
The arrival of the French fleet and armament at Newport, (Rhode-Island,) has been noticed in its place; and about the middle of September, 1780, General Washington left head-quarters, with his suit, General Knox and the Marquis Lay Fayette, to meet Admiral Terney, and Count Rochambeau, at Hartford, (Connecticut,) agreeable to appointment, and on the 21st the parties met accordingly. The avowed object of this conference was, to concert measures for the reduction of New-York.

In the midst of this conference an express arrived from the fortress at West-Point, on the Hudson, announcing the traitorous designs of General Arnold. The council was closed; the parties retired to their posts, and General Washington flew to the relief of West Point. On his arrival he found the cannon dismounted, the fortress dismantled, and that Arnold had fled and taken refuge on board of a British sloop of war, posted for the occasion.

Whilst his excellency was employed in repairing the fortress, a prisoner was announced, who proved to be the unfortunate Major Andre, who had volunteered his services to Sir Henry Clinton, to negociate this treacherous operation with General Arnold. His character was that of a spy, his fate was death! Let us pass over this distressing scene; the righteous sacrifice greatly interested the feelings, and touched the sympathy of every American breast.*

The feelings of General Washington, upon this eventful occasion, may be seen in the following extract from his private correspondence, of October 13th.

* The whole transaction between Arnold and Andre, was found in Major Andre's boot, in the hand writing of General Arnold. This contained a plan of the works at West-Point, as well as of the operations at the time of the contemplated delivery. Major Andre, gave up his name and confessed the whole. He was executed on the 2d of October, 1780. This interesting and important transaction may be found in all the writers on the American Revolution.

"In no instance, since the commencement, of the war has the interposition of Divine Providence appeared more remarkably conspicuous, than in the rescue of the fort and garrison at West-Point. Andre has met his fate, and with that fortitude which was to have been expected from an accomplished man and a gallant officer; but I am mistaken if Arnold is not undergoing at this time, the torments of a mental hell.”

Had this plan succeeded, it would most probably have ruined the American cause; but with all the efforts of Arnold, its effects were not felt in so much as the desertion of a single soldier.

On the 3d of November, Congress, highly impressed with a sense of the merits of the three distinguished patriots who arrested Major Andre, on his return to New-York, and delivered him a captive at West-Point, passed the following resolve.

“Resolved, That Congress have a high sense of the virtuous and patriotic conduct of John Paulding, David Williams, and Isaac Van Vest; in testimony whereof, ordered, that each of them receive, annually, two hundred dollars in specie, or an equivalent in the current money of these states, during life; and that the board of war be directed to procure for each of them a silver medal, on one side of which shall be a shield with this inscription, Fidelity, and on the other the following motto-Vincit amor Patria, and forward them to the commander in chief, who is requested to present the same, with a copy of this resolution, and the thanks of Congress for their fidelity and the eminent service they have rendered their country."

On the 18th of December following, died at Newport, (Rhode-Island,) his Excellency Charles Louis de Ternay, VOL. III.


knight of St. John of Jerusalem, late governor of the Isles of France and Bourbon, and chief commander of the French squadron in the American seas.

He was interred in Trinity church-yard, the next day; with military honors.

All further military operations were suspended for this season, and the war raged in the West-Indies between the British and the combined fleets of France and Spain; but the limits of this work will not permit me to enter into the details of foreign war; I shall therefore wave these naval operations and pursue such only as relate more immediately to the United States.

About the 1st of May, 1781, Mr. Rivington published an intercepted correspondence between Gen. Washingington, and Gov. Hancock, in which the general represents the unparalleled sufferings, and distresses of the American army, and its dependencies, and thus concludes. "Distressed beyond expression at the present situation, and future prospects of the army, with regard to provisions, &c. from the posts of Saratoga, to that of Dobbs' Ferry inclusive, I believe there is not, (by the reports, and returns I have received,) at this moment on hand, one day's supply of meat for the army."

On the 14th of May, Gen. Washington received the painful tidings that Col. Greene, with his whole detachmeut had been surprised, and cut off, near Croton River, by a party of Delancey's corps, consisting of about 300 infantry and dragoons. Col. Greene was wounded, and taken prisoner, and afterwards murdered in cold blood. Maj. Flagg was killed in his quarters.

On the 6th of May, Monsieur de Barras arrived at Boston, in the Concord frigate, to succeed the Chevalier de Ternay in the command of the French squadron at Newport.

When Count de Rochambeau had announced to Gen. Washington the dispatches he had received from France, the general with his suit, Gens. Knox and Du Portail, repaired immediately to Wethersfield, in Connecticut, where they were met by the French officers, the Count de Rochambeau, and the Chevalier Chastellux on the 21st, the ostensible object of this meeting also was to concert measures for the reduction of New-York.

This conference continued about one week, with the greatest harmony, and cordiality, when the illustrious characters returned to their posts.

Gen. Washington next communicated by letter, the following regulations, to the governors of the several north

ern states.

"On the calculations I have been able to form, in concert with some of the most experienced French and American officers, the operations in view will require, in addition to the French army, all the continental battalions, from New-Hampshire to New-Jersey, to be completed." He afterwards added-" As we cannot count upon their being full, and as a body of militia will moreover be necessary, I have called upon the several states to hold certain numbers in readiness, to move within a week of the time I may require them."

The dispatches of Gen. Washington were repeatedly intercepted by one James Moody, who was employed by the British adjutant-general, and conveyed to New-York. These gave the alarm to Sir Henry Clinton, and he began to exert himself to strengthen his works to resist the expected attack.

Gen. Rochambeau, immediately upon his return, marched the whole French force from Newport, by the way of Hartford, to join Gen. Washington, comprising a rein

forcement of 1500 men, which had arrived at Boston from France about the 8th of June, and joined him on the 14th.

Pending the march of these troops, Gen. Washington put his army in motion towards New-York, without any other baggage than a blanket and a clean shirt, and on the 3d of July, Gen. Lincoln at the head of the advance guard, approached so near to Fort Independence that he was sharply attacked by about 1500 royal troops. Gen. Lincoln made a regular retrograde movement, in order to give opportunity to the Duke De Lawzern, with the French legion, and Col. Sheldon, with his American dragoons, to turn their flanks and cut off their retreat, whilst he, supported by the other detachments, should charge them in front, and thus destroy the party, or open a general action, should they be supported. The party retired, and the stratagem failed.

On the 4th, Gen. Washington moved his army towards White Plains, and on the 6th, he was joined by Count Rochambeau and the van of the French army, and on the 8th, the whole French force encamped in a line with the American army.

To embarrass the operations of the allied armies, Sir Henry Clinton detached a strong party to destroy the American stores at Tarrytown, which was defeated by the exertions of Maj. Gen. Howe, and occasioned the following general orders

"The commander in chief is exceedingly pleased with Maj. Gen. Howe, for marching with so much alacrity and rapidity to the defence of the stores at Tarrytown, and repulsing the enemy's shipping from thence; the gallant behaviour, and spirited exertions of Col. Sheldon, and Capt. Hurlbut, of the 2d regiment of dragoons. Capt. Lt. Miles of the artillery, and Lt. Shaylor of the 4th Connecticut regiment, previous to the arrival of the troops, in extin

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