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The regular meetings of the Board are held at the Capitol in Hartford on the First Tuesday of March, April, June, September and December. Special meetings are held whenever a sufficient number of applications are on file to justify it.

No attention paid to anonymous correspondence.


Members who wish to complete their file of Proceedings can do so at an expense of twenty-five cents each. There are extra copies printed for this purpose each year.

If your address is not printed correctly, notify the Secretary

at once.

If you change your residence, advise the Secretary.

If you want a clerk or want a position, address the Secretary who will be glad to aid any one whenever possible.

If you hear of the death of a member, advise the Secretary at once and send any particulars you can.

If you are in arrears for dues, remit to the Treasurer, Mr. A. L. Dickinson, Danbury.

If you wish to know anything relating to the Board of Pharmacy, address John A. Leverty, Secretary of the Board.

JOHN B. EBBS, Secretary,

Waterbury, Conn.




Connecticut Pharmaceutical




JUNE 12, 1907

PRESIDENT HARTIGAN: Gentlemen, the hour has arrived for the opening of the 31st Annual Meeting of the Connecticut Pharmaceutical Association. It is certainly very gratifying to me as your President to see so many interested ones here this morning. As you all know, we get away this year a little from the usual track. This is to be a one-day's session. While it is a great pleasure to meet all of you, I am going to ask you to give your undivided attention to the business of the session. We must transact practically all our business today. When we adjourn tonight we adjourn to meet at Magnolia, Mass. As your President I welcome you all to our city. We have with us this morning Mr. Hindle, our local President, and he will have a few words to say at this time.

MR. HINDLE: Gentlemen, the Bridgeport Druggists Association welcomes you to this 31st Annual Meeting of the Connecticut Pharmaceutical Association. While, as Mr. Hartigan has said, arrangements are different from usual, and we have only a one-day's session, it is impossible to do as much as we would like for the entertainment of the visitors, and will not be able to spread ourselves as much as four years ago at Green's Farms, yet we are glad to see so many here, because it shows an interest in the business-not so much social as businesswise. This evening we have made arrangements for a smoker entertainment at the Algonquin Club, and as many as can we would like to have present at that entertainment. Mr. Cyrus has made arrangements for half-fare tickets home for the visitors, and you can get tickets

by seeing him. There is a free telephone in room 18 for the use of the members.

THE PRESIDENT: The first order of business is the calling of the roll. That I believe is ordinarily dispensed with. If there are no objections we will do so now. The second order of business is the reading of the minutes of the last meeting. That is usually dispensed with. While it has been customary in the past to get out the Proceedings, we have not any Proceedings of the last meeting. Is there anything special anyone wishes to ask in regard to that? I presume the reading would take some little time, would it not, Mr. Rapelye?

MR. RAPELYE: Yes sir. I have the minutes here, if any reference is desired.

THE PRESIDENT: Any member wish to refer to anything special in regard to the last meeting? If not, I will appoint the Secretary a committee on credentials, and we will listen to his report.

THE SECRETARY: I have the credentials of only one Association, The National Wholesale Druggists Association. The delegates are Mr. Geo. P. Chandler, Mr. H. C. Chamberlain and Mr. W. B. Young.

THE PRESIDENT: I would like to ask if any of these gentlemen whose names have been read are present. Not hearing any response, I presume they are not, but are apt to come in later, and if they do we will be glad to welcome them on their arrival.

THE PRESIDENT: Please give your attention while the Secretary reads the list of names of applicants for membership.

THE SECRETARY: Mr. President, we have the following applications for membership and associate membership:


John Otis Callaghan

Robert E. Hawley

George Keeler Wilson

John H. James

Edward McQuade

John Baker

Eugene Zeisler


Bethel Stratford New London




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