
the fame laid before the house of commons, p. 108. The Ame

rican commiffioners have a public audience of the French king,

p. 110. Lord Chatham feized with a fainting, while engaged

in fpeaking against the acknowledgment of American independence,

P. III. Count d'Estaing fails from Toulon, p. 112. An act

paffed for relieving the papifts, p. 113. Admiral Keppel fails on

a cruife off Ufhant, p. 115.

LETTER IV. P. 116-127.

Accounts of admiral Keppel, p. 116. He engages the French

fleet under count d'Orvilliers, p. 122-returns to Plymouth,

P. 125.

LETTER V. P. 127-203.

The British commiffioners for restoring peace arrive at Phi-

ladelphia, p. 129. The British army under Sir Henry Clinton

evacuate that city, p. 131. The American army pursue them,

p. 133. Sir H. Clinton changes the difpofition of his troops,

P. 135. General Lee, with the advanced American corps, or-

dered to fall upon the rear of the British, p. 136. Some firing

between them, p. 141. Lee's corps retreats, p. 144. Wash-

ington meets the troops, and orders them to make a stand, p.

146. The British are checked, p. 147-and at length com-

pelled to give way, p. 148. They arrive at Sandy Hook, p. 150.

General Lee has charges exhibited against him, and is tried, p.

151. Lord Howe arrives at Sandy Hook with the fleet from Phi-

ladelphia, p. 154. Count d'Estaing's fleet anchors without the

Hook, p. 155. The count fails for Newport, p. 156. Gene-

ral Sullivan, with a body of Americans, croffes over to Rhode

Ifland, p. 159. A violent ftorm prevents an engagement be-

tween lord Howe and count d'Estaing, p. 160. The French

decline profecuting the expedition against Newport, p. 162.

Sullivan's troops engage the British, p. 165-and then retreat

from off the island, p. 168. The British expedition against

Bedford, p. 169. Governor Johnstone's attempts to corrupt

certain members of congrefs, p. 171. Congrefs refolve to hold

no intercourfe with him, p. 172. The British commiffioners

appeal to the people, p. 173-publish a valedictory manifefto

and proclamation, p. 174. Acts of congrefs, p. 177. Mr.

Gerard, the French plenipotentiary, has a public audience, p.

178. The choice of Dr. Franklin by congrefs for their mini-

fter plenipotentiary at the court of France, and their inftructions
to him, p. 179. The Indian expeditions against the Connecticut
fettlers at Wyoming, p. 185. Colonel Clarke's expedition into
the Indian country, p. 191. The British expedition to Egg
harbour, p. 193. Quarrels between the Americans and French


[blocks in formation]

against the British post at Powle's Hook, p. 283. St. Vincent taken by the French, p. 286.

LETTER IX. P. 287-304

The French fleet fails from Breft and joins the Spanish, p. 288. The Spanish ambassador presents a manifesto to the British fecretary, p. 289. The combined fleets steer for Plymouth, p. 291-abandon the British coafts, p. 292. Grenada taken by the French, p. 293. Admiral Byron engages count d'Estaing, P. 295. Captain Paul Jones engages capt. Pearfon, p. 297. Sir Jofeph Yorke prefents a memorial to their High Mightinees, p. 300. The ftate of Ireland, p. 302. Gibraltar invested, P. 304.

LETTER X. P. 304-339.

The expedition from Bofton against the British poft at Penobfcot, p. 305. General Sullivan's expedition against the Indians, p. 307. Indian and American expeditions, against each other, P. 312. The Spanish governor of Louisiana recognizes American independency, and marches against the British settlements on the Milippi, p. 314. Congress conclude upon an ultimatum, and write to Dr. Franklin, p. 315. Mr. Gerard's private audience of congrefs, p. 319. Congrefs choose Mr. Jay for their minifter at the court of Madrid, and Mr. John Adams for their minifter to negotiate a treaty of peace, and a treaty of commerce with Great Britain, p. 321-they addrefs a long letter to their constituents on their finances, p. 322. Count d'Estaing fails from the West Indies for the American continent, p. 325fummons Savannah to furrender, p. 327. He and general Lincoln are repulfed in an attack upon the town, p. 330. Congrefs refolve to erect a monument to the memory of count Pulafki, p. 332. The British evacuate Rhode Island, p. 333. The communications of the French minifter to congrefs, p. 335.

LETTER XI. P. 339-400.

Congress's answer to the communications of the minister of France, p. 339. The fecond conference of the minifter of France, p. 342. The diftrefs of Washington's army for want of bread, p. 344. Sir H. Clinton's expedition to South Carolina, P. 346. The British open their batteries against Charlestown, P. 351. Colonels Tarleton and Webfler defeat the American horie, P, 352, 355. General Lincoln furrenders Charlestown, p. 358. Tarleton defeats colonel Buford, p. 360. The diftrefled fituation of the American commander in chief, p. 362. An unufual darknets in the New England ftates, p. 365. A large Body of the royal troops crofs from Staten Island to Elizabeth

Fown, p. 368. Mrs. Caldwell killed, p. 369. The troops leave Elizabeth-town and march to Springfield, p. 372-then stopped by general Greene, p. 373-burn Springfield and return to Staten Ifland, idem. The efforts of the Philadelphia gentlemen and ladies to relieve Washington's army, p. 375. The preamble of the Pennsylvania act against flavery, p. 377. A French fleet, with troops, arrive at Newport, p. 379. The affairs of South Carolina, p. 382. Lord Cornwallis left in command at Charlestown, p. 385. Colonel Sumpter, being chofen by a party of South Carolina exiles to lead them, returns with them into the ftate, and takes the field against the victorious British, p. 387. Congrefs unanimoufly refolve, that general Gates fhould take the command of the fouthern department, p. 391. He joins the troops, marches, and encamps on the road to Camden, p. 392. Juftice Pendleton's letter to lord Cornwallis, p. 393. Congress refolve on deftroying all the old paper emiffion, and on adopting a new emiffion, p. 394. The Maffachusetts convention agree upon a conftitution for the commonwealth, p. 396. Their general court incorporate a fociety, by the name of The American Academy of Arts and Sciences, p. 398.

[blocks in formation]

The affairs of Ireland, p. 400. Captain Fielding not being allowed to examine the Dutch fhips under the convoy of count Byland, employs force, p. 401. The armed neutrality, p. 403. Sir George Rodney engages and defeats the Spanish fleet under Don Langara, p. 407. Don Galvez's expedition against M.bille, p. 409. Sir George Rodney engages count de Guichen, p. 411. County petitions for the redrefs of grievances, p. 413. The house of commons vote in favor of redreffing the fame, p. 415. All hopes of obtaining redrefs from that house are at an end, p. 416. Lord George Gordon, the proteftant affociation, and the fubfequent convulfions, p. 417-his lordship conducted to the Tower, p. 424. An eventual treaty between the States of Holland and the United States of America, figned by the direction of Mr. Van Berckel, p. 426.

[blocks in formation]

The military operations in South Carolina, p. 427. General Gates takes the direct route to Camden, p. 430-joins the militia under general Cafwell, p. 432-conducts his army to Clermont, p. 433-marches on toward Camden, p. 436-is unexpectedly met by lord Cornwallis at the head of the British troops, and is defeated by him, p. 437. Baron de Kalb mortally wounded, p. 443. Tarleton defeats Sumpter, P. 447. The relics of

the American army retreat to Salisbury, p. 448-are ordered to Hillsborough, p. 450. Cornwallis's orders relative to the treatment of South Carolina, p. 451. A number of the citizens of Charlestown, prifoners under the capitulation, fent to St. Auguf tine, p. 452. General Marion's exertions against the British adherents, p. 454. The arrangement of the broken American troops, p. 459. Major Ferguson ordered to manoeuvre through the northern parts of South Carolina, and then to join lord Corn- wallis at Charlotte, p. 462-is purfued, defeated and flain, p. 463. His lordship's letter to general Smallwood, p. 467. Gates's troops march to Salisbury, P. 469. Sumpter defeats major Weyms; is afterward attacked by Tarleton, whom he alfo defeats, p. 471. Gates moves his head quarters to Charlotte, and there furrenders the army into general Greene's hands, p. 472. Lieut. colonel Washington takes the British poft at Clermont by ftratagem, p. 474. The congrefs refolve refpecting Gates, p. 474. Acts of congrefs, p. 476. General Washington's difficulties, p. 478-he meets count de Rochambeau and admiral Ternay at Hartford. p. 480. The fcheme for delivering Wet Point into the hands of Sir H. Clinton discovered, idem. Major Andre taken, while on his way to New York, p. 482. Arnold, upon receiving information of it, haftens on board the Vulture British floop of war, p. 484. Andre adjudged to be confidered as a spy, p. 487-and dies as fuch, univerfally efteemed and regretted, p. 488. Washington's thoughts on the whole affair, p. 490. Sir H. Clinton fends troops to Virginia, P. 491. A general exchange of prisoners fettled by the British and American generals, Phillips and Lincoln, p. 492. The refolve of congrefs relative to the three militia men, who took Andre, p. 493. Major Tallmadge's expedition to Long Island, idem. Congress determine on having a permanent army, p. 494-take into ferious confideration the abfolute neceffity of a large and immediate foreign aid of money, p. 495. The donations of the daughters of liberty in Philadelphia and the neighbourhood, to the American foldiers, p. 496. The Maffachusetts begin their government agreeable to the new conftitution, and John Hancock efq; is declared to have been elected governor, p. 498. Admiral Ternay dies at Newport, p. 499.

ERRATA befide thofe at the End of the Volume.

Page 361, line 12, read were-laft line read ftraits. P. 365, laft line and firft of 366, read on the fpecial bufinefs of examining the conftitution agreed upon by the Maffachusetts convention. P. 497, laft line, read and two which had suffered less, into Cadiz,

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