CATEATON-STREET. therefore, that there have been separations from her communion. Mr. John Glass led the way upwards of eighty years ago, and Dissenters in that country have been multiplying ever since. Within our own times, not only have the seeds of separation greatly extended themselves, but they have obtained a growth of that durable and respectable nature, as justly to command our attention. Among the Dissenters from the Church of Scotland, a new race has risen up of late years, under the auspices of two brothers of considerable property, as well as reputable character, and whose names are well known in the religious world. We allude to Messrs. Robert and James Alexander Haldane, whose zeal in behalf of primitive Christianity, and whose liberal exertions for its support, have rendered their names famous through the British empire, and been productive of the most important consequences. Meeting-houses of large dimensions have been erected in various places through their influence; numerous congregations have attended; and churches have been formed, agreeably to the plan of discipline which they have defended from the press. The prominent features of this plan are, the association of believers for their own edification, and for the conversion of sinners; the importance of calling forth the gifts of the members, who at stated times exercise them before the church; the fellowship of the saints in weekly communion; prayer and exhortation by the brethren; a plurality of elders; the importance of church discipline, &c. For the purpose of diffusing the knowledge of the gospel in different parts of our island, these benevolent gentlemen, with a zeal that is truly apostolical, have sent out numerous preachers, whom they maintain at their own expence; and who have been qualified for their employment by a regular course of studies. In order to keep up a constant supply, they have a number of students, who are fitted for the work of the ministry, under their immediate patronage. To name those Divines whom they have entrusted with this important employment, is to pronounce an eulogy upon CATEATON-STREET their discernment. The abilities of Mr. Bogue, of Gosport, and of Mr. Ewing, of Glasgow, in the work of tuition, are too well established to need our commendation. (T) About two years since, several persons in connexion with the Messrs. Haldanes, in Scotland, having settled in London, found the inconvenience of not having a place where the worship was conducted according to their own views. They, therefore, united together, and hired a room in the building that was formerly the Paul's-Head Tavern, in Cateaton-street. Here they were formed into a church, in the year 1806; and Mr. William Ballantine, formerly a student under Mr. Bogue, and who was several years at the University of Edinburgh, was commissioned by Mr. Haldane, to be their superintendent. As Mr. Ballantine is a gentleman of considerable classical knowledge, with which he unites a critical acquaintance with the holy scriptures, and a large share of theological learning, his settlement in London was a considerable accession to this infant society, which prospered under his management, and additions were inade to the church and congregation. The simple and unadorned manner which attended the performance of divine worship, was not, indeed, calculated to interest persons who are attracted by pomp and splendour; but besides curiosity, and the novelty of the thing, which inight bring together some persons, others, doubtless, were drawn by more powerful, as well as laudable motives, and success seemed to smile upon the undertaking. But after about two years, this infant society was agitated by a controversy that proved greatly detrimental to its prosperity, and has nearly (T) Of late, we believe, the Messrs. Haldanes have altered their views with respect to academical institutions. Considering every church as the proper nursery for its own pastors, they do not approve of educating young men for the ministry as a profession. Nevertheless, they do not discard the usefulness of human learning. CATEATON-STREET. shattered it in pieces. The Messrs. Haldanes, and the societies in their connexion, were hitherto Pædobaptist. Several persons, however, suspecting that they were in an error upon this point, began to study the controversy; were convinced of their mistake; and received baptism by immersion. This put the Messrs. Haldanes themselves upon an examination of the subject, and the result was that they also became convinced, and were baptized, though at some interval from each other. The report of these changes reaching London, Mr. Ballantine was necessarily put upon a more careful examination of the subject, and the event was, that he also renounced his former sentiments, and was baptized by immersion. But this occasioned a convulsion in the society. Mr. Ballantine relinquished his station, and joined the Scotch Baptists in Redcross-street, as did several other persons afterwards from the church in Cateaton-street. The vacancy occasioned by Mr. Ballantine's withdrawment, was supplied, after some time, by Mr. James Mitchell, a respectable and intelligent young preacher, who did not continue long in London, but is now employed in itinerating through England, under the sanction of Mr. Haldane. Mr. Mitchell was succeeded in the care of the society at Cateaton-street, by Mr. Alexander Jamieson, who has since resigned; and they now conduct the worship among themselves. The attention excited by the first agitation of the controversy relating to baptism was so great, that most of the members of this church gradually renounced their former notions; and we believe they are now entirely Baptists. But they allow of mixed communion, and in this respect differ from all the other Particular Baptist churches in London. The manner of conducting public worship is by prayer, (in which the different members engage,) singing, expounding the scriptures, and preaching. They also attend to exhortation, and break bread always on the first day of the week. The members at present are very few. CATEATON-STREET. FREE-THINKERS. Within a few doors of the place where Mr. Haldane's people assemble, there is held a meeting of a very different description. The people who compose this society call themselves Free Thinking Christians. They separated many years ago from Mr. Vidler's church, in Parliament-court; their principal leader being a Mr. James Thompson. They assembled for some years at a private house in the Old 'Change; but for the last two years, or thereabouts, have met in a large room, nearly opposite the church, in Cateaton-street. They discard the forms of public worship, and meet rather for debate, or to discuss subjects, connected indeed with theology, but intended to undermine the doctrines of revelation, and erect a sceptical indifference upon the ruins of Christian Faith. In the course of the last winter, the Bishop of London made an attempt to put down their meeting, and the Lord Mayor sent an injunction for that purpose. At this time their room was not licensed, but having since obtained one, they now meet quietly. Their meetings are held only during the winter season, and on a Sunday evening. The contiguity of this place to the one in connexion with Mr. Haldane, very forcibly brings to our recollection some lines written by the celebrated Daniel De Foe: Wherever God erects a house of prayer, • The True Born Englishman: A satire. : ALDERMANBURY. ALDERMANBURY. ALDERMANBURY, situated at the north-west end of Cateaton-street, is of very ancient date, being at least as old as Edward the Confessor. It received its name from the Guildhall, which stood there before the erection of the present one at the upper end of King-street. From the church of St. Mary, in Aldermanbury, was ejected, in 1662, that famous Puritan Divine, Mr. Edmund Calamy, whose son of the same name, gathered a congregation of Nonconformists in this parish; the same that met upwards of a century in the Old Jewry, and is now about to remove to Jewinstreet. During the time of Oliver Cromwell, the Baptists had a meeting-house in Aldermanbury; but the bare mention of the circumstance is all that is recorded concerning it. About fourscore years ago, there existed an Independent congregation under the care of Mr. Thomas Charlton, whose place of meeting is said to have been in Aldermanbury, but the precise spot is not mentioned. We take this to have been the same with the Independent church at Plasterers'-Hall, which will presently fall under our notice; and where we shall again introduce the name of Mr. Charlton |