



Just Published, Second Edition, 12mo., Price Five Shillings and

Sixpence, cloth.






The Comparison of Ourselves with Others-Balaam— The Christian Race-The Church-On Grieving the Holy Spirit-Christ-The Lamb of God-Satan-Christian Confidence-The Faith of Devils-Reverence and Godly Fear -The Penitent Thief-The Sleeper Aroused-The Last Judgment.

"We recommend this little volume with more than ordinary earnestness. The distinctive features of Mr. Smith's Sermons are their learning, the extent of spiritual knowledge which they display, and their practical character. We never remember to have met with so many traces of deep reading in so small a volume. The writer seems not merely to have wandered over the wide field of standard English Divinity, but to have examined it with the minutest attention, to have culled all its flowers, and to have appropriated all its fruits. . Mr. Smith's Sermons are deep Sermons. They are full of spiritual knowledge, and will, consequently, be appreciated by the Christian Reader in proportion to his attainments in religion, and the maturity of his taste for the ripeness of divine truth."-Churchman's Monthly Review.

"Specimens of sound theology, and models of warm parish address. There is a vein of well-matured thought runs through the whole, indicative of good reading, and discriminating taste in the selection and use of materials. Sermons better calculated to rouse sinners to repentance, and to edify Christians, we can scarcely conceive of."-Evangelical Magazine. "There is a degree of learning, orthodoxy, good sense, and piety, evinced in these Discourses, which must recommend them at once to every practical reader."-Gentleman's Magazine.

"There is a great deal of original thought in this volume, together with abundance of purest gospel doctrine. A volume of excellent practical Christianity."- Charlotte Elizabeth, in the Christian Lady's Mag.

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"No one can read a few pages of these Sermons without at once recognising them as the productions of a mind whose range of scriptural and theological reading has been both profitable and extensive, and whose muscle is of no common power."-Churchman.

"Both sound and practical."-British Critic.

"There is good churchmanship, and there is that with which we rejoice to see it accompanied, sound scriptural doctrine, in these Sermons." "This excellent volume."-Church of England Quarterly.

By the same Author,

Dedicated, by permission, to the Lord Bishop of Lincoln,

THE SACRAMENTS: Two explanatory Treatises, price 3s. London: T. HATCHARD, 187, Piccadilly.

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THESE Lectures will be found to vary in length in consequence of their having been originally preached from notes, which allowed of their being regulated by time and curtailed or enlarged as that required, whereas I have now adapted my observations to the subjects, without reference to the space occupied. As some notice might have been expected of the history of the tempter, it is necessary to state that I was precluded from it by having already published a Sermon on that subject.

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