
RATZIUS (MARTINUS) Theses de Qualitatibus Physicis; cum aliis miscellaneis. 4o Marp. 1590.


Responsio ad qualemcunque defensionem Fred. Ruischii, quam haud ita pridem edidit pro Septo Scroti. 4o Amst. 1699.

Oratio Inauguralis, de Methodo Anatomen docendi, et discendi. 4° Lugd. Bat. 1713.

Epistola de Inventoribus Septi Scroti, ad Fred. Ruischium. 4° Amst. 1719.

RAU (SIMONE) Rime. 12° Ven. 1672.

RAVELIUS (LELIUS) Integer Philosophiæ Cursus in Compendium coactus. 12° Raven. 1658.


Arrest de la Court de Parlement contre les-meschant Parricide François Ravaillac. 8° Rouen.

Supplicio, Morte, et ignominioso Fine, dell' inhumano parricida F. Ravaillard. 4° Ven. 1610.

The terrible and deserved death of Fr. Ravilliack for the Murther of Henry IV. 4° Lond. 1610.

His Trial for the murder of Henry IV. of France, to which is added an Oration of Pope Sixtus V, upon the death of K. Henry 3a. 8° Lond. 1757.

RAUCH (JOH. GEO.) Disquisitio de Mercurii Usu et Abusu. 4o Marp. Catt. 1727.

RAUCHENSLEIN (BERCHOLDUS A) Constantinus Peregrinus castigatus. 4o Brug. 1621.


RAVEAU (NIC.) Quæst. med. An Nothi ingeniosiores? 4o Par. 1672.

Quæst. med. An Sanguis utilius mittitur primo quam medio graviditatis tempore? 4° Par. 1673.

Quæst. med. Est-ne Febricitantibus accomodatior diluti in aqua panis, quàm carnis elixa sorbitio? 4o Par.


RAVELLIN (FRANC. MARTINUS) Ars Memoriæ. 12° Fran. 1617. RAVELLY (J.) Dissertation sur la nature des Cours de Ventre. 12° Par. 1677

De la Maladie de la Rage. 12o

RAVEN (ABR.) Disput. de Vermibus Intestinorum. 4° Lugd. Bat. 1675.

RAVEN (DIRCK ALBERTSZ RAVEN) Reyse na Spitsbergen. 4° Utr. 1649.

RAVEN (3.) v. Fabricius. NEPOS.

RAVENEAU (JACQUES) Traité des Inscriptions en Faux, & Verifications d'Ecritures. 8° Par. 1666.

RAVENHILL (WILLIAM) A short Account of the Company of Grocers. 4° Lond. 1689.


Geographia, ed. a J. Gronovio. 8° Lugd. Bat. 1696. cum Notis Placidi Porcheron. 8° Par. 1688. RAVENNAS

RAVENNAS (PET.) Phoenix, sive, artificiosa Memoria. 4° Vet.


8° Par. 1544.

4o Vic. 1600.

RAVENS (JAC.) Exercit. de Simplicitate & Immutabilitate Dei. 4° Ultraj. 1680.

RAVENS (JACOBUS J. F.) Disput. de Sole. 4° Ultraj. 1680. RAVENSBERGIUS (JOH.) Disput. de Fermento Uteri. 4o Ultr.


Disput. de Dysenteria. 4° Ultr. 1669. RAVENSBERGIUS (ISAACUS) Oratio de Musis, disputans cur Sexus sint feminini. 4° Harlem. 1671.

Oratio de Musis, declarans, cur perhibeantur esse Virgines. 4o Harl. 1671.

Disput. de Nullibitate Spirituum. 4° Ultr. 1676. RAVENSCROFT (EDW.) Titus Andronicus, a Tragedy. 4° Mamamouchi, or the Citizen turn'd Gentleman, a Comedy. 4° Lond. 1672.


4° Lond. 1675.

The Careless Lovers, a Comedy. 4° Lond. 1673.
Scaramouch a Philosopher, a Comedy. 4° Lond.

The wrangling Lovers, or the invisible Mistress; a Comedy. 4° Lond. 1677.


K. Edgar and Alfreda, a Tragi-Comedy. 4° Lond.

The English Lawyer, a Comedy. 4° Lond. 1678. Dame Dobson, or, the cunning Woman, a Comedy. 4° Lond. 1684.

The London Cuckolds, a Comedy. 4° Lond. 1688.
4° Lond. 1697.

The Canterbury Guests, or, a Bargain broken, a Comedy. 4° Lond. 1695.

The Anatomist, or, the Sham Doctor, a Farce. 4° Lond. 1697.

The Italian Husband, a Tragedy. 4° Lond. 1698. RAVENSCROFT (T.) v. BIBLIOTHECA.


RAVESTEYN (JUDOC.) Confessionis Ministrorum Antwerpiensium Confutatio. 8° Lovan. 1567.

Defensionis Decretorum Concilii Trident. Pars altera, 8° Lovan. 1570.

RAVEZAN (Mad. de) Memoires de sa Vie. 12° Par. 1679. RAVISHMENT. Proceedings in a case lately depending before the Parliament of Paris, in the nature of Ravishment of Ward; wherein Philip Journeaulx was Appellant, and Richard Quane and others were Defendants. 8° Lond. 1743.

RAVIUS (CHRIST.) Methodus Problematum inveniendi et solvendi. 4° Lut. Par. 1639.

RAVIUS (CHRIST.) Panegyricæ duæ Orientalibus Linguis dicta. 4° Ultraj. 1643, 4.


De scribendo Lexico Arabico-Latino Dissertatio. 4o Ultraj. 1643.

Orthographia, et Analogiæ Ebraicæ Delineatio. 4o

Amst. 1646.

Discourse of the Oriental Tongues. Together with a General Grammar for the Hebrew, Samaritan, Calde, Syriac, Arabic, and Ethiopic Tongue. 12° 1648.

Sesqui-decuria Epistolarum adoptivarum, &c. 12o

Lond. 1648.

Obtestatio pro discendis Rebus et Linguis Orientalibus. fol. Ultraj. 1644.

A General Grammer of the Eastern Languages. 12o Lond. 1650.


Prima tredecim Partium Alcorani. Arab. Lat. et Catalogus 261 Voluminum Arabicorum Bibliothecæ D. Laurentii Regis Hispaniæ; item, Specimen Alcorani. Arab. Lat. RAVIZZOTTI (GAETANO) New Italian Grammar in English and Italian. 4° Lond. 1797.

RAULIN (JOH.) De perfecta Religionis Plantatione, Incremento, et Instauratione. 4° Bus. 1498.

Doctrinale Mortis. 12° Cadom. 1521.

RAUMBERGERUS (ANTON.) Disputatio Medica exhibens puerulum Rachitide detentum. 4o Giss. 1697.

RAUMBERGERUS (JO. ERASMUS) Dissert. de Hæmorrhoidibus cæcis. 4° Giss. 1708.

RAUNCE (JOHN) A Brief Declaration against Judicial Astrologie. 4° Lond. 1650.

Astrología accusata pariter et condemnata: or the diabolical Art of Judicial Astrologie receiving the definitive Sentence of final Condemnation. 4° Lond. 1650.

RAUP (JAC.) Bibliotheca portatilis, sive, totius Ss. Theologiæ Theoretic Systema integrum. 4o Erf. 1653.

RAUPACH (BERN.) De Statu Rei sacræ, et litterariæ, in Dania. 80 Hamb. 1717.

RAUSCH (JOANNES CASPARUS) Disput. de Monstris. 4° Jena. 1665.

RAUSCH (JOH. GEORG.) Decades Octodecim Thesium Miscellarum. 4o Brem. 1681.

Duodecades certis de rebus elaboratarum Thesium. 4o Brem. 1682. RAUSCHELBACH (JOH. TOBIAS) Judicium de præcipuis nonnullis Scriptoribus Juris Naturæ. 4° Lips. 1699.

RAUSCHIUS (SIMON) Disput. de Contradictione. 4o Marp. 1593.

RAUSSZENDORFF (GEO. FRID.) Dissert. de Podagra. 4o Tub,


RAUTHMELL (RICHARD) Antiquitates Bremetonacenses: or the Roman Antiquities of Overborough. 4° Lond. 1746.




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RAUWOLF (LEONH.) Rayss in die Morgenlander. 4° Laug. 1582.

4o Laug. 1583.

RAUWSIUS (CORNELIUS) Disput. de Fulmine et Fulgure. 4°

Hamb. 1694.


) Earl Moira. The Substance of his Observations on the State of the Public Finances of Great Britain. 4° Lond. 1791.


RAWLEY (JOHN) An Explication of the Creed, the ten Commandments, and the Lord's Prayer. With an addition of some Forms of Prayer. 12° Lond. 1679.


RAWLIN (THO.) Admonitio Pseudo-Chymicis: seu Alphabetarium Philosophicum. 4° Lond. 1616.

RAWLINS (GERSHOM) Great Britain's happiness under a Protestant king. A Sermon. 4° Lond. 1715.

RAWLINS (THOMAS) The Rebellion, a Tragedy. 4° Lond. 1640. Tom Essence, a Comedy. 4° [1676.]

Tunbridge Wells, or, a Day's Courtship, a Comedy. 4° Lond. 1678.

RAWLINS (WILLIAM) The Laws of Barbadoes. fol. Lond. 1699, RAWLINSON (CHRIST.) v. boethius.


RAWLINSON (RICHARD) Symbola Geometrica. 4o RAWLINSON (RICHD.) The English Topographer. 8° Lond.


A new Method of Studying History, with a Catalogue of the chief Historians of all Nations. 8° Lond. 1728.

The Deed of Trust and Will of Richard Rawlinson LLD. containing his Endowment of an Anglo Saxon Lecture and other Benefactions to the Univ. of Oxford. 4° Lond. 1755.


RAWLYNS (R.) Practical Arithmetick. 8° Lond. 1656.

RAWORTH (FRANCIS) Jacob's Ladder: with Jacob's Wrestling. 12° Lond. 1655.

RAWSON (JOSEPH) Concio ad Clerum Londinensem. 27 Apr. 1708. 4° Lond. 1708.

A Narrative of his Case. 8° Lond. 1737. RAY (JOH.) v. BIBLIOTHECA. DERHAM. WILLUGHBY.

Historia Plantarum. 3 tom. fol. Lond. 1686-1704. [Cum Notis Mss.]

Catalogus Plantarum circa Cantabrigiam nascentium. 12o Cantab. 1660.

Appendix ad Catalogum Plantarum circa Cantabrigiam. 12° Cantab. 1663.

Appendix altera. 12° Cantab. 1685. Methodus Plantarum circa Cantabrigiam nascentium.

8° Lond. 1727.


RAY (JOH.) Catalogus Plantarum Angliæ, et Insularum adjacentium. 8° Lond. 1670. [Cum Notis Mss. H. Harding.] 8° Lond. 1670. [aliud exemplar cum Notis


[blocks in formation]




8° Lond. 1677. [cum Notis Mss.]

Fasciculus Stirpium Britann.carum. 8° Lond. 1688.
Synopsis methodica Stirpium Britannicarum. 8° Lond.

8° Lond. 1696. [cum Notis Mss.]

8° Lond. 1696. [aliud exemplar cum Notis

8° Lond. 1696 [tertium exemplar cum Notis

8° Lond. 1724.

The Figures to the third Edition of Johannis Raii Synopsis Methodica Stirpium Britannicarum ; illuminated by the Editor John James Dillenius M.D. 8°


Catalogus Plantarum in exteris Regionibus. 8° Lond.

8° Lond. 1694. [cum Notis Mss.]

Methodus Plantarum. 8° Lond. 1682.

emendata et aucta. 8° Lond. 1703.

Synopsis methodica Animalium Quadrupedum, et Ser

pentis Generis. 8° Lond. 1693.


Synopsis methodica Avium, et Piscium. 8° Lond.

Methodus Insectorum. 8° Lond. 1705.

4° Lond. 1710.

Observations made in a Journey through Part of the Low Countries, Germany, Italy, and France, with a Catalogue of Plants not Natives of England. 8° Lond. 1673.

To which is added an account of the Travels of F. Willoughby thro' Spain, and a collection of Travels into the Eastern Countries, &c. 2 vol. 8° Lond. 1738.

A Collection of English Proverbs, with Annotations.

80 Camb. 1678.

To which is added a collection of English words not generally used. 8° Lond. 1737.

Also the most celebrated Proverbs of other Nations. Revised and augmented by J. Belfour. 8° Lond. 1813.


Dictionariolum trilingue. Angl. Lat. Gr. 4° Lond.

A Collection of English Words not generally used. with the Preparation of Metals and Minerals got in England, and a Catalogue of English Birds and Fishes. 12° Lond. 1691.


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