
Increase in Sumter Sales Force William J. Bierlein of Philadelphia, wellknown throughout the gas engine trade, is now connected with the Sumter sales organization in the middle eastern states.

It has not been decided whether Mr. Bierlein will make headquarters in Philadelphia or New York. The Sumter Company are about to open service stations at both of these points in connection with their chain of stations now being organized to cover the east, middle eastern and western states, it being the object of the Sumter Company to furnish service to the users of their magnetos by having conveniently located stations from which quick shipments can be made.

In speaking about tractor farming in Montana Professor H. B. Bonebright says:

"The man who contemplates criticising traction farming simply because he has seen many old abandoned tractors standing about should remember that a 'dead tractor' is seldom buried, and it takes a long time for one to decay. Consequently, as tractors are worn out their remains are very much in evidence. In the case of the horse, the coyotes and the agencies of decay soon remove the carcass even though it is not buried. It would probably pay the tractor companies and

their local agents to remove the 'carcasses' of many of the old worn-out tractors and abandoned experimental tractors from about the dump heaps of Montana."

STRITE VARIABLE SPEED GOVERNOR Is the best by every test for running cream separators, washing machines, fanning mills or any light machinery.



More cream separators driven by Strite Governor Pulleys than all others combined. THERE'S A REASON-ASK US.

THE STRITE GOVERNOR PULLEY CO. 311 South Third St., MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. Please mention Gas Review when writing.

Use Kerosene-Gasoline
or Gas with this Engine

Equipped with our famous 3-in-1 carburetor-wonderful economy
and big power. Has one of the most perfect governors ever de-
vised-wide speed control-no noise-no wear. Built for long life
-has many unusual high grade features that you will find in our
which is sent free on request.
book contains a world of valuable In-
formation about stationary engines-
their uses, design and construc-
tion. Tells about Gray engines
from 13-4 to 25 H. P.


Please mention Gas Review when writing.

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-A Guarantee to Three

Generations of Customers


NLY about one-fourth of any car's real value is apparent to the ordinary observer. The vital values-three-fourths of the total-lie beneath the surface.

Every automobile buyer must take the maker's word for three-fourths of the values for which he pays. The thing then to decide is, whose word can you best take.


We submit to you a bit of evidence-one of many we get from time to time-which substantiates in its own way, the claims which we have made.

Grandfathers and fathers have known Case and the standard which its trade mark guarantees. This reputation is in every machine which we build.

We claim to furnish the most for the money in cars selling at our prices. for it, then note the facts that prove our ability to do this.




Take our word

August 2, 1913.

I want to thank you for your advertisement in the Saturday Evening Post for the week of August second. This is the first advertisement of automobiles I have ever read which accurately prices the machine as the picture shows. It tells me all I want to know and gives me the cost of a machine such as the picture represents. My grandfather used the Case Threshing Machine; my father used the Case Threshing Machine, and I expect I would have used it, too, except for the fact that I came to Washington and engaged in the Drug Business. The ad and the name were both like old friends to me, and I jumped at the idea of following in the steps of my grandfather and father. I reasoned that if your machinery was good enough for them it ought to be good enough for me, and I wanted that machine just because it was a name with which I am familiar. I knew that the Case name on anything stands for honest service and honest merchandise. As I thought about this further, I could not help but be impressed with the fact of your having done business with our family for sixty years, or rather our family having done business with you for sixty years, whichever way you like to put it. Sixty years ago Grandfather thought about Case Threshing Machines; thirty years ago Father thought about Case Threshing Machines, and here today I am writing Case about an automobile.

Think about it a minute-the time which has elapsed-the change in the times-the change in locomotion and the improvements and progress with which the name of Case has been associated. To see your name was just like meeting an old friend, and I simply had to write you for the sake of the sentiment which the name conveyed to me.

Yours very truly,

(Writer's name and address furnished on request.) GREAT SAVINGS

We have been manufacturers for 70 years. We had 9,000 dealers and 65 Branch Houses before we started to make motor cars. Thus the distribution of our whole output was immediately guaranteed. Thus too, an enormous selling expense was saved. Then, we saved on organization expenses which other makers must charge, but which we already had cared for. Therefore to sell cars at our prices they must economize on materials, or to sell cars of Case quality they must raise their prices. Is it not reasonable?

All that we save goes into added values-vital values in materials and construction. That's why Case Cars, like all Case machinery, give years of perfect service. Do not buy a car until you have seen these cars-seen the values the eye can judge.

See the Case "25", at $1,250, the Case "35" at $1,850 and the Case "40" at $2,300. All carry Standard CASE Complete Equipment. Note the "25's" complete equipment. May we send you the Case catalog which describes them in detail?



Westinghouse electric starting and lighting equipment. Bosch magneto-duplex system. Warner autometer. 8-day clock. Electric vibrator horn. Baker six-bolt demountable rims. Goodyear no-rim-cut tires -32x4. Extra tire on rim. Two extra inner tubes. Tire cover. Weed tire chains. Rayfield carburetor, water jacketed, with dash pot and dash adjustment. Mohair top All lamps electric. Left hand drive, center control. T-head motor-334 x 44-25 horse power. Wheel base 110 inches. Electric dash lamp. Work light on long wire. Rain vision ventilating wind shield. All for $1,250.

CASE-The Car With The Famous Engine


709-759 Liberty St., RACINE, WIS.

Case Cars are sold through 9,000 Dealers and 65 Branch Houses.

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