
➜ point to return and renew the fight. Perhaps you may 1780. have better luck in the fecond attempt than the first. If any of you are afraid, fuch have leave to retire, and they are requested immediately to take themselves off." The firing commenced about four o'clock in the evening. The picquet gave way, and were pursued as they retired up the mountain to the main body. Ferguson, with the greatest bravery, ordered his men to charge. The Americans retired from the approaching bayonet. Soon after these had retreated, Shelby with the other detachment, having completed the designed circuit, opportunely arrived, and from an unexpected quarter poured in a well directed fire. Ferguson defifted from the purfuit, and engaged his new adverfaries. The British bayonet was again fuccefsful, and caufed them alfo to fall back. By this time the party commanded by Campbell had afcended the mountain, and renewed the attack from that eminence. Ferguson prefented a new front, and was again successful; but all his exertions were unavailing. At this moment Cleveland's men, having been rallied, renewed their fire. As often as one of the American parties was driven back, another returned to its ftation. Ferguson's unconquerable spirit refused to furrender. However, after having repulfed a fucceffion of adverfaries, pouring in their fire from new directions, this officer received a mortal wound. No chance of escape being left, and all profpect of fuccessful refiftance being at an end, the fecond in command fued for quarters. The bloody conflict continued fortyseven minutes. The brave major, with 150 of his men, fell in the action; 810 including regulars, were made prifoners, 150 of whom were wounded; the remainder

1780. This was on an eminence of a circular bafe, known by

the name of King's Mountain, fituated near the confines of North and South Carolina. It being apprehended, that Fergufon was haftening his march down the country to join Cornwallis, the Americans felected nine hundred and ten of their best men, and mounted' them on their fleeteft horfes. With this force they Oct. came up with Fergufon on the 7th of October. Some 7. dispute had arifen about the right of command; but it

was finally agreed to be given to Campbell. The enterprise however was conducted without regular military fubordination, under the direction of Campbell, Cleveland, Shelby, Sevier and Williams, each of whom refpectively led on his own men. As they approached the royal encampment, it was agreed to divide their force. Some afcended the mountain, while others went round its bafe in oppofite directions. Cleveland, in his progrefs round with one of the detachments, difcovered an advanced picquet of the royal troops. On this occafion he addreffed his men in the following language"My brave fellows, we have beat the tories, and we can beat them. They are all cowards. If they had the fpirit of men, they would join with their fellow citizens, in fupporting the independence of their country. When engaged, you are not to wait for the word of command from me. I will show you by my example how to fight. I can undertake no more. Every man must confider himself as an officer, and act from his own judgment. Fire as quick as you can, and stand your ground as long as you can. When you can do no better, get behind trees or retreat; but I beg of you not to run quite off. If we are repulfed, let us make..

point to return and renew the fight. Perhaps you may 1780. have better luck in the fecond attempt than the first. If any of you are afraid, fuch have leave to retire, and they are requested immediately to take themselves off." The firing commenced about four o'clock in the evening. The picquet gave way, and were pursued as they retired up the mountain to the main body. Ferguson, with the greatest bravery, ordered his men to charge. The Americans retired from the approaching bayonet. Soon after these had retreated, Shelby with the other detachment, having completed the designed circuit, opportunely arrived, and from an unexpected quarter poured in a well directed fire. Ferguson defifted from the purfuit, and engaged his new adverfaries. The British bayonet was again fuccessful, and caufed them alfo to fall back. By this time the party commanded by Campbell had afcended the mountain, and renewed the attack from that eminence. Ferguson presented a new front, and was again successful; but all his exertions were unavailing. At this moment Cleveland's men, having been rallied, renewed their fire. As often as one of the American parties was driven back, another returned to its ftation. Ferguson's unconquerable spirit refused to furrender. However, after having repulfed a fucceffion of adverfaries, pouring in their fire from new directions, this officer received a mortal wound. No chance of escape being left, and all prospect of fuccessful resistance being at an end, the fecond in command fued for quarters. The bloody conflict continued fortyseven minutes. The brave major, with 150 of his of his men, fell in the action; 810 including regulars, were made prifoners, 150 of whom were wounded; the remainder


1780. This was on an eminence of a circular base, known by

the name of King's Mountain, fituated near the confines of North and South Carolina. It being apprehended, that Ferguson was haftening his march down the country to join Cornwallis, the Americans felected nine hundred and ten of their beft men, and mounted' them on their fleetest horfes. With this force they Oct. came up with Fergufon on the 7th of October. Some 7. difpute had arifen about the right of command; but it was finally agreed to be given to Campbell. The enterprise however was conducted without regular military fubordination, under the direction of Campbell, Cleveland, Shelby, Sevier and Williams, each of whom respectively led on his own men. As they approached the royal encampment, it was agreed to divide their force. Some afcended the mountain, while others went round its base in oppofite directions. Cleveland, in his progrefs round with one of the detachments, discovered an advanced picquet of the royal troops. On this occafion he addreffed his men in the following language— "My brave fellows, we have beat the tories, and we can beat them. They are all cowards. If they had the spirit of men, they would join with their fellowcitizens, in fupporting the independence of their country. When engaged, you are not to wait for the word of command from me. I will show you by my example how to fight. I can undertake no more. Every man must consider himself as an officer, and act from his own judgment. Fire as quick as you can, and stand your ground as long as you can. When you can do no better, get behind trees or retreat; but I beg of you not to run quite off. If we are repulfed, let us make.

→ point to return and renew the fight. Perhaps you may 1780. have better luck in the second attempt than the first. If any of you are afraid, fuch have leave to retire, and they are requested immediately to take themselves off." The firing commenced about four o'clock in the evening. The picquet gave way, and were pursued as they retired up the mountain to the main body. Ferguson, with the greatest bravery, ordered his men to charge. The Americans retired from the approaching bayonet. Soon after thefe had retreated, Shelby with the other detachment, having completed the designed circuit, opportunely arrived, and from an unexpected quarter poured in a well directed fire. Ferguson defifted from the purfuit, and engaged his new adverfaries. The British bayonet was again fuccefsful, and caufed them alfo to fall back. By this time the party commanded by Campbell had afcended the mountain, and renewed the attack from that eminence. Fergufon prefented a new front, and was again fuccessful; but all his exertions were unavailing. At this moment Cleveland's men, having been rallied, renewed their fire. As often as one of the American parties was driven back, another returned to its ftation. Ferguson's unconquerable spirit refused to furrender. However, after having repulfed a fucceffion of adverfaries, pouring in their fire from new directions, this officer received a mortal wound. No chance of escape being left, and all profpect of fuccefsful refiftance being at an end, the fecond in command fued for quarters. The bloody conflict continued fortyfeven minutes. The brave major, with 150 of his men, fell in the action; 810 including regulars, were made prisoners, 150 of whom were wounded; the remainder

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