
Gloss Les Miracles de la sainte Vierge traduits et mis en vers

par Gautier de Coincy, p p. Poquet Paris, 1857.

GER. DE VIANE. — Gérard de Viane, in: Der Roman von Fierabras. bez. vos L. Becker. Berin. 1899.

Gar. - Girs et Lavisse. Documents sur les relations de la royauté avec les villes en France de 11×0 a 1314. Paris, 1885.

GREGOIRE”. — Li Dialoge Gregoire lu Pape, bgg. von W. Foerster. Halle, 1876.


Guillaume d'Or. — Guillaunie d'Orange, p.p. Jonckbloet. Vol. I. La Have, 1854.

GUILLAUME DE PALERNE, p.p. H. Michelant. Paris, 1876.

HGF. Recueil des Historiens des Gaules et de la France. Vol.

XXIV. p. p. Léopold Delisle. Paris, 1904.

Hros. - Huon de Bordeaux, p.p. Guessard et Grandmaison. Paris, 1850. Les Anciens Poètes de la France.,

HYS. CESAR. Jehan de Tuim. Li Hystore de Julius Cesar, p.p. F. Settegast. Halle, 1881.

J CONDÉ. Dits et contes de Baudouin de Condé et de son fils Jean de Condé, p.p. A. Scheler. Bruxelles, 1866-67. 3 vols. JERUS. La conquête de Jérusalem, par le Pèlerin Richard, p.p. C. Hippeau. Paris, 1868.

JOINVILLE.Joinville, Histoire de saint Louis, p.p. N. de Wailly. 2nd ed. Paris, 1874.

JOSEPH *. — L'Estoire Joseph, hgg. von E. Sass. Dresden, 1906. (Gesellschaft für Rom. Lit., Vol. 12.)

Joufrois, hgg. von K. Hofmann und Fr. Muncker.

Halle, 1880.

JULIAN. — “ Das Leben des h. Julianus in altfr. Versen nach der Arsenalhandschrift. " ASNS., Vol. 102, pp. 109-178.

LARCHANZ.- La Chançon de Willelme nicht im Buchhandel). Freiburg im Breisgau, 1908.

LAYETTES. Layettes du Trésor des Charles, p.p. Alex. Teulet. Paris, 1886.

Lois de Gu. - Lois de Guillaume le Conquérant, p.p. John E. Matzke. Paris, 1899.



Lyoner Yzopet, hgg. von W. Foerster. Heilbronn,

MAHOM. Alixandre dou Pont, Roman de Mahomet, hgg. von B. Ziolecki. Oppeln, 1887.

MEN. REIMS. Récits d'un Ménestrel de Reims, p.p. N. de Wailly. Paris, 1877.

MERAUGIS. Raoul de Houdenc, Meraugis von Portlesguez, hgg. von M. Friedwagner. Halle, 1897.


Heilbronn, 1881.

Lothringischer Psalter, hgg. von F. Apfelstedt.

MFCE., FABLES. - Die Fabeln der Marie de France, hgg. von K. Warnke. Halle, 1898.

MFCE., LAIS. Die Lais der Marie de France, hgg. von K. Warnke. 2nd ed. Halle, 1900.


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"Die altfranzösische Prosafassung des Mo

niage Guillaume, "hgg. von G. Schläger. ASNS., Vol. 97. MOUSK. Philippe Mouskes, Chronique rimée, p.p. Reiffenberg. Bruxelles, 1836-38. (Collection de Chroniques belges.)

Mrs. Mystères inédits du quinzième siècle, p.p. A. Jubinal. 2 vols. Paris, 1837. Vol. I. *

NOUVELLES FR. - Nouvelles françaises en prose du XIVe siècle, p.p. Moland et d'Héricault. Paris, 1858.

OXF. Ps. - Libri Psalmorum Versio Antiqua Gallica e Cod. Ms. in Bibl. Bodl., p.p. Fr. Michel. Oxford, 1860.

[ocr errors]

OXF. ROL. La Chanson de Roland, d'après le manuscrit d'Oxford. 2nd ed. Bibl. Romanica, 53-54.

PA- Guillaume de Digulleville, Le Pèlerinage de l'Ame, ed. J. J. Stürzinger. London, 1895. (Roxburghe Club.)

PASSION *. - La Passion du Christ, in: Les plus anciens monuments de la langue française, p.p. E. Koschwitz. Leipzig, 1902. PHIL.* - Chrétien de Troyes, Philomena, p.p. C. de Boer. Paris, 1909.

POÈME MORAL. Poème Moral, hgg. von W. Cloetta. Rom. Forsch., Vol. III, pp. 1-262.

Maistre Pierre Patelin, p.p. F. Génin. Paris, 1854.
PVH. Guillaume de Digulleville, Pèlerinage de la vie humaine,
ed. J. J. Stürzinger. London, 1893. (Roxburghe Club.)

IV REIS. Li quatre livre des Reis, hgg. von E. R. Curtius. Dresden, 1911. (Gesellschaft für Rom. Lit., Vol. 26.) Text controlled entire in edition of Le Roux de Lincy, Paris, 1841; revised from the later edition. All references are to the edition of Curtius.

RAB. I. Rabelais, OEuvres. Tome Ier: Gargantua. Paris, Champion, 1912.

RCLARY. Robert de Clary; La Prise de Constantinople, in:
Chroniques gréco-romanes, p.p. Hopf. Berlin, 1873.


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Reimpredigt, hgg. von H. Suchier. Halle, 1879. Richars li biaus, hgg. von W. Foerster. Vienna, 1874. Das altfranzösische Rolandslied, hgg. von E. Stengel, Vol. I. Leipzig, 1900.


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[ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors]

Tocanes - Charter se "Ansaje se Saint-Martin se Tournai, p.p. ,, པཎྞསངྑཱནོ Armand & Herbomer. Vos I and II. Bruxelles, 1898-1901. All Frenco documents of Vol. 1, and those of Vo. Il to p. 500, were controlled.

1x. - Benoit de Sainte-Maure. Le Roman de Troie, p.p. L. Constana Vol 1. Pare. 194. SATF.

Terer. -- Thomas. Le Roman de Tristan. p.p. J. Bedier. Paris, 1904. SATF.


Fragment de Valenciennes : Homelie sur le prophète Jonas. in: Bartsch-Wiese, Chrestomathie de l'ancien français. 9th ed. Leipzig, 1908.


ViLLen, → Geoffroi de Ville-Hardouin, Conquéte de Constantinople, pp. N. de Wailly. 2nd ed. Paris, 1874.

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VK Raoul de Houdenc, La Vengeance Raguidel, hgg. von M. Friedwagner. Halle, 1909.

VRAI ASTEL". Li Dis dou Vrai Aniel, hgg. von A. Tobler. 3rd ed. Leipzig, 1912.

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La Vie de saint Silvestre et l'invention de la Sainte Croix, in Cartulaire du Chapitre de Saint-Laud d'Angers. Angers, 1903.


Der Löwenritter Yvain) von Christian von Troyes, hgg. von W. Foerster. Halle, 1887.


(Numbers refer to paragraphs in the text.)

à nominative, 194-197; influ-
ence of a type, 200, 222, note;
jusqu'à, 210.

Ablative absolute, cf. Absolute


Absolute construction, 85-101, 162;
in nominative, 97, 99; in predi-
cate, 91-92; parallel to indirect
object, 95; parallel to direct ob-
ject, 96; parallel to subject, 89-
90; with participle, 154, note.
Accusative infinitive, cf. Infini-

Adjective, and related noun, 54-57;
double construction, 115. Cf.
Predicate, Participle.
Adverb, and adjective, 115, note;
adverbial force explaining ob-
jective, 120, 124-25; bien, 58;
influence of-
on participle, 155,
and preposition, 209; tant,
Agreement, cf. Adjective, Singular,
Double agreement, Participle,


Agreement ad sensum, 6, 114.
Anacoluthon, 239, 245-50.

Apposition, 102-03, 149; partial —

Article, cf. Neuter.
Assimilation, 239-44.
atot, 209.

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

(a) non, 132-35; il y a,

Broken type, cf. Singular.

ce, vs. il, 52; with neuter agree-
ment, 49, 53.

cel, neuter pronoun, 50. Cf. De-

celui, after être, 241; as nominative,

c'est, variation after, 102, 116, 138-

53, 239. Cf. étre, Verbs with
double case.

Collectives, 113.

com(me), 181-86, 191-92, 210, 238,


Conjunction, 181-92. Cf. comme
and que.

de, confused with que, 189-91;

+nominative, 193; partitive, 210.
Demonstrative, liable to assimila-
tion, 242. Cf. Neuter, cel, celui.
dire+double case, 134-36.
Distributives, 104-12; chascun,
110-11; maint, 107; plusieur,
109; quiconque, 105; tant, 108-
108 a; tout, 106; un, 110, note;
110 a.

Double agreement, 6, note.
Double function, 235-38.
Double gender, 1-25; doublets, 3,
23; neuters, 4 (cf. also Neuters);
neuter remnants, 5; influence of

124, note. Words used in il-
lustration of double gender: ba-
taille, 9; cousinage, 10: covise,
11; cremors, 12; eritet, 13; evan-
gile, 14; fin, 15; gent, 24; joïse, 9;
jument, 16; livre, 17; merite, 18;
miracle, 19; ost, 20; prophete,
21; resne, 22; setiere, 23.
Doublets, 3, 23.
droiz, 57.

el, neuter, 50.

en, 199-201.

endreit, 222, note.

ensemble, as preposition, 209.
entre... et, 211-25, 236.

es vos, 74 a, 227.

estre (preposition), 205.

être, impersonal, 124. Cf. c'est,
soit, Verbs with double case.
Exclamations, 226-34.

Formulae, 251-55.

fors, 202-204 a.

Gender, cf. Double gender.
Gerund, 163-71.

[blocks in formation]


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Infinitive, 172-80; historical
174, note: mixing with
struction, 119, 245-46: participie
――, 153.
Interrogative. cf. que.
Intransitives, agreement of, 156.

Latin influence, 48, 60, 119, 145,
169, 239, 247-50: on absolute
type, 86; on distributives, 104;
on gerund, 164; on infinitive.
172, 175; on vocative. 68.
le, neuter predicate, 41-42.
mais and mais que, 93, 202, 207.
Neuter, 26-58;

article, 27, 36.
39; - demonstrative adjectives,
25-31, 36, 38; -expressions, 40
petit, plus, poi, quanque, riens,
tol, trestot, un; — participle,
156; -plurals, 4-5, 23;- pos-
sessives, 32-36, 39; - predicate
adjectives, 47; predicate le,

Nominative, absolute, 97; - cum
infinitivo, 178; retained, 135.
Noun, and parallel adjective, 54-
57;- and parallel adverb, 58.
Number, variation in, 184. Cf. also

Object, retained, 143, note; 255.
par, 222, note.

Participle, 154-62; and gerund,
163-71; neuter 46; plural
agreement of —, 155.
Partitive, 210.
Passive, agreement of, 156; vs. in-
finitive type, 175; with objec-
tive, 125.

pornominative, 194-97, 210.
Possessive, in neuter, 32-36, 39;
masculine for feminine before
Vowel, 25.
Postposition, 116-22, 125.
Predicate, absolute construction,
91; effect of postposition, 122;
objective after être, 138-53; par-
ticipial 166-71; variation of
-, 159-61.

[blocks in formation]
[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

se non, 128, 202, note.
si ce n'est, 152, 202, 208.
Singular verb with plural subject,

98, 104, note; 209, 213, 224, note.
soit, with objective, 153. Cf. Verbs
with double case.

Subject, agreement of, cf. Adjec-
tive, Participle, Predicate.
torz, 56.

Verbs, absence of, 117-18; avoir
(a non, 132; étre, 138-53; il y a,
127-31; sembler ressembler), 41,
126; soi apeler, 134; soi tenir
por a, 133; - with double case
126-53. Cf. also Infinitive, Par-

Vocative, 68-84, 226; words so used,

71-81 (amis, 71; anemis, 72;
ber, 73; chevalier, 74; fiz, 75;
freres, 76; nies, 77; riens, 78;
sire, 79; suer, 80; traître 81).
voirs, 55.


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