz:

Auburn and Rochester Railroad Company, per chap. 195,
Laws of 1840, redeemable in 1860 and 1861, 5 per cent,
Auburn and Syracuse Railroad Company, per chap. 293,
Laws of 1838, redeemable in 1858, 5 per cent,

$200,000 00

200,000 00

Tonawanda Railroad Company, per chap. 200, Laws of 1840, redeemable in 1865, 5 per cent,

100,000 00

Long Island Railroad Company, per chap. 193, Laws of 1840,

redeemable in 1861, 6 per cent,

100,000 00

Schenectady and Troy Railroad Company, per chap. 299,
Laws of 1840, redeemable in 1867, 6 per cent, .....
Tioga Coal Iron Mining and Manufacturing Company, (now
the Corning and Blossburg Railroad Company,) per chap.
296, Laws of 1840, redeemable in 1865, 5 per cent,

100,000 00

70,000 00

$770,000 00



This fund consists of the following items, viz:

Bonds for lands, 6 per cent,

Bonds for loans, 6 and 7 per cent,.

Loan of 1840, 64 per cent,

State Stock, viz:

5 per cent, issued on account of the Astor debt, redeemable at pleasure,

$520,697 66 310,227 29

49,326 00

$41,755 91

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