
every time a few lights were needed or a small amount of current desired. Therefore, it is necessary to have a storage battery in connection with these small farm plants.

The size and the cost of the battery has, for some time, been a great problem to rural lighting men. For example, a 16-candle power, 110volt carbon lamp will require from fifty to fiftyfive watts. A 20-candle power tungsten lamp will require twenty-five watts. A 10-ampere storage battery of 110-volts would therefore light twenty standard 16-candle power carbon filament lamps or forty-four tungsten lamps of 20-candle power each. This means, in turn, that by using tungsten lamps the size and weight of the storage battery may be very materially reduced, giving the same amount of light as with other lamps.

is about two volts, so, if 110-volt lamps are to be used, at least fifty-five of these cells must be joined together in a series, and if we reduce the voltage of our lamps to 30-volts then sixteen cells will be sufficient to furnish the voltage, but the efficiency of the low voltage carbon lamp is much lower than that of the 110-volt lamp. While we reduce the number of battery cells, we are obliged to enlarge the size of each if we are to supply the same amount of light from carbon lamps. Therefore, we find, we have saved nothing in weight or cost. The tungsten lamp, however, is made in low voltages with an efficiency superior to the high voltage carbon lamp. Fifty-five cells of the 10-ampere size will light twenty carbon lamps of 16-candle power each for one hour and sixteen batteries of the same size will light ten tungsten

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Many have confused storage batteries with primary batteries, a great number of which are offered on the market and for which there is a useful field for their particular demands, such as operating telephones, bells, signals and small machinery, which may be needed instantly. In all primary batteries the electric current is generated by chemically dissolving one of the elements, usually zinc. In the storage battery the current is stored by changing a lead plant to an oxide of lead, and when the current is drawn out the oxide of lead changes back to lead again. In other words, the materials are not exhausted in the process.

The most common form of storage battery consists of large lead plates immersed in dilute sulphuric acid; the whole being contained in a glass or rubber jar. The working potential of each cell

lamps of 20-candle power size for the same period of time, on a single charge. In other words, if we use tungsten low voltage lamps instead of carbon high voltage lamps, we can effect a saving of nearly three-fourths of the battery required.

If you have a vision for the future, you will be able to see with me the farm of tomorrow with its electric power wires running over the fields, for the number of practical uses to which electricity may be turned on the farm is surprising to say the least. Let us assume that a transmission line passes through the fields to a point in the woods, with plugs placed on the field posts. The motor may be hitched to one of the plugs and wood sawed, grain harvested, dairy work performed or feed ground at the same time that washing and churning are going on in the house; all these various tasks being performed by one

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successfully meet the demand for a high-grade, dependable engine. They are designed and built for hard work and are the best balanced on the market. Large engines as easy to start as small and no batteries necessary with built-in-magneto. Sizes suitable for every purpose. Skidded, portable or stationary. Every one a giant of power for rating and equipped with latest devices. Ask for catalog.

Appleton Manufacturing Company 7127 Fargo St., Batavia, Illinois


Many earn $30 to $60 every week demonstrating our 1915 Model Steel Automatic Handi-Tool. Lifting and Pulling Jack, Wire Stretcher, Splicer and Mender, Post and Stump Puller, Tire Tightener, Cable Maker, Press, Vise, Hoist, Wrench, etc. Operates automatically. Has power of 40 men. Guaranteed for life. Spare time or permanent work. Demonstrator loaned. Creditgiven. Write for factory agency offer. CHAS. E. BENEFIEL CO. 314L Industrial Bldg., Indianapolis, Ind


Please mention Gas Review when writing.

The Ideal Country Home



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The "SILENT VALVE" Lighting System

consisting of the direct connected
generating set illustrated above,
complete switchboard and storage
battery, solves the problem.

Made in 4, 1% and 3 K. W. sizes.
Write for descriptive literature and prices.

The E. L. Russell Company, Engineers

State Life Building, Indianapolis, Indiana

[blocks in formation]

central power point, receiving its power from a gasoline engine.

Water may be had by attaching a jack to the pump and the most recent sanitary system can then be installed in the country home. By installing a lighting system, the farmer will be able to light his home and buildings with safety and provide efficient burglar and fire alarm systems. Electric heaters may be distributed through the orchard and controlled by an automatic switch which will be governed by the mercury in a thermometer, or the electric current can be utilized to automatically light his smudge pots when the temperature falls to a dangerous point. In the kitchen the electric toaster, fan, percolator, meat broiler, cake griddle, chafing dish and sad iron are all supplied with heat through a litt.e electric wire. Out in the poultry house stands an incubator, hatching out chicks, controlled by electric heat, while yet another wire is attached to the hoverers of the brood house, and the little chicks receive uniform heat while they are tender and critical in physical ability to resist sudden changes in the weather.

This may seem an idle dream to many readers, yet it is not beyond the realm of possibilities for some farmers of our land have, for a number of years, been enjoying just such advanced methods of performing their work. It places the city on the farm and takes drudgery out of toil.

While costs of apparatus for the farm lighting plant will vary, I have found that the following figures are not far wrong and that any farmer who desires to spend a little more may, by purchasing individual motors, be able to perform a number of tasks at the same time with one gasoline engine as the power giving agent. Here is the list for the home and barn lighting apparatus: One 2-horse power gasoline engine---One 16-cell, 40-ampere hour storage battery-One, one-half kilowatt dynamo--. Switchboard and instruments.. Lamps, wire and construction supplies.. Labor and installation, two men..

$125 00

115 00 65 00 75 00 75 00 30 00

$485 00

Prices will vary both for supplies and labor with manner of purchasing supplies and employing labor. There are some very satisfactory home lighting plants now being sold all equipped, but my advice would be to purchase these of a general electrical supply house of high reputation, and not of a general catalog house selling anything and everything. There are few things that need to be purchased of a specialty house as electrical equipment, for these men are making electrical supplies and their use their life-work, and their energies may be depended upon as against men who sit at desks and receive orders, one minute for a stove and the next for a plow.

NOTE. The low voltage plant is very economical for lighting but in order that the reader may not obtain a false impression from the author's picture of

an electrified farm the editor wishes to state that a low voltage plant is not adapted for electrification of the fields. For heavy power work and transmission to any distance at least a 110 volt circuit must be employed.

It is claimed that motorcycle field guns can be driven over plowed fields and ground almost as rough as can be covered by horse drawn artillery. It has the advantage over horses moreover, that it can travel much more rapidly and get into action quicker. It presents a relatively small target for the enemy's fire and is exceedingly effective. The accompanying picture shows a HarleyDavidson motorcycle side car fitted with a Maxim rapid fire gun. Sergeant H. R. Northorer, of the 90th Canadian volunteers is the designer. Tests carried out with this machine showed it capable of traveling for hours at infantry pace and of

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Castor oil is frequently used for cylinder oil during automobile races. It has very high viscosity and is peculiarly suited for lubricating the cylinder of an engine that is working very hard through a long period of time. It does not burn completely in the cylinder and gives rise to rather an unpleasant odor. The castor oil used for cylinder lubrication must be of very pure grade. The inferior grades and those adulterated with other oils are likely to contain a certain amount of free acid that will attack the cylinder walls and valves. Castor oil is frequently adulterated with cotton seed cil or colza oil.

A story went the rounds in August that gasoline had jumped to two dollars a gallon in England. There was an increase in price and many people laid in a supply to tide them over the war but the price did not reach any such figure as two dollars. Steps were immediately taken by the Motor Associations of Great Britain to restrict the amount of petrol that any individual could purchase and to otherwise prevent the price from becoming prohibitive.

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Please mention Gas Review when writing.



"Paragon" General Utility Engine

For Gas, Gasoline or Kerosene 1-4, 1-2 and 1 H. P.

Why waste woman's strength doing by hand when mechanical power will do most of the burdensome household tasks quicker, better and cheaper? Make an end of drudgery in your home! And don't forget: With the aid of this engine your boy can make electricity to light the house; an education in itself. Write for Catalog No. 1 describing this wonderfully serviceable motor and a line of other specialties indispensable for every user of gasoline. PARAGON UTILITIES COMPANY, Otis Building, CHICAGO, ILL.

Please mention Gas Review when writing.

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Cooling Tower for Gas Power Plants


IN N the first of the accompanying illustrations is given a view of a cooling tower used in conjunction with a large gas engine installation. This plant, of which a picture is also shown, consists at this writing of a number of gas engines aggregating 600-horse power, but foundations are already in place as shown for two more units of 150-horse power each, making a total of 900-horse power under the one roof. It is stated that more engines will be added from time to time as the increase of work, which is that of converting natural gas into commercial gasoline, demands.

To everyone familiar with gas engine practice it is apparent that such a large horse power requires considerable cooling water to keep the cylinders from overheating. Owing to the nature of the work done by these engines their operation is practically continuous, year in and year out. In such cases it is imperative to provide for auxiliaries that will give the maximum of service with the minimum of attention, as the success of the plant depends to a certain extent


upon the continuity of operation. Where intermittent service is the rule a plant need not necessarily be equipped with cooling and oiling systems designed for continuous work but in cases where a plant is never shut down except for

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certain cooling system may render good service with an engine operating under intermittent conditions where the cooling water will hardly have time to get warm before the plant is shut down again, different conditions are met with where the work is of a continuous nature. In the latter case, the temperature of the water will continue to rise until the boiling point is reached unless the cooling system is adequately large and provision has been made to carry off the heat. For instance, a common reservoir containing, say, a million gallons of water would in time reach the boiling point and the contents would escape in the form of steam if hot water were constantly added thereto. Right here is where the cooling tower comes into use. As the warm water from the engine water jackets is emitted from the small openings of the pipes situated at the top of the tower it strikes the cold air and the temperature drops at once and this process is continued until the water finally finds its way to the bottom of the tower. By the time the surface of the pond is reached the temperature of the water is almost normal and the contact of the surface of the pond with the cool air, plus the radiating effect of the surrounding earth, serve to keep the water at approximately the temperature of the surrounding atmosphere.

As shown, the tower consists of a frame-work constructed of four posts of angle-iron and cross-braced with wire cable. The warm water from the engine cylinder jackets enters the tower through a three inch pipe shown just under the ladder leaning against one of the posts. From this point the pipe ascends to the top of the tower

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