
The royal fleet anchored within long fhot of the town 1780. batteries. To prevent the fhips running up Cooper river, from which they might have enfiladed the lines, eleven veffels were funk in the channel. The Ranger frigate and two gallies were ftationed so as to co-operate with the batteries on fhore, in defending thefe obftructions, and to attack any armed veffels that might attempt a paffage through Hog-inland channel..

On the 12th the British opened their batteries, and a 12. constant fire was kept up between both parties until the 20th, when their fecond parallel, within 300 yards of the American lines, was completed. But the fire of the befiegers was far fuperior to that of the befieged. The former had the advantage of 21 mortars and royals; the latter only of two, and by the 20th their lines had fuftained great damage in many places. About the time the British opened their batteries, gov. Rutledge took poft in the country between the Cooper and the Santee rivers a work was ordered to be thrown up on the Wando, nine miles from town, and another at the point of Lampriere's, to preferve the communication with the country by water: a post was also ordered at a ferry over the Santee, to collect and fecure the boats neceffary for the crofling over of the expected fuccours with dispatch, and for effecting a retreat with facility when requifite.

For a few moments the narrative must be retrospective. The horfes deftined to mount the British cavalry were loft on the paffage from New York. When lieut. col. Tarleton was landed, he foon obtained a fresh supply; and having mounted his cavalry, joined a body of about 1000 men, who marched through the country from Savannah. On the 18th of March a detachment from


his corps furprised about 80 American militia, killed and wounded feveral, and difperfed the remainder. Five days after, Tarleton with his legion, fell in with another fmall party of mounted militia, who inftantly retreated; but in the purfuit three were killed, one wounded, and four taken prisoners. On the 27th he had a rencounter with lieut. col. Washington, at the head of his regular corps of horfe. The Americans had the advantage, took seven prisoners, and drove back the cavalry of the British legion; but durft not purfue them for want of infantry. At the beginning of the fiege, gen. Lincoln ordered the 300 regular cavalry to keep the field, and the country militia were to act as infantry in their fupport. On various pretences the militia refufed to attach themselves to the cavalry. The American body of horfe, intended to cover the country, and to preserve the communication between that and the town, was furApril prifed at Monk's Corner, by a strong party of British, 14. led by lieut. cols. Tarleton and Webster. A negro slave,

for a fum of money, conducted the British from Goosecreek, in the night, through unfrequented paths. Although the commanding officer of the American cavalry had taken the precaution of having his horfes faddled and bridled, and the alarm was given by his videttes, posted at the diftance of a mile in front; yet, being entirely unfupported by infantry, the British advanced fo rapidly, notwithstanding the oppofition of the advanced guard, that they began their attack upon the main body before the men could put themselves in a posture of defence. About twenty-five were killed or taken: and they that escaped were obliged for feveral days to conceal themselves in the fwamps. The British inftantly fell



down on the peninfula between the Cooper and the 1780. Santee with about 250 horfe and 600 infantry. When gen. Lincoln was informed on the 16th of what had 16. happened, he called a council of war, who were of opinion, that the weak ftate of the garrifon made it improper to detach a number fufficient to attack this feparate corps. On the 18th Sir H. Clinton received a reinforcement of 3000 men from New York. The only practicable route of an evacuation for the Americans was to the right of the town; but the befiegers, with their reinforcement, ftrengthened the troops on the peninfula, and took poft on Haddrell's point; which obliged the others to abandon Lampriere's. On the 20th and 21st, 20. another council of war was held, to determine upon the measures that the intereft and fafety of the country called the American officers to purfue under their prefent circumftances. The refult was" As a retreat would be attended with many diftreffing inconveniences, if not altogether impracticable for the undermentioned causes, to wit,-1. the civil authority is averfe to it, and intimated in council, that if attempted, they would counteract the measure-2. it must be performed in face of the enemy, much fuperior, across a river three miles broad, in large fhips and veffels, the moving of which muft be regulated by the wind and tide:-3. could thefe obftacles be furmounted, we muft force our way through a confiderable body of the enemy, in full poffeffion of the paffes on our route to the Santee, the only road by which we can retreat:-4. fuppofing us arrived at that river, new and dangerous difficulties are again to be encountered, from the want of boats to crofs it, with an army wasted and worn down by action, fatigue and VOL. III.


his corps furprised about 80 American militia, killed and wounded several, and difperfed the remainder. Five days after, Tarleton with his legion, fell in with another fmall party of mounted militia, who inftantly retreated; but in the purfuit three were killed, one wounded, and four taken prisoners. On the 27th he had a rencounter with lieut. col. Washington, at the head of his regular corps of horse. The Americans had the advantage, took seven prisoners, and drove back the cavalry of the British legion; but durft not purfue them for want of infantry. At the beginning of the fiege, gen. Lincoln ordered the 300 regular cavalry to keep the field, and the country militia were to act as infantry in their fupport. On various pretences the militia refused to attach themselves to the cavalry. The American body of horfe, intended to cover the country, and to preserve the communication between that and the town, was furApril prifed at Monk's Corner, by a strong party of British, 14. led by lieut. cols. Tarleton and Webster. A negro slave, for a fum of money, conducted the British from Goosecreek, in the night, through unfrequented paths. Although the commanding officer of the American cavalry had taken the precaution of having his horfes faddled and bridled, and the alarm was given by his videttes, posted at the diftance of a mile in front; yet, being entirely unfupported by infantry, the British advanced fo rapidly, notwithstanding the oppofition of the advanced guard, that they began their attack upon the main body before the men could put themselves in a pofture of defence. About twenty-five were killed or taken: and they that escaped were obliged for feveral days to conceal themselves in the fwamps. The British instantly fell


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down on the peninfula between the Cooper and the 1780. Santee with about 250 horse and 600 infantry. When gen. Lincoln was informed on the 16th of what had 16. happened, he called a council of war, who were of opinion, that the weak state of the garrifon made it improper to detach a number fufficient to attack this separate corps. On the 18th Sir H. Clinton received a reinforcement of 3000 men from New York. The only practicable route of an evacuation for the Americans was to the right of the town; but the befiegers, with their reinforcement, ftrengthened the troops on the peninfula, and took poft on Haddrell's point; which obliged the others to abandon Lampriere's. On the 20th and 21st, 20. another council of war was held, to determine upon the measures that the intereft and safety of the country called the American officers to purfue under their prefent circumstances. The refult was-" As a retreat would be attended with many diftreffing inconveniences, if not altogether impracticable for the undermentioned causes, to wit,-1. the civil authority is averfe to it, and intimated in council, that if attempted, they would counteract the measure:-2. it must be performed in face of the enemy, much fuperior, across a river three miles broad, in large fhips and veffels, the moving of which muft be regulated by the wind and tide:-3. could thefe obftacles be furmounted, we must force our way through a confiderable body of the enemy, in full poffeffion of the paffes on our route to the Santee, the only road by which we can retreat:-4. fuppofing us arrived at that river, new and dangerous difficulties are again to be encountered, from the want of boats to cross it, with an army wafted and worn down by action, fatigue and VOL. III.

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