CUTLERS'-HALL, CLOAK-LANE. Independent, Extinct. 65 the country, and settled, we believe, at Colchester, or in the neighbourhood, where he was living a few years afterwards. We know nothing further respecting him, excepting that he published a considerable number of pamphlets, the titles of which shall be specified below. (к) (K) WORKS.-1. The Command of God to come out of Babylon. 1687.2. The great Revolution in this Nation according to Revelation xvii. 16, 17. in Pursuance of a Discourse published twelve Months past, viz. "The Command of God to his People to come out of Babylon;" wherein is fully proved that the Papacy can survive but nine or ten Years. Dedicated to the Prince of Orange. 1688.-3. Jehovah Jireh; in the Mount the Lord will be seen.-4. The Blessing of Moses on the Tribe of Asher, Deut. xxxiii. 15. -5. Gospel Grace of Faith, in its Nature opened, John xvii. 7, 8.-6. Faith by which we are justified in a Scripture Sense, Rom. v. 1.-7. A Conciliatory Discourse upon Dr. Crisp's Sermons; humbly presented to the Preachers of the Merchants' Lecture at Pinners'-Hall. Part 1 and 2. 1692-8. The true State of Gospel Faith; a Conciliatory Discourse upon Dr. Williams's Concessions. 1693.-9. A compendious Assertion and Vindication of the Trinity.-10. An Exposition of the Lord's Prayer, Matt. vi. 9. Luke xi. 1.-11. A brief View of the State of Mankind.-12. A Discourse of the Doctrine of Holiness, 1 Peter, i. 15.-13. A Discourse of several Sermons on the Sacrament.-14. A Discourse of Evangelical Repentance unto Salvation, not to be repented of. 2 Cor. vii. 10. To which is subjoined, a Discourse on Death-bed Repentance, Luke xxii. 89. 1693.15. A Sermon on the Death of the Queen. 1694.-16. A Discourse of the Greatness of the Soul.-17. The Loss of the Soul opened and demonstrated: a Sermon at the Lord's-day Morning Lecture, in Fetter-lane, Matt. xvi. 26. 1694.-18. The Pattern of the Divine Temple, &c.-19. The Line of Time from the first to the last Sabbatism.-20. The Scriptural Line of Time, &c. -21. The prophetical History of the Reformation, &c.-22. A Scheme of Prophecies to be fulfilled. 1696.-23. A fresh Memorial of the Kingdom of Christ.-24. A Table of Sabbatical Time, &c.-25. A Discourse upon the Power of the World to come.-26. A Discourse of Miracles, and the Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ.-27. A Model of Gospel Sanctification, &c. -28. The Catechism of the Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ.-29. Christianity the great Mystery.-30. Apology for the Hope of the Kingdom of Christ, appearing within this approaching Year, 1697; wherein some of the principal Arguments for such an Expectation are briefly couched, and greater Objections answered. Presented to the Notice and Examination of the Archbishops and Bishops in Parliament last. 1696.-31. The Kingdom of Jesus Christ entering its Succession. 1697.-32. A Scriptural Proof from VOL. II. K BUCKINGHAM HOUSE, COLLEGE-HILL. Upon his retiring into the country, Dr. Beverley's congregation at Cutlers'-Hall dispersed into other Societies. BUCKINGHAM-HOUSE, COLLEGE-HILL. BUCKINGHAM-HOUSE, College-Hill, so called from its having been anciently the city residence of the Duke of Buckingham. In the reign of Charles II. a part of this noble mansion was appropriated to the use of the Nonconformists. A Presbyterian congregation met here for some years, under the pastoral care of the Rev. Richard Mayo, the ejected minister of Kingston-upon-Thames. Soon after the Revolution he quitted this place, and removed to a new meeting-house, near Salters'-Hall, Cannon-street. Under that article we have given a copious account of this church, and its several ministers. Mahomet's Times to that of Christ's Kingdom, must needs be in its Succession. 1697.-33. A further Discovery upon the Line of Time. 1697.34. A Sermon of Mr. Benjamin Perkins's, at the Funeral of Mrs. Martha Robient, who died at Colchester, September 15, 1700, enlarged into a Discourse on the excellent Life, and glorious Death of a Christian, 2 Tim. iv. 7, 8. THREE CRANES, THAMES-STREET. INDEPENDENT. - EXTINCT. T HE meeting-house now under consideration, is situated in Fruiterers'-alley, the west end of which falls into the lower part of Queen-street, Cheapside; but it is better known by the name of the Three Cranes. The old place being destroyed by fire, the present meeting-house was erected on the site, in the year 1739, Mr. John Hill being then pastor. The measurement of the building between the walls on the inside, is fifty-one feet by thirty-five, and the expence of erecting it was one thousand and twenty-two pounds. It contains three large galleries, and was fitted up in a neat and convenient manner; but since it has been in the hands of the present occupier, the disposition of the seats has been altered, and some of the pews removed to make way for a large one, according to the taste of the Methodists. The meeting-house is held upon a lease from the Merchant Taylors' Company, whose property it is. With respect to the origin of the old Independent church, which met here considerably more than a century, it is said to have been collected in the reign of Charles the Second, by the famous Mr. Thomas Vincent, who preached in the city during all the time of the plague, and seems to have been the founder of several Dissenting churches. He died in 1678, but we are not sufficiently acquainted with the early history of this Society, to state with precision who was his successor. At the time of the Revolution, in 1688, Mr. Thomas Gouge, whose praises are celebrated by Dr. Watts, : was the pastor of this church; and from that period downwards, we have been enabled to collect sufficient materials to give the reader a tolerable idea of the several changes it has undergone. The convulsions that took place in the THREE CRANES, THAMES-STREET. - Independent, Extinct. church about half a century ago, in consequence of some Sandemanian notions having been embraced by several members of the Society, and amongst others, by Mr. Pike, the pastor, sowed the seeds of its dissolution. The progress of these opinions occasioned a very large breach, in the year 1760, when nearly half the church went off to Little St. Helen's, and invited Mr. Barber from Basingstoke, to be their pastor. Down to the year 1765, when Mr. Pike quitted this connexion, the church adhered strictly to the old Independent discipline; but after that time, it seems to have assumed a different form, and the people conducted public worship amongst themselves, till their number was so far reduced, that the Society was obliged finally to dissolve. This event took place, we believe, early in the year 1798. The lease of the meeting-house had expired some years before, and the people held the place latterly as tenants at will. Not long after their quitting it, a lease of the meetinghouse was taken by a congregation of Calvinistic Methodists, under the care of Mr. Thomas Davies, who, is the present possessor. The pastors of the old Independent church from the time of the Revolution, till it assumed a new form after the departure of Mr. Pike, were as follows: THREE CRANES, THAMES-STREET. - Independent, Extinct. THOMAS GOUGE. --This excellent Divine, and popular preacher, has often been confounded with another minister of both his names, who was ejected from the living of St. Sepulchre, and whose funeral sermon was preached, in 1681, by Dr. Tillotson. But the person of whom we speak was posterior in point of time, nor is it certain that he was of the same family. His father, the Rev. Robert Gouge, a Divine of the Independent persuasion, was several years minister of Ipswich, in Suffolk, till silenced by the Act of Uniformity. He was afterwards pastor of a congregational church at Coggeshall, in Essex, where he finished his course, far advanced in life, having previously buried his son. Mr. Thomas Gouge was born at Ipswich, the place of his father's residence, a little before the Restoration; but the exact year is uncertain. In him, says Mr. Nesbitt, heaven gave an early confutation of that opprobrious, but too common reflection, that the children of ministers, of all others, seldom prove religious. With Obadiah of old, he could say, Thy servant feared the Lord from my youth. Having become acquainted with the scriptures from his childhood, his knowledge of Divine things matured with his years, and his impressions of religion were lasting. His father intending him for the ministry, gave him a suitable education, first in his own country, and afterwards in Holland, which being a safe retreat for the Nonconformists, proved to them, also, an advantageous seat of learning. In that country our Divine went through a complete course of studies for the ministry, and at an early age, commenced preacher. Before he was twenty-two years old, Mr. Gouge was fixed in the pastoral office at Amsterdam. There, his ministerial labours were very great; but he went through the several parts of his work with great diligence and cheerfulness, having but very rarely any assistance. About the time of the Revolution, he returned to England, and was chosen |