
are less forcibly marked, and less hazardous to its welfare than those belonging to the passions, only the smaller portion of the volume will be embraced by this division.

The Second Part will comprise a view of the moral feelings or passions in the relation which they also bear to our physical nature. Of these we shall, in the first place, offer a general definition, and such a classification of them as will be deemed necessary to our leading design. Next we shall point out their effects upon the different functions of the constitution; and then describe some of the most important of the individual passions belonging to the three great classes-pleasurable, painful, and mixed-into which it is proposed to separate them; thus taking occasion to examine more intimately their physical phenomena, and particular influence on the well-being of the human organism. And then we shall make some remarks upon the effects of the imagination; aiming to show how this faculty of the mind, when uncontrolled and disorderly, tends to weaken the nervous system, and injure the general health. The imagination here acting through the instrumentality of the passions morbidly excited by its licentious operation, such a consideration of it will not be inapposite to the design of the present treatise.

As the work before us is not addressed to any particular class of readers, technical expressions will be carefully avoided, and its matter be rendered as plain and comprehensible as the nature of the subject will allow. And as truth, so far at least as the author can penetrate his own feelings, is its grand aim; all mystical speculations and

ungrounded theories, whether of a metaphysical or moral nature, will be scrupulously excluded from its pages.

Such, then, is a summary exposition of the plan and purpose of the present volume, and the author has only to hope that the principles advocated in it may not be wholly unprolific of good, and that it may subserve, in a measure at least, the great end for which it was prepared.

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