


T HE meeting-house in GREAT ST. THOMAS APOSTLE, is situated over a gateway, on both sides of which it is accessible by means of a flight of stairs. Its outside appearance has nothing remarkable to distinguish it from the other houses in the street, in which respect, the situation is better suited to former times of persecution, than to the present reign of liberty. It is a small inconvenient building, with three galleries, and was formed into a meeting-house in the early part of the last century, for the congregation under the care of the Rev. Benjamin Andrew Atkinson. Before his time they assembled in a hall, or large room, near Paternoster-row. The earliest minister upon record was the Rev. Anthony Fido, one of the Bartholomew Confessors, and ejected from Hemmingborough, in Yorkshire. He was succeeded by Mr. Atkinson, who was assisted for sometime by Mr. John Sherman. Upon Mr. Atkinson's retiring into the country, the congregation, which was never large, became extinct, upwards of 60 years ago. The meeting-house was then taken by a congregation of Scotch Seceders, under the pastoral care of Mr. David Wilson, who was succeeded by Mr. Jerment. His congregation has lately removed to a larger place, in Oxendon-street, near the Haymarket, built for the famous Mr. Richard Baxter, but lately a Chapel of Ease, to the parish of St. Martin's. The meeting-house in St. Thomas Apostle, is now undergoing a thorough repair, upon what is called speculation; but in the present day of endless adventurers, most probably, will not remain long unoccupied. We proceed to lay before the reader, the brief information we possess relating to the old Presbyterian church.

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GREAT ST. THOMAS APOSTLE. - Presbyterian, Extinct.

ANTHONY FIDO. He was born August 20, 1640, at Stanford-upon-Teeme, in Worcestershire. His father was a gentleman of considerable estate, and had an elder son, Mr. John Fido, who was ejected by the Bartholomew Act, from Whittlebury, in Northamptonshire, and died in London, about 1661, in his 37th year.* Mr. Anthony Fido, received his education in Trinity College, Cambridge; and his tutor was a Mr. Valentine. At his admission, he was examined by Mr. Ray, then steward of the college. After sometime he was promoted to a fellowship, and to a considerable living in the county of Cambridge. But he lost these preferments at the Restoration, being then ready to take his degree. The living of Hemmingburgh, in Yorkshire, being then vacant, Mr. Fido was presented to it; but continued there only till Bartholomew-day, 1662, when he was ejected for Nonconformity. He then became chaplain and steward in a gentleman's family, and preached in various parts of England. About 1684, he came to London, where he had a small congregation, but was disabled from preaching a few years before his death, which took place January 17, 1714-5, aged 75 years. He lies interred in Bunhill-fields.+

BENJAMIN ANDREW ATKINSON. - Concerning this gentleman we can state but few particulars. He was son to the well-known author of " The Epitome of Navigation." Mr. Fido being disabled by weakness, Mr. Atkinson was chosen his assistant, and ordained co-pastor. January 7, 1713. The celebrated Matthew Henry preached upon the occasion, and Mr. Jeremiah Smith gave the exhortation. For convenience, the service was conducted in Silver-street; and both discourses were published, together with Mr. Atkinson's confession of faith. Upon the death of Mr. Fido, in January, 1715, he succeeded to the whole charge, and not long afterwards, removed his congregation to a new

• Calamy's Contin. p. 649.

+ Ibid. p. 956.

GREAT ST. THOMAS APOSTLE. - Presbyterian, Extinct.

meeting-house in Great St. Thomas Apostle. At this time, it being proposed to finish the Exposition upon the New Testament, began by Mr. Henry, Mr. Atkinson was one of the ministers fixed upon for this work. The part he undertook was the two Epistles to Timothy. Mr. Atkinson continued pastor of his church a considerable number of years. He was a peaceable man, of moderate principles, and accounted a good practical preacher. His learning was very considerable, and he was uncommonly well skilled in the oriental languages. During the debate at the Salters'-Hall synod, in 1719, he took part with the non-subscribing ministers; and re-printed his confession of faith, to which he added a preface, designed to satisfy the world, that he had not in the least given into any new notions concerning the Trinity. From thence it is to be inferred, that some suspicions on this head were preferred against him. About the year 1742, Mr. Atkinson left his people, and, after a few years retired to Leicester. There, for the space of 16 years, he resided in the house of his son-in-law, Mr. Hugh Worthington, father to Mr. Worthington, of Salters'-Hall; and in that retreat, finished his course at an advanced age, in the year 1765. Mr. Atkinson published several single sermons, and some other pieces, which shall be enumerated below. (R)

(R) WORKS-1. A Confession of Faith at his Ordination, 1713. Reprinted 1719.-2. An Exposition of the first and second Epistles to Timothy; in the Continuation of Matthew Henry.-3. A Sermon to the Societies for Reformation of Manners, June 27, 1726.-4. Catholic Principles. 1729.-5. A Vindication of the literal Sense of three Miracles of Christhis turning Water into Wine-his whipping the Buyers and Sellers out of the Temple-and his exorcising the Devils out of two Men. Against Woolston. 8vo. 1729.-6. Two Sermons against Popery.-7. The Decay of Practical Religion lamented, and the Scripture-method for reviving it considered. In four Sermons.-8. Christianity not older than the Gospel Promise. Against Tindal. 1731.-9. The Holy Scriptures a perfect Rule of Faith: a Sermon, preached January 26, 1734-5.-10. A Judgment of private Discretion vindicated; in a Sermon, February 9, 1784-5.-11. Good Princes nursing Fathers and nursing Mothers: a Sermon on the Marriage of the Prince of Wales with the Princess of Saxe Gotha; preached May 2,

BOW-LANE, CHEAPSIDE.-- Independent, Extinct.

JOHN SHERMAN received his education, we believe, in Scotland, where he took the degree of Master of Arts. He seems, also, to have been Doctor of Physic, from whence it is to be presumed that he cultivated that science. His first appearance in the ministry, was as assistant to Mr. Atkinson, at Great St. Thomas Apostle; from whence, in 1719, he removed to Ware, in Hertfordshire, to succeed the Rev. John Hughes, for whom he preached and printed a funeral sermon. In 1734, he accepted an invitation from Shepton-Mallet, in Somersetshire, to succeed the Rev. Anthony Atkey, and continued there till his death, in 1754. Latterly he enjoyed but a very indifferent state of health; so that during a great part of his residence at Shepton, he was under the necessity of applying to neighbouring ministers for assistance, and sometimes, when he could not obtain supplies, to shut up the meeting-house, which was a great disadvantage to the Society. Mr. Sherman was one of the nonsubscribing ministers at the Salters'-Hall synod, in 1719.

After the removal of Mr. Atkinson, the Society, at Great St. Thomas Apostle, became extinct. The Scotch Seceders will fall under notice in a succeeding part of this work.



A MONG the numerous places of worship, of which the memory is nearly lost, must be included the one now under consideration. In the year 1727, we find mention of an Independent congregation in Bow-lane, of which the pastor was a Mr. Thomas Lamb. But how long the church existed prior, and subsequent to that period, and who was this

1786. Isa. xlix. 23.-12. Jehovah the Judge, Lawgiver, King, and Saviour of his Church: a Sermon preached November 4, 1759, at the Evening Lecture, Hanover-street; and November 5, at St. Thomas Apostle. Isa. xxxiii. 22. Dedicated to Lord Harrington. 1739.


Mr. Lamb, are questions which we are not able to answer.(s) It was probably a separation from some other Society in the former part of the eighteenth century.



BROKEN WHARF is so called from its being broken and fallen down into the Thames. Here stood the city brewhouse, to which the void space of ground was given by Queen Elizabeth. Adjoining it, also, stood a large old building, formerly belonging to the Dukes of Norfolk, but since, to the city of London. Within the gate of this house, stands an engine for forcing water from the river Thames, to serve the middle and west parts of the city. During the reign of William the Third, a portion of this building was let out for a meeting-house, to the famous Mr. Hanserd Knollys, and his colleague, Mr. Robert Steed. In 1691, they removed the church to Bagnio-court, Newgate-street. After continuing there a few years, the congregation again shifted their meeting to Curriers'-Hall, Cripplegate, where the reader will find a more particular account of the church.

(s) It is supposed that this Mr. Lamb was brother to Mr. Timothy Lamb, of Deadman's-place, and that he retired to Burntwood, where he lived in great style, and died above half a century ago. He was a person of considerable property.

• Maitland's London, vol. ii. p. 1030.

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