
School service, 772

summer, 783
theological, 789, 790
veterinary, 789

-vocational, Federal aid to, 400
Schuylkill River, improvement of,

Science, American Association for
the Advancement of, 653
Scopolamine and morphine anes-

thesia in labor, 705
Scotland, bankruptcy law of, 247
church union in, 723
Scott, Gen. Hugh L., 170, 300, 301
Sculpture, 732, 733

Seaboard Air Line, extension of,

Seamen, compensation for, 425
Seamen's bill, 3, 4

Searles Lake, Cal., potash deposits
at, 629

Seattle, charter revision in, pro-
posed, 212

[blocks in formation]

- city manager plan in, proposed, Sheet Music Dealers, National


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

- coöperative boarding house in, Sherman Presidential Primary bill, Soap, manufacture of, 629, 630

— hydro-electric developments in, Shilowsky gyroscopic car, 568

[blocks in formation]

Ship Registry Act, amendment of,


Shipbuilding, 515, 581, 582
Shipping, transfer of, to American
flag, 101

U. S., 513-515

agreements and combina-
tions in, 517-519

built, 515

documented, 512, 513

--effect of European War on,
39, 582

in foreign trade, 514, 515
Great Britain's treatment
of, 103-105

legislation on, 3, 4, 516, 517
repeal of Panama tolls ex-
emption for, 24-26, 78, 79, 516
subsidies to, 516

- undocumented, 512
world's, 152

Shipping-trust inquiry, 519, 525
Ships, propulsion of, 313
Shore protection, 550, 551
Short ballot, 63, 64, 197, 198
Shrapnel fragments, wounds by,
701, 702

Shreveport Rate Cases, U. S.
Supreme Court decision in,

Sicily, earthquake in, 597
Sickness Insurance, 425, 426
Signal corps, U. S. Army, 305
-Officer, Chief, U. S. Army, 170
Silfrax, 628

Servia, Austria-Hungary declares Silicon, 616, 617

-steels, 484

-campaigns of, against Austria, Silver, annealing of, 579


- irredentist movement in, 82
position of, in European War,
90, 91

- relations of, with Austria-Hun-
gary preceding the war, 82
-Russian interests in, 82, 84, 85
-ultimatum of Austria-Hungary
to, 83-85, 145

Service schools, 772
Settlements, social, 371, 379

-National Federation of, 371,

coinage of, world's, 494
exports of, 521, 522
imports of, 523, 524
metallurgy of, 489
ores, filtration of, 488
production of, in U. S., 497
-world's, 494

- ratio of, to gold, 494
Similitude, principle of, 633
Simple-ring elements, 587
Sintering of leady matte, 490
Siouian tribes, ethnological re-
search among, 664 665

Sewage Commission, Metropol- Sioux City, tax for recreation and

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

-geology of, 593

-trade with, 324

South Carolina, constitution of,
amendments to, 208

female labor in, 436
-fertilizer and seed inspection in,

- freight rate aet of, 545

South Carolina, railroad-safety | State judiciary, table of, 193–195 | Stone dust, prevention of mine ex-

legislation in, 431

-registration of births and

deaths in, 375, 712

-semi-monthly pay law in, 435
- Uniform Negotiable Instru-
ment Act of, 354

South Dakota, call for constitu-
tional convention in, 63
-constitution of, amendments
to, 208, 209

-efficiency and economy com-
mission in, 200
-local option in, 400

rural schools of, 778
woman suffrage in, 59

South & North Alabama Railroad-
Louisville & Nashville mer-
ger, 536

Southern Baptist Convention, 717
Health Exhibition, 711

-legislatures, relation of governor

to, 198

table of, 191, 192
purchasing agents, 199
Secretary of, 168
senates, abolition of, 63
universities, 786
States, area of, 187
-date of admission of, 187
- financial statistics of, 188
-population of, 187
Steam boilers, 561

- — pulverized-coal in, 564
engineering, 560-562

- — Bureau of, U. S. Navy, 171
engines, 559, 561, 562
locomobiles, 559, 560
pleasure automobiles, 569
turbines, 559, 561

Steamboat Inspection Service, 172
Steamship combinations, 341, 342

Pacific Co., suit against, 537
Presbyterian Church, 722, 723-line, government, proposed, 39
Sierra Power Co. transmission-routes, atlas of, 607

[blocks in formation]

function of, 645

Splenectomy, 645, 706

Splenetic fever, 452, 453

Sporophore in Agaricacæ, 657
Springfield, Ill., surveys of, 372,382
Springfield, Mass., Bureau of

Municipal Research, 219
municipal accounting in, 219
Springfield rifle, range of, 703
Stable fly, transmission of disease
by, 457

Stamp taxes, for war revenue, 346
Standard Oil tankers, seizure of,

by Great Britain, 103, 104
Standard packages for fruits, 459
Standards, Bureau of, 172
Starch formation in plants, 657
Stars, 587-590

State administration, 197–201

banks in Federal reserve sys-
tem, 355, 356

-budgets, 198, 219

capitals, 189, 190

-constitutions, amendments to,

-table of, 189

Department of, 168, 169

-efficiency and economy com-
missions, 199-201

executive officers, appointment
and election of, 198

finances, 198

government, reform in, 57, 63-

-tables of, 186-196

governors, powers of, 197-199
table of, 189, 190
health departments, 707
insurance, 363

in Wisconsin, 426

Steamships, new, 582
-statistics of, 513

Steel cars, 566

corrosion of, 484

cylinders for internal-combus-
tion engines, 563
electrometallurgy of, 558
exports of, 521
gamma, 485

heat treatment of, 483, 484
Industry, 318, 319, 321, 322,
501, 504

ingots, casting of, 482
manufactures of, 504, 505
metallurgy of, 482-485

non-metallic impurities in, 484
production of, 504

directly from ore, 627

in principal countries, 494
world's, 492

rall, 484

recrystallization of, 483
-trade, in 1914, 321, 322
-wire, heat treatment of, 483
Steel-making processes, 482
-electric furnace in, 626, 627
Steels, alloy, 484

Steel-works fuels, 482, 483
Stefansson, Vilhjamur, Arctic ex-
pedition of, 610, 611, 662,

Stellar evolution, 590
-photometry, 585

plosions by, 479, 480
Stones, building, 269

Stony River Dam, West Va., fail-
ure of, 551

Stratigraphic geology, 270
Stream-profile surveys, 267
Streams, transportation of débris
by, 592, 603, 604

Street cleaning, 297-299
lighting, 297, 555
play, 379
railways, 532-534
— municipal, 294

regulation of, in Chicago, 292
-safety legislation on, 431

pneumococcus <
group, transmutation in, 691
Strikes, 416-418

of Colorado coal miners, 416
legislation affecting, 433, 434
of Michigan copper miners,
416, 478

-in South Africa, 135, 136
- of Westinghouse Electric and
Manufacturing Co. em-
ployees, 418

Strychnine, effect of, on mental
efficiency, 675

Sturgeon fishery, 468

Stuttering, psychology of, 676
Submarines, of foreign navies, sta-
tistics of, 316

- manufacture of, for belligerents,

of U. S. Navy, armament of,

authorized, 309

building, 313
commissioned, 312

tender of, 313

Subways, 549, 558

Suez Canal, defense of, 167
Sugar-beet industry, effect of tariff

on, 443

-seed, supply of, 443

Sugar beets, oxidase activity of,

production of, 443
-cane, production of, in prin-
cipal countries, 471,

Industry, effect of European
War on, 443

production of, in U. S., 472

world's, 469

Sulphate of ammonia, imports of,


[blocks in formation]

Stock exchanges, closing of, 37, Super-conductivity, 634, 635
329, 330, 335

Superheaters on locomotives, 566

— legislative regulation of, 336, Supervising Architect, U. S., 169

loans, regulation of, 335

market, 329-331

Supplies and Accounts, Bureau of,
U. S. Navy, 171

Supply corps, U. S. Army, 305

--effect of European War on, Suprarenal glands, 696

[blocks in formation]

Stomach, hunger contractions of, Surgeon-General, U. S. Army, 170,

[blocks in formation]

Surgeons, American College of, 701 | Telephone

Surgery, 701-706

Surgical education, 701

Surra, transmission of, 457

Sweden, arbitration treaty with, 23
-national defense in, 147, 148

-social legislation in, 248

-socialism in, 406

Swedish literature, 760

Swine, losses of, 450

[blocks in formation]

& Telegraph Co.,
American, dissolution of, 531
-statistics of, 531

Toledo, charter revision in, 212
- municipal street railways in,
294, 295

See Pana-

Telephones, statistics of, 530, 531 Tolls, Panama Canal.
ma tolls controversy.

Telephony, 554, 555

Telescopes, astronomical, 584, 585 Tomatoes, diseases of, 454
Tellurium, 616

Tenant-farmers, migration of, 444
Tennessee, compulsory school at-

tendance in, 774
liquor law of, 400

rural education in, 778
-surveys in, 373
-trachoma in. 708

Tennessee Power Co. plant, 557
Tennessee, U. S. S., 41
Terre Haute, graft in, 236
Terrestrial magnetism, 600, 601
Territorial capitals, 189, 190
-governors, table of, 189, 190
Territorial legislatures, table of,
191, 192

Territories and dependencies, 239-

Topeka, social survey of, 372
Topographic maps, 268, 269
Tornadoes, studies of, 599
Torney, General George H., 301
Toronto, Bureau of Municipal Re-
search of, 216

-surveys in, 216

Torpedo boats, of foreign navies,
statistics of, 316

Torrens system of land registra-
tion, 460

Torts, judicial decisions relating
to, 260

Tourists, American, in Europe, re-
lief of, 40, 41

Town planning. See City plan-

Trachoma, 415, 427, 708

Testes, removal of, effect of, 688 Trade Commission, Federal, 338,

transplantation of, 651

Tetanus, 704

Texas, Agricultural and Mechan-
ical College of, 788

-banking legislation in, 354
constitution of, amendments
to, 209

floods in, 549

-initiative and referendum in, 62

prison reform in, 396

rural credit in, 463

school revenues in, 774


disputes. See Labor disputes.
-persons engaged in, 507, 508
relations, regulation of, by Clay-

ton Anti-Trust Act, 14,16, 17
routes, maritime, atlas of, 607
transportation and communi-
cation, 512-546

-Union League, Women's Na-
tional, 422

unions (see also Labor unions),
legislation affecting, 433, 434

-workmen's compensation law Train crew laws, 545

[blocks in formation]

-state (see also states by name), Tides, earth, 633

188, 347-349

Taxonomy, 653, 654

Taylor, David W., 171

Taylor & Co. v. Clark, 248, 249
Teachers, training of, 782, 783
Teachers College, Columbia Uni-
versity, 788

Tehuantepec, Isthmus of, inter-
coastal trade via, 526

Trusts. See Anti-trust.

Tillable land under cultivation, Tsingtau, siege of, 166

444, 445

Timber preservation, 466
-supply, 466

Timber Co. v. Superior Court
(Wash.), 253

Timor, Netherlands - Portuguese
boundary dispute in, 109
Tin, production of, world's, 492
Telegraph companies, statistics of, Tiryns, excavations at, 738, 739


-messages, war tax on, 346
Telegraphs, statistics of, 531, 532
Telegraphy, 554

wireless. See Wireless teleg-

Telephone companies, statistics of,

--uniform accounts for, 531

messages, war tax on, 346
-service, regulation of, in Chi-
cago, 291, 292

Tissue grafting, 692

Titration, electrometric, 626
Tobacco, war revenue tax on, 346
inspection, legislation on, 251
leaf curl of, 454

plants, transpiration of, 655
price of, 475

Tuberculosis, among Alaskan na-

tives, 240

bovine, 448

- Friedmann treatment for, 709
among Guam natives, 241
-in Hawaii, 241
-home-hospital treatment of,
374, 709

among Porto Rico natives, 245
prevalence of, 427

prevention of, 374, 375
Tuckerton wireless station, 42
Tucumán, University of, 112
Tufts College, 788

Tumors, transplantation of, 692
Tumulty, Joseph Patrick, 168

production of, in principal Tuna fishery, 468, 469

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Universities and colleges,entrance | Virginia, agricultural education

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

statistics of, 783, 784

teacher training in, 783

- tuition fees of, 784
-undergraduates in, 784
University extension, 787

Typhoid fever, prevention of, by Uranium, 614

water purification, 553

-in U. S. Army, 306

Uruguay, divorce law of, 248
- history of, 119

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Ulster, home rule crisis in, VACCINATION, antityphold,


Ultra-violet rays, water purifica-

tion by, 622

Umbilical vein, formation of, 682
Underwood tariff. See Tariff.
Unemployment, 408-410
-legislation on, 434, 435
-National Conferences on, 408
Uniform accounting, 220
-state laws, 251, 252

in the army, 708, 709
Vaccine therapy, 704

Vacuum filters in gold mining,
487, 489

Vagus stimulation, 689
Vanadium in brass, 580
Vanderbilt railroad interests, 536
University, 719

Variation in evolution, 641, 642
Vasculogenesis, 682

Union Pacific Railroad, dissolu- Vasomotor center, 685

[blocks in formation]

Presbyterian Church, 722, 723 Vera Cruz, Carranza government

Protestant Church, 721
-Textile Workers of America,


United States v. Antikamnia

Chemical Co., 620

at, 117

occupation of, by U. S. Navy,
34-36, 314

-sanitary measures in, 693, 694
units of U. S. Army at, 302

-. 40 Barrels and 20 Kegs of withdrawal of troops from, 36,

[blocks in formation]


in, 459

experiment stations in, 441
legislation in, 250

banking legislation in, 354, 355
bonding of common carrier em-
ployees in, 437

care of epileptics in, 415
child-labor law in, 432
constitution of, amendments
to, 209

coöperative-associations law of,


- Coöperative Education Asso-
clation of, 777, 778

Department of Labor of, 431
factory legislation in, 430
female labor in, 436

fertilizer inspection in, 460
forestry legislation in, 466

· freight rate act of, 545
junior colleges in, 785

- legislation on criminal insane
in, 263, 264

- milk inspection in, 460

optional city charter law of, 213
parole of prisoners in, 397

prohibition in, 399

registration of deaths in, 712

school fairs in, 777

-tax legislation in, 348

Virginia v. City of Richmond, 296
Vital statistics, 375, 711-715
Vitamines, 619

Viviani, René, 138, 139

[blocks in formation]

Wages, legislation on, 435,

War College, Naval, 311
Department, 170, 300, 301
Insurance, 40, 358, 368

revenue act, 40, 344-347, 399
Risks, Bureau of, 40
Secretary of, 170

Warburg. Paul M., 22, 356
Warehouse Receipts Act, Uni-
form, 251
Warehouses, Federal licensing of,

Warsaw, German drivesat, 164, 165
Washington, constitution of,
amendments to, 209

- drainage projects in, 278
employment agency legislation
in, 409

-prohibition in, 399

-schools in, as recreation cen-
ters, 378

Washington State Coöperative
Union, 403

Washington v. Fellen, 254
Washington ez rel Timber Co. v.
Superior Court, 253
Washington, D. C., municipal
street rallways in, 295

Washington University Medical Wilson, Woodrow, 168

School, 790

Watchful waiting policy in the

Mexican crisis, 27-29
Water, analysis of, 622
-bacteriological standard for,


chemistry of, 613

purification, 553, 622, 623
-resources, investigation of, 271,

-running, transportation of dé-
bris by, 592, 603, 604
softening of, 622

supply, 552, 553

city systems of, 296, 297
- pollution of, 299

Water-power site reserves, 267
Waterways, 278-282, 549, 550
Wave-lengths, 637

Waves, ocean, dimensions of, 604
Weather Bureau, 171

appropriations for, 440
publications of, 598, 599
effect of, on crop yield, 600
-maps, 598

Webb-Kenyon Act, constitution-
ality of, 400

Wedge copper roaster, 485
Wellesley College, fire at, 788
Wellington v. St. Paul, M. & M.
Railway, 257

Welsh Church, disestablishment

of, 129, 717

appeal of, for Democratic sup-
port, 51, 52

for neutrality, 43

day of prayer appointed by, 44,
-intervention of, in Colorado
coal strike, 417

-message of, annual, 44, 55
-on government steamship
line, 39, 40

on Panama Canal tolls, 78, 79
on Tampico incident, 33

on trust legislation, 7, 8
-on war revenue tax, 345
neutrality proclamation of, 41
-offer of mediation by, to Euro-
pean belligerents, 43, 44
proclamation of, lifting em-
bargo on arms, 29
reply of, to belligerents, 43
statement of, on business con-
ditions, 44

➖➖on economy in government
expenditures, 45

on merchant marine, 44
on national defense, 45, 46
on national presidential
primary, 68

Wilt disease of gypsy moth, 457
Wireless telegraph stations in
Hawaii, 241

of U. S. Army, 305

- of U. S. Navy, 310, 311

Wendt v. Industrial Insurance Wireless telegraphy, 554

Commission, 261

West Jersey & Seashore Railroad,
proposed lease of, 536

West Virginia, governor's powers
in, 197

prohibition in, 399

-Public Service Commission of,

- rural education in, 778
Western Federation of Miners, 416
Western Reserve University, med-
ical department of, 790
Western Union Telegraph Co.,
531, 532, 554

Wheat, consumption of, 442
-exports of, 442

feeding of, to live stock, 442
-price of, 320, 475

production of, in principal
countries, 471

in U. S., 319, 321, 442, 472
by states, 473

-world's, 442, 469
Wheatlands riot, 423
Wheeling & Lake Erie Railroad,
receivership of, 536
Whitby, bombardment of, 155
White, Francis S., 174

White Mountains, forest reserves
in, 465

White Slave Act, Federal, inter-
pretation of, 263

Whitman, Charles S., 48, 49, 53
Wied, Prince William of, 105, 106,
143, 144

Williams, Edward T., 169
-John Skelton, 21, 169, 351
Williamson oscillating engine, 562
Willis, H. Parker, 356
Wilson, William B., 172

determination of longitude by,

- neutrality regulations for, 41, 42
use of, in forest protection, 465
Wisconsin, budget system in, 198
charity administration in, 410
constitution of, amendments
to, 209

coöperative cheese factories in,

eugenic marriage law of, 391,

governor's powers in. 197

Women, right of, to hold office.

Women's Clubs, General Federa-
tion of, woman suffrage en-
dorsed by, 59
-Trade Union League, National,

-work. See Female labor.
Wood, Gen. Leonard, 170, 300, 302
Wood preservation, 466
Woodhouse v. Midland Railway.

Wool, market for, 451
Workingmen's towns, 736
Workmen's compensation, 425
Act, Uniform, 251
acts, 369

judicial decisions relating
to, 260, 261
insurance, 368-370

- legislation on, 250, 436, 437
Workshops, legislation on, 429-

World Alliance of Churches for
International Friendship, 725
-Conference on Faith and Order,

-International Map of, 603, 606
Wotherspoon, Gen. William W.,
170, 300, 301

Wounds in warfare, 701-705
Wright aeroplane patents, 570
Wyoming, constitution of, amend-

[blocks in formation]

- pathological laboratory at, 790
Yards and Docks, Bureau of, 171

initiative and referendum in, 62 Yarmouth, German attack on, 154

junior colleges in, 785
labor conditions in, 424
municipal home rule in, 210
political situation in, 50, 51
psychopathic institute of, 413

- public utilities regulation in,

- Railroad Commission of, report
of, 219, 220

- recall in, 62

-road construction in, 274

- rural credit in, 463

-schools of, as recreation centers,

-social-center movement in, 372
-Society of Painters and Sculp-
tors, 730

state insurance in, 363, 426
University of, 777, 786, 790

extension work of, in rec-
reation, 381

-vice investigation in, 231
-vocational education law in,

Woman suffrage, 57, 59-61
-in Great Britain, 130

[blocks in formation]
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