That persons engaged in the production of agricultural products as farmers, planters, ranchmen, dairymen, nut or fruit growers may act together in associations, corporate or otherwise, with or without capital stock, in collectively processing, preparing... United States Supreme Court Reports - Side 477av United States. Supreme Court - 1929Uten tilgangsbegrensning - Om denne boken
 | United States. Supreme Court - 1940 - 894 sider stock. The persons to whom the Capper-Volstead Act applies are defined in § 1 as producers of agricultural products, "as farmers, planters, ranchmen, dairymen, nut or fruit growers." They are authorized to act together "in collectively processing, preparing for market, handling, and... | |
 | 1923 - 868 sider
...time to safeguard the public against exploitation. It authorizes producers of agricultural products to act together in associations, corporate or otherwise,...processing, preparing for market, handling, and marketing these commodities in inter-State and foreign commerce. The association is required to operate for the... | |
 | United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on the Judiciary - 1920 - 80 sider
...this thing, following the i4ea in the mind of Senator Brandegee. You will observe this provides simply that persons engaged in the production of agricultural...products as farmers, planters, ranchmen, dairymen, or fruit growers may act together in the associations, corporate or otherwise, without capital stock,... | |
 | United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on the Judiciary - 1920 - 72 sider
...this thing, following the idea in the mind of Senator Brandegee. You will observe this provides simply that persons engaged in the production of agricultural...products as farmers, planters, ranchmen, dairymen, or fruit growers may act together in the associations, corporate or otherwise, without capital stock,... | |
 | New Jersey. Dept. of Agriculture - 1920 - 840 sider
...engaged in kindred pursuits, to organize for mutual protection and for the marketing of their products : "Persons engaged in the production of agricultural...products as farmers, planters, ranchmen, dairymen, or fruit growers may act together in associations, corporate or otherwise, with or without capital... | |
 | Ohio - 1921 - 728 sider
...engaged in the production of agricultural products as farmers, stock raisers, dairymen, fruit or truck growers, may act together in associations, corporate...processing, preparing for market, handling, and marketing the products of their members; and such producers may organize and operate such associations and make... | |
 | Ohio. General Assembly. Senate - 1921 - 1240 sider
...engaged in the production of agricultural products as farmers, stock raisers, dairymen, fruit or truck growers, may act together in associations, corporate...processing, preparing for market, handling, and marketing the products of their members ; and such producers may organize and operate such associations and make... | |
 | United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on the Judiciary - 1921 - 216 sider
...Mr. MILLER. Yes, sir. Senator WALSH of Montana. The bill we had before us last year read as follows : That persons engaged in the production of agricultural...products, as farmers, planters, ranchmen, dairymen, 'or fruit growers, may act together in associations, corporate or otherwise, with or without capital... | |
 | New Hampshire. Department of Agriculture - 1922 - 298 sider
...principles of a truly co-operative undertaking shall be. Federal Co-operative Marketing Act. It provides "That persons engaged in the production of agricultural...without capital stock, in collectively processing . . . and marketing in interstate and foreign commerce, such products of persons so engaged. Such associations... | |
 | United States - 1922 - 164 sider
...enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That persons engaged in the production of agricultural...or fruit growers may act together in associations, corporations, or otherwise, with or without capital stock, in collectively processing, preparing for... | |
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