[blocks in formation]

Adamson Act, 197

Addyston Pipe Company,

Price fixing, 105; Federal Court case, 290-92

Combinations curtail cost of, 27; Magazine
and newspaper, 36

American Federation of Labor,
Power of, 15, 188-89

American Spirits Manufacturing Com-
pany, 143


American Steel and Wire Company,
Salesmen dispensed with, 33; Controls
barb wire, 61, 75; Formation of, 162-63;
Prices and margin, 163-75; Shutdown,
165; Corporation takes over,
Monopoly in barb wire, 167
American Steel Hoop Company,
Wastes avoided, 44; Management, 117
American Sugar Refining Company,
Early study of, 4; Large stocks an advan-
tage, 39; Combination profitable, 42-43;
Competitors' prices, 66, 67, 70, 73;
Havemeyer's ambition, 75; Prices, 127,
128, 131, 134; Corrupt politics, 199-200;
History outlined, 343-47

American Tin Plate Company,
Plan of organization, 87-89, 111, 160;
Management, 117; Prices, 157-59; Labor
costs, 158

American Tobacco Company,

Prices unaffected by dissolution,
Markets secured by successor,
Federal Court decisions,

History outlined, 347-63


296, 300;

Anti-Monopoly Organization, 243
Anti-Trust Laws, State,

Texas, 384-95; New Jersey, 396-407
See also State Anti-Trust Legislation
"Anti-Trust Act and the Supreme
Court, The" by W. H. Taft, 491

Industrial legislation, 460-65; Australian
Industries Preservation Act, 460-65

Coal and iron syndicates, 221; Sugar re-
fineries and prices, 221; Corporations,
222; Capitalization, 226; Protective tariff
229; Iron prices, 230; Hostility toward
combinations, 232, 236-38; Recommen-
dations of Department of Trade and
Industry, 236-37

Banking Syndicate,
Monopolistic control, 55

Barb Wire, See Iron and Steel

Bibliography, 492

Birmingham Alliances,

Avoiding strikes, 195-96


Definition, 79; Replaced by stocks, 84-86;
Bonded railways, 83; Underwriting, 90

Bradford Dyers' Association, 222, 231
British-American Tobacco Company,
Foreign markets, 55, 77

Bureau of Corporations, 262, 263, 268,

"Bureau of Corporations, Reports of the,"
reviewed, 492

Bureau of Labor, 259

"Business Organization and Combina-
tion," by Lewis H. Haney, 490


Profit from, 49, 150; Oil refineries, 150, 152


Combines Investigation Act, 469-78

Capitalistic monopoly, 5, 10; Proposed
N. Y. Business Companies' Act, 9;
National wealth, 12, 13; Centralization
and control of, 13, 15-21; Manufactures
in U. S., 16-20; and Cost of production,
21-22; In competition, 28-30; Monopol-
istic power of, 63-78; Price control,
68-73; Secures special favors, 74-75;
Trade extension through, 76-78; Promot-
ing an organization, 79 et seq.; And labor
unions, 188, 189-90; Manufacturing
plants, growth of, 242

Capitalistic Monopoly,

Early use of term, 5, 10; Advantages and
limitations, 61-78

Basis of, 95-103; Issuance of stock, 95;
Massachusetts law, 95-96; Puerto Rico,
95; Earning capacity determines value,
96, 97; Conditions affect profits, 96-98;
Bryan on, 96; Monopolistic franchises,
97-98; Advantage of large, 98-99;
Speculation, 99; Stock watering, 99;
Reproduction values, 100; Illegal divi-
dends, 100-01; Remedying evils, 101-02;
In Europe, 225-26
Carnegie Company,
Organization, 166, 168
Charts, Price,

Sugar, 125, 137; Whiskey, 141; Petroleum,
149; Tin plate, 157; Iron and steel, 160,
Clayton Act,

Labor clause, 259; Passage of, 263, 265;
Provisions, 271-75, 435-55

Regulations for, 105, 106; Selling bureau,
221; German syndicate, 230, 232, 235;
Federal Commission reports, 492

Review of industrial, 3-11; Phases of, 12-13;
Cheapens cost of production, 21-22;
Economics of, 23-30, 50; Sugar Trust,
28, 42; Prevents waste, 31 et seq.;
Eliminating salesmen, 33-36; Freight
expenses, 41; Whiskey Trust, 41-42, 108;
Leather, 45; Patents and monopoly, 45;
System of accounting, 48; Raw material,


control of, 49-50; Favors to industrial,
51-60; International, with Germany,
53-54; And monopoly, 61-78; Price con-
trol, 63-74; Prices and economies,
122-80; Savings, and wages, 181-197;
Political and social effects of, 198-216;
European industries, 217-40; Beginning
of, in manufactures, 242; International
Harvester Co., 374

See also Concentration

See also Monopoly

Combines Investigation Act, 469-78

Retail trade, 23-26; Dealers' associations,
24-25; Price cutting, 25, 26, 27; Testing
goods, 26-27; Early combinations, 27;
Fixed capital, 28-30; Sugar Trust, 28, 42;
Wastes of, 31-50; Monopoly prices, 31-32;
Travelling Salesmen, 33-35; Competitive
advertising, 36-38; Losses through cred-
its, 38; Large stocks advantageous, 39;
Cross freights, 40-41; Restricting output,
41-43; Diversity of manufacture, 44-45;
Patents, 45; Skilful organization, 45-50;
Monopolistic control, 61-78; And prices,
122-80; Sugar refineries, 129-37;
Spreckels, 134; Arbuckle-Doscher, 134;
Distillers, 141-46; Oil refineries, 150-55;
Tin plate, 160; Wire nail pool, 162; Pro-
tection against monopoly, 178, 180;
Power developed by, 202; Weak com-
petitors, 202-04; Ruinous, 205; Nepo-
tism, 206-07; International Harvester
Co., 375

See also Monopoly

Industrial inventions bring about; 12, 13-
21; How evidenced, 12-13; Census data
on manufactures, 15-21; Centralized
capital, 12, 13, 16-21; Populations, 12-13;
American Federation of Labor, 15
"Concentration and Control," by C. R.
Van Hise, 491

"Control of the Market, The," by B.
Wyman, 491

"Corporate Promotion and Reorganiza-
tion," by A. S. Dewing, 490
Corporation Laws,

95-96; Improvements
needed, 121; European, 233-39, 459;
Anti-trust legislation, 241-48; Statute
of Texas, 247; New Jersey corporation
acts, 249-52; Texas, 384-95; New Jersey
statutes, 396-407; Treatise on, 490

Influence of, 160; U. S. Steel, 166-76;

Unfavorable to trade unions, 184, 363;
Bureau of, 262, 415; Dill on, 313; Oil,

See also Combinations

See also Trusts


Combination prevents losses, 38

[blocks in formation]

Competitive waste, 35-36, 39, 41-42;
Pools, 104-05, 107, 141-42; Profits and
prices, 141-49; Distilling and Cattle
Feeding Co., 141, 143, 147, American
Spirits Mfg. Co., 143; Distillers' Se-
curities Corporation, 143, 145, 147; Dis-
tilling Company of America, 143-44
Distillers' Securities Corporation,
Business conditions, 145; Reports of, 147
Distilling and Cattle Feeding Company,
Prices of material, 141; In receiver's hands,

Distilling Company of America,

Methods of securing trade, 39; Manage-
ment, 91, 117, 143, 144

Duluth and Iron Range Railroad Com-

Stock to Federal Steel Co., 115


Form of combination, and causes, 217-18;
Bradford Dyers' Association, 222, 231,
Brass bedstead combination, 223-25;
231; Stock corporation law, 233; Indus-
trial legislation in Great Britain, 459-60;
British industry, publication on, 490
European Industrial Combinations,
Extent of control, 217, 240; Single corpora-

tions of England, 217; Prevent ruinous
competition, 218; Influences restrain
growth of, 219-20; Limiting output, 220;
Form of, 221; Coal and iron syndicates,
221; Sugar combinations, 221; Bradford
Dyers' Association, 222; 231, Compara-
tive accounting, 222; Calico Printers'
Association, Ltd., 222; Corporations,
222; Brass bedstead combination, 223-25;
Capitalization, 225-26; Prices and mar-
gin, 226-30, 232; Tariff, 227-30; Opposi-
tion to labor unions, 230; Public attitude
toward, 231-32; German coal syndicate,
232-33, 235; Socialist movement, 233,
240; Legislation, 233-38; Potash Syndi-
cate, 235; German control of petroleum,
235; Austrian opposition, 236-38; De-
partment of Trade and Industry,
recommendations, 236-38; War's influ-
ence, 238-40; Kartells, 239
See also Foreign Legislation
European War,

Sugar market at outbreak of, 135-37;
Price variations in corn, 147-48, Petro-
leum prices, 155; Steel prices maintained,
168-69; Export problems, 229
Expediting Act, 413-15

Federal Anti-Trust Law, 408-11
"Federal Anti-Trust Decisions," reviewed,

"Federal Anti-Trust Laws with Amend-
ments," reviewed, 491

Federal Court Cases,

Northern Securities Co. decision, 113;
Suits filed since 1890, 280; Labor cases,
280-81; Shipping, 281; Anti-trust, 281-82;
Infrequent prosecutions, 282-83; Knight
case reviewed, 283-86; Trans-Missouri
Freight Association case, 286-89; Joint
Traffic Association Case, 289-90; Addys-
ton Pipe case, 290-92; Northern Securities
Company, 292-96; Oil and Tobacco
cases, 296; Standard Oil Company, 297-
300; Tobacco case decision, 300; Suits

Federal Court Cases-Continued

pending, 301; United Shoe Machinery
Company case, 301; Government reports
on, 491-92

Federal Steel Company,

A combination, 115; Stock purchased by,
115; Management, 116; Mines and ore,
116-17; Integrating plan, 117
Federal Trade Commission,

Absorbs Bureau of Corporations, 262; Act
passed, 263, 265; Summary of provisions,
266-70, 273; Object of, 279; Act to create,
422-35; Manuals and reports, 490, 492
"Federal Trade Commission, Manual of
the," by R. S. Harvey and E. W. Brad-
ford, 490

"Federal Trade Commission, Reports of
the," reviewed, 492
Federal Trust Legislation,

Sherman Anti-Trust Act, 254-58, 259-60;

Excerpts from Sherman address, 256-58;
Clayton Act, 258-59, 263, 265, 267, 271-
75; Wilson Tariff Act, 260; Harlan
recommendation, 261; Industrial Com-
mission, 261; Knox recommendation,
261; Department of Commerce and
Labor, 262; Bureau of Corporations,
262, 263, 268; Federal Trade Commission,
262, 263, 265, 266-70, 273, 279, 422-35;
Panama Canal Act, 263, 419-22; Plat-
forms, 264-65, 273; Economic survey of,
275-79; 'Fields of development, 276-78;
Federal Anti-Trust Law, 408-11; Wilson
Tariff Act, 411-13; Expediting Act, 413-
15; Bureau of Corporations, 415-16;
Immunity provisions, 417-18; Judicial
Code, 419; Federal Trade Commission
Act, 422-35; Clayton Act, 435-55; Sun-
dry Civil Act, 455-56; Webb Bill, 456-58

Identified with promoters, 89, 91, 92;
Evils of promotion, 92, 93-94
Foreign Legislation,

Great Britain, 459-60; Australia, 460-65;
New Zealand, 465-69; Canada, 469-78;
Russia, 478-79; Germany, 479-89; Com-
pilation of laws, by N. B. Williams, 491
See also European Industrial Combinations

Coal and iron syndicates, 221, 230; Capital-
ization, 226; French Penal Code, and
combinations, 234

Freight Rates,

Saving in cross, 40; Standard Oil Co. and
discrimination, 40, 41, 43, 55, 58, 74;
Rebates, 55-56; Shippers render service,
57; Combinations, 68, 74

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Index Numbers,

Prices shown by, 125, 137-38; Steel prices,
174-76; Accuracy of, 179; Prices in
Europe, 226

"Industrial Combinations and Trusts,"
by W. A. Stevens, 490
Industrial Commission,

Recommendations in final report of, 307-12
"Industrial Commission, Reports of the,"

"Industrial Competition and Combina-
tion," Publication on, 490

Report of U.S. Industrial Commission, 7, 8;
Evolution of business, 12 et seq.; In-
ventions, 13, 14, 21; Census data, 15-20;
Leading lines of, 16-17; Manufacturing
plants of U. S., 16-21; Averages of re-
turns from, 17-18; Golden age of small,
18; Large scale production, 18-20;
Sugar refineries and competition, 28-30;
Combinations prevent waste, 31-50;
Skilful management, 46-49; Combina-
tions favored, 51-60; Protective tariff,
51-54; International combination, 53-54;
Freight discriminations, 55-60; Rebates,
55-56; Special rates by railways, 56-60;
Effects of combinations upon prices,
122-80; Sugar, 122-40; Whiskey, 141-49;
Petroleum, 149-57; Tin plate, 157-60;
Iron and steel, 160-77; Foreign legisla-
tion on combinations, 459-89
See also Manufactures
Industries Preservation Act, 460-65
International Harvester Company,
Investigation of, 4, 7; Prevents waste, 49;
Assists competitors, 72; Foreign markets,
77; Federal Court case, 371-72, 383;
Outline history of, 372-83; Firms ac-
quired, 374; Extension, 374; Competitive
methods, 375-76, 381-83; Resources, 376;
Growth, 377; Capitalization, 378-80;
Profits, 380-81

Interstate Commerce Commission, 259,

Interstate Commerce Law, 242

[blocks in formation]


control of, 49-50; Favors to industrial,
51-60; International, with Germany,
53-54; And monopoly, 61-78; Price con-
trol, 63-74; Prices and economies,
122-80; Savings, and wages, 181-197;
Political and social effects of, 198-216;
European industries, 217-40; Beginning
of, in manufactures, 242; International
Harvester Co., 374

See also Concentration

See also Monopoly

Combines Investigation Act, 469-78

Retail trade, 23-26; Dealers' associations,
24-25; Price cutting, 25, 26, 27; Testing
goods, 26-27; Early combinations, 27;
Fixed capital, 28-30; Sugar Trust, 28, 42;
Wastes of, 31-50; Monopoly prices, 31-32;
Travelling Salesmen, 33-35; Competitive
advertising, 36-38; Losses through cred-
its, 38; Large stocks advantageous, 39;
Cross freights, 40-41; Restricting output,
41-43; Diversity of manufacture, 44-45;
Patents, 45; Skilful organization, 45-50;
Monopolistic control, 61-78; And prices,
122-80; Sugar refineries, 129-37;
Spreckels, 134; Arbuckle-Doscher, 134;
Distillers, 141-46; Oil refineries, 150-55;
Tin plate, 160; Wire nail pool, 162; Pro-
tection against monopoly, 178, 180;
Power developed by, 202; Weak com-
petitors, 202-04; Ruinous, 205; Nepo-
tism, 206-07; International Harvester
Co., 375

See also Monopoly

Industrial inventions bring about; 12, 13-
21; How evidenced, 12-13; Census data
on manufactures, 15-21; Centralized
capital, 12, 13, 16-21; Populations, 12-13;
American Federation of Labor, 15
"Concentration and Control," by C. R.
Van Hise, 491

"Control of the Market, The," by B.
Wyman, 491

"Corporate Promotion and Reorganiza-
tion," by A. S. Dewing, 490

Corporation Laws,

Massachusetts, 95-96; Improvements
needed, 121; European, 233-39, 459;
Anti-trust legislation, 241-48; Statute
of Texas, 247; New Jersey corporation
acts, 249-52; Texas, 384-95; New Jersey
statutes, 396-407; Treatise on, 490

Influence of, 160; U. S. Steel, 166-76;
Unfavorable to trade unions, 184, 363;
Bureau of, 262, 415; Dill on, 313; Oil,

See also Combinations

See also Trusts


Combination prevents losses, 38

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]


Form of combination, and causes, 217-18;
Bradford Dyers' Association, 222, 231,
Brass bedstead combination, 223-25;
231; Stock corporation law, 233; Indus-
trial legislation in Great Britain, 459-60;
British industry, publication on, 490
European Industrial Combinations,
Extent of control, 217, 240; Single corpora-

tions of England, 217; Prevent ruinous
competition, 218; Influences restrain
growth of, 219-20; Limiting output, 220;
Form of, 221; Coal and iron syndicates,
221; Sugar combinations, 221; Bradford
Dyers' Association, 222; 231, Compara-
tive accounting, 222; Calico Printers'
Association, Ltd., 222; Corporations,
222; Brass bedstead combination, 223-25;
Capitalization, 225-26; Prices and mar-
gin, 226-30, 232; Tariff, 227-30; Opposi-
tion to labor unions, 230; Public attitude
toward, 231-32; German coal syndicate,
232-33, 235; Socialist movement, 233,
240; Legislation, 233-38; Potash Syndi-
cate, 235; German control of petroleum,
235; Austrian opposition, 236-38; De-
partment of Trade and Industry,
recommendations, 236-38; War's influ-
ence, 238-40; Kartells, 239
See also Foreign Legislation
European War,

Sugar market at outbreak of, 135-37;
Price variations in corn, 147-48, Petro-
leum prices, 155; Steel prices maintained,
168-69; Export problems, 229
Expediting Act, 413-15

Federal Anti-Trust Law, 408-11
"Federal Anti-Trust Decisions," reviewed,

"Federal Anti-Trust Laws with Amend-
ments," reviewed, 491

Federal Court Cases,

Northern Securities Co. decision, 113;
Suits filed since 1890, 280; Labor cases,
280-81; Shipping, 281; Anti-trust, 281-82;
Infrequent prosecutions, 282-83; Knight
case reviewed, 283-86; Trans-Missouri
Freight Association case, 286-89; Joint
Traffic Association Case, 289-90; Addys-
ton Pipe case, 290-92; Northern Securities
Company, 292-96; Oil and Tobacco
cases, 296; Standard Oil Company, 297-
300; Tobacco case decision, 300; Suits

Federal Court Cases-Continued

pending, 301; United Shoe Machinery
Company case, 301; Government reports
on, 491-92

Federal Steel Company,

A combination, 115; Stock purchased by,
115; Management, 116; Mines and ore,
116-17; Integrating plan, 117
Federal Trade Commission,

Absorbs Bureau of Corporations, 262; Act
passed, 263, 265; Summary of provisions,
266-70, 273; Object of, 279; Act to create,
422-35; Manuals and reports, 490, 492
"Federal Trade Commission, Manual of
the," by R. S. Harvey and E. W. Brad-
ford, 490

"Federal Trade Commission, Reports of
the," reviewed, 492
Federal Trust Legislation,

Sherman Anti-Trust Act, 254-58, 259-60;
Excerpts from Sherman address, 256-58;
Clayton Act, 258-59, 263, 265, 267, 271-
75; Wilson Tariff Act, 260; Harlan
recommendation, 261; Industrial Com-
mission, 261; Knox recommendation,
261; Department of Commerce and
Labor, 262; Bureau of Corporations,
262, 263, 268; Federal Trade Commission,
262, 263, 265, 266-70, 273, 279, 422-35;
Panama Canal Act, 263, 419-22; Plat-
forms, 264-65, 273; Economic survey of,
275-79; 'Fields of development, 276-78;
Federal Anti-Trust Law, 408-11; Wilson
Tariff Act, 411-13; Expediting Act, 413-
15; Bureau of Corporations, 415-16;
Immunity provisions, 417-18; Judicial
Code, 419; Federal Trade Commission
Act, 422-35; Clayton Act, 435-55; Sun-
dry Civil Act, 455-56; Webb Bill, 456-58

Identified with promoters, 89, 91, 92;
Evils of promotion, 92, 93-94
Foreign Legislation,

Great Britain, 459-60; Australia, 460-65;
New Zealand, 465-69; Canada, 469-78;
Russia, 478-79; Germany, 479-89; Com-
Ipilation of laws, by N. B. Williams, 491
See also European Industrial Combinations

Coal and iron syndicates, 221, 230; Capital-
ization, 226; French Penal Code, and
combinations, 234

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Index Numbers,

Prices shown by, 125, 137-38; Steel prices,
174-76; Accuracy of, 179; Prices in
Europe, 226

"Industrial Combinations and Trusts,"
by W. A. Stevens, 490
Industrial Commission,

Recommendations in final report of, 307-12
"Industrial Commission, Reports of the,"

"Industrial Competition and Combina-
tion," Publication on, 490

Report of U. S. Industrial Commission, 7, 8;
Evolution of business, 12 et seq.; In-
ventions, 13, 14, 21; Census data, 15-20;
Leading lines of, 16-17; Manufacturing
plants of U. S., 16-21; Averages of re-
turns from, 17-18; Golden age of small,
18; Large scale production, 18-20;
Sugar refineries and competition, 28-30;
Combinations prevent waste, 31-50;
Skilful management, 46-49; Combina-
tions favored, 51-60; Protective tariff,
51-54; International combination, 53-54;
Freight discriminations, 55-60; Rebates,
55-56; Special rates by railways, 56-60;
Effects of combinations upon prices,
122-80; Sugar, 122-40; Whiskey, 141-49;
Petroleum, 149-57; Tin plate, 157-60;
Iron and steel, 160-77; Foreign legisla-
tion on combinations, 459-89
See also Manufactures
Industries Preservation Act, 460-65
International Harvester Company,
Investigation of. 4, 7; Prevents waste, 49;
Assists competitors, 72; Foreign markets,
77; Federal Court case, 371-72, 383;
Outline history of, 372-83; Firms ac-
quired, 374; Extension, 374; Competitive
methods, 375-76, 381-83; Resources, 376;
Growth, 377; Capitalization, 378-80;
Profits, 380-81

Interstate Commerce Commission, 259,
262, 272

Interstate Commerce Law, 242

[blocks in formation]
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