
Assessment, Appeal against, 254; Committee for, in Oxford, 197–199;
Division of district for purpose of, 201

of Debts of turnpike trust, 111; Tithes and tithe rent-charge,
200, 210, 211; Waterworks, 223

to General district rate, 199; to Highway rate, to be over
whole District, 208; to Poor rate in boroughs, 209; to Water rate, 54
under Union Assessment Committee Act, 209

see also Rate

Assistant Clerk of union, when to be clerk of rural authority, 178
Assistants, Appointment of, by urban authority, 176, by rural authority,
178; to Returning officer, 311, penalties, 320, remuneration, 319
Attorney-general, Consent of, to proceedings to prevent pollution of
water, 61; to recovery of penalties in certain cases, 242

Auction, Sale by, of things removed in abating nuisance, 80
Audit:-of accounts of Baths and wash-houses commissioners, 351;
Burial board, 238, 364; Highway rate in urban district, 208; Im-
provement commissioners, 235; Labouring classes' lodging-houses
expenses, 415; Officers of local authority, 239; Overseers, 238;
Rural authority, 238; Town council, 232; Urban authority, 233;
how where they were not audited before passing of act, 291
Taxation of solicitors' bills, previously to, 239

under Artizans', &c., Dwellings Improvement Act, 238, 446
Auditor, members of local authority may be surcharged by, 252

of Borough, to audit sanitary accounts, 232, his remuneration,
233; of Poor law accounts when to audit sanitary accounts, 233, 238;
appeal against allowances of, 234, or disallowances, 235, remission
of disallowances, 237; certificates of, to be final, 238

Authentication:-of Bye-laws, 172, how in case of municipal corporation,
554; of Notices, &c., of local authority, 252

Authorities for execution of Public Health Act, 8

Award of Arbitrators, 169; Mistake in, 171; Publication of, 171

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Bakehouse Regulation Act, 1862, 346, 540; Cleansing bakehouses, 347;
Definitions, 346; Expenses, 348; Inspection, 348; Jurisdiction of
magistrates, 348; Limitation of hours of work, 346; Meaning of, 6;
Powers, &c., of local authority under, to be exercised by urban
authority, 11, by rural authority, 13; Recovery of penalties, 348;
Sleeping places near bakehouses, 347

Bakehouses, Factory Acts and Workshops Regulation Act do not extend
to, 346

Balance, Officers to pay to treasurer, 180; Treasurer, liable for, 178

of Convenience to be considered in granting injunction, 52, 89, 114
Bank of river, Boundary of parish situated on, 4

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Banking company not to be appointed Treasurer, 176

Bankrupt, Disqualification of, for office of member of local board, 306,
318; Recovery of rates from, 246

Bargain, member of local board not to be interested in, 318

Bathing, Bye-laws may be made as to, 360, 478; Incorporation of Towns
Police Clauses Act as to, 153; in Reservoir, &c., 485; on Sea-shore,

Machines, right to place, on sea-shore, 360

Baths and Wash-houses Acts, 349; Accounts, 350; Adoption of, 14, 349;
Appeal against bye-laws, 352; Bathing places, 359; Baths, &c., how
provided, 352; Borrowing powers, 352; Bye-laws, 356; Charges,
358; Contracts, 354; Expenses, 349; Gas supply, 355; Income, 349;
Lands Clauses Act incorporated, 353; Liability of commissioners,
356, 359; Management, 356; Meetings, 350; Powers of local

authority, 319; Purchase of baths, &c., 354, of lands, 352; Sale of
Baths, &c., 355, of lands, 355; Towns Police Clauses Act incorporated,
360; Urban Authority to have powers, &c., of local authority
under, 11; Water supply, 355

Baths and Wash-houses, meaning of, 6

Local government board to give consent in
respect of, instead of, treasury, 344; Public works loan commissioners
may lend money for, 352, 533

Public, supply of water to, 57

Bear-baiting, Penalty for, 157

Bedding, infected, Destruction of, 96; Exposure of, 97

Beggars in Common Lodging-houses, reports as to, 65

Beneficial occupation, Questions as to, to be raised by appeal, 246

Bequests for public Parks, Schools, or Museums exempt from statutes of
Mortmain, 140, 544, limit of amount that may be given, 545

Bias, Justices when disqualified by reason of, 247

Bills in Parliament, confirming provisional orders, Costs may be awarded
by Committee on, 273; Costs in relation to, when payable from funds
of urban authority, 551; Standing Order as to petitions against, 273;
See also Parliament

of Solicitor, taxation of, before audit, 239

Binsey, election of member of Oxford local board for, 325; rate books
of, to be produced, 326

Blandford not to be deemed a borough under the Public Health Act, 9
Blood boiler, see Offensive Trades

Board of Guardians to be rural authority, 10, 11

Board of Trade, Local Government Board to have powers of, under Alkali
and Metropolis Water Acts, 61, 344; provisional order of, for con-
struction of tramway by local board, 386; rules of, as to such orders,

Boats, Infected persons brought into district by, regulations as to their
removal, 97

for hire, Bye-laws as to, 160; Licences for, 159

Body Collegiate or Corporate, saving for, 297; Voting at elections by, 308
Corporate, improvement commissioners or local board to be, 9

Dead, Mortuaries for, 108; removal of, to mortuaries, 108; places
for post-mortem examinations of, 108

Boiling blood, bones, offal, or soap, complaint of Nuisance from, 92
Bond, see Security

Bone Boiler, see Offensive Trades

Books, to be produced in Evidence, 219; to Auditor, 234; to Returning
officer, 312

Borough:-Audit of accounts of council of, 232; Burial ground in, 361;
Bye-laws of, 175, proof of bye-laws, 554; Definition of, 2; General
expenses of, how to be defrayed, 186; Improvement Act district may
be merged in, 257; Labouring Classes' Lodging Houses Acts may be
adopted in, 413; Lands may be appropriated for such houses, 417;
Local Board District established under Public Health Act, 1848,
partly comprised in, 321; Poor Rate assessment in, 209; Proceedings
of council, how to be carried on, 182; Property vested in town
council, 13; Transfer of powers, &c., of improvement commissioners
or local board to, 288, of trustees, &c., under certain Local Acts, 12;
Urban authority in, 8, how, when the whole or part is included in a
local government or improvement act district, 9, how where it
includes such a district, or part of one, 9

Borough Fund, Burial ground expenses to be defrayed from, 361; Coroner's
fees to be paid from, 108; Expenses to continue payable from, in

certain cases, 186; Mortgage of, under Public Libraries Act, 395;
Surplus of, how to be applied, 128

Borough Funds Act, 192, 550; see Municipal Corporation

Kate, Burial ground expenses to be defrayed from, 361; Expenses
to continue payable by, in certain cases, 186

Boroughs, Municipal, list of, 2; list of those not to be deemed boroughs
under the Public Health Act, 9

Borrowing money-by Joint Boards, 232; by Joint Sewerage Boards, 232;
by Local authority, 224, regulations as to, 225, 226, reborrowing,
226, powers not to be exercised by committee, 183; by Local
Board of Health of main sewerage district, 232; by Port sanitary
authorities, 232
for Expenses of enforcing duty of defaulting authority,
276, recovery of money borrowed, 277; for Private improvement
expenses, 226

on credit of Sewage land and plant, 226

under Artizans' and Labourers' Dwellings Act, 436;
Artizans', &c., Dwellings Improvement Act, 446; Baths and Wash-
houses Acts, 352; Labouring Classes' Lodging-houses Acts, 416, 422,
from Public Works Loan Commissioners, 416, 422; Local Loans,
Act, 425, 508; Public Libraries Act, 395, 398; Public Works Loans
Act, 515, by loan commissioners, 517, by justices, 527, by council of
borough, 527

See also Mortgage

Boundary-of District, Highway forming, 42, offensive ditches on, 42; of
Parishes on sea-shore or river, 4, 42

Settlement of, by local government board, 258, 263

Bread, Unwholesome, exposed for sale, 94

Brick-burning, Actions for nuisance caused by, 88, 89; Injunctions to
restrain, 88-90

Bridges, Adoption or Construction of, by urban authority, 110

County, maintenance, watering, &c., of, by urban authority, 110, 111
Locomotives crossing, 382; how if they cause damage, 384
in South Wales, repair of roads over, 112
"Street" may include, 5, 114

Bridle-way included in the term "public highway," 5

Building-of Hospitals by local authority, 100; Houses without proper
drains, &c., 27, 35, penalties, 28, over sewer or under street without
consent, penalty, 28; Right to commence, on giving notice, &c., 135
Buildings:-Definition of, 28; Drainage of, see Drainage; Line of, how
regulated, 128, 137, forecourt not included in, 130, houses not to be
brought beyond, 130; New, bye-laws as to, 131, definition of erection
of, 136; Ruinous or dangerous, incorporated provisions as to, 137, 458,
certificate of surveyor as to, 137; Space around, bye-laws as to 131;
Unfit for habitation, see Houses Unfit; Ventilation of, bye-laws as to, 131
Burial Acts, 361; Accounts, 364; Closed burial-grounds to be repaired,
366; Closing burial-grounds, 364; Expenses, 368; Fences to be repaired,
368; Guardians may provide for burial, 365; Interments in churches,
364; Liability to bury, 365; Local board when to have powers of
burial board, 361, 363; Order in council constituting local board a
burial board, 362; Town council to provide burial-ground, 361;
Transfer of powers, &c., by burial board to local board, 363
Burial board, Audit of accounts, 238; Expenses of, 343; Local Board may
be, 343; Repair of fences by, 343; Transfer of powers, &c., of, in certain
cases, 288, 344

Burial-grounds, Bye-laws as to, 343; Closed, to be repaired, 343, 366–368,
cost of the repairs, 367, not to be applied to secular uses, 367; Fences

round, to be repaired, 336, 368; Paving expenses not to be charged on,
125; Public Works Loan Commissioners may lend money for, 364, 533;
Rating of, 201; School-house may be built on, 367; Town council,
when to provide, 361

Burial Rate, to be levied as part of general district rate, 197

Burial of the Dead, common law liability as to, 365; Guardians may pro-
vide for, 365; of bodies received into Mortuaries, 108; of Pauper
lunatics, 361; in case of Ship in quarantine, 105

Burning bricks, see Brick-burning.

Business:-of Local Authority, mode of conducting, 182; of Local Boards,
rules as to, 302

Butcher's shops, inspection of, 151

Bye-laws:-as to Bathing on sea-shore, 360; Baths and wash-houses, 356;
Boats, &c., let for hire, 159, 160; Buildings unfit for habitation, 131,
134; Burial-grounds, 343; Cleansing of footways, premises, &c., by
occupiers, 39; Common lodging-houses, 64; Drainage of buildings,
131; Hackney carriages, 159, 477; Hop-pickers, 289; Horses, &c.,
standing for hire, 159; Keeping of animals, 39; Labouring classes'
lodging-houses, 420, 425; Lodging-houses, 68; Markets, 144, 149, 173,
174, 454; Mortuaries, 108; New buildings, stability of, 131; New
streets, level, sewerage, &c., of, 131; Notices, 132, 134; Nuisance from
snow, filth, &c., 39; Offensive trades, 92; Petroleum in ships, 370, 371;
Public bathing, 478, gardens, 539, pleasure-grounds, 140; Slaughter-
houses, 150, 151; Space about buildings, 131, 133; Stipendiary
magistrates' salary, 399; Tramways, 391; Ventilation, 131, 133

Authentication and alteration of, 172; Confirmation of, 174, how
in case of municipal corporations, 175; Conviction under, removed by
certiorari, 249; Effect of, 173; Evidence of, 175, 554; Information for
violation of, need not be laid by person appointed by board, with con-
sent of attorney-general, 242; Legality of, 133-135, 172–174; Notice,
plans, &c., of new building may be required to be given, 129; Overseers
to receive copies of, 175; Penalties may be imposed by, 174; Penalty
for destroying published copy of, 279; Printing of, 175; Railway
premises exempt from, 132; Ultra vires, 41, 133-135

under Sanitary Acts, repeal of, in certain cases, 289, saving for
others, 292; under Towns Improvement and Police Clauses Acts, 478
Works executed in contravention of, 136; their existence a
continuing offence, 136

Calne, not to be deemed a Borough under the Public Health Act, 9
Cambridge, an Improvement Act District, and not a Borough under Public
Health Act, 9

University, rates under Local Act to continue to be paid by,
219; urban rates, settlement of contributions to, by arbitration, 219;
recovery of contributions, 220

Water supply by local authority of, 59

Canal company liable for expenses of paving, &c., private street, 120.
Canals:-Adoption of bridges on, by urban authority, 110; Arbitration as
to injuries to, 294; Assessment of, 223, to general district rate, 200,
to rural rate, 222; Saving for, 293, and for right to tolls on, 295;
Sewers interfering with, may be altered, 295, 296
Candidates at election of local board, Agent of, may accompany deliverer
or collector of voting papers, 314, or attend counting of votes, 314;
Agreement by, to pay rates for voter, 316; Attendance of, at casting
up of votes, 314; Disqualification of, does not entitle next on poll to be
elected, 316; Nomination of, 312; Withdrawal of, 312

Candle-house, complaint of nuisance from, 92

Carbolic acid, as a Disinfectant, 26

Carcase, Unsound, exposed for sale, 94; in Market, 145; in Slaughter-
house, 151; see also Unsound Meat

Carriageway, Breaking up, without Parliamentary powers, 127; Vaults, &c.,
not to be built under, without consent, 28

of Private Street, enforcement of repair of, 115

Carriages for conveyance of infected persons, 96

Carts, Riding improperly on, 154; Weighing houses for, 142, 146, 450
Case may be stated for Superior Court, 248, on appeal to quarter sessions,
255; under 20 & 21 Vict. c. 43, 256; when not to be granted as to
exemption from rate, 212

Casting-up Votes at election of local board, 314

Vote of chairman of meeting, 303, 304

Casual Vacancies:-on Committees of local authority, 185; on Local
Boards, 319

Cattle, Regulations as to, in continental cities, 152; Slaughtering, in
streets, 154, on private premises, 151; Straying in streets, 153; Tolls
for, may be demanded in markets, 147

Cellar Dwellings, Definition of occupation of, 63; Order to close, 63;
Penalties, 63; Restrictions on occupation of, 62; not to be built under
Street without consent, 28

Cemetery Act, transfer of powers under, to town council, 12

Certificate:-by Analyst, 567, 573; Architect of Metropolitan Board of
Works, as to general line of buildings, 131; Auditor, when final, 238;
Justices, on dedication of street to public, 123, 126; Surveyor, as to
dangerous building, 137

of Character, to be produced by common lodging-house keeper,
64; Completion of market, 147; Election of local board, after poll,
315, 316, without poll, 312; Necessity for disinfection, 96; Nuisance
from offensive trade, 92

under Quarantine regulations, 105

Certified Copy of entry in common lodging-house register, 63

Sums, recovery of, by auditor, 235, 238

Certiorari:-Disallowances of auditor may be removed by, 235, 236; Order
of secretary of state quashed on removal by, 275; Proceedings not to
be removed by, for want of form, 248; Provisional order not to be
quashed by, 273; Removal of proceedings under Thames Navigation
Act, by, 406

Cesspools:-Bye-laws as to, 131; Drainage into, when to be enforced, 27, 28;
Nuisance not to be created by, 37, examination of, on complaint of
nuisance, 37; Local Authority to provide for cleansing, 38, they may
make bye-laws as to cleansing, 39; when to be deemed a Nuisance, 69;
Pollution of well by percolation from, 46

Chairman of local board, Appointment of, 303; Casting vote of, 302; to
give Notice of time for sending in claims and objections in respect of
Register of owners and proxies, 310, to revise register, 310, to sign
it, 310; to be Returning officer at election, 311, how if he is a candi-
date, 311, 315, his judicial powers, 315

of, 304

of Committee or Joint Board, appointment of, 304; casting vote

of Meeting of owners and ratepayers, who to be, 327
Channelling of Private Street, how enforced, 115

Chapel, Exempt from poor rates, 125, 204; Minister of, not liable to paving
expenses, 125

Character, Certificate of, to be produced by common lodging-house
keeper, 64

Charcoal, Nuisance caused in making, 91

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