
THE OUTLOOK'S illustrated Annual Book Number is filled with reviews of the books of the season, portraits of notable authors, finely illustrated articles on literary topics. It has also the weekly review of current history and the judicial editorial comment which are always the strongest features of this periodical. Among the contributors to this number are Edward Everett Hale, Augustine Birrell, Kate Douglas Wiggin, Hamilton W. Mabie, Frank R. Stockton, Thomas Wentworth Higginson, and many other wellknown writers.

Under the general title,


Mr. Ernest Hamlin Abbott is giving the readers of "The Outlook" the results of his observations on a trip which occupied some months, and was taken for the express purpose of studying certain church and sociological conditions in typical sections of the country. Of the articles already printed, two deal with the problem of the workingman and the church in special aspects suggested by interviews and studies in Baltimore; while the third, just printed, is an extremely entertaining account of the life and work of a typical Virginia county rectory. Other articles will take up equally typical or little-known subjects, in regions far removed one from the other.

OCTOBER "MONIST."-Dr. Ludwig Boltzmann, professor of physics in the University of Leipsic, and one of the foremost theoretical physicists in the world, defends the doctrine of atomism. against the attacks that have been made upon it in recent years by the schools of Mach and Ostwald, and the followers of the great mathematical physicist, Kirchhoff. This article is one of the most important that has appeared in this great controversy in the philosophy of science. In the same number Professor Sergi, of the University of Rome, discusses the modern theories of biological heredity; Professor Lombroso, of Turin, again takes up cudgels for his theory of Genius, and Prof. R. M. Wenley, of the University of Michigan, vividly sketches the development of natural theology and the philosophy of religion in England during the nineteenth century, with special reference to the liberal endowment of lectureships on the science of religion. by the late Lord Gifford, concerning which he has drawn much material from unpublished MSS. and letters. Finally, Kant's significance in the history of philosophy is discussed by

Dr. Paul Carus, who elucidates the difficulties of Kant's metaphysical terminology and reviews the relations which obtained between Kant and the great Swedish mystic, Swedenborg.


If you must quote, do quote correctly, says the editor of "St. Nicholas." Is the pen mightier than the sword? Thousands say or print, "The pen is mightier than the sword." It may be true, but if it is meant for a quotation it is not fairly given. The original lines in the play are:

Beneath the rule of men entirely great,

The pen is mightier than the sword.

This error has been corrected over and over again. But those who misquote seldom read what they are pretending to quote, but quote from a man who quoted from another man who-and so on. In many books will be found long lists of these prevalent misquotations.


There is a tendency on the part of playwrights in France to try to teach the public certain medical facts by means of the theatre. Not long ago a play called "Les Remplacantes" showed the evils of employing wet nurses. Still more recently a drama called "Le Baillon," i. e., "The Gag," was given as a means of showing the results of professional secrecy. A young woman is brought up in ignorance of the fact that she is tuberculous. One lover finds it. out before the marriage ceremony takes place and jilts her. Another, who is kept in ignorance, finds it out when it is too late. The unconscious victim of this disease is looked upon as a plaguestricken creature, and wonders why even children are not allowed to embrace her. She at last finds out the secret. The dramatic author, Brieux, has recently finished a play called "Les Avariés," averié meaning decayed, spoilt, and in it he shows the danger of luetic contagion in marriage. He is a member of the league against syphilis, recently founded by several prominent medical men, among them being Fournier, and their ideas on this subject are put forth in this play. The public censor forbade, however,

the giving of the play before the general public, so a select audience was chosen and the piece read to them by Brieux. There is nothing wrong in itself in the play, but it is to be doubted whether such topics can well be placed before the general public.


With the opening of Proctor's new theatre in Newark, the Proctor Circuit will include seven theatres-believed to be the largest chain of houses under control of one ownership in the world. The new house will be open to accommodate Christmastide pleasure-seekers, and the introduction of the best in vaudeville will be the policy of the house.

The F. F. Proctor Stock Company will continue the presentation of old comedies elaborately revived in the New York theatres of the circuit, and vaudeville will be the policy at Manager Proctor's Albany and Montreal houses. Vaudeville will also be given between acts of the several dramas presented, as usual.

The vaudeville talent in the Proctor entertainments promise to be always of the best, and at all times to represent the best selections of American and foreign talent the profession affords.


She had read the advertisements
In the papers o'er and o'er,
But had gotten somewhat muddled
As to what each thing was for.

So when she had a bilious turn,
She took some Pyle's Pearline;
She scrubbed the floor with Sozodont,
But could not get it clean.

And for a torpid liver

She took Sapolio,

And put Castoria in the cake;

She got them muddled so.

-JAY KAYE, "New York Life "




"The purpose of this publication" (as declared at the outset, April, 1873, was and) "is to so present the results of the various inquiries which have been, and which may hereafter be, made for the preservation of health and the expectations of human life, as to make them most advantageous to the public and to the medical profession.

"The resources of sanitary science are inexhaustible. It will be a chief object of THE SANITARIAN to awaken public attention to the extent of the field, and to the facts indicating how beneficently it may be cultivated. This will be done by showing the amount of ill-health and mortality from preventable causes of disease; by pointing out the nature of those causes and the way in which they operate; by showing that such causes are removable, and by exhibiting improved health, longevity and happiness as the fruits of their removal.

"The laws of physiology and general pathology will be kept in view, as the basis of health; by the observance of which hygiene constitutes a department of science which the medical profession can advantageously share with the public, or apply to individuals, according to circumstances. The detail of these relations will involve questions of manifold significance, and many of them of the utmost importance to human health.

"The practical questions of State medicine: the health of armies and navies, marine hygiene, quarantine, civil cleanliness, water supply, drainage and sewerage. Sanitary architecture: light, space, warming and ventilation. Climate and domicile: endemic, epidemic and hereditary diseases. Occupation, exercise and habits; food and beverages, in all varieties of quality and quantity. In short, whatever thing, condition or circumstance is en rapport with, or antagonistic to, the perfective culture of mind and body will be considered legitimate matter for THE SANITARIAN to discuss, advocate, condemn or reject at the bar of health. Advertise

ments will fall under the same category; none will be admitted of questionable character in this regard.

"In fulfilment of its mission, THE SANITARIAN asks kindly consideration and assistance from all who would aid in the protection of the most precious of gifts divine-human life."

Upon this basis it has proceeded until there are now thirtyseven volumes complete-one volume a year for the first eleven years, and since that time two volumes yearly.

A CITY OF HEALTH. Benjamin Ward Richardson.-A theoretical essay based upon knowledge of existing conditions, guided by scientific knowledge, elaborating the foundation and construction of a city, and the administration of affairs on strictly sanitary principles. It proceeds upon the quaintly expressed axiom of my lord of Verulam, "The past ever deserves that men should stand upon it for a while to see which way they should go, but when they have made up their minds they should hesitate no longer, but proceed with cheerfulness." The past ere the words "Sanitary Science" had been written and the then status of the initiatory work for the promotion of the public health, particularly in England, under the leadership of Edwin Chadwick and William Farr,. are summed up, and from a study of these conditions, conclusions. are deduced and a foundation laid for future progress.-iv, 29, 68. A Bad Boy in 1380, xiv, 564.

A Bill to Make Idiots, x, 184.

A Brave Physician, xxxiv, 139.

A Clean Kitchen Makes a Clean House, x, 6.

A Crazy Young Man, ii, 254.

A Fly in the Beer, xxxiv, 526.

A Healthful Resort, xxxvi, 563.

A Hundred Thousand Homes, iv, 148.

A Jolly Old Tar, xxxvi, 286.

A Lady's Nose Saves a Man's Life, ii, 133.

A Long-lived Family, xxxvi, 247.

A New Official's Expert, xxxiv, 525.

A Prisoner's Testimony-About Milk, iv, 138.

A Maid's a Maid for A' That, xxxviii, 217.

A Sanitarian on the Scourge (Yellow Fever) in 1879, vii, 420. A Slight Mistake, xxxiv, 339.

Abatement of Smoke Nuisance, x, 139.

ABATTOIRS AND DROVE YARDS. John H. Rauch.-A reply to particular questions relating to the sanitary relations on the propo

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