
no remedies internal or external, no stimulants of any kind, sufficed to restore them. Homœopathic and allopathic treatment were equally unavailing. In the space of six to twelve hours death occurred. In one case there was green watery vomiting during the collapse; in another dark hemorrhage from the rectum. Crotalus was tried ineffectually in one of these cases. know that secale cor. was given.

I do not


Dysentery. By AD. LIPPE, M. D., Philadelphia, Pa.

Dysentery has prevailed to a great degree in this city and its vicinity, as well as in other parts of this continent.

Again has true homœopathy been successful in quickly curing most of the cases whenever the selection of the remedy was made accurately; the individualization of each single case was quickly rewarded by a speedy cure.

The remedy most frequently indicated was mercurius corr. The violent tenesmus continuing after the evacuation, the discharges of blood and mucus, and the aggravation during the night, were its indications; many cases were cured by one single dose administered in the 200th and higher potencies. In former years nux vom. and colocynth were the remedies most called for; the first was indicated by the frequent small discharges of blood and mucus, with violent pains about the navel, and much fever and thirst; the latter by violent cutting pains in the abdomen, compelling one to bend double. Other remedies were at times called for, according to the characteristic symptoms of the patient.

If the pain in the intestines was increased or provoked by the least motion of the body, bryonia was the remedy; but if the discharges and pains were the most frequent during the night or when lying down and at rest, rhus tox. cured rapidly, but especially when the tongue became very red and dry.

In a protracted and desperate case, the patient suffered much from tenesmus vesica; the desire to pass urine was urgent and continuous, but unsuccessful, except during an evacuation from the bowels; also accompanied with violent tenesmus. Cantharides, camphor, aconite, mercurius corr., capsicum and sulphur had been given without any good result. Alumina has the following symp toms (vide Hahnemann's Chronic Diseases): Sympt. 567: While

pressing to stool, which is passed with much difficulty, the urine escapes involuntarily. 792: Loose evacuations with tenesmus in the rectum. Alumina 200 relieved the patient at once, and confirmed former observations, when under similar circumstances alumina had been the curative remedy.

Thrombidium 1000, one dose, cured two cases. First. A consumptive old lady, who was suddenly attacked with great tenesmus, straining at stool, prolapsus ani, discharges of mucus and soft fæces, was soon relieved.

Second. An old gentleman, about 75 years old, much emaciated but of nervous temperament, had dysentery for three weeks. The aggravation was from 4 P. M. to 4 A. M.; the straining and tenesmus violent, rectum and hemorrhoidal tumors protruded constantly when he was urged to evacuate; discharges consisted principally of pus, blood and mucus, with occasional very small pieces of fæces. The skin was dry, tongue coated, thirst moderate, pains in the bowels very moderate.

The most carefully selected remedies had but a very short effect in relieving him. Mercurius corr. had been given in a single dose in various potencies and in water, but it did no permanent good. Thrombidium 1000, dissolved in water, and a spoonful administered every few hours, at once relieved all symptoms of dysentery, There was a profuse discharge of fæcal matter without straining, tenesmus or prolapsus ani.



List of Officers, Delegates, Committees and Members, 1868.

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Drs. A. F. Ward, George A. Hall, R. J. Curtiss, Bureau for the
Improvement of Materia Medica.

J. T. Blakeney, George A. Hall, A. S. Couch, Clinical Medicine.
C. P. Graves, Diphtheria.

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The annual meeting, for the election of officers, is held on the third Thursday of June; other meetings at the call of the President, on the written request of three members.

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