Institutions, Theological Page 171 New York City Railroads........ Page 98 Insurance Companies 180-140 County Officers.. 817 Agencies in City of N. York 141 Custom House. 144 Intercourse with Foreign Nations 218 Exchange Company. 148 Interest, Legal in the United States... 12 Eye Infirmary. 169 Historical Society 174 Hospital. 165 Jews' Hospital 168 Infirmary for Ind. Women. 166 Judicial Department, State 270 Institution for the Blind 170 Judiciary of the United States 233 Law Institute 175 Judges, Circuit Courts. Supreme Court 280 Post Office 144 United States. 233 State Agricultural Society.. 192 Kentucky, Statistics of. 206 State Canals.. 77-88 Kings County Officers LAW Institute.. Legislature of the State of New York, Members of.... Lewis County Officers Library, State. Life and Trust Companies.. Literature Fund... Literary and Scientific Institution Livingston County Officers Loan and Relief Company Long Island Railroad Louisiana, Statistics of Lunatic Asylums.. MADISON County Officers University 887 Lunatic Asylum 190 181 Medical Society 162 276 Officers 265 Mail Steamers, Days of Sailing 145 Nova Scotia, Province of. 249 Mechanics' Institute. Military Academy, West Point. New York Academy of Medicine. Marine Insurance Companies. Marshall Infirmary... Maryland, Statistics of. Massachusetts, Statistics of.. and Tradesmen's Society.. 177 Medical Institutions. Mercantile Library Association Methodist Book Concern..... Metropolitan Medical College. Michigan, Statistics of. Militia of the State. Navy Department. of the United States. Nebraska, Statistics of.... New Brunswick, Province of.. New Foundland, Island of..... New Hampshire, Statistics of. New Jersey, Statistics of... New Mexico, Statistics of. and Erie Railroad 130 Officers of Cities.. 859 167 205 204 of the U. S. Government...212-210 178 Ohio, Statistics of ... 206 Oneida County Officers. 335 162 Lake and Canal... 80 191 Oregon, Statistics of.... 208 227 Orleans County Officers. 339 213 Oswego and Syracuse Railroad. 93 208 Canal 78 QUEENS County Officers... Page 342 | Syracuse, Binghamton and New York 86 Railroad ....Page 93 870 in the United States.... 256 TELEGRAPH Companies 147 Tabular Statement of.. 98 Rates of Postage 231 Tennessee, Statistics of.... 206 206 Regents of the University. 268 Religious Institutions. 179 Theological Institutions 171 852 Rensselaer County Officers....... 343 Tolls on the Canals.. 84 and Saratoga Railroad.... 94 Rhode Island, Statistics of........ 204 Towns in the State, with Population. 63-74 344 Transportation Lines. 386 Rochester and Genesee Valley Railroad 94 Treasury Department 219 City Officers... 369 Troy City Officers.. 370 Population of... 71 University 155 University. 156 Rockland County Officers. 345 Trust Companies. 132 Roman Catholic Orphan Asylum...... 196 Typographical Society.. 184 St. John's College... SAILOR'S Snug Harbor. St. Lawrence County Officers. 390 ULSTER County Officers 353 155 Underwriters, Board of... 142 345 Unincorporated Villages. 28 River and Lake.. 85 Union College 152 St. Vincent's Hospital 167 Theological Seminary 171 Salt Springs.... 387 United States Army List.... 224 Saratoga County Officers.. 346 Cities and Towns. 245 and Schenectady Railroad... and Whitehall Railroad. Savings Banks 126 Court of Claims. 288 Schenectady City Officers.... County Officers. |