THE Alf Love NATIONAL SPEAKER: CONTAINING EXERCISES, ORIGINAL AND SELECTED, IN PROSE, POETRY, AND DIALOGUE, FOR DECLAMATION AND RECITATION; AND AN ELOCUTIONARY ANALYSIS, EXHIBITING A CLEAR EXPLANATION OF PRINCIPLES, WITH RULES FOR BY HENRY B. MAGLATHLIN, Α.Μ. SEVENTH EDITION. BOSTON: PUBLISHED BY ROBERT S. DAVIS.. NEW YORK: G. F. COOLIDGE & BROTHER, AND HUNTINGTON & SAVAGE. And sold by the trade generally. 1851. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1849, by HENRY B. MAGLATHLIN, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the District of Massachusetts. RECOMMENDATIONS. From Thomas Sherwin, A. M., Principal of the English High School, MR. H. B. MAGLATHLIN : Boston. Dear Sir:-I have examined your "Practical Elocutionist," and "National Speaker," and am happy to say that I think they will prove valuable auxiliaries in teaching the important but too much neglected art of elocution. I commend these works to the favorable regards of teachers and of the public. From Elbridge Smith, A. M., Principal of the Central High School, Cambridge. I have examined with great pleasure the proof sheets of "The National Speaker." I think the selections of a superior order, and I regard the entire work as better adapted to the wants of our High Schools than any other with which I am acquainted. From Caleb Emery, A. M., Principal of the High School, Charlestown. I have examined "The National Speaker" with much satisfaction, and consider it the best work of the kind with which I am acquainted. The arrangement is excellent; and the selections, for declamation and occasional reading, are of a high order, and eminently appropriate. From Francis J. Child, A. M., Instructor in Elocution in Harvard College. I have cursorily examined the Introduction to "The National Speaker," and am happy to say that I think it simple and lucid, commendably brief, yet quite sufficient for ordinary teachers and students of elocution. It seems to me that the book will be found practically very useful. THE PRACTICAL ELOCUTIONIST. This work, containing the introductory portion of the National Speaker, is published separately, for general use in schools. Stereotyped by NEW ENGLAND TYPE AND STEREOTYPE FOUNDERY, BOSTON. |