
suggestions contained therein, at a future session. The chair appointed Messrs. W. S. Thompson, Henry Canning and M. W. Alexander said committee.

President Finlay occupied the chair.

The Permanent Secretary presented the list of accredited delegates which had been examined by the Council, showing that credentials had been sent or handed in from the following organizations of pharmacists:

Colleges of Pharmacy: Chicago, Cincinnati, Denver, Illinois, Louisville, Maryland, Massachusetts, National (Washington), New York, Philadelphia and St. Louis.

State Pharmaceutical Associations: Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, Washington, and the Provinces of Nova Scotia and Quebec. County and City Associations: Cleveland, O.; Houston, Tex.; Kings Co., N. Y.; and German Apothecaries, New York.

Alumni Associations of Colleges of Pharmacy: Cincinnati, Massachusetts, Maryland, New York, Philadelphia and St. Louis.

Also from the National Wholesale Druggists' Association.

On motion the delegates were invited to take seats on the floor and to participate in the discussions.

On motion of Mr. Canning, the members present from the State of Kentucky were granted the privilege of appointing delegates, the credentials from the State Association not having been received.

The same privilege, on motion of Mr. Simon, was extended to the members present from the Maryland Pharmaceutical Association.

Delegations intending to fill vacancies were requested to report to the Permanent Secretary.

Mr. Kennedy, Secretary of the Council, reported the names of 289 candidates for membership, with a favorable recommendation from the Council. Pending the motion for election, Mr. Hallberg stated that he might have an objection to offer to one of the candidates, whereupon, on motion of Mr. Good, voting upon the admission of the applicants to membership was postponed until the next session.

Reports of Committees being called for, the following were read by title on Prize Essays; on International Pharmaceutical Congress; on National Formulary; and of the delegation to the American Medical Association. The reports were laid upon the table, to be called up later. The following telegram was read:

BOSTON, July 13, 1892.

To the Secretary of the American Pharmaceutical Association, Profile House:
Unexpectedly detained. Please convey to the Association the hearty sympathy of the
American Medical Association.


A recess of five minutes was taken to enable the members from the dif

ferent States to consult together, when upon reassembling the following appointments for the Nominating Committee were made by the members then present from the different States :

Columbia, Dist.: J. W. Hodges, A. Nattans. | New Hampshire: C. A. Tufts, E. H. Cur

Connecticut: C. A. Rapelye, T. F. Main.
Florida: L. S. Smith, S. P. Watson.
Georgia: H. Sharp, T. H. Cheatham.
Illinois: A. E. Ebert, P. J. H. Behrens.
Indiana: J. K. Lilly, G. W. Sloan.
Iowa J. H. Pickett, W. H. Torbert.
Kentucky: E. C. Pfingst, J. W. Gayle.
Louisiana: F. C. Godbold, L. F. Chalin.
Maryland: D. M. R. Culbreth, C. E.

Massachusetts: E. L. Patch, M. L. Lavitt.
Michigan: A. B. Stevens, J. Jesson.
Missouri: J. M. Good, H. M. Whelpley.


New Jersey: W. C. Alpers, Rich. Stabler.
New York: C. O. Rano, B. T. Fairchild.
North Dakota: H. L. Haussamen.
Ohio: C. B. Johnson, G. L. Hechler.
Pennsylvania: J. H. Stein, E. A. Cornell.
Rhode Island: M. B. Wood, W. E. Cates.
Tennessee: J. O. Burge.
Texas: J. Burgheim.
Virginia: M. E. Church.

Wisconsin : J. A. Dadd, C. H. Bernhard.
Nova Scotia: F. C. Simson.
Quebec: E. Muir.

In addition to these the President appointed from the Association at large Messrs. C. L. Diehl, J. Ingalls, C. T. P. Fennel, C. L. Keppler, and G. Ramsperger members of the Nominating Committee.

Mr. Kennedy as Secretary of the Council read the minutes of this body since the last annual meeting, all of which were subsequently, on motion of Mr. Nattans, duly approved. These minutes give the following information:

The Secretary reported that since the last meeting the following business had been transacted by correspondence.

The following communication with resolutions attached was submitted:

To the Chairman of Council:

PHILADELPHIA, May 18, 1891.

Dear Sir: The newly elected Reporter on the Progress of Pharmacy, Dr. Chas. Rice, has accepted the office, but owing to his duties as Chairman of the Committee of Revision and Publication of the Pharmacopoeia of the United States of America, he will be compelled for the first year, beginning July 1, 1891, and until the new Pharmacopoeia is published, to have the compiling of the papers for the report done by a competent person under his personal supervision. The Permanent Secretary respectfully suggests to the Chairman of the Council that this proposition be approved in compliance with Chap. V., Art. V., of the By-Laws, as being "the best arrangements they can command to continue the work to its completion." If the foregoing be approved, it will, of course, become necessary that the person engaged be paid for his services at regular stated intervals, instead of "in two equal instalments, one on March 1st, and the second at the expiration of the term of office," as fixed by resolution of the Council, September 8, 1890. (See Proceedings 1890, page 8.) I, therefore, move:

1. That so much of this resolution of the Council as refers to the salary of the Reporter on the Progress of Pharmacy, be suspended until after the new Pharmacopoeia of the United States of America shall have been published.

2. That in the payment for the compilation of the report, upon the written request of the Reporter on the Progress of Fharmacy, duly approved by the Finance Committee, the

Permanent Secretary be directed, during the suspension of the Council's resolution, at the end of each month following July 1st, next, to issue an order for a sum not exceeding $50.00, and the Treasurer to draw a check for such amount in favor of Mr. Charles Rice. Respectfully submitted.


Permanent Secretary.

Seconded by H. M. WHELPLEY.

The resolutions were adopted unanimously, Mr. P. C. Candidus not voting.

The following communication with resolution was submitted:

PHILADELPHIA, May 19, 1891.

To the Council, American Pharmaceutical Association:

The undersigned respectfully reports that the General Index for the Proceedings from 1883 to 1890 inclusive is finished in manuscript. It has been found impossible to correctly estimate the number of pages it will make in print, the estimates by different persons familiar with such work varying between 125 and 160 pages like those of the General Index published in 1884, which would make the expense for composition, paper and printing between $440 and $560. The Index of 1884, covering 178 printed pages, had cost $687. To make the Index as perfect as possible, it is of importance that the compiler, Mr. H. M. Wilder, should read the proof-sheets. For these reasons it is moved:

1, That the Committee on Publication be instructed to have the General Index for the years 1883 to 1890 inclusive, published on as favorable terms as possible;

2. That the General Index be bound with the volume of the Proceedings for the year 1891; and

3. That Mr. Wilder be engaged to read the proof-sheets of the General Index, at a compensation not to exceed $25.

Respectfully submitted,

I second the above motion.


Permanent Secretary.


Chairman Committee on Publication.

The resolutions were adopted by a unanimous vote, Mr. P. C. Candidus not voting.

Under date of June 20th, the following was communicated:

To the Members of the Council of the American Pharmaceutical Association: Some of the members of the Committee for revising the National Formulary having expressed the desire of being furnished with an interleaved copy of the Formulary, and the request having been approved by the Chairman, Professor Diehl, in view of facilitating the labors of the committee; it is moved by J. M. Maisch, that the Permanent Secretary be directed to supply each working member of the Committee named with an interleaved copy of the National Formulary, bound in sheep, as far as the stock on hand will permit; the remainder to be taken from those bound in cloth.

The above motion is seconded by Chas. T. P. Fennel.

It was unanimously adopted, the seventeen members of the Council voting in favor.

Pottsville, October 1, 1891: It is moved by H. M. Whelpley and seconded by Geo. J. Seabury,

That, acting in the interest of the Commercial Section of the A. P. A., the President of each State Pharmaceutical Association be invited by our President to appoint one

person as a representative of his Association to attend the meeting of the National Wholesale Druggists' Association, to be held on the 19th of October, 1891, at Louisville, Ky.

Ayes: Conrath, Dawson, Dunning, Eliel, Fennel, Good, Goodman, Maisch, Rice, Seabury, Sheppard, Thompson, Torbert, Whelpley and Whitney-15.

Not voting: Candidus and Finlay-2.

The communications of October 2 and November 2, 1891, relating to the place and date of the fortieth annual meeting, were published in the "Proceedings" for 1391, pages 671 and 672.

POTTSVILLE, PA., Oct. 20, 1891.—It is moved by S. A. D. Sheppard and seconded by H. M. Whelpley, that the Treasurer of the American Pharmaceutical Association be instructed to draw from the cash on deposit a sufficient sum and purchase therewith three bonds, one thousand dollars each, the same to be such bonds as shall be approved by the Finance Committee. Said bonds to be registered in the name of the Treasurer of the American Pharmaceutical Association, and placed in the custody of the Chairman of the Council.

Carried by sixteen affirmative votes, Mr. P. C. Candidus not voting.

POTTSVILLE, PA., Jan. 11, 1892.-It is moved by W. H. Forbert and seconded by H. M. Whelpley, that an amount not exceeding two hundred and fifty dollars ($250) be and the same is hereby voted to be added to the appropriation of the two hundred dollars (200) made at New Orleans, to cover the expenses of the Committee on plan to regulate prices on proprietary articles. See Proceedings of meeting at New Orleans, page 41.

Ayes.-Conrath, Dawson, Dunning, Fennel, Finlay, Good, Goodman, Rice, Seabury,, Sheppard, Torbert, Whelpley, Whitney-13.


Nay, conditional.-Thompson-1.

Not voting.-Candidus-1.

If the above appropriation is to cover expenses already incurred, I vote Aye; on the contrary, if it is in anticipation of expenses to be incurred in the future prosecution of the work, I vote No. W. S. THOMPSON.

Washington, D. C.

I must decline voting on Mr. Torbert's resolution in the present form. The Association has appropriated for a certain purpose a sum not exceeding $200. It may be considered doubtful, perhaps, whether the Council has the power to vote a larger sum in addition for the same purpose. Such power can only be derived from Chap. VI, Art. I of the By-Laws, on the transaction of business for the Association between the times of meeting. To justify the Council in entertaining such a motion, it should be placed on record whether the sum appropriated has been expended, and for what reasons an additional larger sum is needed. This, it seems to me, is due to the members of the Council, so that they may vote intelligently on the question, and also due to the members of the Association, who should. be informed through the printed minutes of the causes leading to such a transaction. JOHN M. MAISCH.

The following communications and resolution were submitted to the Council ûnder date of February 8, 1892.

MR. W. H. TORBERT, Chairman Section on Commercial Interests American Pharmaceutical Association:

Dear Sir: One of the wisest conclusions arrived at by the Tripartite Committee at its recent meeting, was that of submitting the proposed form of contract or agreement relating to the sale of proprietary goods on the American Pharmaceutical Association plan to the retail trade of the country for an expression of its will in the matter-yes or no. Of course, such a move means a large outlay: for instance, 36,000 stamps alone amount to $720.00; add to this 72,000 envelopes (one for return) and addressing, printing of circulars, clerical labor in sending out and tabulating returns, etc., etc.

The Committee on the part of the American Pharmaceutical Asssociation will, as far as I can judge (although the returns are not all in) be obliged to exceed the amount already granted by the Council. Each branch of the Tripartite Committee pledged its own national organization for its proportionate part of the expense, and I am sure that the American Pharmaceutical Association will back us up. It is the first opportunity, financially, that the Association has had to prove its interest in the Commercial Section. The Association is abundantly able to meet the obligation, but it does not seem fair to ask these three representatives to carry the amount until the meeting in July. Therefore, I respectfully petition the Council through you, as Chairman of the Commercial Section, to grant an amount sufficient to pay the Association's part of the expense incurred in bringing the American Pharmaceutical Association plan before the trade, remembering that it is the 'American Pharmaceutical Association's own plan.

I cannot state an exact amount, but will see that there is no injudicious expenditure. Not wanting "snap judgment" on the part of any member of the Council, is my only excuse for so lengthy a presentation of the case.

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MR. HENRY CANNING, Chairman of Committee on Plan for Prevention of Cutting: Dear Sir: I consider the work of your Committee so important to the Association, and to the druggists of the United States, that I most cheerfully urge the Council to authorize the expenditure of a large sum of money to accomplish so desirable a result. Yours very truly,


It is moved by W. H. Torbert that the Council of the American Pharmaceutical Association authorize the expenditure of a sufficient sum, not to exceed $500, for its share of the tripartite expenses in bringing before the retail trade the A. P. A. plan for approval.

For the reasons stated in Mr. Canning's letter, I second the foregoing motion.

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Ayes.-Candidus, Conrath, Dawson, Fennel, Finlay, Good, Goodman, Maisch, Rice, Seabury, Sheppard, Torbert, Whelpley and Whitney-14.


Not Voting-Dunning, Thompson-2.

On motion of Mr. Thompson the foregoing minutes were approved.

Mr. Kennedy read the following report, which was accepted and referred to the Association:

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