
large, and as if it were a small private business.

5. The unwillingness on the part of the operators to concede to their employes the right of effective organization, while themselves maintaining a complete combination and organization.

Testimony and letters are quoted at length to support the report's conclusion that each of these charges is fully justified by the facts.

Regarding the claim of the operators that their employes did not belong to the union and that the strike was forced by a minority, the report says:

"On September 15 the convention of miners was held at Trinidad. Whether or not the men who sat in this convention and who voted for the strike, were representatives of the great body of miners, is a subject of controversy. It is regarded as relatively unimportant, in its bearing on the state of mind of the mining communities, and their attitude toward a strike.

"Spies, camp marshals, and armed guards infested the mining camps and the city of Trinidad, and the miner who might wish to attend such a convention, or to attend local meetings for the selection of delegates, knew that to do so would be to incur prompt discharge and expulsion from the town.

"In Huerfano County alone, 326 men, many imported from other states, had been commissioned as deputy sheriffs by Sheriff Jefferson Farr prior to September 1. Sheriff Farr admitted, before this Commission, that for all he knew they might have been red-handed murderers, fresh from the scenes of their crimes, and that they were employed, armed, and paid by the Colorado Fuel & Iron Company and the other large companies. The first violence had already occurred in the killing of Gerald Lippiatt, a union organizer, who was shot down on a street in Trinidad by a detective in the employ of the operators.

"The convention voted to call a strike for September 25, 1913. On that day, from 8,000 to 10,000 miners, comprising from 40 to 100 per cent. of the employes at the various camps, packed their meager household belongings On carts and wagons, and, accompanied by their wo

men and children, moved down the canyons through a drenching fall of snow, sleet, and rain, to the tent colonies that had been established by the union officials. This sudden exodus became necessary because, in a majority of the coal camps, the companies owned every house and every foot of ground. No more eloquent proof could be given of the intense discontent of the miners and their families, and of their determination to endure any hardship rather than remain at work under existing conditions."

Dealing with the character of the men employed in the coal camps, the report says:

To be continued

If you wish to succeed in life, make perseverance your bosom friend, experience your wise counselor, caution your elder brother, and hope your guardian genius.-Joseph Addison.

One hot July afternoon Rastus Johnson and his family of nine started away from home all togged out in their best, each carrying a supply of eatables. One of their benefactors happened to meet them on the road.

"Well, Uncle Rastus, where are you going with all your family so dressed up?" he asked.

"Well, boss," said Rastus, "doan' you know the circus am come to town?" "Yes, but you can't afford to take all your family to the circus."

"Well, I'll tell yer, boss, it's jes' dis away with us. We done sol' the heatin' stove 'cause de winter am fur off-but de circus am here."-National Monthly. WANTED: TOBACCO WORKERS to purchase bread only which bears International

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