
NEW BROAD-STREET.-Independent.

ing he punctually attended for many years, and had the pleasing satisfaction to see a spirit of prayer and love diffused among them. If his young friends married, or began business, he used to desire a few of them to meet him with the family, and there ardently committed them to the divine favour and protection; assisting them with his counsel, and sometimes with his purse. As he ever retained a grateful remembrance of the assistance afforded to his early studies, by the congregational fund, he was always a strenuous pleader for it upon the return of the annual collection in his own church; and contributed largely himself.*

Several years after his settlement in New Broad-street, a circumstance took place, that contributed in a very considerable degree to lower the reputation of Dr. Stafford in the religious world. A person of considerable property having bequeathed a very handsome sum to be paid annually to the minister of the church (as it was generally understood) for the time being, Dr. Stafford conceiving it to be left to himself and family, laid claim to the whole property, and defended his claim in a court of law. Though the Doctor's own church, as well as the relatives of the deceased, conceived him to be in the wrong, yet, on account of the manner in which the will was worded, the court felt obliged to give it in his favour; though not without great reluctance, and, as we are informed, a strong censure upon his conduct in this affair. That impartiality which we hope ever to maintain, has induced us to notice this circumstance, though we expect to incur censure. But we are happy in having a safe precedent for our guide. In scripture, the weaknesses, as well as the virtues, of good men, are faithfully recorded. There, we are made acquainted with both sides of the human character; and posterity is neither nauseated nor deceived, by a continued strain of panegyric.

Dr. Fisher's Sermon on the Death of Dr. Stafford, p. 22-32.
+ Private Information.



Dr. Stafford continued pastor of the church in New Broad-street until the time of his death, a period of nearly forty-years. He was blessed with a remarkable share of healtlı and spirits, which continued with him till nearly the close of life. About June, 1799, he was exercised with frequent spasms in his stomach, attended with violent pain; and these frequently returning, greatly interrupted his public labours. He preached his last sermon, October the 6th, and was abroad for the last time, November the 10th, to administer the Lord's-supper; when in the most impressive manner, he solemnly, and with many tears, resigned himself, and people, into the Lord's hand, to receive prosperity or affliction, chastening or consolation, life or death, at his pleasure; and earnestly prayed, that if no more permitted to meet together on earth, they might all meet around the Redeemer's throne in heaven. About a month before his decease, upon an inquiry respecting the state of his mind, in the view of his departure, he answered, " I have been favoured for so many years, with an habitual readiness for death, that I never expected to meet with much difficulty in it. I find the same faith, the same hope, the same trust, the same precious promises to support me, that I have not one trouble on my mind, either respecting this world, or that to come." A few days before his death, he was overheard saying, "So shall I be ever, ever, ever, with the Lord." To the last he was perfectly sensible and resigned, waiting for his great change, which took place about two o'clock in the afternoon of Saturday, the 22d of February, 1800, in the 72d year of his age.* Dr. Fisher preached his funeral sermon, from Isaiah xxviii. 16. Behold I lay in Zion-a tried stone.

Mr. Barber, who delivered the address at Dr. Stafford's interment, gives the following account of his character and last moments: "From a long acquaintance with our de

Dr. Fisher's Sermon, ubi supra.

NEW BROAD-STREET.-Independent.

ceased brother, I have esteemed him as a true believer in the Son of God; a man of real religion, and an able and faithful minister of the gospel. He possessed an habitual seriousness of spirit, and his general walk and conversation was becoming the gospel he preached unto others. What he was as a minister, a Divine, his printed works, especially his sermon on the seventh chapter of the Epistle to the Romans, sufficiently shew. Whoever reads those discourses with understanding and attention, must acknowledge that the author was a man of considerable abilities, and great judgment in the things of God; a workman that needed not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. He was a truly evangelical, spiritual and practical preacher. Many of you know, and I wish others to know, that his end was remarkably peaceful. His last illness was lingering; and death made its advances by slow degrees; and it was apparent that he suffered a vast deal of pain in his body, but was all along very happy in his soul. Whilst the outward man decayed, the inward man was renewed day by day. I visited him several times in his affliction, and always found him quite calm, and resigned to the will of God. At my first visit he was in his bed, and said, "Here I lie, waiting to know the pleasure of my Lord. If he has any more work for me to do, I know he will raise me up again; but, if not, he will take me to himself; and this will make way for some other person, who will be capable of doing him active service." At another time he said, "I now leave the Lord to choose for me, whether it be for life or death. I have sometimes chosen for myself, and have made a wrong choice; but as to this, I leave it entirely with him, because I know it is impossible for him to err."*

Dr. Stafford's first publication was, "The Scripture Doctrine of Sin and Grace considered, in Twenty-five plain and practical Discourses on the Whole seventh Chapter of

+ Dr. Fisher's Sermon, ubi supra, p. 34-36.


NEW BROAD-STREET.-Independent.

the Epistle to the Romans." 8vo. 1772. In the following year it came to a second edition, in duodecimo. His next, and last publication, was, a Funeral Sermon for his eldest daughter, Elizabeth Stafford, who died March 29, 1774, in the 15th year of her age; containing a particular account of her last illness, and religious character.

Upon his tomb-stone, in Bunhill-fields, are the following inscriptions; from whence it appears that he was some way related to the Rev. Benjamin Robinson, mentioned in the first volume of this work.

[blocks in formation]

The Rev. John STAFFORD, D. D.

Forty-two years Pastor of the congregational church

Meeting in New Broad-street.

In refuting error he was skilful,

În defending truth he was bold,

In his work as a Christian minister, and

In his duty as a pastor, he was zealous and faithful.

Who departed this life Feb. 22, 1800,

In the 72d year of his age.


Ob. Dec. 5, 1806, in the 70th year of her age.
She was daughter of Samuel Blythe, Esq.
Dr. STAFFORD's Five Children,

Benjamin Robinson Stafford, Ob. Aug. 30, 1773.

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PINNERS'-HALL. - Independent, Extinct.

BENJAMIN GAFFEE, the present minister at New Broad-street, was educated at Homerton, and ordained over this church, December 31, 1800. Mr. Brooksbank began with prayer; Dr. Fisher stated the business of the day, asked the usual questions, and received the confession of faith; Mr. Nathanael Child, one of the deacons, related the principal steps the church had taken since the death of their late venerable pastor, and particularly as it respected Mr. Gaffee; Mr. Gaffee, of Hatfield-Broad-Oak, Essex, uncle to him ordained, offered the ordination prayer; Mr. Goode gave the charge, from Acts xviii. 24, 25; Mr. Barber prayed; Mr. James Knight preached to the church; Mr. Ford, of Stepney, concluded the business of the day with prayer.



PINNERS'-HALL, situated in Pinners'-Hall-Court, Old Broad-street, sustained, for more than the period of a century, the reputation of one of the most celebrated places of worship among the Dissenters. This celebrity was attained chiefly in consequence of a lecture, set on foot in the reign of Charles the Second, and conducted here upon a Tuesday morning, during the whole of that period, by some of the most distinguished preachers, among the Protestant

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