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14. Invite some one to act as a judge at a school debate.

15. Invite some one to address a meeting of the school religious society.

16. Call up the manager of an athletic team of a rival school and arrange for a contest.

17. Call up the box-office of a theater and ask to have seats reserved for you.

18. Call up the business manager of a summer camp and make inquiries about it.

19. Call up your English teacher and consult with him about a theme you wish to write.

20. Call up a friend and congratulate him on his being elected to a school office.

21. Call up the principal of your school and explain why you were late for a certain class.

22. Call up a real estate dealer and make inquiries about houses or lots suitable for fraternity or sorority purposes.

23. Call up a man from whom you would like to secure employment. If necessary, make an appointment to see him.

24. Call up some friend and tell him about the death of some man or woman well known to you both.

25. Pretend you are a newspaper reporter, and call up different people who know something about the matter you are seeking information on, and ask them about an epidemic; the life of some alumnus of the school; an athletic contest; a dance; a literary society meeting; a religious society meeting; a lecture; some new purchase that has been made by one of the school departments; a new building that is being erected at the school; the new athletic field.


Look over the list of subjects for Letters, given in the Appendix; select three (one for a formal, one for a business, and one for a personal or social letter); and, paying heed to the directions that were given you in Lesson I, write them out.

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The following are used as adverbs or prepositions in the positive degree, and as adjectives in the comparative and superlative degrees.

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