accident records discussed, 148. Canada: fatal industrial accidents in 1925, with tables, 291.
fatalities in last quarter of 1925, 205; dur- ing first quarter of 1926, 519; during second quarter of 1926, 836; during third quarter of 1926, 1162.
Man.: fatalities during September, 1926,
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Agreements, Industrial:-Con.
clothing workers, Montreal, 386; Toronto, 58.
cloth hat, cap and millinery workers, Toronto, 711.
hand embroidery workers, Toronto, 387. Manufacturing-iron, steel and products— sheet metal workers, Ottawa, 709; Toronto, 601; Vancouver, 386.
Manufacturing printing and publishing— bookbinders, Saskatoon, 59.
printers and bookbinders, Hull, 820. printers, Brantford, 386; Guelph, 709; Kitchener, 710; Moose Jaw, 59; Saska- toon, 59; Toronto, 58; Winnipeg, 710. photo engravers, Toronto, 601; Vancouver, 1145.
pressmen, Calgary, 820; Hamilton, 501; Ottawa, 183 Saskatoon, 710.
stereotypers and electrotypers, Ottawa, 183; Winnipeg, 710.
Manufacturing-pulp, paper and paper pro- ducts-
employees, Iroquois Falls, 821; Merritton, 820.
paper makers, Fort William, Ont., 499; Sault Ste. Marie, 500.
papermill workers, carpenters and joiners, electrical workers, and steam and oper- ating engineers, Sault Ste. Marie, Es- panola and Sturgeon Falls, 500.
sulphite and paper mill workers, Fort Francis, 906.
Marcus Coals Limited and employees, Edmonton, 1145; amendment to agree- ment between United Mine Workers of America District 18 (Alberta), and cer- tain coal mine operators in, 186. Agreement between Nova Scotia coal miners, United Mine Workers of America, District 26, and the principal mine operators, 388; text of new wage agreement, 125.
barbers, Hamilton, 603; Ottawa, 604. Services-personal and domestic-
hotel and restaurant employees, Vancouver, 822, 907; Victoria, 908.
soft drink dispensers, 185.
Services public and municipal-
civic employees, Medicine Hat, 502. stationary engineers, firemen and helpers, Medicine Hat, 907.
steam and operating engineers, Calgary, 907.
musicians and theatrical stage employees, Port Arthur and Fort William, 185; Windsor, 1017.
moving picture machine operators, Ottawa, 1017.
stage employees and moving picture ma- chine operators, Toronto, 1017. Transportation and public utilities-electric railways- electric railway employees, Montreal, 603; Ottawa, 712; Toronto, 501. Transportation and public utilities-electricity
linemen and helpers, Montreal, 822.
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