

the immense bulk of that which was and is produced; and the
thought is fascinated by the sense of that aggregate of human
effort, and happiness, and suffering, which has lain striving and
sleeping beneath the broad heavens since the birth of time.
"And what," we ask ourselves, "is the motive, and what are
Men move
the conditions of all this action and suffering?"
under the influences of fitful gusts and gales of passion; but
also under the steady trade-winds of necessity, of self-interest,
of ambition, of benevolence, of duty. Physical need is the most
universal and the most imperious claimant upon man's time
and sinew. It stares most of us in the face, and it stares
some of us with cruel pertinacity. There is nothing more ap-
parent than that God intended that our existence should depend
upon our exertions; and with this naked fact-however rough,
and hard, and humiliating it may seem-we must start in all
our reasoning. The benefits of fortune make, indeed, an appa-
rent exception to this rule. There is a class of men who do
not find toil necessary to life, or even to its luxuries; but is it
not apparent to all that a life without exertion-exertion sys-
tematic, continued, and directed to an object-is a life without
happiness, and that idleness is not only useless, but practically


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Character," Truth," "Temperance," under such headings as etc., to bring before our readers the united ideas of life and duty.



In the plural the adjective, when not preceded by a declinable
word (the personal pronouns excepted), is inflected according to

N. Gute, good;
G. Guter, of good;
D. Guten, to good;
A. Gute, good;

schōne, fine;
schöner, of fine;
schöne, fine;
schönen, to fine;

alte, old;
alter, of old;
alte, old;
alten, to old;

[blocks in formation]

1. The definite article, the demonstrative and possessive pro-
nouns, have, in the plural, the same form for all genders, and
are declined like adjectives of the Old Declension.
Adjectives, when preceded by the definite article, a demon-
strative, possessive, or relative pronoun, end in all cases of the
plural in en, and are of the New Declension.

meine, my;
meiner, of my ;
meinen, to, or for my;
meine, my.

N. Die, the;
Der, of the;
D. Den, to, or for the;
. Dic, the ;

diese, these;
biefer, of these;
biesen, to, or for these;
diese, these;


N. Jene guten, those good;
G. Jener guten, of those good;

D. Jenen guten, to, or for those good;
A. Jene guten, those good;

But when we have got thus far, we have advanced but a small step, however necessary that step is. Man cannot live by bread alone. His first want is not his greatest; no, nor nearly so. What a different sight should we look upon as compared to that which is now in sense and memory before us of the world and man's. work upon it, if his sole necessity here had been the food and clothes which keep life strong within him! We should not then see, as we do now, cities, and temples, and ships; power, and beauty, and thought grown into shapes of wood and stone upon the earth, and into culture of tree and flower, bird and beast, colour and sound, heat and force. We must look to other cravings, besides that of hunger, in man, to find the secret of that eternal twisting of the matter and spirit about him, the moulding of it into fresh forms, the digging, and the building, and the questioning. No hard necessity of food is laid upon him here, yet he toils What a bustling. as if all eternity waited upon his success. suffering, hoping creature it is! Let us look at him more closely. He is inquisitive-the pictures of his senses will not satisfy him. He is fond of power and possession-the dominion of his own body and birthplace will not satisfy him. He is fond of beauty and order-the flower and the wind will not satisfy him. He knows of right and wrong-obedience to his passions will not satisfy him. He knows of an unearthly power and his own supremacy will not satisfy him. Of all these dissatisfactions and needs, that which is attendant on the moral faculties-the sense of right and wrong, and of responsibility—is the most curious and distinctive in man. Remove this, and it were better for him that he had but the hunger of the brute; the world is without form and void, and there is darkness upon the face of the deep.

Now, whatsoever different forms education may impose upon this sense of right and wrong in the minds of men; whatever they may, by length of time, persuade themselves about it; however it may be disregarded, violated, attended to-it is universal in all rational minds, and is as much a part of man's mental system as hunger is of his physical system. The laws of God as revealed to us in the Bible sanction, direct, and enforce it; the laws of society are the partial expression of it. Moreover, mankind in general acquiesce in a judicial system which punishes the transgressions of a man against his fellow, and most men fear a judicial system which shall take a like cognizance of the faults which are secret to ourselves. We have, therefore, come to another element in the great history of man's thought, and word, and work; or, rather, to two separate principles, closely akinthe moral faculty and the fear of God.

This is not the place for any metaphysical discussion as to the relations of these two; and we are concerned now with the former rather than the latter. That is, we wish to confine ourselves to the view of man as under the influence of certain Against principles which he finds to be part of his nature. these many things tempt him to rebel, but he feels that there is a warning voice which will not suffer him to do so in ignorance of coming retribution, and which tells him, without arguments, without passion, without partiality, that every principle thus violated is sure to avenge itself with a merciless reaction. We hope in succeeding papers to point out the practical bearing upon life of these great moral principles in man, and

seine guten, his good;
seiner guten, of his good;
seinen guten, to, or for his good;
seine guten, his good.

Old Declension.

Rule 1. Masculine nouns ending in el, en, er, have the same form in the plural, as :-Der Maler, the painter; die Maler, the painters. Der Morgen, the morning; die Morgen, the mornings. Der Strudel, the whirlpool; die Struvel, the whirlpools.

The following masculine nouns take the Umlaut. (To take the Umlaut" means to change or modify the vowel; i.e., to change a into a, o into é, u into ù; the diphthong au is modified into au.) Avfel, apple; Hammel, wether; Hantel, trade; Mangel, want; Mantel, cloak; Nabel, navel; Nagel, nail; Sattel, saddle; Schnabel, beak; Vogel, bird; Faven, thread; Garten, garden; Graben, ditch; Hafen, harbour; Ofen, stove, oven; Schaden, injury; Ader. field; Bruter, brother: Hammer, hammer; Schwager, brother-in-law; Bater, father. As, also, the feminine nouns: Mutter, mother; Tochter, daughter.

Singular. N. Der Mantel.
Der Bogel.
Der Bruder.

Plural. die Mäntel.
die Vögel.
die Brüder.

Rule 2. Masculine nouns of other terminations add e (in a
-Zahn, tooth; Zähne,
few words er), and assume the Umlaut, as:-
Rod, coat; Röcke, coats.
Baum, tree; Bäume, trees.
Hut, hat; Hute, hats. Thus also are declined the feminine nouns
Angst, Art, etc.

The following do not assume the Umlaut: Aal, eel; Aar, eagle;
Amboß, anvil; Anwalt, attorney; Arm, arm; Docht, wick; Dolch,
dagger; Dorsch, haddock; Gibant, son-in-law; Gemahl, husband:
Halm, stalk (almen when used in a collective sense); Haud),
breath; Herzog, duke; Huf, hoof; Hund, dog; Kohelb, hobgoblin
Laut, sound; Leichnam. corpse; Luchs, lynx; Molch, lizard; Ment
moon; Monat, month: Mort, murder; Pfat, path; Salm, salmon;
Schaft, shaft; Schuh, shoe; Staar, starling; Stoff, material; Tag
day; Trunkenbolt, drunkard; Unhold, monster; Vielfraß, glutton;
Wiebehepf, hoopoo; Zoll, inch (3oll, pl. Zölle, custom, tax), as :—
Plural. die Gemahle.
Singular. Der Gemahl.
die Monde
die Unholde.

Der Mond.
Der Unhold.

Rule 3. Neuter nouns ending in e, el, en, er, chen, and lein, have the same form in the plural, as :-9 :-Das Mittel, the means: Das Waffer, the water; die Waffer, the bie Mittel, the means. Das Gebäude, the building; tie Gebäude, the buildings. waters.

Singular: Das | gute, neue, schöne Hüte. Sie haben die guten, neuen, schönen Hüte. (§ 34, 2.) The pupil's attention is directed to the changes which the adjectives undergo according as the article is absent or present, of which more will be said hereafter.

Das Märchen, the girl; tie Märchen, the girls.
Männlein, the little man. Plural: Die Männlein, the little men.
Exception. Kloster, cloister, takes the Umlaut.
Rule 4. Neuter nouns of other terminations add e (or er),
as:-Jahr, year; Jahre. years. Schiff, ship; Schiffe, ships. Boot,
boat; Boote (sometimes written Bote), boats. Singular: Das
Bilb, the image. Plural: Die Bilder, the images.
Floß, raft, and Rohr, pipe, take the Umlaut.

New Declension.

Rule 5. Masculine nouns of the New Declension which end in <, or unaccented el, er, ar, add n in the oblique cases of the singular, and retain this form in all cases of the plural, as :- -Der Knabe, the boy; des Knaben, die Knaben. Der Ungar, the Hungarian; tes Ungarn, die Ungarn. Der Baier, the Bavarian; des Baiern, die Baiern. Herr has Herrn in the oblique cases of the singular, and Herren in all cases of the plural. There are some words ending in ar which take en: e.g., N. Der Barbar, the barbarian; G. Des Barbaren; Plural, Die Barbaren.

Rule 6. Masculine nouns of other terminations add en, as :Der Graf, the count; des Grafen, die Grafen. Der Bär, the bear; des Bären, die Bären. Der Ochs. the ox; res Ochsen, die Ochsen. Rule 7. Feminine nouns ending in c, el, er, form the plural by adding n, as:-Narbe, scar; Narben. Gabel, fork; Gabeln. Jaer, pen; Federn.

Rule 8. Feminine nouns of other terminations add en, as :

rau, woman; Frauen. Uhr, watch; Uhren. Nouns terminating in in (which formerly used to be spelt,, inn") double the n in the plural, before they take, en," as:-Die Freundin. Plural, Die Freundinnen. (See § XIV. 1.)

Rule 9. Nouns which in the nominative plural end in n, have all cases alike; those of other terminations add n in the dative, and have all other cases alike.


Note. The masculine nouns Ahn, ancestor; Dorn, thorn; Flutter, spangle; Forst, forest; Gau, province; Gevatter, godfather; Lorbeer, laurel; Maft, mast; Nachbar, neighbour; Pfau, peacock; See, lake; Sporn, spur; Staat, state; Stachel, sting; Strahl, ray; Strauß ostrich; Better, cousin; Unterthan, subject; Zierat or Sierath, ornament; and the neuters, Auge, eye; Bett, bed; Ende, end; Semb, shirt; and Ohr, ear, form the singular according to the Old, and the plural according to the New Declension. Hemd and Bett have also the forms Hemter and Bette; the masculine nouns Fels, rock; Friede, peace; Funke, spark; Gedanke, thought; Glaube, faith; Haufe, heap; Name, name; Saame, seed; Schade, ury; Wille, will; follow the New Declension, and also take 8 in the genitive singular, as:-Der Fels, des Felsens, dem Felsen. They, however, often end in the nominative singular in en, and are regularly inflected according to the Old Declension, as :-Der Felsen; der Frieden, 2c. A few examples will explain the former part of this note :Sing. N. Der Dorn. N. Der Stachel. Der Schmer, the pain, forms the genitive, and das Herz, the heart, the genitive and dative singular, in the same way, and both form the plural according to the New Declension.

G. Des Dornes. G. Des Stachels.

Plur. Die Dornen (also
Die Stacheln.

[blocks in formation]

Aufgabe, f. exercise.
Baum, m. tree.
Beite, both.
Birne, f. pear.
Blatt, n. leaf.
Denn, for, because.
Ehrlich, adj. honest;
honestly, adv.
Fingerhut, m. thimble.
Freute, f. joy, delight.
Fußvolk, n. infantry.
Gabel, f. fork.
Gast, m. guest.
Gelb, adj. yellow.
Gemäl're, n. painting,
Gleich, like, equal.
och, adj. high (pre-

dicate form).

Hoher, hohe, hohes, high (attributive form). Rangel, f. pulpit.

Kanzler,m. chancellor. Kirche, f. church.

König, m. king.

Lang, adj. long.
Läftig, adj. burden-


Lieblich, adj. lovel. Liebling, m. darling, favourite.

Löffel, m. spoon.
Louise, f. Louisa.
Maler, m. painter.
Malerei, f. (art of)

painting. Marktfrau, f. market


Messerschmied, m. cut-
Musiklehrer, m. music-

Nach'barin, f. neigh-


Fehler sind unvermeidlich.

Sie suchen auf den Schiffen ibres Feindes Sat'tigung ihrer Rache und ihres Hungers.

Dieses schöne Geschenk ist von mei ner Schwester.

Dieses Haus, diese Wiesen, und jene Wein'gärten sind das Eigenthum eines reichen Kaufmannes.

Bre'tiger, m. preacher. Ratte, f. rat. Re'genschirm, m. umbrella. Reichthum, m. wealth, riches. Reinlich, adj. neat, cleanly.

Reiterei', f. cavalry. Schmackhaft, adj. palatable. Sonnenschirm, m. parasol.

Stolz, adj. proud, haughty. Tochter, f. daughter. Unwohl, adj. and adv. unwell. Volt, n. people. 3u (pr.), to. 3u (adv.), too.

Mistakes are unavoidable.

They seek upon the ships of their enemy gratification (satiation) of their rage and of their hunger. This beautiful present is from my sister.

This house, these meadows, and those vineyards are the property of a rich merchant.



Diese Gabeln sind von Silber. 1. Diese neuen Tische sind groß. 2. Die weißen Hüte sind schön. 3. Haben Sie silberne oder goldene Messer und Löffel? 5. Wir haben silberne 6. Die guten Knaben haben schöne Birnen. 7. Fleißige Schüler haben lange Aufgaben. 8. Diese alten Sol OLD DECLENSION OF THE ADJECTIVE, PLURAL. (See Sect. XIV.) daten haben alte Bücher. 9. Der Messerschmied hat schöne neue Meffer.

[blocks in formation]


N. Meine guten (Nägel), my good (nails).
G. Meiner guten (Nägel), of my good (nails).
D. Meinen guten (Nägel-n), to my good (nails).
A. Meine guten (Nägel), my good (nails).

When several consecutive adjectives precede and qualify the same noun, they must, in termination, be all alike, as :-Gr hat gutes, feines, blaues Tuch. Er hat das gute, feine, blaue Tuch. Sie haben


10. Die Freuden dieses Mannes sind seine lieblichen Kinter. 11. Die Kanzeln in diesen Kirchen sind hoch. 12. Die Nichten der alten Dame sind 14. Die Hol fleißig. 13. Die Märchen des Predigers sind gute Kinter. länder find reinlich und ehrlich. 15. Diese Marktfrau hat die großen, reifen Birnen des Bauers. 16. Die großen, reifen Birnen dieser Marktfrau find schmackhaft. 17. Hat diese Dame ten Fingerhut Ihrer guten Freundin ? 18. Nein, sie hat den Fingerhut Ihres guten Freundes. 19. Hat Fräulein Louise den neuen Sonnenschirm Ihrer guten Mutter? 20. Nein, sie hat den Regenschirm Ihres guten Bruters. 21. Hat die kleine Tochter dieser Dame einen Musiklehrer? 22. Nein, denn sie ist noch zu jung; aber ihre Schwester hat nicht nur einen Musiklehrer, sondern auch einen Lehrer der Malerei. 23. Wer hat die Bücher Ihres Bruders? 24. Die Schwester seiner Freundin hat die Bücher. 25. Hat die Tochter Ihres alten Nach. bars die goldene Uhr meiner jungen Freuntin? 26. Nein, sie hat die fil berne Uhr ihrer Nachbarin. 27. Die Blätter dieser Bäume sind gelb, aber ihr Obst ist reif und gut. 28. Die Ratten sind läftige Gäste. 29. Dieser alte Kaufmann hat große Reichthümer. 30. Diese Reiterei und jenes Fußvolk sind beide gleich gut. 31. Der Heine Schn des Kanzlers ist der Liebling des Königs. 32. Diese Freundin des Malers hat sehr schöne Gemält:.

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HISTORIC SKETCHES.—IV. CHARLES I. WHEN THE COMMONS CRIED PRIVILEGE." THE 4th of January, 1641-2, was one of the most momentous days for England that ever dawned. Westminster Hall, which had been the scene of so many an important national drama, and which was yet to be the scene of many more, was the place in which the events that made this day momentous were enacted. The coronation and the fall of kings, the trial and condemnation of great subjects, the meeting of the first Parliament, the concession of great national boons, those walls had witnessed. The occasion about to be mentioned was, if inferior to these in point of pomp and circumstance, second to none of them in importance. The 4th of January, 1641, was the day on which the great question was practically tried, whether the King of England should or should not rule without the aid of his Parliament. In various forms, more or less outrageous, the question had been submitted before. Henry VIII. tried it, and so, with less pertinacity, did Elizabeth, and the Parliament had withstood them. It was hardly likely that what the men of 1530 and the men of 1601 had resisted, against the influence and power of the great Tudors, their descendants would accept in 1641 from the hands of Charles Stuart.

During the reign of James I.-1603 to 1625-the House of Commons had successfully striven to curb the royal power. Popular rights which had long lain dormant, and were likely to rust for want of use, had been revived, not without opposition. James I., the "British Solomon," or, as he was called by a wise man of his own day, "the wisest fool in Europe," clung with the tenacity of a leech to those attributes of royalty which a small-hearted man would most value, and which were not the less annoying because they were so petty. Not all petty, though; some of the claims which the Commons disallowed were important enough. They re-established on the firmest possible basis the principle, that the king has no right to levy, under any pretence whatever, a tax upon his subjects, without the consent of Parliament; they procured the abolition of an enormous abuse of the power to grant monopolies or patents; they asserted, in the most solemn manner, the inviolability of the persons of members of Parliament, unless in cases of felony; and they revived the power which, Hallam says, "had lain like a sword in the scabbard," unused since the reign of Henry VI., a period of 175 years, to impeach the king's ministers for bad conduct. They had impeached Lord Bacon and Lord Middlesex for their misdemeanours in office, and these noblemen, as in all cases where the House of Commons is the accuser, were tried by the House of Lords. They were heavily punished; but the effect of their punishment was salutary beyond the cases immediately concerned. Ministers feared the new edge of the old weapon of the Commons, and were cautious beyond what they had been; and so the arm of the king was paralysed down quite half its length. Some ministers there were in the next reign, that of Charles I., who neglected the warning, or thought themselves able to despise it, and they fell like the Earl of Strafford and like Laud, whose fall brought the king's head also to the block.

Having done so much, the Parliament-many of the leading spirits in James's Parliaments sat in the Parliaments of Charles I. -was not disposed, certainly, to recede. On the contrary, it was bent on yet further restraining the royal power, by putting checks on the Court of Star Chamber (an irregular tribunal, acting above and without the law of the land, and of late years much abused) and High Commission (an equally irregular and illegal tribunal for ecclesiastical causes), by all the constitutional means in their power. Unfortunately, the king was as much resolved to win conquests for the royal prerogative as the Commons were to win them from it. Without the ability, without the brutality of Henry VIII., before which many obstacles went down, Charles I. hed all that monarch's greed of power, and even more exalted notions of the nature of the royal dignity. He rested his claims on the so-called "right divine of kings," to govern rightly or wrongly, according to their conscience, which had to give account to the King of kings, but under no circumstances to the people committed to its He lacked the ferocity which was half the battle to "bluff King Hal," and, linked with a certain amount of cruelty which he had in common with him, wore a timidity and inde


cision which were fatal to success in his career as a tyrant. There were also stronger men opposed to him than resisted Henry VIII. The luckless king had come in evil times for him; but the people of England reaped the benefit of his misfortunes, and won many a fair privilege, which they left" as a rich legacy unto their issue."


Before Charles had been three years upon the throne, the Commons, who had during that time suffered very greatly in several particulars, presented for his signature the Petition of Right, a statute which was not intended to declare, as it did not declare, any new privilege, but merely set forth-for the purpose of having them confirmed-some rights which had been invaded but of which the origin was as old as Magna Charta. petition contained but four demands, which the king was required to grant, viz. :— 1. That no money should be levied in future, under any pre tence whatever, by virtue of the king's prerogative. 2. That the committal to prison of Mr. Hampden and four others for refusing to pay an unlawful impost, should be recognised as illegal. 3. That soldiers should not be billeted on private persons. 4. That no man should henceforth be tried by martial law. The petition was presented in 1628. Charles tried every expedient, every shift and turn, in the hope of avoiding the necessity of complying with it. When at length compelled to give some answer, he gave a most unusual and evasive one, which clearly showed his intention to ride rough-shod over the Act at the first opportunity. It was only on the peremptory refusal of the Commons to accept his qualified assent, and after much pressure had been brought to bear, that he agreed to give the royal assent in the usual way: "Soit droit faist comme est désiré." (Let right be done as prayed.)

Scarcely was the ink of his signature dry ere the king set about to evade the petition. He levied fresh taxes under new names; he imprisoned six members of Parliament for their conduct in the House; with the help of the Earl of Strafford, he attempted to govern the kingdom without a Parliament, and with the help of Archbishop Laud, to govern despotically the Church. Sentences the most severe and cruel were procured in the Star Chamber against those who resisted the Government, and in the High Commission Court against those who offended in matters ecclesiastical. So great was the oppression, both in Church and State, that many, unable any longer to endure it, sailed across the Atlantic, to seek in the New World a home and a soil in which freedom might flourish. Then came honourless wars, undertaken against the wish, and in favour of the enemies, of the nation; then came the troubles in Scotland, which quickly threw off the yoke Charles tried to lay upon it; there were the disputes respecting the king's favourite, Buckingham; there were the trials and executions of Strafford and Archbishop Land; the Irish rebellion; the angry reception of the Grand Remonstrance; and finally, there was the attempt to arrest the five members of the House of Commons.

This last was the drop that filled the bucket, and made it overflow. Charles, indignant at the speech and behaviour of Lord Kimbolton (son of the Earl of Manchester), and five members of the Lower House (Sir Arthur Hazelrig, Messrs. Hollis, Hampden, Pym, and Strode), during the recent differences between the king and the Parliament, in an evil hour listened to the advice of Henrietta, his queen, and to the advice of Lord Digby and the courtiers. They urged him to show himself a king, advised him that no private gentleman would suffer himself to be addressed as he had been by the accused, and recommended the arrest of the members on a charge of high treason.

Orders were accordingly given, on 3rd of January, 1641, for the arrest of the persons named. Their houses were occupied, their studies sealed up, and their papers seized. A pursuivant went down to the House of Commons, and, in the king's name, demanded the surrender of the accused. He was, however, sent back without any definite answer; the House voted that what had been done by the royal officers was a breach of the privilege of Parliament; and the king, angry at the non-compliance with his demand, resolved to go next day in person to the House, and himself arrest the accused men.

Mr. Isaac D'Israeli says, "When Charles went down to the House to seize on the five leading members of the Opposition, the queen could not restrain her lively temper, and impatiently

[graphic][merged small]

babbled the plot, so that one of the ladies in attendance dispatched a hasty note to the parties, who, as the king entered the House, had just time to leave it." The lady in question was the Countess of Carlisle, who was on intimate terms with several of the accused. On receipt of her note, which was communicated to the House, a brief but excited debate took place. Some were for directing the accused to absent themselves, hoping thereby to avoid an unseemly quarrel; others were inclined to have them remain, and to make common cause with them in case of any violence being offered. While the debate was yet going on, the gentlemen most concerned being themselves undecided as to the best course to adopt, a friend of Mr. Fiennes, a member, came hurriedly, and told him that the king had already left Whitehall, at the head of 200 armed men, and was coming in the direction of the House. There was no time for further talk. Action must be taken forthwith. A motion was hurriedly passed, giving leave to the five members to absent themselves, and they quitted the House a few seconds only before the King entered it.

Up Westminster Hall-the place which was in a few years to witness his trial and condemnation-King Charles walked, followed by his ordinary retinue, and a force of soldiers variously estimated at two, three, and even five hundred men. "It struck Euch a fear and terrour into all those that kept shops in the said Hall, or near the gate thereof, as they instantly shut up their shops, looking for nothing but bloodshed and desolation so wrote an eye-witness of the affair. Arrived in the Hall, the armed men formed a lane, stretching down the whole length of it; the king passed along, and going up the staircase out of the Hall went into the Commons' House," where never king was (as they say) but once King Henry the Eighth.'

Attended only by his nephew Rupert, the son of the Elector Palatine of the Rhine, the king entered the House, the door of which, however, was kept open; and through the open door were to be seen officers and soldiers armed with swords and pistols, while the Earl of Roxborough and a Captain Hide stood within the door, and leaned upon it.

The Speaker of the House, Lenthal, had been instructed to sit still, with the mace before him; but when the king entered and the whole House rose and uncovered their heads, Lenthal also rose and stood in front of the chair. Charles removed his hat, and bowed to either side of the House as he came up. "Mr. Speaker, I must for a time make bold with your chair," he said, as he approached Lenthal, who made way for him, though the king did not sit down in the chair, but stood on the step of it.

A deep silence reigned in the House, till the king, who had been occupied in looking round for the five members, said, breaking in upon the silence, "Gentlemen, I am sorry for this occasion of coming unto you. Yesterday I sent a sergeant-atarms upon a very important occasion, to apprehend some that, by my command, were accused of high treason; whereunto I did expect obedience, and not a message. And I must declare unto you here, that albeit no king that ever was in England shall be more careful of your privileges, to maintain them to the uttermost of his power, than I shall be, yet you must know that in cases of treason no person hath a privilege. And therefore I am come to know if any of these persons that were accused are here."

No one answered. Charles, after a pause, made a few more remarks, and then asked specifically for each of the accused. No one informing him, he turned to Speaker Lenthal, requiring to be told; but Lenthal, kneeling, humbly desired to be excused, saying: "I have neither eyes to see nor tongue to speak in this place but as the House is pleased to direct me, whose servant I am here; and I humbly beg your Majesty's pardon that I cannot give any other answer than this to what your Majesty is pleased to demand of me."

Baffled by the silence, and by the extreme courtesy evinced by the attitude of the House, the king went on to make some further remarks, with difficulty concealing, in the midst of his excitement, the natural infirmity of his speech. Not seeing those for whom he sought, he said, "Well, since I see all my birds are flown, I do expect from you that you will send them

I will trouble

unto me as soon as they return hither.
you no more, but tell you I do expect, as soon as they come to
the House, you will send them to me; otherwise, I must take
my own course to find them."

With the same show of respect they had shown him when he came in, the assembled members waited on him as he again passed down their ranks. Bareheaded and in silence, they allowed him to get as far as the door; but ere that had closed! upon him low mutterings of anger were raised, and the cry of Privilege! Privilege!" mingled ominously with the conversation in which the king told his friends in the Hall of the result of his errand.

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The five members were not arrested, though the king spared no pains to take them. By all means in his power he tried to get hold of them-by warrants, by proclamations, by personal application. No one would betray them; and it having been resolved to restore them to their seats in the Commons' House, the king feared the temper of which this resolution was the sign, and within a week of his foolish visit to Westminster to arrest the members he was a fugitive from London, deeming himself not safe from the violence his actions had aroused.

By his recent conduct, no more than consistent with his former conduct, he had thrown down a challenge to the nation. The House of Commons took it up. Mr. Forster well says: "It had become clear that the attempt upon the members could not be defeated, without a complete overthrow of the power of the king. He could not remain at Whitehall if they returned to Westminster. Charles raised the issue, the Commons accepted it, and so began our Great Civil War."

SYNOPSIS OF THE LIFE AND REIGN OF CHARLES I. Charles I. was the second son of James I., by his Queen, Anne of Denmark. He was the twenty-fifth sovereign of England after the Norman Conquest, and the second of the Stuart dynasty.

Born at Dunfermline Nov. 19, 1600 | Bat. of Newbury (1) Sept. 30, 1643
Began to Reign.. Mar. 27, 1625 Bat. of Cropredy Br. June 6, 1644
Petition of Right presented. 1628 Bat. of Marston Moor July 2, 1644
Persecution of the Puritans. 1633 Bat. of Newbury (2) Oct. 27, 1644
Refusal of Hampden to pay
Montrose raises forces for



[blocks in formation]

the King in Scotland
Execution of Archbishop
Jan. 10, 1645
Conference at Uxbridge
Battle of Naseby . June 14, 1645
Charles I. retires to Scot-

Impeachment of Laud and


[blocks in formation]

Betrayed to the Parliament
by the Scotch. Jan. 30, 1647
Imprisoned at Carisbrook


Cromwell, by the aid of the
army, assumes supreme
power, and controls the



The King brought to White-
His Trial for Treason com-
Jan. 20, 1649
Beheaded at Whitehall Jan. 30, 1619


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[This prince assumed
the leadership of the
Protestant League in
1630, and fell at Lutzen.
Interregnum 1632-3
Christina III. 1633
Turkey, Sultans of.
Mustapha I. (re-
Amurath IV.


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PUNCTUATION (continued).



33. THE Semicolon is formed by a period placed above a comma. 34. When you come to a semicolon in reading, you must in general make a pause twice as long as you would make at a


35. Sometimes you must use the falling inflection of the voice when you come to a semicolon, and sometimes you must keep your voice suspended, as directed in the case of the comma. Whatever may be the length of the pause, let it be a total cessation of the voice.


That God whom you see me daily worship; whom I daily call upon to bless both you and me, and all mankind; whose wondrous acts are recorded in those Scriptures which you constantly read; that God who created the heaven and the earth is your Father and


My son, as you have been used to look to me in all your actions, and have been afraid to do anything unless you first knew my will; so let it now be a rule of your life to look up to God in all your actions.

If I have seen any perish for want of clothing, or any poor without covering; if his loins have not blessed me, and if he were not warmed with the fleece of my sheep; if I have lifted up my hand against the fatherless, when I saw my help in the gate; then let mine arm fall from my shoulder-blade, and mine arm be broken from the bone.

The stranger did not lodge in the street; but I opened my doors to the traveller.

If my land cry against me, or the furrows thereof complain; if I have eaten the fruits thereof without money, or have caused the owners thereof to lose their life; let thistles grow instead of wheat, and cockles instead of barley.

When the fair moon, refulgent lamp of night, o'er heaven's clear azure spreads her sacred light; when not a breath disturbs the deep serene, and not a cloud o'ercasts the solemn scene; around her throne the vivid planets roll, and stars unnumbered gild the glowing pole; o'er the dark trees a yellower verdure shed, and tip with silver every mountain's head; then shine the vales, the rocks in prospect rise, a flood of glory bursts from all the skies; the conscious swains, rejoicing in the sight, eye the blue vault, and bless the useful light.

When the battle was ended, the stranger disappeared; and no person knew whence he had come, nor whither he had gone.

The relief was so timely, so sudden, so unexpected, and so provi dential; the appearance and the retreat of him who furnished it were so unaccountable; his person was so dignified and commanding; his resolution so superior, and his interference so decisive, that the inhabitants believed him to be an angel, sent by Heaven for their preservation.

36. Sometimes you must use the falling inflection of the voice when you come to a semicolon, in reading.


Let your dress be sober, clean, and modest; not to set off the beauty of your person, but to declare the sobriety of your mind; that your outward garb may resemble the inward plainness and simplicity of your heart.

In meat and drink, observe the rules of Christian temperance and sobriety; consider your body only as the servant and minister of your soul; and only so nourish it, as it may best perform an humble and obedient service.

Condescend to all the weaknesses and infirmities of your fellowcreatures; cover their frailties; love their excellences; encourage their virtues; relieve their wants; rejoice in their prosperity; compassionate their distress; receive their friendship; overlook their unkindness; forgive their malice; be a servant of servants; and condescend to do the lowest offices for the lowest of mankind.

Struck with the sight of so fine a tree, he hastened to his own. . 1623 hoping to find as large a crop upon it; but, to his great surprise, he saw scarcely anything, except branches, covered with moss, and a few yellow leaves.

United Provinces

Stadtholders of.




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Russia, Czars of.

Mahomet IV.

Michael Feodoro


of the Netherlands,

[blocks in formation]

William II.


Years War. . 1648 Poland, Kings of. Sigismund III. 1587

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Frederick Henry 1625


1647 [This prince married Mary, eldest daughter of Charles I.]

In sleep's serene oblivion laid, I've safely passed the silent night; again I see the breaking shade, again behold the morning light. New-born, I bless the waking hour; once more, with awe, rejoice to be; my conscious soul resumes her power, and soars, my guardian God, to thee.

That deeper shade shall break away; that deeper sleep shall leave mine eyes; thy light shall give eternal day; thy love, the rapture of

the skies.

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